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File: 9 KB, 220x201, PepeSad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16622709 No.16622709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to realize all art is shit. Any books that touch on this?

>> No.16622713

>all art is shit
And we're all artists
Go cry more, frogger

>> No.16622715

Why do you think that?

>> No.16622716

Piero Manzoni's works.

>> No.16622722

All art is merely masturbation. Music, painting, literature, all of it. It is purely escapism that serves no purpose other than distraction and to masturbate the artist's ego.

>> No.16622723

not a good look for pepe posters

>> No.16622728

Give an example of what you think is a worthy purpose then

>> No.16622752

Helping people in need, devoting yourself to science, literally just anything that benefits society and what's around you a.K.a the real world ("no"; seducing them with masturbatory art and fake pleasure is not beneficial btw)

>> No.16622756

What about art which evokes the sentiment of lifting up your community?

>> No.16622760

It is too easy to get high on the sentiment of lifting up the community, rather than actually lifting up your community. Akin to reading a self help book and getting hyped yet doing nothing in the end.

>> No.16622765

>Helping people in need
masturbatory ego stroking
>devoting yourself to science
masturbatory martyrdom/ego
>literally just anything that benefits society and what's around you
ego ego ego me me me oh woe is me im so good
cringe senpai

>> No.16622771

>lifting up your community
FUCK OFF BACK TO >>>/fit/andstaythere

>> No.16622783

I browsed /fit/ like 7 years ago when I started lifting and then stopped shortly afterwards.

I think that's a major issue, people like the thought of being helpful, but not putting the effort into it. But if your work even shifted only 1 person to action, wouldn't that be a net benefit?

>> No.16622785


>> No.16622802

>if your work even shifted only 1 person to action, wouldn't that be a net benefit
where does that meme come from?

>> No.16622812

Shit isn't that bad, though.

>> No.16622825

And yet you think you can lift your entire community?

>> No.16622892
File: 216 KB, 1080x1680, Screenshot_20201021-141358_Sync.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Walter Benjamin's "work of art" is about that or you can just read pic related.

>> No.16622911

This is not how it works

>> No.16622916


>> No.16622919

>If all art is shit, why shouldn't all shit be art?
t. modernists

>> No.16622928
File: 282 KB, 1600x1066, crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16622969

How does art not benefit society when it fulfills these functions and more for so many people:

>improve attention span and focus
>civilizing element
>socializing element

>> No.16622981

Lift here isn't some metaphor for collective empowerment and development. I literally mean a deadlift, kettle lift, bench, clean and jerk. Your choice.

>> No.16622998

>I'm starting to realize all art is shit. Any books that touch on this?

Unironically, the Bible.

Ecclesiastes, for starters.

>> No.16623091

Artistic inspiration i.e. useless.
>>improve attention span and focus
Completely useless and arguably evil, even.
>>civilizing element
Not necessary for it.
>>socializing element
Not necessary for it.

>> No.16623103

>Idiotic half formed thought typical of an edgy 20 year old.

Fuck off and read your ayn Rand you loser.

>> No.16623112

Catharsis and entertainment are not useless; they help maintain stress levels and can curb more destructive behavior. Inspiration drawn from art is not merely artistic; it can inspire one to behave better, or to work towards better physical fitness / finding a better partner / obtaining a better life in general. Practicing art can certainly improve attention span and focus for certain people. Art still serves as a civilizing and/or socializing element for many people regardless if it's necessary, and the fact that it does suggests that it has a certain appeal for certain people and that it works for them.

Not sure what the point of this post was since you seem to have deliberately gotten everything backwards.

>> No.16623173

Book 10 of Plato´s Republic

>> No.16623222
File: 39 KB, 384x600, Wagner-The-Artwork-of-the-Future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All art is merely masturbation.