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File: 876 KB, 1280x799, 2018_35_nietzsche_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16618160 No.16618160 [Reply] [Original]

>Bad eyesight disqualified him from active soldiering, and he had to be content with nursing; and though he saw horrors enough, he never knew the actual brutality of those battle-fields which his timid soul was later to idealize with all the imaginative intensity of inexperience. Even for nursing he was too sensitively delicate; the sight of blood made him ill; he fell sick, and was sent home in ruins. Even afterward he had the nerves of a Shelley and the stomach of a Carlyle; the soul of a girl under the armor of a warrior. - William Durant
Uh Neetchbros

>> No.16618177

>the sight of blood made him ill; he fell sick,
it was dysentery and some other shit. He enlisted voluntary when he wasn't even needed, which says he at least wasn't a coward and wanted to partake in action.
>hurr durr but he was physically weak/ill!
yes and he wanted to overcome that, which makes him noble

>> No.16618191

>hurr durr self improvement makes you a chad
Reddit-tier idea, I bet you're one of those chinlets who read BAM and now thinks he can be a Greek god.

>> No.16618241
File: 204 KB, 515x565, cbm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to post your own chin before you call out other people
>picrel is you

>> No.16618244


>> No.16618245

>no u!

>> No.16618268

unbelievably retarded post
nobody said anything about self improvement or that neech was a chad
cowardice and nobility are not physical attributes
kys faggot

>> No.16618394

nobility IS a physical attribute incel

>> No.16618676

please try to argue this
also anyone who uses incel should have to post chin

>> No.16618909


>> No.16618974

nietzsche, the great prophet of the overman, was a weakling and sick / bedridden throughout his life, this is common knowledge

>> No.16619037
File: 536 KB, 841x600, Nietzsche-life-philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His strength was of an intellectual order.

>> No.16619205


>> No.16619404

>I dont know enough about Kant
>but here is my opinion on a guy heavily influenced by Kant and the biggest Kant fanboy to ever live "Schopenhauer"
>I am totally able to give a proper understanding of what Will even is xD lmao
Will to power is epistemology and anyone who denies this is a fucking retard added to the list of people who never understood Nietzsche
read Nietzsche as a prophet or you are not actually reading Nietzsche

>> No.16619531

This is the thread that post is from:


It was just talking about philosophers' personal lives and whether they practiced their philosophies. So, "I dont know enough about Kant" meant "I don't know enough about Kant's personal life" not "I don't know enough about his philosophy." Plus, you didn't exactly make an argument.

>> No.16619572

>Seldom has man paid a greater price for genius (talking about Nietzsche) Will Durant

>> No.16619620

Criticizing masculinity is even faggier

>> No.16619754

How come neetchfags only ever post cope?

>> No.16619775

>cowardice and nobility are not physical attributes
WHAT A COPE LMAO! Ever heard of physiognomy?

>> No.16619784

Chinlet cope

>> No.16619793

Because you're projecting.

>> No.16619839

>truth is the interpretation of the stronger

>> No.16619871

'll tell you why.

Nietzsche reads a philosophy book. Nietzsche now thinks Nietzsche has some profound intellectual insight.

Nietzsche publish his notes. Nietzsche spews a bunch of dogshit thinking they have it all figured out.

Based anonymous academic is scrolling through the new books in the library and reads two sentences of their poorly formulated thoughts. Based anonymous academic also sees how their thoughts are not based in reality, but in psychological needs they have. Based anonymous chad points to a single Plato passage which devastates their ill philosophy.

Nietzsche is massively upset at this offense. Striking at their poorly formed idea doesn't just strike at the idea.. it reveals the illnesses in their own thought. Nietzsche mad. Nietzsche now realizes Plato is the big bad enemy who must be erased from history.

Nietzsche doesn't read philosophy (he only reads ports and french moralists), so Nietzsche doesn't actually delve into understanding Plato. Instead Nietzsche fails for any argument they can find to destroy Plato.

"B-but he hated life, he was decadent!" Nietzsche writes out, regaining confidence. "Therefore, we can ignore this hack! My world view isn't sick and disgusting, it's still good!"

Nietzsche publish another book, Twilight of the Idols, assured that Based anonymous academic will repent for his sins against Nietzsche's shitty philosophy. Goes mad before anyone has the chance to respond.

>> No.16619879

>muh Plato
not even tasty bait

>> No.16619890

This is pretty funny
>the nerves of a Shelley
lol I can see this. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's certainly not badass.

reddit spacing

>> No.16619895

Physiognomy isn't noble

>> No.16619905


>> No.16619919

Neetch was the original reddit spacer. And he got all his twitter posts from better thinkers then denounced them for likes from pseuds

>> No.16619968

Lmao too true.

>> No.16619993

ignoring that physiognomy is dubious at best and pseudoscience at worst, even by its own rules you're wrong.
>someone who looks like this tends to have these attributes
>someone who looks like this cannot have these attributes
also does not make cowardice and nobility physical, just means that they are expressed physically
if that's your best argument then just lmao

>> No.16620041

These Thoth levels shouldn't be possible.
Nietzschefags confirmed retweet farmers.

>> No.16621427

Was it the masturbating?

>> No.16621438


>Person who bears his soul unlike any other is sensitive

Wow, big surprise. Do you fuckers actually read?

>> No.16621466

Based post

>> No.16621474

>He enlisted voluntary when he wasn't even needed, which says he at least wasn't a coward and wanted to partake in action.
Like everyones uncle back in that day. It was more the rule than the exception.
>it was dysentery
Cope. Your idol was a limp wristed pansy whos biggest audience at he time of his writing were Americans.

>> No.16621591

Juenger said the brave weakling is always better than the strong coward.

That said Nietzsche was kind of a fag.

>> No.16621612

what did he say about the weak coward though?

>> No.16621642

His is the philosophy of the ambitious NPC.
The soulless creature who believes he can will himself a material soul.

>> No.16621653

it's *bares* you idiot

>> No.16622844

Where is this?

>> No.16622856


>> No.16622863
File: 161 KB, 784x730, 20201021_140902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16622885

>i haven't read nietzsche, but-
then why post?

google brings up no comments on marx by junger

>no, i don't read
then why post?

>> No.16622897

Did Wagner write this?

>> No.16622902

>haven't read nietzsche
Every single time.