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File: 10 KB, 150x184, 150px-Lion-faced_deity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16624325 No.16624325 [Reply] [Original]

Books about this guy, or literature on how to deal with life once you know about him?

I can't sleep. The material world is a prison.

>> No.16624359


>> No.16624379

you're a moron who has sought out fantasy as a means to artificially inject meaning into your life and now you're left a life-denying schizophrenic who literally cannot sleep because they're mad at a lion-snake meme for making their life shit

>> No.16624409


>> No.16624413
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Read that already. Listened to pic related too although it didn't get too into the texts and implications. Also read much of the Gnostics texts in the "Gnostic Bible" compiled by Meyer.

Looking for modern takes, particularly fiction. Is Valid any good?

Fuck off archon.

>> No.16624438
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How do you know that the fire is going to be nicer than the frying pan?

>> No.16624456
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Valis, not valid. By PKD.

>> No.16624493

holy shit OP BTFO

>> No.16624535

If you had read and understood Plato you would know about the Demiurge and the place of the world.

>> No.16624546

this person is right

>> No.16624656

I love how much buttblast this topic generates on this board

>> No.16624665

take your meds

>> No.16624760

>Plato is infallible.

>> No.16625281

Christian LARPs get butt blasted by the power of the demiurgic argument.

Pseuds get even more butt blasted that taking an undergrad level course on philosophy and having read a little Plato or Plotonius doesn't make them an expert on demiurgic traditions throughout history.

>> No.16625299

It never is
don't ask you don't want it
don't look you wont see it
don't listen better to not hear it

>> No.16625828
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Anyone got the name of the famous Jewish Kabbalah scholar who traced the origins of the Kabbalah and Sepirot to the Gnostics and the Ogdoad?

>> No.16627396

If you want to avoid scholarship, fiction, and philosophy, Jacques Lacarriere's The Gnostics is the most effective introduction to the tenor of gnostic thought I know of.

>if you feel good, the world is good. if you feel bad, it's just you.

yeah sure. seethe archon

Exactly this

>> No.16627406

That would be Scholem

>> No.16627410
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>> No.16627423

Plotinis said, if you believe this why don't you kys?

>> No.16627443

Gnosticism is the religion of the satanic elite and that should tell you something

>> No.16627469

I really want that but it costs like 200 dollars

>> No.16627472


>> No.16627487

Plotinus patted himself on the back after having spent decades trying to defeat the gnostic strawman he made up, just like every other cathlich in history

>> No.16627495

no, there are plenty of non-schizophrenic reasons to hate life, although I don't prescribe to any of them, but op hates life and blames it on a snake with a lions head floating in the ether.
He wasn't raised to believe this either, he sought it out and made himself believe it, which is arguably worse.

>> No.16627500

subscribe** sorry

>> No.16627531

Do you have an argument?

>> No.16627563

Nag Hammadi library
Xenogears Perfect Works

>> No.16627572
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>they're mad at a lion-snake meme for making their life shit
snake lion spurdo*

>> No.16627605

It's basically the same thing people think when they say that you are in "the matrix" the same principle most religions have too, humans enjoy supernatural thinking, no one wants to die.

>> No.16627615

do you think spirituality can reduced to fear of death? this is one of those teenage criticisms of religion

>> No.16627628

Not reduced, it's just one of many factors

>> No.16627652

It's not one of the factors. You are talking about the exoteric side of religion, death is embraced by spiritual people, to die a deathless death, you are doing one of those atheist midwit critiques and it just doesn't hold.

>> No.16627696

>dude argue against something thats existence is purposefully impossible to both prove and disprove
any irreligious or anti-religious post-enlightenment philosopher worth note never attempted to disprove god because its a pointless errand, like attempting to disprove the easter bunny. Instead they just start from the position that God isn't real.
My argument is clear: OP is delusional and hates his life and instead of trying to deal with the issue of hating life he instead rationalizes and exacerbates his hatred by saying life was created by an evil snake-lion.

