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16609575 No.16609575 [Reply] [Original]

>Plato. Not particularly fond of him
What was Nabokov's problem with Plato?

>> No.16609700

I dunno, Nabokov had a problem with just about anyone. He was probably most likely a contrarian who said things about authors who people really liked so that people like the ones on this board could say "omg he's so cool he doesn't like Dostoevsky and Plato! Based!" You'll also notice that people who tend to agree with his hot takes spend more time reading memes on this board than reading the works of any of the authors he criticized. Why did I write this you ask? Because I'm retarded.

>> No.16609704

>Why did I write this you ask? Because I'm retarded.

>> No.16609721

Honestly I just disregard anyone who doesn't hold Plato in high esteem, 'great author' or not. Its perfectly fine if you have quibbles with the gaps in some of his ideas, I think everyone notices flaws in some of Plato's reasoning when they read him, but how someone could not appreciate the divinity in Plato's works is beyond me. Is this just Nabokov being a pretentious pseud?

>> No.16610468

plato wasn't a butterfly

>> No.16610554

>Is this just Nabokov being a pretentious pseud?
Hot takes like these are my favorite. Got any similarly thorough, well-argued analyses of other overrated "geniuses?" Personally, I think Einstein just got lucky, and Plato just plagiarised the Vedas.

>> No.16610625

There's no way Plato was even aware the Vedas existed.

>> No.16610732

>. Not particularly fond of him
there is no way he said this.
Who the fuck says something like this when giving an oppinion on Plato lmao xD

>> No.16610742

Plato left Athens for over a decade, making it as far as Iran. If he happened to be interested in philosophical things, it's likely he'd have interacted with Vedic philosophy during his travels. The possibility of Vedic influence combined with the startling "convergence" of Plato's ontology with that of the Vedas makes it at least as likely he had some uncredited contributors on the works he published after returning to Athens.

>> No.16610748

Please stop posting this CIA agent please.

>> No.16610781

Anonymous. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his greentexts are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his philosophical musings seriously.

>> No.16610802

He was an art-for-art’s sake guy, and disliked both spiritualism and narrow applications of logic. Plato’s body of work argues against, and represents, everything Nabby disliked.

>> No.16610842

>Honestly I just disregard anyone who doesn't hold Plato in high esteem, 'great author' or not

>> No.16610942

>Making it as far as Iran
As far as i know he only traveled to Italy, Sicily, Egypt and Cyrene. There's no proof he ever traveled all the way into the Persian empire, and it seems very unlikely given the hostility between Greeks and Persians, but feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.16610980

Plato's for fuckin nerds

>> No.16610992

>As far as i know
You mean as far as Wikipedia knows, right?

>> No.16610994

No, that's Aristotle. Plato's for the ascended.

>> No.16611001

None of my history of philosophy books mention him traveling into the Persian empire either and i don't see you providing any sources.

>> No.16611020

>Plato's for the ascended.

>> No.16611037

Literally the opposite of the stereotype you're trying to push here.

>> No.16611040

>In this moment, I am ascended
Sure it is buddy

>> No.16611549
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>Putting Nabokov on the same level as Plato and Einstein

>> No.16611564

Atheists are the opposite of Plato, "buddy."

>> No.16611579

>Nabokov had a problem with just about anyone.
That comes along with being based.

>> No.16611588

If you had read Plato's dialogues you would know about the hostility between both. That anon is right and you are wrong. Plato's ideas are much more similar to egyptian neters than vedic philosophy, whatever you mean by the latter.

>> No.16613122

Who the fuck mentioned atheists?

>> No.16613126

>*tips fedora*
>I am euphoric (ascended)

>> No.16613135

Fedora tippers are contrarians before they're atheists

>> No.16613138

Maybe in your head. Not in web lore.

>> No.16613141

also, there's nothing contrarian about liking Plato. if anything you're the contrarian for disliking a philosophy cornerstone.

>> No.16613157

>web lore

>there's nothing contrarian about liking Plato
Wrong, because Plato's for fuckin nerds

>> No.16613296

didnt the greeks have some contact with indian philosophy through alexanders conquest?

>> No.16613313

iirc ancient Indian and Greek cultures were in contact at least via trading from before the pre-Socratics. probably nothing specifically and unequivocally philosophical tho.

>> No.16613405

That happened after Plato died.

>> No.16613412

>Wrong, because Plato's for fuckin nerds
Prove it, nigger. Or stfu.

>> No.16613484

>Prove it
Your existence does that for me

>> No.16613649


Nabokov's a pervert.

>> No.16613701

He thought Plato dealt too much in what he called too-general ideas than specific reality.

>> No.16613742


Also, I bet he never read the Phaedrus.

>> No.16615249

Does Plato make you smile? No? Fucking stupid pederast.

>> No.16615263

>can't prove it
>resorts to le wacky reddit reply
classic nigger

>> No.16615279

Nabokov was a libertine. It's not hard to see why he disliked Plato.

>> No.16615297

Plato calls Darius "the Great King of Asia" in one dialogue.

>> No.16615379

>Honestly I just disregard anyone who doesn't hold Plato in high esteem
same but with nabakov

>> No.16615403

bro how did you manage to misread it that badly

>> No.16615676
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>holding nabakov in high esteem

>> No.16615804

Of all of the contrarian vitriolic takes of this pseud, this one is understandable from the point of view of Nabokov.
Plato likes God and logic. He's moralistic. He's especially skeptical of the lures of rhetoric.
It's more surprising Nabokov wasn't seething.

>> No.16615906

*The gods, Plato wasn't a monotheist, although a lot of people who read translations might end up thinking he was some kind of proto-Christian.

>> No.16616019

he, as a pedophile, has an aversion to any text which is spiritually edifying because it makes him feel inadequate