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16613093 No.16613093 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Edgar Allen Poe?

>> No.16613098

he alright (and he had a huge influence so he's worth reading at least for that)

>> No.16613101

One of the most influential writers in the canon. He sounded like a Brit btw.

>> No.16613103

Gonna start reading his tales tomorrow. Apparently he’s essential Halloween core. Anyway, how much poetry did he write? Did he write more tales?

>> No.16613110

kys baboon

>> No.16613119

fuck off

>> No.16613133

There is nothing wrong with AAVE (African-American Vernacular English).

>> No.16613145

Except everything, of course.

>> No.16613154

Overrated as a poet; one of goat short story / novelette writes.

>> No.16613227

More like, Edgar Allen Poo

>> No.16613247

You mean edgets all em hoes?

>> No.16613280

in many ways its closer to the English of Shakespeare.

>> No.16613345

Kys prescriptivist. Find one single linguist who takes you seriously.

>> No.16613353

It's no better than cavemanspeak.
Linguistics is a leftie field. They're all niggerlovers there, of course. But prescriptivism is the cornerstone of civilization.

>> No.16614493

He’s essential. His narrators are always hiding things and the more you dig into him the more secrets you uncover. He was a master of the unreliable narrator.

This said, his narrators all sound the same— highly educated but slightly unhinged. Lovecraft got that from him. But the similarities between narrators shouldn’t really detract if you like his gnarled mood. Even the stories that aren’t horror feel kind of esoteric and a little spooky because of his style.

His poetry is a bit hit and miss but the best stuff (like “Annabel Lee”) still contains layers.

His detective fiction is all essential, too.

His essay in cosmology, “Eureka,” is also really cool.

He’s a genius.

>> No.16614518


>> No.16614617

One of the best American writers.

>He sounded like a Brit btw.
Are you just unfamiliar with early American literature or something?

>> No.16614738

Funny you bring up caveman speak since you’re a fucking retard and all.

>> No.16614755

I've also heard it argued that Hans Pfaall is the first science fiction story.

>> No.16615199


>> No.16615203

That's what nigger English sounds like.

>> No.16615230

That's what English sounds like.

>> No.16615261

>Linguistics is a leftie field.
>They're all niggerlovers there, of course.
>But prescriptivism is the cornerstone of civilization.
Linguistics is an actual bone-fide science, unlike sociology, psychology, economics, biology or the rest of the bullshit pseudo-sciences.

Since it's a science, linguistics only cares about describing the world and testing hypotheses; it doesn't concern itself with 'civilizations' or niggers any more than nuclear physics does.

>> No.16615280

On the one hand, you're really wrong about what linguists publish on an annual basis, on the other John McWhorter is pretty based anyway.

>> No.16615286

>Linguistics is an actual bone-fide science, unlike sociology, psychology, economics, biology or the rest of the bullshit pseudo-sciences.
Linguistics is a light """"science"""" just like sociology. It doesn't matter in the big scheme of things like hard sciences like physics and chemistry certainly do.

>Since it's a science, linguistics only cares about describing the world and testing hypotheses; it doesn't concern itself with 'civilizations' or niggers any more than nuclear physics does.
Then it's nor relevant at all.

Ebonics is even less subhuman than standard American English.

>> No.16615367

All variations of English are subhuman. The degree makes no difference.