>> No.16627740

it's easy to prove the demiurge. look at evil and look at consciousness

>> No.16627758

We are having purely a semantic problem. We are both talking about supposed things beyond death is that simple, let me rephrase that: Nobody wants to stop existing. Most people want to keep existing after death.

>> No.16627774

nobody wants to stop existing, exactly, the universe is a result of conceit, that's why mystics self-deny.

>> No.16627807

Caustic midwit

>> No.16627887

Gnosticism would kinda of make sense if evil existed.

>> No.16627898
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Evil does exist. Israelis droning Palestinian children is evil.

>> No.16627909

I swear the average retard here doesn’t actually understand what Gnosticism is

it’s basically just another way of characterizing the cycle of consciousness, self consciousness, and birth and death. it’s the same general idea that the east has grasped in Dharma

>> No.16627930

The Bible.

>> No.16627936

The east is not a monolith g, pinpoint a specific national/ethnic/religious/cultural group

>> No.16627970

>it’s the same general idea that the east has grasped in Dharma
nigger did you read my post

dharma = Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc

>> No.16628030

There is a lot of philological studies about gnosticism in english, spanish, german, french, italian and portuguese worth reading. I don't think you would like it since is not "religious". If you really want to know what gnosticism is, like religiously or spiritually, you should first understand the way you have been raised (the religion or ideological views of the ones that raised you). Most internet people are just blinded by their first wikipedia entry readings and try to seek spiritual knowledge diggin in textual dirt with their eyes closed.
Do your self a favour and start reading about what you truly know you want to change. Gnosticism is brainrot when you are already retarded, so it is better for you to educate yourself first.

>he believes conciousness is not created by nature
oh no, no no

>> No.16628213

>he doesn't believe the brain is just the token of our participation a public grid

oh no no no

>> No.16628227
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Unironically become a communist.

Capital is basically the same thing as the gnostic idea of the demiurge: a blind, malevolent idiot god that creates and directs this fallen realm. It's an emergent phenomenon created from the collective activity and decisions of millions of people, but taking on an agency of its own that is apart from the desires of the owners of capital, and subordinating them to it its own will. But there is no "it." It's a nothing, just an outline of a thing. It isn't the numbers in the computers on Wall Street. It isn't even the collective will of the bourgeoisie. It's a metaphysical non-being brought into "being" by the market system, which nevertheless controls the world as though it were an actually existing dark god. We are all slaves to this terrible, dark god.

This also means that if capital is the demiurge, and the capitalists the high priests and servants, that implies there must be an opposite. As Moloch was created from the sum of the will of the bourgeoisie, a blind drive towards accumulation at all costs, perhaps the true God is the collective manifestation of mankind's better nature. Where Moloch is the will to dominate, to treat other people as tools to be used, then God is our drive to cooperate, the hatred of injustice, the will to liberate ourselves and our fellow humans.

Thus, the class struggle is not just physical, but spiritual. A holy crusade, and we communists are the faithful. Thus, Karl Marx was God's prophet, sent to light the way to liberation and to the fulfillment of mankind's promise.

But even if we are to fail, and the dialectic is broken once and for all, we can say at least that while our bodies were slaves to capital, our minds and souls remain free and we remain faithful to the true God, the god of love and fairness, of cooperation and justice, while the minds and souls of the capitalists are in the thrall of Moloch. I think you could call that a kind of spiritual salvation.

>> No.16628272

the "snake with a lions head floating in the ether" is a metaphor, or rather a personification of real aspects of one's phenomenal experience in the world. It's not a concrete "thing" you can be schizophrenic over.

>> No.16628278

>sought out fantasy as a means to artificially inject meaning into your life
Literally Life

>> No.16628391

How can christ be both the serpant and the seed of the woman that crushes the head of the serpent?
Gnosticism is so full of made up bs that it means nothing at all.

