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/lit/ - Literature

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16622711 No.16622711 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that will cure me of 4chan induced irony intoxication? Also books that study the pervasiveness and ubiquity of irony and dishonesty in modern culture?

>> No.16622757

diary would, unironically

>> No.16623300

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.16623307

Do you see irony as a contemporary threat? /pol/-tier dimwits are extremely earnest in their stupid shit, and the same applies to idpol lefties.

>> No.16624465

Don't need books. Just quit posting on 4chan and let yourself fall in love with something sentimental and sincere. Love, in the romantic sense, is also good for this.

>> No.16624516

This is one of the symptoms of hyper hyperironic society, notice how people who don't necessarily subscribe to either communism or fascism have quickly adopted their aesthetic "ironically" (Bernietards making jokes about guillotines and Holodomor, mild conservatives and libertarians making jokes about dropping commies out of the helicopters/ethnic cleansing). I think that irony is a major contributing factor to contemporary radicalization of politics, normalization of irony provides wannabe radicals with a soft cushion they can fall onto when their jokes and LARPing backfires against them (I was just joking, chill out etc.)
Thanks, that's good advice I guess but I'm afraid I'm incapable of loving anyone/anything sincerely any more

>> No.16624755
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The Denial of Death

>> No.16624779

Just have a stronger will, bro. Stop being mentally weak.

>> No.16624910

This is an apt comparison of two superficially opposite tendencies that are pretty much the same thing at root, and reminds me of why Wilde's maxim that all bad poetry is sincere usually comes to mind when irony itself is the subject of reflection: It is its general incoherence that makes it bad, either as image, story or procedure, rather than anything faulty to its formal or technical specifics, much less the motive for writing it. It's one thing to write elliptically for the sake of compression and speed, quite another to both think and write in endless non-sequiturs the way a schizo does, or a satirist does when doing it deliberately to illustrate that state of mind. Irony is a whole lot more than indirect communication, but is an index of cognitive cohesiveness in the broadest possible sense. And while his maxim doesn't rule out sincere poetry from what's good, its rarity in comparison to the ironic kind is as prodigies are to everyone else, on whom the difficulty of learning by experience, as opposed to example, is far more at play.