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16621709 No.16621709 [Reply] [Original]

Wrote this from a thought i had while watching an anime. pic related was my inspiration. Rate my writing /lit/

The ideal scenario of a relationship is where a women unconditionally accepts and develops a man into a man, and that developed man who is one a prominent member of society, shows gratitude to the women by being there for her at all times. But times have changed, the women no longer needs to take a man and develop him, when she has 20 other developed men in her phone, waiting for a chance to hang out with her.

The traditional story of the man who rise in society is spearheaded by a women, is no longer possible. As such there are a lot of these men at the bottom who refuse to rise, who otherwise would’ve risen if given the chance of a women. Such is that sad state of society, such is life for the average man in today’s world.

>> No.16621746

What anime?

>> No.16621768


Welcome to NHK

>> No.16621773

All I want to do is invent ai and go live w my waifu for the rest of my existence.

>> No.16621777

Thanks but what anime were you reffering to?

>> No.16621797

That’s the name of the anime “Welcome to NHK”

>> No.16621802


>> No.16621879

It's terrible, reeks of incel crap and it's full of grammar errors.
Even if it's a translation, it still sucks.

>> No.16621969

>trying to be profound
>blaming others, no personal responsibility
>very incel

>> No.16621971

You have anime brain rot.

>> No.16622066

It was actually an attempt to explain the rise of incels in society but I guess I failed.

>> No.16622080

The attempt at lofty and authoritative prose clashes horribly with the poorly developed line of thought being described. You really need to work on both.

>> No.16622081

It sounds quite a bit like you want to fuck your mother

>> No.16622100

While not an great thread, this is a funny one

>> No.16622116

Misaki is worst girl

>> No.16622118

It's awful. Read Houellebecq's early novels for a better take on inceldom.

>> No.16622131

you presuppose that men are defined by women who support them. You do realize no woman ever wanted a weak pathetic ass incel "to develop" unless she wanted to manipulate someone, right? You're writing from the position of incel who feels that he deserves unconditional love and the modern degenerate society denies it. No, women do not want a baby. No, you are not entitled to pussy. No, you are not entitled to mommy gf. You have to make something out of yourself on your own.

>> No.16622417

the message of Welcome to NHK was: get a job.

>> No.16622454

Second message: They won't get jobs unless you disown them and cut off their money flow

>> No.16622660

thanks anon you made my day.

>> No.16622666

This passage is basically: Im a piece of shit but maybe I wouldnt be if I had a cute gf who would dedicate herself to me unreasonably and build me into a decent human being.

It reeks of the incel "government mandated gf" mindset where you feel entitled to someone who gives who attention and solves your problems for you. Or the savior complex people have here that a gf will make their life better.

Ever consider just taking accountability and changing yourself, for yourself? Of course, support for other people helsp, but a magical girl isnt gonna come out of nowhere, be interest in you even though she has zero reason to be, and then build you into a man. I'm not surprised someone on 4chan would think this is an ideals scenario relationship tho

>> No.16622668
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16622926

>unless she wanted to manipulate someone
Maybe OP hasn't finished the anime but this is literally why she develops him. So she can feel like there's someone less despicable than her.

>> No.16622944
File: 59 KB, 540x540, 1589226284849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so brainless as to not be able to conjure up your own conclusion. Holy shit this madlad just captured the very essence that OP was trying to decipher, namely, the faggot who self indulges to the point where even in anonymity he is still a faggot.

>> No.16622946

Damn, those men choosing to be fucking losers and accomplish nothing in their lives because no woman wants to be with them sure are showing society who's boss

>> No.16623353

>The ideal scenario of a relationship is where a women unconditionally accepts and develops a man into a man,

dumb weeb

>> No.16624455

ive only read the NHK novel
manga or anime worth it?

>> No.16624528

The anime is good, but it's a more positive version compared to the manga.
I have not read the novel, but the manga goes way farther, for example satou's loli hijinks are cut from the anime and replaced with normal porn.

>> No.16624557

Who developed these men that are available for women? Are they developed by other women first and and only after that they appeal to the woman?
Are these already developed men ones who didn't "pay back" to their women and stay by their side?
And why do women desire "developed men"? Are they just lazy and prefer them because they are there for her without having to develop them?

>> No.16624895

femoids detected

>> No.16626103

You think women browse this board anon?