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/lit/ - Literature

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16611030 No.16611030 [Reply] [Original]

Julio Cortázar edition

Welcome to the official thread for Spanish /lit/erature. Feel free to contribute with reviews on your favourite authors, books, fragments, own works (so we can criticize them :), new editions or publications, and the like...

>Websites with Spanish e-books:
>Torrent with +70000 ebooks in spanish:
>Useful youtube channels:
>Read Teillier's poetry here:

Previous thread (deleted by FAGGOT COCKSUCKING JANNIES): >>/lit/thread/S16599371

>> No.16611157

How come jannies are deleting this threads now? Weren't they allowed?

>> No.16611167

Just bought Hopscotch recently. My only other experience with Spanish language lit is Marquez and Rulfo. Looking forward to diving deeper

>> No.16611172

Based. Enjoy it, mate.

>> No.16611208

Bros, not gonna lie. I could learn Spanish quite easily, I live just down the street from a Spanish school. The thing is Portuguese is so similar that I don't even bother with the original and just assume the translation will be "close enough". I know they're not the same, and with some shorter books I just read them in Spanish anyway. Do you feel the same about reading Pessoa or Machado de Assis?

>> No.16611239

I have read Pessoa's poetry in Portuguese but I don't know enough Portuguese to read his prose comfortably so I just read him in Spanish (also because that's what's available in the book shops I buy from)-

>> No.16611273

Hey, Philipp Mainländer anon, I found new information about the Alianza and Xorki's editions.

You're right, Xorki is the "complete" edition (1 volume of 2 translated to spanish) and the Alianza is an anthology, but with extra content that isn't found in the Xorki edition.

Source: Some dude with a blog that have both editions. Check the comments section.


More info about the Xorki edition:


>> No.16611287

Not at all. I wished I knew Portuguese to read Pessoa in the original (and also all Brazilian, Portuguese and Lusophone African literature). The best I can do is bilingual editions to at least parse the original.

Indeed. That's why Xorki is better for a first reading, and later, if so inclined, the Alianza one.

>> No.16611290 [DELETED] 

Cuáles son las mejores novelas realistas/sociales de Latinoamérica ?
Siempre que pienso en Sudamérica solo me viene a la mente el realismo mágico

>> No.16611296

>Lusophone African literature
waste of time

>> No.16611301 [DELETED] 

¿Sudarmérica o Latinoamérica? Decídase, mi estimado.

>> No.16611306 [DELETED] 
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>realismo mágico

>> No.16611347

What's your opinion about "children's literature"?


>> No.16611351 [DELETED] 

realismo mágico are the best

>> No.16611366 [DELETED] 

Perdón, Sudamérica. no pongo a Mexico dentro del realismo mágico porque creo que sus novelas son diferentes, aunque tal vez Fuentes y Pedro Páramo cuentan.

>> No.16611374

Conversation in the Cathedral by Mario Vargas Llosa
The Seven Madmen by Roberto Arlt
On Heroes and Tombs by Ernesto Sabato
2666 and The Savage Detectives by Bolaño
Onetti, Saer, and so on...

>> No.16611377

I think it can be good literature. Think of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Treasure Island, The Wind in the Willows, The Secret Garden, etc.

>> No.16611396

Daily reminder that there's no such thing as "realismo mágico"

>> No.16611409

Explain this, then: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_realism

>> No.16611421 [DELETED] 

La obra de José Revueltas. El apando y también sus cuentos.

>> No.16611430

Read this

>> No.16611503

>Vargas Llosa may have made, in recent decades, a strong attempt at destroying his oeuvre and reputation as a writer, with his at times infantile interpretation of liberalism and his often reactionary opinion pieces that remind one of the “Old Man Yells at a Cloud” meme,...

>Would someone else, say a European or Anglo-American writer, be called a magical realist if he wrote about people who snort Bosnian cocaine until they start speaking Bosnian, or they masturbate into disappearance, as I have written, to earn the label?