>> No.16628415

Unbelievably based jesus christ

>> No.16628576

what a joke, all communism does is reduce mankind to a materialist thing ie economics, nothing is seen through any sort of spiritual lens and mankind, that is, their history and their struggles are nothing more but "class" struggles and economic struggles
if you want to serve the demiurge the hardest go for a materialistic ideology, communism, capitalism it doesn't matter they both work for it

>> No.16628614

I'm not saying conciousness is reductible to the brain. There is no serious theoricist who thinks that at this point, not even scientists...

>> No.16628640
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capital is a reflection of the demiurge, not demiurge a reflection of capital. the same thing with jungian """gnostics""". when will you get this? there's a motherfucking war on

>> No.16628735

Capital it's the Démiurge. Read Nick Land.

>> No.16628807

No, it isn't, the brain is, Capital/Lovecraftian AI is just an exteriorization of the brain. Read the Nag Hammadi.

>> No.16628940

Info Hash (for utorrent):

>> No.16628980

our mind is in the demiurge's shape. have you heard 'man is in the image of god.' David Icke says that they gave us a part of their consciousness to control us.

I agree. If you look at society's patterns and what (they) are pushing, all of this is the demiurge's will to keep us in a low vibrational state.

>> No.16629006
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Pic related should indirectly cause you to see the logical inconsistencies with Gnosticism.

>> No.16629013


>> No.16629029

Thank you

>> No.16629837

Plotonius also only dealt with strawman versions of the Gnostics and benefited from them being so fully supressed that we didn't have access to many texts until the 1940s.

>> No.16629846
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You can get the audio for free with a trial Audible membership or a $10 credit and the pdf comes with it.

>> No.16629853
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The "snake with a lions head" is just a symbol for the material world created by an imperfect and blind God. Not the perfection of the Monad.

>> No.16629860
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>> No.16629870

>"Let's cherry pick just the Apocryphon of John and ignore that it's symbolic and about the nature of thought and ideas and then show how goofy it would be as a literalist cartoon. Gnostics BTFO!"

>> No.16629914


>> No.16629936


>> No.16629944

Gnosticsm is just for churchbois too scared to get into real esotericsm, so they end up in this bizzare, misshapen middleground.

>> No.16629957

He can't. He's another undergrad who briefly read Plotonius' attack on a strawman of Gnosticism and thinks they're a specialist and/or someone who thinks Plato is an infallible prophet who only spits pure truth about the demiurge, even though he neither invented the concept or claimed this privileged knowledge.

>> No.16629985

Didn't the Monad, by extension, create the material world with all its flaws, if he is responsible for the chain of events/emanations that led to the creation of the Demiurge?

>> No.16630016

>gnosticism is just ______

there isn't a single post that's started like this that hasn't been shit lol

>> No.16630024


>> No.16630041
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The Monad contains within it the potentiality of the material world. In the Pleroma, all things, all ideals are balanced and in harmony with their antipodes. The material world is the result of the emanations of the Monad being out of balance, the thought of Sophia without her partner. It is an incomplete and hideous aspect of the Monad.

>What if we keep on reducing the wavelength (which is to say, the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs, traditionally written as lambda, λ) until we reach the point where λ = 0, what happens to this marvellously harmonious undulation then? At this point, as any physics student will tell you, what we end up with is a flat line, since the positive and negative phases cancel each other out perfectly. In terms of sound, what we end up with is the situation where everything is perfectly silent. But this is not the stillness of inertia or passivity – it is not a dead or stagnant silence that we are talking about but something entirely different. As the wavelength λ of the vibration tends to zero (or, conversely, as the frequency F tends to infinity) then the energy carried by that vibration increases and increases until it reaches an infinite value.

>> No.16630054

why does any of this stuff follow from the existence of the monad? why does everything need an antipode or it goes out of whack?

>> No.16630081

And there isn't a single Gnostic who hasn't evolved past "muh materiality"

>> No.16630133
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>> No.16630135
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Think of information science. Let's start with binary, a code of only 1s and 0s. Definitionally, a string of totally random numbers of any length contains more "information" than a string that is coded into say Morse code, or machine language. This is counterintuitive, but any pattern necessarily gives you predictive information about what comes next. Pure randomness means that each additional character gives you new information.

