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/lit/ - Literature

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16614181 No.16614181 [Reply] [Original]

The first chapter of the Book of Genesis is perhaps the most beautifully written chapter of any book in the history of the world. The initial verses of the Book of John are a close second.

In the beginning God created heaven, and earth
And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the water.
And God said: Be light made. And light was made.
And God saw the light that it was good; and he divided the light from the darkness.
And he called the light Day, and the darkness Night and there was evening and the morning one day.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Do you cry in Church? I often cry in Church. A manly cry, though. No one notices and my face remains still while my eyes water. That is called the Gift of Tears. I feel sorry for those who cannot feel God.

I just wish I had a wife to sit next to me. I dress very well for Church and I think we'd do well together.

>> No.16614188

ill be your tradwife

>> No.16614209

The same church that raged war for centuries and killed european women and native americans en masse?

>> No.16614220

>There Is No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church
Based on this title alone I just want to wish you a happy fuck you.

>> No.16614229

I attend mass at a certain church in downtown Baltimore. If you can find me, sit next to me and say, "I'll be your tradwife" and we can get married immediately. I have a lot of economic potential and will remain faithful through eternity.

>> No.16614230

>church decides in 1960 actually nah the muslims can go to heaven maybe and by catholic church we just mean christians in general

suprised you didn't know that but you are a larper so figures

>> No.16614242
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Blessed thread, I've had a couple blushed faced tear jerkings in Church. A priest from a friendly parish came to give a lecture, and one of his stories discussed hospital chaplaincy and a priest called to comfort a family grieving with a stillborn. Needless to say that was one of a few times I have almost cried in Church. Also has anyone read Bernanos? I'm not Roman Catholic but I recently found that he was good friends with Junger, and I'm interested in his work.

>> No.16614267

I don't attend that type of church.

>> No.16614268

is it ok if i have a penis?

>> No.16614285


>> No.16614315

Unfortunately, it is not. I must have a wife, not a husband. I am in need of a wife.
Such stories - those that move us to tears - are indeed a blessing. I had to give a reading in church not long ago. My voice started to quiver at the end of the hearing -- very noticeably. And I thought I was going to cry. Very embarrassing for me but I literally couldn't help it. Keep in mind, I don't cry at all. Ever. Only two things make me cry: Classical music and Catholic Church.

>> No.16614321

Ah so you attend one of those fake "Catholic" churches got it

>> No.16614349

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.16614379

Friendly reminder Protestants are not Christian.

>> No.16614393

like 99% of catholic churches accept vatican ii

>> No.16614400
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the opposite

>> No.16614410
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>> No.16614412

The court will take judicial notice of that commonly known fact. Thank you.

>> No.16614425

Admittedly, Protestants are a bit more engaged -- which is odd -- but that fact is the Catholicism is the truth, not Protestantism.

>> No.16614442

Protestantism is, like, 400 years old lol

>> No.16614619

It's a reformulation of the same principle: instead of "there is no salvation outside the Church" it is said "there is salvation inside the Church, and the rest are called to salvation according to in what regard they'll acknowledge this fact."

>> No.16614984
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>i-it's not what it looks like, god!
>it's n-not idol worship, i swear!!!

>> No.16615031

genesis is jewish fairytale
so is daniel and most of the old testament
go pray to your dead people

>> No.16615191

yeah, save yourself, faggot, you are so important. you and your mom.

>> No.16615214

Fuck off you morons
You think this is your designated shitting street?

>> No.16615444



>> No.16615456

> marian cults

>> No.16615464

> I don't know what idol worship is, but I'll shitpost anyways
When people e.g. visit John Lennon's grave it isn't idol worship. (But flying a homosexual flag in your church definitely is.)

>> No.16615517

>falling for a jewish fan fiction


>> No.16615578

Vain repetitions in prayer and prayers to human made fallible saints?

>> No.16615589

>we’re the only right religion
t. every religion ever

>> No.16615600

I support pederasty. People must realize this is the only true path to salvation.

>> No.16615614
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> I don't cry at all. Ever. Only two things make me cry: Classical music and Catholic Church
This is a weird bait thread, and the way this is written smells like something a lefty who considers themself a king of comedy would make a meme about

That being said, /lit/ is a Christian board.

>> No.16615622

There were no Jews in 33 A.D., numbnuts. The Talmud wasn't written yet.

>> No.16615625
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Ok mutt.

>> No.16615626

If you're not a sedevacantist this is a massive cope and cognitive dissonance.
If you're a sedevacantist, you've been pre-emptively refuted by Vatican I, so good job

>> No.16615675

Asserting that nobody is possibly saved outside of the church asserts predestination. All of the souls who died without a possible chance of ever coming into contact with the church would have been predestined by God to be eternally tortured, following that logic

>> No.16615695
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Petitioning the admins to make a religion and philosophy board so you faggots take your insufferable evangelising elsewhere.

Meanwhile, consider posting spewing this nonsense in /his/ or /x/, where your inane babble would be less out of place.

>> No.16615741

Is this just among Hispanics?

>> No.16616507

The Roman church is a political construction with no basis in the Christian religion. Cope harder, OP.