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1661754 No.1661754 [Reply] [Original]

>majoring in English

>> No.1661772

Yesterdays an hero thread featured an English major FYI.

>> No.1661786
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>taking out student loans for undergrad

>> No.1661793
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>> No.1661802

I don't have the thread or anything anymore. I believe it started off as an "advice for men" thread, although I could have that confused with something else.

>> No.1661806

Eh, at least he got a job. I'm unemployed and trying to build a gun to become a vigilante and bring about my own death, but I can't even get that done... :(

>> No.1661821
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>Majoring in history

>> No.1661827

Oh dear. I feel for you.

>> No.1661833

Should have become a musician instead of getting this fucking doctorate in Chinese history.

>> No.1661836

>majoring in child studies

>> No.1661837
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>quit school

>> No.1661839
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>Majoring in Psychology

>> No.1661841

Who are you talking to?

>> No.1661843


Hopefully you also have something useful to back it up like an M.P.A. Your Master's degree is the real cornerstone of your education. Your bachelor's and your doctorate aren't what's important on the job market, it's your fucking Master's.

>> No.1661847
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I think you mean

>quit school

>> No.1661850
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←Your pic -fix'd

>> No.1661851


hell yeah, son

you know how i do

>> No.1661852
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>Majoring in Criminology

>> No.1661854

So in other words, he won't be ever getting out of university anytime soon, especially not without a lifetime of debt slavery.

>> No.1661865

That guys teeth... damn.

What is his illness btw?

Also, you're a psychologist... is there such a thing as death psychology? Could you use your psychology to help people die?

>> No.1661874


There's something called Thanatology, which is the study of death, but I understand that's really closer to Sociology with some medical and psychological elements. And no, you can't use psychology to make people die, real life is not a fucking scene from Men Who Stare at Goats.

>> No.1661883

Can I use it to make myself die though?

>> No.1661884
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>> No.1661886
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WTF Wikipedia has NOTHING on "Thetanology". THIS CAN NOT BE.

>> No.1661889


It was a generic google search for a picture of "a crazy person," and you have to actually observe someone's behavior for a while to determine if they should be diagnosed with a mental disorder. Also, no, you can't use psychology to affect people in that kind of way, that's silly. "Death psychology" exists if by death psychology you mean stuff like the study of grief and guilt over death, the study of attitudes towards death (thanatology), or the study of what people think when they die. I believe there are psychologists who have researched this in detail - but psychology is mostly that, research and observation. There are psychological techniques to affect someone's behavior, but you probably couldn't use it to just outright make someone die. Maybe you could put in a subliminal message in a film or a slideshow that says "kill yourself," but most people value their lives too much for it to have an effect.

>> No.1661900

I don't want to bother using psychology to kill others, I want to use it to kill myself. Can't I do this? It's not against the ethics of psychology if you do it to yourself, surely there's something out there on it.

>> No.1661907

inb4 can't help with that against the rules blah balh blah you're on 4chan and I'm a worthless waste of matter.

>> No.1661914

>or the study of what people think when they die.
Does that include what an heros think? Could that be useful?

>> No.1661915

Starting with the obvious, you're female, and therefore unlikely to follow through with it. Moving on from that, this isn't really the place for talking about it because you're not going to get any help that way. You're asking for help on overcoming the most basic human instinct of self-preservation. Nothing you read will help you do that.

>> No.1661916
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Why am I not surprised the thread went in this direction?

>> No.1661917

Why do you think I'm female?

>> No.1661921

You just stated it.

>> No.1661943

I am a male.

>> No.1661948

You're right, I am a female.

>> No.1661953

You're not a part of this an hero discussion, at least not until now... unless you're the psychologist I'm talking too.

I am the person those replies where meant for and I am male.

>> No.1661957

No, I'm Spartacus

>> No.1662041

As much as I wish to continue this, I must be off to hiding now... I'm risking quite a bit just checking this thread again & making this reply.

Good night for now, /lit/

>> No.1662478

>majoring in anything at an institution that, within the next twenty years, will become completely irrelevant

The skyrocketing cost of tuition plus the unprecedented access to knowledge via the internet will finally end the traditional 4-year degree. All that needs to happen is for someone to found a "University of Phoenix"-type deal that employers take seriously.

Good riddance, too. Too many kids ruin their lives going into debt.