Any positive feedback cycle, in a hypothetical vacuum, will escalate into the infinite.

Think of information and meaning as a block of being into which sculptures are carved. The Monad's creation, through emanations within the Entirety are necessarily reductions from the infinite. All transmission of meaning, of information, is reductive. These exist in the Entirety in harmony, as the inverse of each meaning is contained.

Yaldaboath, the emanation of an emanation, lays outside the entirety. When only portions of being are manifest within a reality, you end up with a mess.

>> No.16630147
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I see you archon! Shabam!

>> No.16630249

Why does the Monad's creation need to exist in this format?
Why does any meaning require an opposite to achieve harmony and why is this harmony better than a single meaning without opposites?

>> No.16630258

>Yaldaboath, the emanation of an emanation, lays outside the entirety
no amount of coping will make emanationistic gnosticism reasonable. it is way worse than evil creeping into existence through freedom.

>> No.16630262

Blood Meridian

>> No.16630282

Read a book nigger

>> No.16630295
File: 105 KB, 640x428, History-of-Catharism-and-the-Albigensian-Crusade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no point in reading anything them.
this is how you deal with gnostic scum

>> No.16630330

gnostishits btfo

>> No.16630374
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Why don't we form a group to defeat the demiurge? We'll simply outnomber him/Her

>> No.16630407

Lol, retard. This might be the peak of Communist pseudery.

>> No.16630408

convince me that gnosticism isn't some convoluted cryptic bullshit for pseuds who want to appear smart, /int/

>> No.16630411

Land was a drug addled schizo. He's interesting for food for thinking but not to be taken too seriously.

>> No.16630419

It is. Modern "Gnosticism" is relatively far removed from the ancient Gnosticism, which never actually represented a single coherent line of thinking anyway but rather a sort of umbrella of related thought. Hell it's debatable whether some of the major Gnostic texts were actually Gnostic at all.

>> No.16630439

Dude he's still alive

>> No.16630452

Good reasonable post. This is really true, look at what modern ''gnosticism'' became:


I don't have words to describe how cringe and far-removed from actual gnosticism these posts are.

>> No.16630458

How were gnostic texts suppressed in 200 AD?

>> No.16630461

My understanding is that his philosophical outlooks have changed significantly and he was no longer using hardcore so I used past tense.

>> No.16630596

genius. why didn't the ancients think of this

>> No.16630606

>I don't have the words

then say nothing you non-contributing faggot. A reaction image would be better than your unfunny non comment.

>> No.16630616

>it's easy to prove the demiurge, I just have to say the demiurge is responsible for things

>> No.16631140

seething gnostard

>> No.16631165

the vile creator is androgynous.

>why don't we form a group to defeat this thing
the ancients scribed the scrolls for the next generations that would come until that generation was us. We can however reverse the control effect of the le demiurge by being an anti-natalist, stop pursuing materialistic objects, don't ever praise yahweh/yhwh he was the yaldabaoth (demiurge). Lastly, archons (mr. agent smith effect).


t. the future god from 2000 years ago

>> No.16631344
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Everything is fine

>> No.16631348

Do gnostics reject suicide because they believe it will not ultimately free them from the material world? Do you have to achieve gnosis through meditation/knowledge before you can break through the cycle? I imagine gnosis is what allows you to maintain a sense of self, which will keep you from getting stuck reincarnating like in Buddhism. Not sure if gnostics believe in reincarnation.

>> No.16631742

What's this ? What did you get out of it ?

>> No.16631936


>> No.16632061

You're acting as if capitalism is a made up thing, when it's just the natural way. Leave a society be without any regulations and it will undoubtedly become "capitalist". Communism must be forced

>> No.16632140


>> No.16632225

Lion snake has no historic iconographic connection with Gnosticism, and is rather the Osiris Phanes Zeus myth as allegory of the first light in Night, whirring through darkness light a singular lone golden lightning bolt, bringing into being gladsome light.