>> No.16611509
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>> No.16611514

vargas llosa is not a reactionary he's just a retard.
t. read "la llamada de la tribu"

>> No.16611515 [DELETED] 

José Zorrilla es muy basado.
Don Juan Tenorio es una de las obras cumbre de la literatura hispana.
Ampliamente recomendado leer al de Valladolid, anons.

>> No.16611520


>> No.16611525

I think I ought to learn Portuguese. Feels weird sharing a Peninsula with a country whose tongue I ignore. It also bothers me how Portuguese speakers have an easier time understanding Spanish than the other way around.

>> No.16611529

Sorry, I meant it for the guy who shared the link.

>> No.16611533 [DELETED] 


>> No.16611542

Because Spanish is clearer and it's pronounced closer to the the way it's written than Portuguese.

>> No.16611735

Anybody know where I can find the works of Gustavo Bueno in physical form? No way I’m reading 400 pages of PDFs.

>> No.16611769

Just print it. Where do you live?

>> No.16611771

If you live in Singapore, Philippines or Indonesia, you can order them at Amazon.jp.
If you live in Antarctica, you can get them at the South African kiosk. Take provisions and a few pack dogs for the trip.

>> No.16611889

Grandisimo hombre, tenes toda la razon.

>> No.16611905 [DELETED] 

¿Cuáles son sus poemas "largos" favoritos? (Algo así como The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
Me avergüenza saber más de poesía anglosajona que poesía castellana.

>> No.16611923

US. I’ll print some of his essays I suppose. Oh well, at least I get to have a physical copy of Crítica de la razón literaria. Thanks.

>> No.16611936

>Oh well, at least I get to have a physical copy of Crítica de la razón literaria
Rich boy. Don't forget to send a photo of it to Maestro via email so he makes a post about your photo on facebook.

>> No.16611942

Piedra de sol
Las soledades
Martín Fierro

>> No.16611947 [DELETED] 
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Thoughts on Chupe de Verga's Arte nuevo de hacer comedia?

>> No.16611954

I fucking hate the protagonist so much. I always stop reading due to the guy being an insufferable cunt. A friend told me that the book gets better once he goes to Argentina.

>> No.16611977

Sindbad el varado
Canto a un dios mineral
Muerte sin fin
Primero sueño

Mexican poetry has a lot of them

>> No.16611978

Not even bro. I manage a coffee shop and make ok money. However, my only expenses other than the essentials are books, which at the end of the day ends up being much cheaper than cable, Netflix accounts, electronics, etc.

I wish I could take all of my savings and to study with based Maestro. I doubt he’d give a fuck about my emails though. Dude is done with life after publishing la Crítica, and rightfully so.

>> No.16611979 [DELETED] 

AAAAAAA he recomendado demasiadas veces a Manuel Scorza. Antes de morir escribió la serie La Guerra Silenciosa. El primer libro es "Redoble por Rancas", es corto e interesante. Trata de la época previa a la Reforma agraria del Perú. Es interesante a nivel sociedad pues muestra algunas de las razones para la actual prole Peruana y lo que desencadeno el terrorismo de los 90s

>> No.16611981 [DELETED] 

>Muerte sin fin

>> No.16611990

>I wish I could take all of my savings and to study with based Maestro. I doubt he’d give a fuck about my emails though. Dude is done with life after publishing la Crítica, and rightfully so.
Nah, he publishes the photos his readers send him. Check out his facebook.

>> No.16612110

Probably because one of you "white brazillians" started spamming Maestro shit.

>> No.16612116

>done with life
>still sperges out on YouTube every chance he gets
Dangerously based

>> No.16612119

Not at all. I was there. It was because people started writing in mostly just Spanish.

>> No.16612130 [DELETED] 
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>Yo no hablo "castellano". Yo hablo ESPAÑOL.
Lo más basado que ha dicho Maestro.

>> No.16612155
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what am I in for, lads?

>> No.16612171

wtf is the cover

>> No.16612178

Nostalgia, anxiety, sadness, soul. Read it slowly. One piece of it everyday to savour it, rather than reading it all at once.