>> No.1662629


>> No.1662715
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I think it's more like...

>majoring in English


>> No.1662717
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What the fuck happened to them?

>> No.1662748


they're probably on the dole or delivering pizzas with majors like that

>> No.1662753
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>being born
>having goals
>pursuing interests
>choosing to be alive

>> No.1662793

>implying liberal arts majors have goals

>> No.1662924


>A University of Phoenix deal that employers take seriously

Already, happened, look up the U.K.'s government-funded "Open University" program.

>> No.1662925


sounds interesting...

>> No.1662975



>take online schooling seriously

not gonna happen. see the deal is, employers in every field except maybe computer sci, expect employees to have people skills. you haven't really developed people skills unless you've been in a distinctly social institution. that's not an experience online school provides.

>> No.1663003

>implying there isn't already a public educational system students spend 4 years attending before college
>implying social skills means fuck all compared to technical ability when it comes to initially hiring a candidate

Social skills may come into play for someone pursuing a management position or something, but all that really means for entry-level positions is "you're white and middle-class, so you'll fit into our office culture."

>> No.1663005

I'd add,

>technical ability or experience

>> No.1663017

Can someone help me out? I'm going to college in the fall. no idea what i want to do. i like english the most but i know that leads to shitty ass careers. but its not like ill ever raise a family or anything so is money really that important?

besides teaching what else is there?

>> No.1663034


technical writing, becoming a paralegal, becoming a librarian. the job outlook for all of these is pretty iffy though, teaching/education's probably the safest bet.

you could also go to law school, but the legal job market in the U.S. is about to bust and it would probably be a huge waste of time and money.

honestly, double major in something practical or just don't go to college if you're set studying English. you can go through the classics on your own time down at the library, and youtube some lectures or something.

>> No.1663039

It's what we all do and look how successful we are!! buh dum tiss

>> No.1663043
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>majoring in Philosophy

>> No.1663061
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>majoring in evolutionary anthropology and archeology

>> No.1663190
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>majoring in Classics

>> No.1663193
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>dropped out of an special effects BA

>> No.1663225


>spending four years studying gay pretentious ancient shit no one except archaeologists cares about

Good luck finding a damn job, genius

>> No.1663227

What the fuck am I supposed to major in if Liberal Arts degrees are so worthless. I'm probably being trolled but there's nothing I can do with an English major and a History minor?

>> No.1663228
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>Majoring in Philosophy

>> No.1663232


Become an editor, research assistant, write reports for the government, curate a museum, etc.

>> No.1663233
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>> No.1663237


It isn't worth it because you spent thousands of dollars on something that won't lead to a career and where you'll bore everyone around you to tears. Unless you want to be like Edith Hamilton and write books and you don't even fucking need a degree for that.

>> No.1663238

Go to Law School. Be a teacher. If you live in a metropolitan area, you have a few more options depending on how good you are at what you do.

>> No.1663240


A background in history helps secure possible positions in government agency work, including possibly the state department and intelligence community. Or you could work for some humanitarian shit like the Peace Corps or Red Cross.

>> No.1663246


English: Writer, Press Relations, Teacher, Critic, Personnel Officer, Archivist, Lawyer, Editor/Editorial Assistant, Researcher, Investigator, Administrative Officer, Reporter, Technical Writer, Management Trainee, Public Relations Specialist, Speech Writer, Legislative Assistant, Trainee, Information Specialist.

History: Archivist, Researcher, Business Management Trainee, Biographer, Curator, Teacher (Secondary), Editor/Journalist, Peace Corps Worker, Writer, Information Specialist, Administrative Officer, Insurance Agent, Lawyer (w/legal training), Librarian, Legislative Aide, Public Relations Specialist, Museum Guide, Tour Guide, Sales Personnel, Travel Agent, Historian (with grad. training), Banker, Securities Broker, Market Research Analyst.

>> No.1663262



>> No.1663477
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>majoring in Graphic Design

>> No.1664944
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It has no economic value. For society, it only matters that our political leaders, and the others who make decisions which affect our lives, know these things. The system isn’t set up to ensure even these people are knowledgeable about this though.

Really, thanks to overpopulation, favouring of immigrants over the native population, globalization, economics, etc. we're all quite worthless.

