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16622451 No.16622451 [Reply] [Original]

Books on nordic socialism.

The only socialism that worked and works today. Of course its on the decline as you can see on this graph. But most workers are doing alright.

>> No.16622453

Viking Economics

>> No.16622459

Roland Huntford's The New Totalitarians

>> No.16622476

Inequalities are huge in Scandinavian countries, plus workers' protections are very poor. Stop idolising these countries simply because they have high taxes and are rich. You'd better look at France and Belgium, to see what works and what doesn't work.

>> No.16622586

at least in finland inequalities are the lowest in the world, dont know about the others though

>> No.16622658

I'm getting tired of bored ignorant angloids calling Scandinavia socialist in any way or form. They have some of the most open decentralized economies in the world.
The only reason Denmark isn't topping the list is because of gibsmedat, that stupid americanoids think is what socialism is about. Socialism is a system of production. Turns out most people don't care jack shit about socialism and just want the goodies.
Property rights are better enshrined there than almost anywhere. Investment freedom is respected, red tape and business regulations are few and efficient, they don't like infinite deficit spending, nationalization of industry is minimal.
They just spend a lot on gibsmedat (and have the taxes to match it). This is enough to make these countries sluggish compared to what they should be, but it's a consistent choice they made as societies.

>> No.16622672


OP do you even know what socialism is or do you really think welfare states are socialistic?

>> No.16622682

Union membership isn't a very good measure of anything overall
>Inequalities are huge in Scandinavian
countries, plus workers' protections are very poor.
>This is enough to make these countries sluggish compared to what they should be
There is no "should be". As you say it's a choice, and reported happiness shows that it's clearly a healthy choice overall. The rest is correct.

>> No.16622692

density * militance = force.

>> No.16622695

Americans work by another definition of socialism nowadays
All political camps are guilty of this. American "socialists" have no idea what they're advocating for, and those opposed to "socialism" have no idea what it means

>> No.16622705

>Americans work by another definition of socialism nowadays
Americans work by "it means what I think it means" definitions of everything these days, stoopid and proud is a thing

>> No.16622706

It is not socialism. Nordic countries are among the most capitalistic in the world.

>> No.16622744

Yes, Nordic socialism is not socialism because workers dont own the MoP, neither does the state pretend so. What they have however is economy closest to socialism from all European countries.
meme for ignorants. Since when is absence of "Judicial Efectiveness" or "public trust in politicians" a measure of socialism? One can go full private gonzales mode and argue that there is very strong correlation, but its not a primary measure.

>Property rights are better enshrined there than almost anywhere
Property rights are the same across the EU. And where they are not is due to corruption, instead of ideological driven policy.
>Investment freedom
Norway is pretty low, but its not really important category.
>red tape and business regulations are few and efficient
Efficient, yes, but there are a lot of them.
>nationalization of industry is minimal
Norway owns more than 60% of its oil production.

>> No.16622746


Socialism has nothing to do with it
Nordic countries have been successful in the past for two reasons homogenized population and relative isolationism
If they're declining it's because these two things are declining

>> No.16622794

Are you Nordic?

>> No.16622922

>unions are socialism
The absolute state of Amerisharts

>> No.16622927

Came here to post this

>> No.16622954

The Nordic economies ESPECIALLY Sweden are corporatist, the saltsjöbad agreement was essentialy what stopped class struggle.

The social democrats who to this day dominate the organization of unions went into an informal agreement with the owners of capital, Wallenberg etc...

All desicions är by committee.

>> No.16622967

It’s not socialism

>> No.16622972

You’re just wrong and coping
Real American socialists are actual socialists

>> No.16623036

>What they have however is economy closest to socialism from all European countries.

Based on? They have one of the most free economies in the world, so most of the MoP aren't in the control of the workers neither by the state. Belarus and Russia would be much more socialistic than them using those parameters, as well as most of eastern europe.