>> No.16612199

El Cantar de Mio Cid is ok, better than expected considering how hard weird old spanish is

>> No.16612209

>we will never read those first two pages that it lacks

>> No.16612241

just a lantern, I guess.
yeah I think I'll read a page or two after or before my other daily lecture. I get tired of reading the same thing for days in a row.

>> No.16612413 [DELETED] 

Que macho que es este tío. No conozco a un tipo más valiente.

>> No.16612422

It’s pure entertainment to him. The man annihilates *nglos for fun.

>> No.16612438

It's not the first thread that devolved into mainly Spanish posting, but if you combine that with a bunch of teens spamming Maestro everywhere and calling out the angl*s, you're going to attract more reports, and random mods and jannies being called to action.

>> No.16612446

Literally no one posted Maestro things in that thread. Stop being bootlicker.

>> No.16612474

>spamming Maestro everywhere
Reading comprehension is not your forte, huh?

>> No.16612502

>deleting a thread because what happened elsewhere in the board
Logic is not your forte, is it, nigger? The thread was deleted because all the last posts were in Spanish.

>> No.16612666

Yes, people will see Maestro spamming elsewhere and know it's exclusively done by faggots in this general, so they might have reported it out of spite. Mods in this board don't do anything unless people report threads.
I also cited 3 possible reasons, one having to do with posting in Spanish. Some of these 3 might be wrong, but having a wrong thesis is better than having such a poor reading comprehension as you.

Now go fuck yourself, you edgy cunt.

>> No.16612673

Nice trick Satan

>> No.16612704

All the last posts being in Spanish is the only true reason. We've had Meastro-posting and anti-anglo shitposting for weeks. Threads are judged individually.

>> No.16613682 [DELETED] 

Cuál es la mejor traducción de la Iliada en español
la que estoy leyendo no tiene mucho sentido

>> No.16613973

Clarivigilia Primaveral

>> No.16613979


>> No.16614099

in mexico stating the opposite induces cringe

>> No.16614240

First time poster here in /lit/ glad I found this thread since I'm from south america, I would like to start reading again, any recommendations? I'm mostly looking for books regarding psychology or novels that would seem interesting


>> No.16614284

Anything by Sábato

>> No.16614328 [DELETED] 

Basado anon peruano, acá otro compatriota, Scorza es realmente olvidado en la literatura en general, aún más que Arguedas lo cual siempre consideré raro ya que Scorza tiene un appeal mucho más amplio para el público extranjero

>> No.16614834
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is it? I barely understand every other word.

>> No.16614872 [DELETED] 

Es Sabato un buen autor?
Me he negado a leerlo desde que mi ex publico una foto suya leyendo ensayo sobre la ceguera. Pero un amigo que estudian literatura me recomendó El Túnel así que ya no se

>> No.16614875 [DELETED] 

>Es Sabato un buen autor?
Sí. Lee El túnel. Igual es corto.

>> No.16614878

You're a retard, not him.

>> No.16615081
File: 24 KB, 980x550, ALIANZA-logoyemblema_nuevos-980x550-c-center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most based editorial and why is it picrel?

>> No.16615089
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>> No.16615098

you self-refuted yourself.

>> No.16615118
File: 56 KB, 900x589, gongy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dabs on lope*

>> No.16615129
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*dabs on góngora*

>> No.16615134
File: 219 KB, 1800x1208, sprkia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pnches hombres necios

>> No.16615152
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*worships sor juana*

>> No.16615157

who wouldnt desu

>> No.16615176

That "dude" is the editor of both editions lmao.
He has also published an anthology of Schopenhauer's aphorisms on Alianza.

>> No.16615186
File: 130 KB, 463x736, Viaje_del_Parnaso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You Guys! Im also a gr8 poet! Lets all be part of the Poetic League of Justice and fight all the bad poets!

