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File: 23 KB, 350x416, 573774e0cdf53-david-hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16619288 No.16619288 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>see hume walking down the street
>run up to him
>start twisting his arm
>almost at the breaking point
>he shrieks
>you can't derive an ought from an is, bro, sorry
Heh... nothing personnel, philosofag.

>> No.16619363
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>publishes a book to try and encourage scottish people to avoid all things scottish
>refused to be called scottish and always called himself a northern briton
>spent thousands on training from his best friend to get a london accent, failed
Has anyone hated themself more than him?

>> No.16619369
File: 30 KB, 346x380, David Hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hume smirks
>There's no necessary connection between the cause of you twisting my arm and the effect of its breaking
>His arm suddenly ceases all resistance and and spins effortlessly in its socket like a noodle, knocking you off balance
>Hume grabs you and looks at you with rapacious hunger
>Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions
>*chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *burrrrp*
>The life of man is of no greater importance to the universe than that of an oyster, Hume muses as he continues his stroll down the streets of Edinburgh

>> No.16619373

I hope you don’t unironically think this is any sort of refutation

>> No.16619376

Nah. Hume was an idiot, a proper tosser if I've ever seen one.

No matter how much you try to take value judgments and factual judgment aparts, reality you show you're wrong and take away your silly philosophical beliefs.

>> No.16619412

we use inaccurate language all the time because it’s convenient. Words like duty, ought, should, etc. are treated as if they have a meaning in themselves. But if I say I should do x, it only means that I would prefer the consequences of doing x as opposed to not doing x.

>> No.16619424

Its funny that the "Scotch" section is the one more used today.

>> No.16619430
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>> No.16619433

The refutation is that merely bringing is-ought up is in and of itself an is-ought. If you actually believed it you would equally have to acknowledge that there is no binding reason why you should be intellectually honest at all.

The very concept of the is-ought fallacy is self detonating. It’s just a fancy way of saying “just because things are factually true doesn’t mean they have moral or philosophic implications,” which is a D&D tier set of philosophic gymnastics to get around any sort of practical grounding for a moral system.

>hey the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so if you’re trying to draw a straight line, you ought to make sure it’s the shortest possible distance.


Yes it fucking does nigger.

>> No.16619439


>> No.16619444

I hope you're baiting. If you're serious, then you are a literal brainlet. I'm afraid to say that not getting the is-ought problem of all things means you won't be able to wrestle with tougher philosophical concepts.

>> No.16619450

I’m entirely serious. I am also entirely right.

>> No.16619465

Might as well give up on philosophy then. You're doomed because of being a brainlet.

>> No.16619487

Based Hume

>> No.16619563

Absolutely BASED

>> No.16619748

Fucking kek

>> No.16619803

Hume was wrong about most things, he very overrated in anglophone philosophy.

>> No.16619806

Please tell us how you can derive how an ideal world ought to look like from the current world we inhabit? Or how anything ought to be from what it is? There's no objective rational that can be used to argue one set of outcomes is better than another, it's all dependent on our subjective values. Of course there's no reason to be intellectually honest, that's just a choice we make based off our values.

>> No.16619814

>>hey the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so if you’re trying to draw a straight line, you ought to make sure it’s the shortest possible distance.
I agree with your overall point but this is a hypothetical imperative which no one denies can be true independent of value judgements. What you are really looking for is a categorical imperative, something that you ought to do no matter the extraneous conditions.

>> No.16619815

Pretender spotted.

>> No.16619832

Has Hume refuted all political idealism due to his ought-is distinction?

>> No.16619869

pseud spotted

>> No.16620219

>>hey the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so if you’re trying to draw a straight line, you ought to make sure it’s the shortest possible distance.


Theres a difference between a categorical imperative and a hypothetical imperative.

>> No.16620225
File: 5 KB, 259x194, eaeeeaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no higher language other than our day to day language. Your "analysis" of should is meaningless as a philosophical statement.

>> No.16620306

How will OP ever recover?
Just means hes based.

>> No.16620422
File: 556 KB, 423x634, 1453925370077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "ought" follows from when Big Boy Hume does some serious judo shit and fucks you up and your desire to not get wrecked starts firing off those practical inferences.

>> No.16620443

He was a fat self-hating Scotsman. He isn't doing any jiu jitsu.

>> No.16620507
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>> No.16620514

Political behavior, like all human behavior, follows from passions.

>> No.16620627

Hume vores every possible refutation. He greedily gobbles up christfags in his round scottish tummy. Hume lasciviously licks his lips when he spies a rail thin spindly platonist. He crunches into his small frame and the spindly man promptly denies any allegiance to metaphysical sophistry - but to no avail! Hume keeps clamping up and down his bones and swallows him whole!! A passion fulfilled with reason. Yum!

>> No.16620645
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>> No.16620667
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He even retroactively vores the post modernists and neitzcheians?

>Grand narratives you say? dispel them you want to? Hah! everything is but custom, it is only for customs sake you want to dispel custom.
>Slave morality! My boy the only slave here is you to think a bondage of denial is less auspitious then one of action. Eat your food or slay it, it matters not to me If the preacher preaches, as long as I enjoy it.

>Laugh and grow fat!

>> No.16620741

>if we take in our custody any thinker; of divinity or school metaphysics, for instance; let us ask, Does he do any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does he elaborate any experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit him then to the flames: to roast, of course! for he will make a fine meal.

>> No.16621378
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>> No.16622146

looks like scotch won out

>> No.16622253

Looks about 50-50 to me.