>Since when is absence of "Judicial Efectiveness" or "public trust in politicians" a measure of socialism?
This map measures economic freedom, not socialism, which would be rather dumb. If a country is too unstable or corrupt less investments are targeted there, so the economic freedom diminishes.

>Property rights are the same across the EU
No, each country have their own property rights. If you get a business in a shitty eastern european country, you are much more likely to be nationalized or prosecuted by the government because of a fuckton of property laws and regulations. Also monopolies and bureocracy to open different types of business and own land/capital are also taken in account.

>Norway is pretty low, but its not really important category.
It is important but with their population/oil ratio they can run almost any type of government and it will go alright. Just take a look at Qatar, Emirates, Bahrein and Brunei. Just happens that their economy is mostly free, besides being the most closed out of Scandinavia, it is still very free for worldwide standards. Oil man.

>Efficient, yes, but there are a lot of them.
Mostly alright, but same as above.

>Norway owns more than 60% of its oil production.
They barely own anything else and have almost no monopolies, their oil business is quite the exception and it's only 60%. They just happen to employ most of the population because they own a good part of oil production.

TL;DR If they are trying to be socialistic they are doing a really bad job. Norway has a more """socialistic""" economy but that's almost meaningless when you take oil in account, and quite free if compared to the rest of Europe, mainly eastern.

>> No.16623090

>the only socialism that worked
imagine being so historically illiterate

>> No.16623099

They're not socialist in any way, shape or form, it's just social democracy which preserves capitalist relations while throwing workers more scraps in the form of social security and healthcare.

>> No.16623159

where can i read more about the great nordic myth

>> No.16623180

They are quickly neoliberalizing, which is why social democracy is garbage: it's just a corporate stopgap to prevent revolution, and once people comfortable, they start rolling out the austerity again.

>> No.16623201

>worked and works today
>made possible the replacement of the indigenous population and the destruction of nations
Sure buddy

>> No.16623292

>nationalization of industry is minimal.

>> No.16623303

it doesn’t work today though. don’t bother

t. dane

>> No.16623311

Jeg er dansk din kartofle på persille sauce.

>> No.16623333

Collectivist ideas were a big thing before the 1980s when the same liberal reform ideas for international competitiveness became more popular. Socialistic ideas were taken serious more there than anywhere else... but never actually implemented:

>I'm getting tired of bored ignorant angloids calling Scandinavia socialist in any way or form.
Because the Scandinavian economies did have a bigger role of government intervention than would of been acceptable in most English speaking countries? By socialism what people in places like America mean is just government action.

>They have some of the most open decentralized economies in the world.
That's just wrong. The most "open" economies always had that state of affairs forced on them, if it was really the most open all agriculture would be owned by American corporations by now.

>Property rights are better enshrined there than almost anywhere. Investment freedom is respected, red tape and business regulations are few and efficient, they don't like infinite deficit spending, nationalization of industry is minimal.
Dude you're citing the Heritage Foundation which is a neoconservative American think tank that doesn't produce anything serious. Basically "socialism" means Venezuela style failed states and anything that you can't portray as a total failure is actually a liberal success story even if it's 100% government controlled they'll find a way to spin things as the opposite e.g. so most housing in Singapore can be public but that's actually a free market success!

>They just spend a lot on gibsmedat (and have the taxes to match it). This is enough to make these countries sluggish compared to what they should be, but it's a consistent choice they made as societies.
From what I understand they have a rather regressive system of taxation which you could blame that "sluggishness" on. You could boost consumption no problem by just not taxing consumption and running larger public deficits no problem (obviously some place like Finland tied to the Euro that wouldn't really be possible though but the Eurozone project will probably fail by the next decade anyway).

>> No.16623357
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But you are wrong see.

The problem of defining socialism is in the distribution of the means of production. The Soviet Union may have boasted that the means of production was held collectively and not by private (bourgeoise) interests. But any midwit can figure out that this isn't true, production was run by the politburo and by career partymembers, essentially the whole country was one joint stock corporation.