>> No.16632235
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Meant to say Serapis myth, but that's Osiris anyway.

>> No.16632346

This had a good summary.


What you get is a solid background in "Gnostic" traditions. Quality material.

>> No.16632354

Yaldaboath is described as a snake with a lions head in some of the Sethian literature, although it's also clear he can change his form.

>> No.16632415

Source: my ass

>> No.16632450

>bro it's the natural order for people to devise a highly abstract system of valuing commodities
>wait what do you mean commodities didn't even exist for the supermajority of human existence

>> No.16632471

Gnostic posters seem generally well versed in philosophy, and as these topics often veer into them, natural sciences. Like the philosophy PhD neuroscientist earlier in the summer.

Critics generally are dismissive and resort to insults.

Just based on these threads I'm going to assume Gnosticism generator appeals to educated, high IQ individuals, so it makes sense why most of this site hates them.

>> No.16632691

Gnosticism is a set of ideas belonging to one or many strains of movements depending on the context of historical milieu, rather than being a religion with fundamental tenets to follow. Furthermore, the catholic church branded anyone they deemed heretical as 'gnostics' and burned down their scriptures which only aids in spreading confusion. To answer your question, generally speaking, gnostics believe in 'reincarnation' but not explicitly so like in buddhism. They believe that you will reincarnate until you achieve gnosis or perish along with the matter in this universe. KYSing yourself comes from a position different from that of enlightenment, thus making you reincarnate once more.

>From wikipedia: Gnosis signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity’s real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence).

Sorry for the rubbish writing, I'm a sick ESL

>> No.16632780
File: 43 KB, 544x715, proclus-2668980c-6b1c-42df-a235-866279dc867-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato is infallible.

>> No.16632791

Gnosticism is ontologically self-refuting.

>> No.16633290


>> No.16633331

who caused the demiurge?

>> No.16633383

Good post. Gnosticism is not a religion. It refers to many traditions, most specifically some Jewish and Christian sects from late-middle antiquity. The "Gnostic Bible" also includes literature from Manichean, Cathars, and some Islamic sects.

Meyer actually posits that the sects could better be referred to as "a diverse set of demiurgic traditions."

The common thread is that the material world is deeply flawed and not the only realm of existence. For Sethian Jewish Gnostics and Gnostic Christians, the God of the Tanakh, with his gender, lack of perfect knowledge in knowing where Adam is in the Garden, wrath, emotions, and demands for slaughter, and in Judges, human sacrifice, is clearly not the God of perfection and omnipotence.

Thus this world is the creation of a lesser but powerful God, the Demiurge.

The Demiurge shows up in Plato, and the idea was spread through his works, although it predates him. Plato's demiurge is a powerful craftsman dirty that created our material world in a reflection of the perfect world of his mind.

Gnosticism is not so much inverted Platonism, with an evil Demiurge (indeed, not all Gnostic traditions posit an evil Demiurge, sometimes it is just flawed), Gnosticism is a group of religious traditions that looks beyond the physical.

John clearly had Gnostic themes. The Gospel of Thomas predates John and has concordance with the early Synoptic Gospels. It's rejection as canon may have more to do with rejection of Gnostics than perceived accuracy.

In any event, Gnosticism was not a good doctrine for welding temporal power and enforcing order. It focused on salvation through enlightenment and set a focus on self knowledge. Historically, it is obvious why more hierarchical doctrines won out.

Interestingly, most Christians no longer believe in a material resurrection. Generally, Cartesian dualism rules, and they think of their "soul," their subjective experience living on in a new realm.

>> No.16633425

... this is explained Gnostic cosmologies. Have you read Gnostic texts?

>> No.16633468

You don't commit suicide, you commit felony against the property of the demiurge. That is the only confirmed physical way to harm them.

>> No.16633571

I'm not anti-Gnostic, but OP cannot sleep because of le demiurge. Are you really gonna say this is healthy?

