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16615427 No.16615427 [Reply] [Original]

Always remember that you are you. You are neither Vivekananda nor Buddha nor me. Don't get too impressed; impression is an impurity. Don't get too influenced; influence is an impurity. Be alert, watch, observe, and unless something fits with your nature, never take it. It is not for you or you are not ready for it. Whatever the case, at this moment it is not for you. You have to move through your own experience. Suffering is also needed for you to come to a ripeness, a maturity. You cannot do anything in a hurry.

Life is eternal; there is no hurry in it. Time is not lacking; life is absolutely patient, there is no impatience in it. You can move at your own pace. No need to take shortcuts; nobody has ever been successful through shortcuts. If you take a shortcut, who will give you the experience of a long, long journey? You will miss it, and there is every possibility you will come back to it, and the whole thing will have been a wastage of time and energy. Shortcuts are always illusions. Never choose a shortcut; always choose the natural. Maybe it will take a long time - let it. That's how life grows; it cannot be forced.

When Patanjali says: Lack of awareness is taking_the impure for the pure_ purity means your naturalness, as you are, uncontaminated by others. Don't make an ideal of anybody. Don't try to become like a buddha; you can become only yourself. Even if a buddha tried to become like you, it would not be possible. Nobody can become like anybody else. Everybody has his own unique way of being, and that is purity. To follow your own being, to be yourself, is purity. It is very difficult because you get impressed because you get hypnotized. It is very difficult because there are logical people who convince you. It is very difficult - they are beautiful people, their beauty impresses you. There are wonderful people around: they are magnetic, they have a charisma. When you are around them, you are simply pulled; they have a gravitation.

You have to be alert, more alert of great people, more alert of those who have a magnetism, more alert of those who can impress, influence and transform you, because they can give you an impurity. It is not that they want to give it to you; no buddha has ever tried to make anybody like himself. Not that they want it, but your own foolish mind will try to imitate, make somebody an ideal, and strive to become like that. That is the greatest impurity that can happen to a man.

Love Buddha, Jesus, Ramakrishna; be enriched by their experiences, but don't be impressed. It is very difficult because the difference is very subtle. Love, listen, imbibe, but don't imitate. Take whatever you can take, but always take it according to your nature. If something fits your nature, take it - but not because Buddha says to.

>> No.16615448


>> No.16615968

I don't trust people who use words like "impurity."

>> No.16616006
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>> No.16616095

Holy cow this street-shitter is full of himself.


>> No.16616171

but you trust your mommy, she is the best, very special, very smart.

>> No.16616176

no, you. it is so amazing to understand that what you say to molecules outside governed by universal laws is yourself.

>> No.16616192
File: 105 KB, 656x893, 1593511224518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cow this street-shitter is full of mommy.


>> No.16616262

this is what lay dimwits think buddhism is about