So we come to a conclusion that in capitalism AND in socialism production is ran by a few rich assholes in either the financial district or the Kremlin.

Now where does scandinavia come in, well i can only speak for my country Sweden, Here the LO (our associated labor unions) repressent 90% of the labor associated with its union, these (democratic) unions unsurprisingly are a very powerful force, and they are actually involved in co-managing our industries and our workplaces, along with the private interests. And at the same time they fund and essentially run the social democrat party.

So what we get is a system where politics, private interests and workers are all entangled in comanaging the entire economy in a "solidaristic" way, in which is FAR more inclusive than what the Soviets or the Chinese ever could dream of.

Add to this our social welfare and you have a system not as utopian as Marx would be happy with, but well on its way. Also your point that welfare impedes economic output, i think Keynes has something to say too you.

When government spends money in the economy, say building a bridge, it employs and pays a bunch of people, these people than go to the shoestore and the pub and spends their money. Thus government spending creates life in the economy, and every dollar the government spends it recieves 5.

>> No.16623396

Literally every European country was racially homogenous before recent times and yet none of them have managed to do what the Scandinavians have. To say their economic and social policy is irrelevant is just utterly retarded. You can clearly see the benefits they’re reaping from their socially democratic policies.

>> No.16623485

>Sweden's population has become much more ethnically, religiously and linguistically diverse over the past 70 years as a result of global immigration. Every fourth (24.9%) resident in the country has immigrant background and every third (32.3%) has at least one parent born abroad
So this is the power of nordic socialism

>> No.16623550

>The problem of defining socialism is in the distribution of the means of production.
Marxists claim it has to do with ownership... but that's questionable. During the Bush years in America one of the schemes put forth to privatize social security (I think it was from the conservative Paul Ryan?) they did a study and ironically it would end up concentrating the nominal ownership of most capital into the hands of a few big private institutions (supposedly representing (ex-)workers) in less than 20 years but that's not what they wanted (or even understood fully).
Nominal ownership isn't really as important as real control of things. If I "own" less than 1% stake in something and I have no real control over anything than big deal. Ya, good public welfare is a better realistic objective since it gives people more real control over their lives and options but you fail there and just have fiscal stabilizers not that different from most other advanced countries. Strangely the right wing obviously want a more regressive system of taxation but even most of the left seem ok with that and don't want to make consumption cheaper and operate in the same framework where public budgets must balance in the end.

>> No.16623594

If i understand you correctly your problem is more with democracy than with social democracy.

Meaning you mean that social control over the means of production means that your personal influence on said means is less than 0.00001%

Did i misread you?

>> No.16623621

The vast majority of those are white Europeans

>> No.16623623

Yes and physicians only make $60,000 USD a year there and that's before taxes. If you're intelligent you would either leave or kill yourself in such a situation.

>> No.16623631

Owned the retards on this thread. Good job.

>> No.16623634

Yes, and this is why people like Sanders look like evil arch-communists in the US

>> No.16623638

Not everything is about money burger. The Scandinavian countries are the happiest in the world, why would they kill themselves?

>> No.16623639

It doesn't really matter. Even if they were all blonde-haired, blue-eyed supermen it wouldn't change the dilution of Swedish ethnic culture.

>> No.16623646

I don't see how they care. And desu neither do I.
Especially when the socialism puts food on the table

>> No.16623658

>Yes and physicians only make $60,000 USD a year there
I don't know who you're talking to but everyone gets paid stupid money there. Even the people on benefits get paid stupid money. I dated an unemployed girl in Denmark for a bit and she was pretty much getting what someone fresh out of uni in the UK would get.