>> No.1664951

this is one of the things that the holocaust should have taught us: it's frighteningly plausible to just kill a whole bunch of people, to make them more or less utterly replaceable

>> No.1664966

b-b-but I'm a history major and it's so interesting!

it's my second major, after biomedical engineering. I had free time in my schedule and I legitimately love history ;_;

>> No.1664973

These threads always make me feel good about my decisions of my major.
Biology and philosophy major here. Philosophy won't be helping me at all, although it does make me look more well rounded to med schools, it is mostly just for shits and giggle and food for thought.

>> No.1664985

premed brofist, I'm the post right above you. I'm doing the same shit.

>> No.1665004

what year are you? next semseter is going to be my hardest, effin cellular molecular biology with physics for scientists at the same time is going to make me cry

>> No.1665008

I'm in my 3rd year of 5, just failed a microbio course I'll have to retake over the summer. It's not even the history classes that are holding me back a year, the BME program at UCI is intense, especially since premeds have to do tons of shit outside of class to get ready for applications.

Last quarter was pretty fun though (since I did my physics in my first year), I did a lot of Russian history.

>> No.1665022

I'm majoring in Internet Culture.

>> No.1665029

I've applied to study English Literature, UK sixth former here. Looking forward to the best years of my life and managing with life afterwards.

>> No.1665069
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>Undecided, don't care enough.

>> No.1665070

International Affairs with concentrations in Geography and Economics, and Humanities with concentrations in English, Theatre and Latin American Studies

>> No.1665126

Majoring in English, graduating soon.

How do you get certified to teach English anyway? And would an MFA in creative writing be pointless?

>> No.1665226

Sucks I took micro last semester, and the sheer amount of memorization was borderline unbearable, that is the main reason I am fretting cellular molecular biology. I am ancy for physics too as my only experience is when I took physics as a junior in hight school.

I got two research internships under my belt already but it still wasn't enough to get into the NIH summer internship program this summer, so IDK what I will be doing this summer to better my chances of gettin into med school

>> No.1665351


An MFA is worthless unless you either want to go into screenwriting or advertising or are already a published author and feel like you want a capstone degree to show off in your "About the author" page. It also gives you the right to put a cool three-letter acronym after your name. So if your name is John Smith you can insist on your resume and business card that people call you "John Smith, M.F.A."

>> No.1665386


There are teacher certification programs for once you've graduated, I believe.

>> No.1665414

So what's a good major to double in if you want to insure a career for yourself later in life?

>> No.1665424


Good double majors for that:

Economics and Engineering

Public Administration and Business Administration

Economics and Public Administration

Economics and Business Administration

Public Administration and Physics

Engineering and Biology

Economics and Biology

And so on....

>> No.1665436


What about accounting?

>> No.1665446


Business Administration and Accounting

Public Administration and Accounting

Economics and Accounting

Finance and Accounting

Business Administration and Finance

Public Administration and Finance

Management and Accounting

Urban Planning/Urban Development and Accounting

Urban Development and Public Administration

Management and Urban Development

Urban Development and Economics

>> No.1665453


Basically any major related to business or money management, any major related to hard science/engineering, and any major related to urban development or public administration are a good bet.

>> No.1665456

Wait, if you have a degree in creative writing/English it's easier to get emplyoed in screenwriting? I always being a screenwriter was more more of an independent job, that is, you write and sell scripts as opposed to being hired.

>> No.1665459

Is a double major as useful as having a single major?

For example, if I have a double major in Economics and English, will people look to hire me more or less if I had just a major in Economics.

>> No.1665465


A double-major shows that you're well-rounded and follow your interests and hobbies. It shows that there's more than one thing that means something to you. That's important.

>> No.1665482

A B.A. in English basically just opens up all the jobs that require you to have a degree in anything. For most of us that means office drone type stuff, but there's also more obscure/glorious things if you've acquired a skill outside of school, like aviation. All you need to be an airline pilot is a BA in anything and flight hours. It's not one of the more marketable majors, but if you're the type of tool that thinks choosing a more difficult major for your undergraduate degree entitles you to anything special you're probably not going to go far anyways unless you're exceptionally talented.

>> No.1665617


This, pretty much. English is just like any of the other majors in the Humanities, it might help you edit shit, write reports and work for a newspaper but unless you've proven yourself in something outside of an academic environment it won't mean much except that you have a degree as a booster for promotions and a certificate to show you're capable of doing a damn job.