>> No.16633692

>le redditly concerned braindead literalist

Tiresome, it all is

>> No.16633798

it's and argumentative question

>> No.16633871

i'm not concerned i'm saying he's retarded for actively damaging his health over an imaginary thing he forced himself to believe in

>> No.16634002
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this makes Barbelo evil/ignorant, for having produced through derivation something totally ignorant, same reason christian god is evil for knowingly creating souls he know will chose evil and dam for eternity, he does it without need.

>> No.16634056
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The Monad emanated it's own Forethought from Itself. The Barbelõ. Through this, many other key aspect of the Monad emerge, including Christ. Each were main concepts of being, held in juxtaposition. Male and female, but not in a biological sense. In a linguistic and metaphysical sense. Read Wittgenstein on language to truly how this extends to reality and being.

One of these emanations, Sophia, Wisdom, conceived it's own idea without the balance of its antipode. This was Yaldaboath.

You cannot conceive the Monad. It is beyond us in all things. Yaldaboath is a fraction of a fraction. Still "God" in the material world he created.

We are partially fractions of the Monad. The best philosophical concept of this is the Hindu idea of Atman. The world of Prakrati is the realm of Yaldaboath. They includes emotion, which is driven by material conditions and the demiurgic law of causality.

But emanations is all it is. Whitehead's cosmology is useful here. Space-time is not a recpeticle/container, it is, definitionally, a series of relationships between events.

Husserl was also correct, phenomenology is the root of all things. However, natural sciences can do not but describe Yaldaboath's limitations on our Atman, an occlusion big you will.

Pic related is another good explainer of being, but just background to the Gnosis.

>> No.16634072

You're thinking of the Monad as a human mind. It is not. The human mind is soul directed through material, through causality.

>> No.16634174

demiurge = basilisk

>> No.16634190
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you will walk in the night forever

>> No.16634425
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Gnostics had the beginning of the Kabbalah. Kabbalah does acknowledge that the "God" of Genesis is not It, the Entirety.

Jews have a an average IQ of 110-119. About a standard deviation, and the size of the Black-White Gap. However, their IQ is all loaded into verbal-logical IQ, the intelligence predictive of achievement in linguistics, philosophy, and abstract mathematics. They have totally normal spatial IQ, processing power for the manipulation of material objects.

This is not incidental. Jewish high IQ emerged due to selection pressures. No Jew could own land or work a trade in Europe. Thus, only cognitively demanding jobs such as physician or scholar were open to them. Since any Jew could just convert and go along their merry way, this crucible selected for IQ.

Then Jews began studying the Ogdoad, the Gnostic system of contemplating the Absolute. They built on this and developed it into the Kabbalah and Sepirot. This much is known fact.

What is not known as widely is that the now "ultra orthodox" began to realize that our material bodies restrict cognition. They knew a brain damage victim couldn't understand Spinoza. They began breeding for intelligence in the 1700s. Selective breeding advances quickly. This was a small minority of Jews. They quicy ascended to towering heights. Clearly they don't select on sexual attraction.

Why do you think ultra orthodox are excluded from military service in Israel? There DNA is too valuable. How did they recreate a 2000 year dead state, and resurrect a dead language? Planning beyond normal means.

They now reach out to the Pleroma above all of us.

>> No.16634465

nice post but i think IQ is bullshit?

>> No.16634473
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Had this exact thought. Honestly thought this book described them, although I guess they don't move to gain temporal power, only knowledge, but I suppose Anissurbibur Khellus also only for metaphysical reasons.

>> No.16634505

ok larper

>> No.16634596
File: 14 KB, 197x300, 1084220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the connection between Gnosticism and the occult? Many major writers/philosophers/scientists were into the occult. The post rediscovery of the Bag Hammdi manuscripts made many turn to Gnosticism, right? Jung, Dick, etc.

>> No.16634631
File: 48 KB, 250x384, 250px-SophiaMystical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of use. Get lost, use a map.