>> No.16623665

Because they're antinatalist

>> No.16623681

Doctors deserve $60,000 USD a year everywhere. They only get more in america because Americans need healthcare or they'll die.
Guess what, people are still signing up to become doctors in Denmark and its still very competitive. Americans wouldn't dream of taking down the medical mafia because they're afraid people will stop wanting to become doctors

>> No.16623688

>Americans wouldn't dream of taking down the medical mafia because they're afraid people will stop wanting to become doctors

Isn't it the case that there are limits put on how many people are allowed to become doctors in the US? I seem to recall hearing that. It's not for lack of want.

>> No.16623689

Lol in my slav country most of them get around 20k a year. I know things are more expansive there but thats not half bad

>> No.16623700

They are (or were) ethnically homogenous and have the population of like 3 major cities

>> No.16623716

If size and homogenity is the cause, how come iceland is all broke?

>> No.16623717

>homogenized population and relative isolationism
then why aren't the other european countries like norway? they're homogenous and isolated

>> No.16623718

A third of your country being foreigners isnt good thing, no matter where they are from

>> No.16623729
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>A third of your country being foreigners isnt good thing


>> No.16623735

Ive been there and they are doing great. Honestly the standard of living seemed similar to Norway

>> No.16623746
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I guess its not bad, its not like those highly homogenous eastern european countries...

>> No.16623766

Maybe its because they live on a volcano rock in the middle of nowhere. Could effect the culture/gene pool

>> No.16623783

Nobody is saying that homogeneity is the only factor that determines economic prosperity, its just part of it. The whole eastern block got fucked by communism, compare east and west Germany, there is still divide today

>> No.16623797

Well the nordic countries take half your income and throw it away in welfare and they're doing fine. Socialist paradises

>> No.16623821

I dont know if you are serius or not but having robust social safety net isnt the same as being USSR

>> No.16623826

Slavs were starting from a much lower status to begin with, dont be disingenuous

>> No.16623853

So why are we even talking about homogenity, what is it good for? Especially when these categories are in constant flux.

Irish and Jews being considered subhumans in the US until whiteness expanded and now they enjoy the same status as other white people. No one is worried about jews or irish people tainting the genepool of America, If you mean culturally we might agree, but the solution then is integration not homgenity...

>> No.16623880

What ethnic culture? Sweden is as secular and socially liberal as any other European country. There is no difference between Swedish culture and the culture of any liberal neighbourhood in Europe and America.

>> No.16623888

State capitalism is a separate concept from socialism. I fucking hate Americans who derive their definition of socialism from popular media and ecelebs.

>> No.16623894

>nordic socialism
It's all state capitalism.

>> No.16623897

state capitalism was what the Soviet Union was, Scandinavia is way more socialist than the Soviet Union

>> No.16623914 [DELETED] 

Engels literally labeled the USSR as a state capitalist society and it very clearly didn’t grant any actual power to the people. Calling the USSR socialist due to the fact that it had high taxes and a large portion of its industries were nationalized would be like calling Nazi Germany socialist because it had high taxes and a large portion of its industries were nationalized.

>> No.16623922

>On Dec. 30, 1922, these constituent republics established the U.S.S.R.
>Died: 5 August 1895, London, United Kingdom

I'm sure he did.

>> No.16623924

I meant more size. A big totalitarian or democratic system will have some similar issues. Changing ownership can only result in so much change (although it does matter somewhat obviously). If 90% of economic decisions are basically made by say a small amount of private firms representing the interests of shareholders who saved over a lifetime or a central planning commission under watch of a vanguard political party you're going to end up with some similar issues.
The joke was American conservatives wanted to get government out of providing any long term security because the market could do it better but most people want some security so you'd end up with a smaller amount of big private actors having more real power over aggregate investment decisions than the government actually plays today.

Well obviously only a certain amount of people can get qualified annually. The government doesn't determine that number but lolberts still aren't to happy with that and I suppose some would like to call themselves a doctor after watching some youtube videos lol

>> No.16623934

Yes, it’s their economic policy which allows immigrants in, not their immigration policy.

