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/lit/ - Literature

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16615516 No.16615516 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best french book?

>> No.16615528
File: 35 KB, 339x480, Rithuset Book cover, Fantomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me on this.

>> No.16615531

Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.16615532

Zola. Earth.

>> No.16615559
File: 105 KB, 1125x612, fantomas604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this fantomas with louis de funes?

>> No.16616527
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>> No.16616548

a nauseating book for sure

>> No.16616783
File: 98 KB, 412x627, 5220718_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a movie. Book is better.

>> No.16616828

Why would they translate L'écume des jours as Froth on the daydream rather than The froth of days. Anyway imo the best French book is either Phèdre or Andromaque by Jean Racine. For a novel I would pick La chartreuse de Parme by Stendhal for overall competency and Salammbo by Flaubert for pure style.

>> No.16616890
File: 115 KB, 600x870, Ecume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will check out all of these, thanks my dude
i prefer jean sol partre !

>> No.16616905

>Salammbo by Flaubert for pure style
incroyablement basé anon
I'd go with La Recherche du temps perdu

>> No.16616913
File: 61 KB, 400x673, memoires-d-hadrien-290824(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least for the twentieth century.

>> No.16616921

>La Recherche du temps perdu
ça a l'air hyper long anon, ça en vaut le coup?

>> No.16616928

very good suggestion anon, i went to the marguerite yourcenar villa once

>> No.16616944

c'est très long oui, mais c'est un livre comme on en lit rarement, un sommet de la littérature. Et comme disent nos cousins anglais c'est extrêmement comfy.
J'ai jamais lu de Yourcenar mais on m'en a dit beaucoup de bien. Pourquoi aimes-tu ce livre?

>> No.16616950

You sound like a retarded pleb

>> No.16616957

>The Gargantua/Pantagruel series by Rabelais
Great laughs, complete buffoonery.
>Phedre by Racine
The purest classical rule style ever made in any language, but French is especially suited for this type of writing. Plus it's misogynist as fuck hence /lit/ approved.
>Le Misanthrope by Moliere.
The best comedy, simple as.
>Les Oraisons Funebres by Bossuet
French Bishops that btfo everyone in a century that wasn't short on great orators. Inadvertently massacres large parts of subsequent philosophy by simultaneously being the most life affirming and death affirming writer.
>Les Pensees by Pascal
Extremely pure style somehow made even better by being unfinished notebook drafts. Also btfo hedonism, sensualism, atheism, legal positivism, moralfags, anti-moralfags and some others non-positions in a short book.
>Bagatelles pour un Massacre by Celine
The single greatest pamphlet ever written. Yep, better than Demosthenes and Cicero. Complete manic schizo ramblings against the Jews, the Anglos, the bourgeoisie, the anti-bourgeoisie, the Germans, the press, the military, etc.

>> No.16616959
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>> No.16616985
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>> No.16616998

pourquoi mon con?

>> No.16617007

very talented man, a very limited number people of people can be a good writer and a good singer
pas le même anon mais ne l'écoute pas tu a l'air d'être très intelligent

>> No.16617020

He was also an engineer of all things, certainly an unusual man.

>> No.16617036

les miserables but only complete editions

>> No.16617038

Essentiellement pour la prose; je l'ai lu quand j'avais ~17 ans et c'est vraiment le premier roman qui m'a fait comprendre la beauté de la langue en prose de manière viscérale. C'est une langue très classique (Yourcenar fût au contact du grec et du latin très jeune) mais d'un style exceptionnel.
Outre la prose, j'aime beaucoup le personnage d'Hadrien: c'est un homme à l'aune de la mort et le portrait de cet empereur stoïque mais amoureux, sage mais vieillissant est très touchant.
Enfin la justesse historique, attestée par la notice en fin d'ouvrage, est aussi intéressante: le texte est très documenté et les événements décrits concordent très bien avec ce que les historiens savent de la vie du réel empereur Hadrien.

>> No.16617050

>pas le même anon mais ne l'écoute pas tu a l'air d'être très intelligent
merci anon
Effectivement ça a l'air très bien, je vais essayer de le lire dès que je suis venu à bout de ma liste de lecture du moment.

>> No.16617085
File: 27 KB, 300x494, CVT_Le-jardin-des-supplices_8074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the best by far, but I recently read this and it is great

>> No.16617145

Voyage au Bout de la Nuit

>> No.16617505

The Iliad translated into French.

>> No.16617539

Where the fuck do I buy french books? There always out of stock on amazon. (I'm in Canada btw)

>> No.16617543

Not even Jean-Paul Sartre would've considered himself the best French writer.

>> No.16617571

any answer other than la recherche is pure retardation

>> No.16617630

Just use Amazon.fr. Or .co.uk or .de which surprisingly often have better prices for books outside the top normalfag picks.
They deliver worldwide. Buys in bulk of 4-5 books and the additional shipping costs are negligible.

>guys we have a language built to write mathematics
>better use it on effeminate ramblings, breaking the autistic order and analycity of its grammar
Sure thing.

>> No.16617674

I'm reading this... terribly dull and thick with moralizing desu.

>> No.16617803
File: 20 KB, 254x406, 9788834160633_p0_v2_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one but seven

>> No.16617839

What is it this person posting fantomas every where on /lit/?

>> No.16617841

I wonder how many people saying Proust actually read all 7 books.He is great but not the best.There are huge sections that drag on and are repetitive, not to mention how everyone turns out to be gay the last few books.Great book but it does have flaws

>> No.16617884
File: 158 KB, 952x1360, 71SRW3o+8CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say that if you post the name Fantômas enough times he will show up in your bathroom.

It started as an attempt to inspire someone beside me to read it, but now I just do it for fun.

>> No.16617963

Fantomas is good enough to make capeshit readable.

>> No.16617986

Everything is readable as long as you're not dyslexic.

>> No.16618094

there's a difference between readable and enjoyable

>> No.16618097

Great book but genuinely one of the few books that straight up untranslatable I read it in French when I was younger then I decided to pick up the English version and it wow it was terrible I dropped it after like the first few pages didn’t feel the same whatsoever

>> No.16618122

the movie is great and it's one of the few books I can say that about it. it translates way better in a visual way

>> No.16618123

>thick with moralizing
Oh, wow, a pseudo autobiography written by a powerful dying man to his adopted grandson and future emperor is heavy on moralizing? What a bizarrely unique observation, anon.

>> No.16618153

Yeah I’ll admit the movie was actually pretty good. The thing with l’écume des jours is that most of the surrealist elements have kinda a double meaning behind them but it’s completely lost in the English version. The movie is good but the translation was just so bad to me. Never felt so disappointed.

>> No.16618155

There is and there isn't, some dictionaries treat them as synonyms, but readable usually does imply the simple fact one can follow the text.
Fantômas was highly popular when it came out, famous names were mentioned among the readers, are you saying they all had shit taste?

>> No.16618277

He shared a balcony with Jacques Prevert. Both were satrapes of the College de 'pataphysique (and Prevert's dog too). I wish I could see how that balcony looked like at the time.