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/lit/ - Literature

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16616383 No.16616383 [Reply] [Original]

4chan in the middle thousands was a very retarded time and place to be alive.
You could post shit anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, and we were winning.
And that, I think, was the handle. That sense of inevitable victory for the lulz. Not in any Something Awful or MPC sense. We didn't need that. Our trolling would simply prevail. We were pissing in a high and beautiful wave of piss.
So now, less than 15 years later, you can go up a steep thread in Reddit, and with the right kind of eyes, you can almost see the high water mark, where the wall of piss hit politics and the wave was rolled back.


>> No.16616391
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>> No.16616488

Lol no you were just a child back then and the internet was less policed stop being such a faggot

>> No.16616573

I was scared of 4chan back in 2009 when I was in HS. It was confusing and there was gross porn everywhere. I went to the body building forms instead and became jacked. I saw the birth and death of zyzz. Now I'm forced to be here because nobody else talks about books and philosophy.

>> No.16616588

>middle thousands
like 1500s, you illiterate fuck?

>> No.16616599

I didn't join until 2015, was a robot then poltard until 2018, became lit starting 2017 but really active 2018-19

>> No.16616602

I was trying to get my friends to go on there and bless their hearts they thought the same shit but in their mid 20's

>> No.16616603

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.16616608


>> No.16616978

4chan peaked around 2012.

>> No.16617122
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>> No.16617191

This is my experience at least. I first came during HS in 2007. I can safely say the wave started to roll back in 2012. It wasn't until 2014 that things started to go truly downhill though. Then 2016 truly killed off the fucking site.

>> No.16617212

I came to 4chan back in 2005 off of newgrounds because “all of the trolls and people who want to argue” go there, I lurked for 3 years straight before posting, it was around 2007 I saw a post saying it’s a 4chan exploration thread, so the post number would make you go to a random board on 4chan (which compared to /b/ were so much more foreign to me) and I after that point explored much of the board. It was highly enjoyable and yes while it was much more argumentative and the like it also felt much more wholesome, innocent and childish. Even if there was more gore and more illegal porn the place felt very vital, very boyish in a positive sense.

Around 2012 is when the place changed, I remember around 2012 I said “internets” and got a stream of replies of people being insulted that I would use such a term and that was when I realized 4chan had truly changed.

For a brief time /pol/ prior to Trump running for election re-captured the original 4chan energy, and then it changed with the early parts of the election but it was still fun since it was so active, so much trolling so much movement. Around the time Trump got elected though it was so filled with new people and redditors that it lost its 4channer-vitality and got replaced.

Modern 4chan feels like a totally foreign place to me now, I still like the site but it’s honestly very different.

>> No.16617237

I would say 2016 was the last good year. I remember browsing this place since 2012 and around 2013, everybody was already saying that the "best years" of 4chan were in 2005, 7, or something like that. So it's always the same complaint and you can always go back further and claim that was the best year.

I wouldn't even say that the site went downhill after 2016, it's just that all of the best boards we use to browse became absolute and complete shit. Obviously /b was a total shithole for low IQ retards since at least 2013 or something I don't know. I can barely remember the time when /b wasn't just porn. But /r9k was peaking around that time and that was a really fun board. Then it became what it is today, an absolute shithole full of zoomer trannies spamming their discords. /pol died after 16 yes.

But even after 2016, there were still some good moments in some boards. I think /biz was really great and had some of that incredible energy the old 4chan had, 2017 was great for /biz and even 2018 was still good. /Lit was also really fun around those years.

>> No.16617365

How do I become a good 4channer?
t. newfag

>> No.16617388


>> No.16617411 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16617425

>tfw you'll never experience the first time opening 4chan up to the donate or die banner ever again
>tfw you'll never be an innocent kid shitposting on early day 4chan ever again

>> No.16617483
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Brownbear, Stan, Deep&Edgy, autistic all-caps guy, and Irish tripfag were fun.

I wonder what they're doing these days.

>> No.16617683

Literally just do what the fucking rules state: LURK MOAR.
I dont understand when this tradition was lost. You're not supposed to want to get spoonfed (i.e: where do i start with x?? what's a good book for y??) You're supposed to lurk, trust me if you lurk for even just a few months AAAALLLL of your questions will be answered. This is also why boards develop meme answers (" start with the greeks" for lit or "itaots" for mu).

Just fucking lurk before posting.

>> No.16617761

It's definitely become more cynical and insincere, and that "boyish" energy is almost completely gone. I think with the rise of Reddit and Twitter, 4chan began to define itself in opposition to these places, as a free-speech forum, and grew resentful. It lost its original charm and became assimilated into the larger culture.

>> No.16617844
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>define itself in opposition
This place has become a gross amalgamation of influences from Reddit and Twitter because there is no other way it could stay relevant in current year otherwise. The rapid corporate-backed homogenization of the Internet as a whole is to blame

>> No.16617897

Ok Hunter

>> No.16617929

Both things can be true.