>> No.16623935

Your misattribution aside, the reason the USSR was state capitalist is not because it had private property, before Breschnev it had very little, but because the communist party had nothing to do with the workers it was more akin to one big corporation than a commune, or collection of communes.

>> No.16623940

It will pay off for eastern Europe when we're speaking arabic kek. I agree that culture is more important than genetics especially when talking about people who are closely related to the dominant people. It works in the US because the baseline is the same between the "melting pot"

>> No.16623948

Why is that? If the immigrants are good people who contribute to the country then there is no reason to want them out. The only problem with modern immigration is that we allow the worthless working class dregs from third world nations in.

>> No.16623949

Except the communes paid wages, extracted surplus value, and paid surplus value up to the finance banks which had supplied loans. Firms had responsibilities to profit, and interfirm exchange was marketised.

The reason why the Soviet Union was capitalist was because it was a value and wage labour society.

>> No.16623973

>jews or irish people tainting the genepool of America

No, you are just fighting forever wars for the nose tribe.

>> No.16623988

haha based z0mg

>> No.16623990

>state capitalism was what the Soviet Union was
During its NEP phase. From 1929 onwards it was socialism.

>> No.16623998


>> No.16624001

they are a faction inside the country who aren't loyal to it

>> No.16624017

Socialism=/=communism. If we had to use the proper Marxist definition, there would be basically no real example of it working and we wouldnt know how to call USSR, because it sure as hell wasnt capitalism.

>> No.16624031

I should have said socialism instead of commune.

>> No.16624032

>persille sauce
Anon, jeg er skuffet...

>> No.16624041


>> No.16624044

uhhhhh can you cook that down to left/right thanks? these words are hurting my brain
t. american

>> No.16624051

Nordic countries were spared the destruction of two world wars and are abundant in natural resources (like oil extraction per capita in Norway equals Kuwait's) - this is also the reason that Australia and Canada are doing fine with no industry to speak of btw
Still, they are not socialist, and would be doing even better with even more capitalism and less gibs.

>> No.16624055

Look at Canada, intra European ethnicity took more importance in the countries layout. Quality of life is higher than the US. Its a factor, deal with it

>> No.16624063

Isnt Canada like 50% Pajeet and Chinese?

>> No.16624065

>nordic socialism
Its not socialism
>it works
Stuff works despite the system, not because of it. Nobody really knows how shit got good, and now people try to maintain something they don't understand, all the while everything is slowly going to shit.
Most do if they can, and you are branded as a traitor by boomers if you do.

>> No.16624094

Yes not only is Canada very ethnically diverse, i see here that no single religious denomination makes up a majority, Canada is also one of the few nations with a massive internal French speaking segment, making up 10 million citizen.

Boy i need to stop posting in American hours...

>> No.16624106

Toronto and Vancouver lol
Seriously, Quebec is happy to be worse off economically as long as they preserve their culture. Within the province they are more open to socialist like policy to help their own

>> No.16624133

I didn't say the country wasn't diverse as a whole, internally its more segregated

>> No.16624158
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memerelated applies here.

Nordic socialism is socialism in the sense that its what socialists (of the social democratic branch) in other European countries seek to emulate. Namely higher taxes (especially for the rich), more enviromental regulation, greater participation of employees in the production process, public housing etc. But its the kind of stuff socialist of the Marxist line reject and see it as tools for preserving capitalism.

>> No.16624181 [DELETED] 

>antinatalist women

>> No.16624193

That safety net is all that communism is.
Equality of outcome. Highschool teachers in Denmark make the same as lawyers. If that isn't like the USSR then I don't know what is.

>> No.16624215

>Highschool teachers in Denmark make the same as lawyers
No they dont, theres no way thats true, i live in Sweden and were supposed to be worse yet here thats not true. Danskäckel

>> No.16624233

>Highschool teachers in Denmark make the same as lawyers.
Based if true.

