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/lit/ - Literature

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16623732 No.16623732 [Reply] [Original]

how's your novel coming along /lit/?

>> No.16623759

Good! I'm really proud of myself! For the first time, I'm actually hopeful that I'll finish a story. I'm taking it slow, and setting my daily goal at about 200 words, though I often write more.

>> No.16624385

Finished it today. It's short but happy with it. Time to plug on with the next one. Jungle adventure theme.

>> No.16624636

It's going alright. I finished 5 this past year, and I'm working on marketing them now. I hope I can write a few more this year.

>> No.16624658

We have a general but I'm doing good, working on comedy writing then I'll try and translate that into prose (wrote my first joke using the format of the book I'm reading today). After comedy I'll try characterization then might start a novel.

>> No.16624817

Very slow, I need my library to reopen so I can go through the local studies section.

>> No.16624863

>Time to plug on with the next one. Jungle adventure theme.

>> No.16624893

Make sure to link it. I love jungle expiditions.

>> No.16624897

After a massive writing spree all last year, I've slowly come to a halt. After realizing the only thing I'm good at writing is shitty genre fiction, and that my works will likely never have artistic merit, I've lost motivation to sit down every day and write.

>> No.16624913

Examine what traits you want to add or change or develop and read secondary on it and write flash fiction to practice it.

>> No.16624931

or own it.
if you can write an entertaining story, don't let the /lit/ autism convince you it's worthless. A good, fun, genre fic is perfectly fine.

>> No.16624970

I have not yet examined why I want to write a work of art so badly. I don't blame /lit/ - a good story is a good story. I have other meaningful things besides writing in my life. I guess I'm just wondering if any anons have felt the same.

>> No.16624982

tip 4 you next time, search for /wg/ in the catalog

>> No.16624984

Not him but for me before I started studying it more. Was hoping natural talent would bring me across the finish line

>> No.16625006

That's what I'm in the process of doing right now. I'm still young, only 26. I'm in no rush. Just working through all the classics and the greats. Really analyzing each one and digesting them.

>> No.16625113

There's no reason a genre fiction piece can't have artistic merit, and even if it doesn't, who cares?

>> No.16625136

this, wouldn't The Count of Monte Cristo be considered genre fiction when it was released? And some even accuse Dostoevsky of being a cheap thriller writer (I think Nabokov thought this)

>> No.16625195
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>> No.16625772

I hate writing. I'm only 760 words into my erotic short story and I feel overwhelmed. Like, my current idea isn't massive for anything, but I more I think about it the more I feel like I'll have to write 20 pages of material to make it work, and I not sure if I'm up for that right now. This is just supposed to be for fun.

>> No.16625786

Stop thinking about it so much and write something you find amusing, like a short scene. I know that's harder than it sounds and the best way to get there is to keep writing.

>> No.16625838


Quite fine, thanks for asking!

It's gonna be around 70k words (65k+ now) and all i have left to write is the final stop of the MC before he travels by canoe to where the final chapter is set.

How's yours?

>> No.16626001

Thanks. I'm trying to do it in chunks, writing bullet points for the characters down so I don't have to remember so many traits to incorporate down the line. My brain doesn't work well out of sequence though, so I need to write each part in order.

>> No.16626044
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I made big progress this week. I realized, fortunately early enough, that it's better for the two main characters to be brothers and not friends. I'll have to start it from scratch again for their backgrounds, but I can still use some key scenes with minor changes. It's 20k words up to now. WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT, BROS!

>> No.16626642
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I just started to make my foray into creative writing once again.

I recently finished my second edit of my first book. Not entirely happy with it, but might seek an editor, after I get some feedback from a few close friends of mine who decided to engage with it.

Working on a second project now.

My work tends to focus on darker themes. Not sure why I keep gravitating toward them, but they are the most engaging for me.

The first is horror fiction, the second is a transgressive drama anthology.

>> No.16626678

How long has it been since your first edit of your previous book?

>> No.16626755

Those Del Rey collections rule. Is REH an influence?

>> No.16626871

I destroyed 60k words two weeks ago. I was writing this novella for the past 15 months but I loathed it so much that I couldn't edit it. The writing life isn't for me.

>> No.16626937

This is why we have editors; because reading your own writing is a nightmare.

>> No.16626971

I did the first edit about two weeks ago, reading through it in fine dat all, then reading it again for pacing.

Then I just finished the second edit two days ago.

I think it needs some time to sit, lest I lose my mind from staying in the same headspace for too long.

>> No.16626997


Yeah, you need to take a break. If you're going to edit it yourself, you'll drive yourself mad, unless you rest. Do something entirely unrelated, and return to it with a fresh mind.

>> No.16627447

Thanks senpai, I appreciate the advice. You working on anything at the moment?

>> No.16627559
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are there any people here who write something other than
>classics fanfic
>variations on 'angry young man in clown world'


>> No.16627632

A little bit, here and there. I'm mostly working on marketing strategies for my finished books, as of late.

>> No.16627682

I'm writing neo-western thriller script rightnow, I'm in the early writing and already feel like i ripped The Judge too much without realizing lol

>> No.16627735


>> No.16627748

I'm holding off until November to start it. Currently caught between dystopia and fantasy genres