>> No.16617932

in some places it's just like that now
be careful opening the thread btw

>> No.16618058

I was thinking about the good old days just yesterday. Internet before smartphone and social media was just a nerd thing (and that was good), right now with boomer and zoomer joining in the internet became a brainwashing psyop. Tech companies control everything, from informations (Tw*tter banning right wing people) to our privacy. This meme flu it's just a test for worst things coming (digital currency, 5g, transhumanism).
As 4chan except /lit/ the boards suck ass right now: /b/ it's a porn filled nonsense, /pol/ it's a glowies lair, /fit/ is just coomer shit nowadays and minor boards like /p/ are full of R*ddit tier idiots.
/lit/ it's great and I love it.

>> No.16618076

This is ridiculously biased on your own experience, we all grew is that simple, take off your nostalgia goggles. I remember all the times I laughed so hard about the /b/ stuff we used to do "for teh lulz": livejasmin threads, delet system32, rebbeca black, how to make crystals threads, candlejack and so on, it sounds so silly now, I can't imagine wasting my time like that again, I just shitspost but my urgency doesn't go beyond that like back then. There was always this commentary and sensation about how 4chan used to be better since forever and you know this if you are here since that long. And I completly disagree with your take on /pol/ I was there since day one and it was nothing but Ron Paul and that jew cartoon spamming, then a few days later the whole place was /news/ 2.0, I lerned some stuff on /pol/ back then, haplogroup, epigenetics, tribalism, etc. Mostly evolutionary biology, but beyond that there's nothing remarkable about /pol/ prior Donal Trump's campaign imo.

>> No.16618086

I miss the times when Nostradamus still shitposted here.

>> No.16618102

It became too dangerous for its own good

>> No.16618129
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I've been here since 2010 hearing it's been getting shit since then. It's still good. Of course for a while, first with gamergate, then with the fappening and then with trump it got a bit shit but it always recovers. Last years were the worse though, no doubt

>> No.16618136
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>I lerned some stuff on /pol/ back then, haplogroup, epigenetics, tribalism, etc. Mostly evolutionary biology

>> No.16618164

Oldfag from 2016 here reporting to confirm this is true.

>> No.16618179
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vgh... retvrn...

>> No.16618246

Haha yeah laughter and community is pretty cringe
Post-irony and pessimism on the other hand is extremely based

>> No.16618254

What can I say, it's not something they teach you in school. "Race realism" threads used to have all kinds of nonsense but there used to be smart guys without any agenda talking facts and explaining things, and there used to be some really good heated discussion about the topic too, I never get the feel that it was an echo chamber, a vast majority were racists though I'm not gonna deny that.

>> No.16618269

never said it was cringe
only the terminology is, looking back at it.
but yes, it was better back then, there was a stronger sense of community and everything was for the lulz instead of srs biz

>> No.16618949

It is still 1993. 1993 never ended.

>> No.16618973

Read Sohpoccles while listening to Neutral Milk Hotel got it. Time to be patrician

>> No.16618995

I started browsing in fall of 2010 boys, this is my 10 year anniversary. big yikes

>> No.16619529

the internet was always retarded bullshit and holding nostalgia for it just means you're mentally stunted and/or lack perspective of better times.

>> No.16619546

2010 /lit/ was full of leftists and genre fic fags.

>> No.16619556

>community with strangers on the internet you will never ever know or meet
Do americans really?

>> No.16619587

I don't have any friends

>> No.16619610

>with the right kind of eyes, you can almost see the high water mark, where the wall of piss hit politics and the wave was rolled back.
The fuck is this even supposed to mean

>> No.16619697

Its a filk of a stupid drug addict's fucked up essayism. The drug addict hates the wrong President. Ike is worse than Nixon. (HS Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas).

>> No.16619747

Okay sorry I was being facetious but I understand.

>> No.16619826


>> No.16619912

Unironically, is /lit/ the best place on the internet for literature discussion? I already know that /pol/ is the best place on the internet for political discussions, and /v/ is the best place for video game discussions.

>> No.16619942

2015/early 16 /pol/ was peak 4chan. It was the modern Project Chanology. Of course just as Project Chanology brought a lot of retards, so did the 2016 election.

>> No.16619972

Honestly i've gotten better, more ingenuous, more varied recs from /b/. Discussion with a /b/tard is of course impossible, but for recs? Aces.

>> No.16620010

When did the asexuals take over /b/?

>> No.16620011

>Of course just as Project Chanology brought a lot of retards, so did the 2016 election.
you're one of them, mr tourist

>> No.16620039

sageThis is not nice board.

>> No.16620097
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I enjoy lurking /bant/
I never post because I don't really fit in with how they post. I like it for the fact that you can't even pretend to fit in with the amount of spergs on the board. It's the only place that still makes me laugh like old 4chan.

>> No.16620152

old thing good
new thing bad

>> No.16620223

I have yet to find a better place. The /lit/ discords tend to be higher quality in terms of discussion but are much less active

>> No.16620254

I miss trolling. Baiting is just boring and seems like an attempt at trolling by people who don't get what trolling is or what makes it funny.