>> No.16624247

>waste 4 years for high school
>waste 4 years in university
>waste 4 years in medical school
>waste 3 to 9 years in residency
>yeah bro you only deserve $60k a year
You need your head bashed in.

>> No.16624257

Tell that to my entire fucking country

>> No.16624263

Cuba is doing great

>> No.16624265

Solution: make education free and pay people while pursuing education, thus not overburdening the doctors with crippling debt.

>> No.16624267

I'll nuke your entire fucking country.

>> No.16624273

Cuba isn't nordic "socialism". Its actual socialism.

>> No.16624277

I know, OP said that Nordic Socialism is the only socialism that worked.

>> No.16624287

There's a reason he feels that way though. Right now I'm waiting on a salary negotiation for a new job based in New England. I don't want supercars and mansions. But I also want to be able to pay for my kids college outright, take a vacation abroad occasionally, and retire. Taxes get in the way of a modicum of comfort. I'm afraid I'll have to turn down the job just because of high taxes.

>> No.16624302

That still doesnt take away the fact medical education is highly stressful and demanding endeavour, during which you are not making much money

>> No.16624305

Except you don't need to pay the debt back to any meaningful extent, if you do the bare minimum, you'll pay only a fraction of what is owed by the time you die. Anyways you can just continually defer it with a perpetual series of memes like online MPH degrees lol. Also smart medical students go to school for free with stipend if they get in as an MD PhD. Also HPSP exists so you can serve in the military for 4 years and go to school for free in the US. In any case $300k starting salary makes any debt worth it. You're just a coping moron

>> No.16624313

Hol up nordicuck doctors make as much as some mid level tradie? LMAO

>> No.16624316

no what you said is retarded

>> No.16624323
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>pay for my kids college outright
Why would this be a problem in Scandinavia? Also you can vacation and retire plenty on 60k a year lol

At the same time where did this number come from? Median doctor makes like 120k a year

>> No.16624352

Its a falsehood

>> No.16624402

Because I live in America? I'm just talking about taxes. Free University would be nice here, too (though free trade school is better). I'm okay with things being offered free or low cost, but I certainly don't want to pay the amount they want to tax me.

>> No.16624435

>Because I live in America?
Then I'd suggest doing the math on taxes a couple times and getting it checked by a third party too, as you people are notoriously easy to swindle.

>> No.16624487

$300k/year isn't retarded.

>> No.16624504

That option exists in America (at least for medical school) imbecile.

>> No.16624509

>"it means what I think it means"
isnt that literally everyone tho?

>> No.16624514
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what are good books for understanding communism ?

>> No.16624522

$60k is nothing

>> No.16624526

The writings of the saints (pbut) in your picture.

Marx and engels (pbut) - 50 books
Lenin (pbuh) - 50 books
Stalin (pbuh) - 13 books

>> No.16624552

im too retarded to understand their writings

>> No.16624562

>amerilards think it's normal to spend more than 60k dollars every year
You faggots are getting nickel and dimed so hard it's not even funny.
Also you should realize that median income per capita in your country is around 30-35k dollars, the "average" is skewed so hard by the ultrariches it's not even funny.
>inb4 amerilard doesn't know the difference between mean and median

>> No.16624576
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prepare for the final pill

>> No.16624577

>I certainly don't want to pay the amount they want to tax me.
I'm not who you're responding to but why do you think you would? Seriously. America can obviously maintain high spending and low taxes. Most tax rates in America have basically been on a continuous downwards path since like the 1960s. Obviously that primarily has to do with the right wing embracing magical supply side economic arguments in the 1980s, the left were the ones whining about public debt under Reagan and Bush like it was some sort of "problem" that was going to cause "issues" for da grandchildren

Europe has high taxes because conservatives really use their power stupidly to try to "balance the budget" (American conservatives use that rhetoric but don't really do anything much there) and the left ideologically push it on wrongheaded grounds (most leftists don't understand corporate taxes are just a regressive flat tax pushed on wages or shareholders).

