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16618473 No.16618473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many other autists do you think did/are doing this?
Back when I went through a period of unemployment, I was feeling myself fall into depression and I came up with this idea of same-fagging sci and lit threads to keep myself stimulated. I burned out doing these 3 straight days but because of the total output, I managed to produce it felt satisfying to a certain extent.
During this process, I think at points I was authoring 30-40% of all the text volume and #of replies on all of the active threads, having dozens of arguments with myself while trying to create artificial interest for these threads.

I thought of this because I've recently seen one of those conspiracy theory iceberg memes and I came across "empty internet theory" which would not have felt eerie if it weren't for this brief period in my life in which I have seen what one is capable of given too much time on one's hands.