>> No.16615189

Most of Kawabata's translations by these hacks are Jap -> English -> Spanish translations. I'd bet Mishima suffered the same fate.

>> No.16615195

No, the Mishima ones are done directly from the Japanese from what I've seen. They're done by a Spanish translator and a Japanese woman in most cases.

>> No.16615218

>Ensayo sobre la ceguera


Same with Siruela. They have interesting titles (Tanizaki's works, Mishima's, Paprika, etc.) but are all translations of translations. Atalaya's edition of the Genji Monogatari has exactly the same problem.
If you want to read a translation from the original japanese you need to read Satori's titles.

>> No.16615223

some STUPID FUCKING FAGGOT JANNY WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO just deleted all the spanish posts

>> No.16615226

En Argentina, en mi época de bachiller, El Túnel se leía en secundaria para pegar existencialismo (El Extranjero) con Lit Argentina.
Lo leí por segunda vez hace unos años y me pareció un libro más mediocre de lo que lo recordaba. Lo mejor que tiene es el perfil psicológico del protagonista, como un Dostoievski menor, monotemático y mal traducido. Creo que es lo único interesante del libro. La mujer es de cartón, igual que los otros personajes. No profesa ninguna filosofía de Sábato, ni por lejos.

A Borges no le gustaba lo que escribía Sábato y trato de no viciarme con sus opiniones. Algún día leeré Sobre Héroes y Tumbas y Abbadon..., pero sin apuro. Lo otro que leí de Sábato fue La Resistencia. Una estupidez de viejo amargo reaccionando contra las nuevas costumbres. Un capítulo trata de por qué no se vela (cuando fallecen) más a las personas como se las velaba antes.

>> No.16615229

It's Atalanta.

>> No.16615235
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>> No.16615240

dude, you have a wird fixiation with that Maestro spammer, don't you

>> No.16615245

Honestly, one of the only threads that actually discusses literature

>> No.16615250

Impedimenta and Gredos algo have a bunch of modern classic Jap lit with direct translations.

>> No.16615251

I was right!!!!!!!!!!111

This faggot can suck it:>>16612438

>> No.16616052

¿Qué edición del Criticón es la mejor y dónde la consigo?

>> No.16616276
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They do it for free

>> No.16616646

Ptmr por alguna razón confundí a Sabato con Saramago. Y no sólo hoy lmao llevo confundiéndolo por algo así de un año lmao

Oka, le daré un ojo de todas maneras. Ahora que no tengo aquel mental fart

>> No.16616737

didn't someone say a few threads back that modd green lighted spanish posts?
obviously that's not the case but I wonder if it was and they changed their minds (why?), or if it was never the case.

>> No.16616841

Sabato's text is called Informe sobre ciegos kek so it's possible to be confused

>> No.16616846

it was the case for some time. we've had threads with plenty of Spanish. but maybe a /pol/tard janny is in charge this week

>> No.16617559

what did he write about her?

>> No.16617875


feria del libro de oaxaca

>> No.16617893

that's why it's full of references. i enjoyed it, the references also gave you lots of details about the context of the era and such. and i'm galician so I noticed how some things that look galician existed in old spanish, and more or less understand how that language diverged into 2, modern galician and modern spanish

>> No.16617900

did they really use those glasses back then? how did they not fall off constantly without reaching the ear

>> No.16617904

Am I the only one obsessed with Poet on New York?

>> No.16617955

He wrote a 600~ page essay on her. It's ok.

>> No.16618106

>more or less understand how that language diverged into 2, modern galician and modern spanish
That's not really what happened though. It's true that old spanish and Galician-Portuguese were much more similar but even then they were already different languages.

>> No.16618119

A very good essay. They even made a film in Argentina based on it.

>> No.16618125

Probably. I don't like the title nor the setting so I never read it.

>> No.16618562
File: 53 KB, 720x720, 72347312_105256567562095_1793541315896541184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New lecture on the Fundación Gustavo Bueno

>> No.16618592

I think you should try it

>> No.16618651

>t. didn't understand the Viaje