>> No.16624585

>Inequalities are huge in Scandinavian countries, plus workers' protections are very poor.

>> No.16624593

Lol is there anything more smoothbrained than wanting to balance the budget?

>> No.16624624

$60k is nothing if you factor in the cost of living, food, rent, etc. Even if you own your own house outright with no mortgage, 60k still isn't enough to feel comfortable. You need at least 110k with a paid off mortgage in a low cost of living area to be comfortable, and that's assuming you're remote. If you need to commute add another $30k to that.

>> No.16624637

>$60k is nothing if you factor in the cost of living, food, rent, etc.
As said above, you guys are getting nickel and dimed so hard it's not even funny.

>> No.16624642

americans be paying over 4% interest on their loans lmao

>> No.16624643

You can refute this with 15 seconds in google. Besides being high school teacher is important job as well, maybe you mutts would get better education if they werent underpaid

>> No.16624650

>maybe you mutts would get better education if they werent underpaid

What makes you think they're underpaid? The majority of school funds go to administrative costs.

>> No.16624859

Teachers salaries aren't administrative costs, anon

>> No.16624886

My mortgage is 2.45% APR fixed.

>> No.16624954

We don't need education past age 12 or so. People should be free to go to university, trade school, or work at that point. Even if they made just 20k a year, if they saved until they are 20 they would be set for life. I refuse to discuss teacher salaries until we eliminate redundant education.

>> No.16624986

>We don't need education past age 12 or so
spoken like a true american who haven't learned anything past age 12

>> No.16625002

No Nordic country is socialist.

Socialist policies have ruined Nordic countries.

Kill yourselves retard leftists.

>> No.16625022

>We don't need education past age 12 or so.
The absolute state of Amerifats.

>> No.16625988
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Why do many /pol/cels favour an economically destitute, corrupt and ethnically homogeneous country over a prosperous one with a few brown people living in it?

>> No.16626032

>nordic socialism
I hate mutts

>> No.16626037

No you won't because they're nordic. Your weakness

>> No.16626039
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>economically destitute
Because they’re bootlickers
>ethnically homogeneous
Because they’re scared racists

>> No.16626038

>The only socialism that worked
it didnt and its showing its inevitable signs of self destruction
its welfare society was created after getting rich off economical freedom like it always happens

>> No.16626045

inequality is a meme newspeak word, the problem is poverty, not people being richer than you, unless youre envious and a crab in the bucket nigger

>> No.16626047
File: 125 KB, 819x1024, 1603315268601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need more than 60k. And the NORDICS prove it.

>> No.16626053

>money does not bring happiness meme
fuck off

>> No.16626059

Money does bring happiness. Thats why everyone should make 60k a year no matter what.

>> No.16626104

the costs of living vary wildly and so do expectations of people. just because you wanna live in a shitty commieblock doesnt mean that i do

>> No.16626135

The costs of living are the same when your country is a good place to live.
If you wanna live in cockroach infested unequal hovel then stay in the USA.

>> No.16626169

unfalsifiable garbage

>> No.16626278

Average cost of living in the states is 1000 dollars, what are spending your money on retard?

>> No.16626398

Pray tell how did you determine the socially appropriate commodity bundle from pure marginalism my mang?

Please cite Mills pathetic self-destruction in public over utility.

>> No.16626492

>average wealth rises
>prices rise with it
>your wealth stays the same
According to you this should be fine because your wealth is the same as before

>> No.16626534
File: 253 KB, 879x2364, 1603319679078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is people being richer.
They just buy up all the property and businesses and fire everyone who doesn't agree to be paid peanuts and the country goes to the shitter like America.

Nordic socialism tries to stop inequality which automatically makes it anticapitalist because capitalism means inequality.

>> No.16626612
File: 380 KB, 915x1056, 4f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes I'm a socialist a National Socialist

>> No.16626623

Just say you're shit with your money faggot or never moved out of the basement.

>> No.16626625

>eastern europe
>highly homogenous

lmao this retard
>b-but they have white skin

>> No.16626635

What examples are thinking of exactly?

>> No.16626665 [DELETED] 

brown people inevitably will crush the country with their retard policies, brown people are more ethnocentric

t.someone who actually lives with browntoids and not a firstoid with white man's burden symptom

>> No.16626686

>>prices rise with it

>> No.16626720

Jeg knepper din mor din lille luder

>> No.16626732

Based as fuck. I love all of the coping commies itt throwing their empty as fuck rhetoric talking themselves in circles against hard data.

>> No.16627323

Yes, all 60,000 thousand of them. The number of people that engaged with actual socialist theory AND understand it is pitiful, and they're all busy with internecine conflict. There's no real organization and unity. Even anarchists have you beat, they actually do praxis even if its retarded.

>> No.16627633
File: 27 KB, 350x468, 1443154728677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A green-good-red-bad map trying to quantify "freedom" published by The Goddamn Heritage Foundation
>hard data

>> No.16627653

Don't tease the 20 year olds. The curriculum is shit and tutorials are useless at the moment.

>> No.16627757

>Nordic socialism tries to stop inequality which automatically makes it anticapitalist because capitalism means inequality.
>Nordic socialism which is actually just capitalism uses the state to manage public goods like every single other capitalist country, but capitalism can't be good so it's socialism now.

>> No.16629055

"Nordic Socialism" is (or was, at any rate) just National Socialism with an elected government instead of an autocrat and a de facto instead of explicit racial policy.

>> No.16629084

>They just buy up all the property and businesses and fire everyone who doesn't agree to be paid peanuts
Why that has never happened in a free market though? Why does the State always need to make laws inhibiting free competition for that to work?

>> No.16629235


>> No.16629367

>maybe if I post a funny image it will obscure the fact there's zero facts or evidence on my side

>> No.16629403

Ah yeah, countrys where people drive cars from the 90s because they can't afford anything newer

>> No.16629492

The nordics have good cars. Some have teslas subsidized by the state

>> No.16629561

Thank you for that post. There is more protection to private property in nordic countries than anywhere else in the world. Prices are also market adjusted and there are no laws against profiting. You have to be completelly illiterate on the subject to call them anything besides capitalist.

>> No.16629570

stop trying to shill your shitty dead ideology

>> No.16629973
File: 76 KB, 600x452, 1591260403761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>France and Belgium

>> No.16630830

Why don't you google "Heritage Foundation Israel" and tell me about their interesting procurement of facts and evidence

>> No.16631231

why don't you fuck off and go back?

>> No.16631408

Everyone on earth except for /pol/acks are zionists?

>> No.16632276

If you are not antiwork in 2020 you are unironically retarded.

>> No.16632364

Well said. What the Nordic system really is, is a pretty good way to run capitalism.
Marx would indeed be unhappy with parts of it, especially that Swedish wealth inequality, but the overall achievement is undeniable.
Hopefully it can survive and get even better despite being in a world of pandemics, climate change, and a collapsing US empire.

>> No.16632837

I think /pol/ would agree with that

>> No.16633958

>Hopefully it can survive and get even better
Only thing that could derail them would be war or importing too much foreigners. Otherwise they are shielded from evils of this world.

>> No.16634999

In Sweden, I think it's called the Sonderweg

>> No.16635003

oh, he's legit

>> No.16635013

>or importing too much foreigners

About that...

>> No.16636057

Difference is, to a normal person, who you like to refer as a poltard due to the fact you are such a crying muh boogeyman bitch, few brown people is much less than few brown people to a mentally fucked and cucked, dysgenic, irrational and even evil individual who seeks to create civil wars for his grandchildren to enjoy.

>> No.16636062

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