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16606512 No.16606512 [Reply] [Original]

Books that argue against democracy?

>> No.16606516
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>> No.16606526

Virginity: arguments in favor
by Chud Mcredneck

>> No.16606532

Just ask yourself if said society is free, fair, and educated. Then you'll know whether or not democracy will work

>> No.16606548

Democracy: the God that Failed by Hans Hermann Hoppe

>> No.16606568

The Nazi's lost though...? And don't most Nazi's believe Jewish people run the world and shit? Is this really the saying Nazi's want to go with?

>> No.16606570

Pinker's "Blank Slate" book

>> No.16606577

Read up on "bioleninism"

>> No.16606584

pinker is a jew

>> No.16606591
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non meme answer

>> No.16606592

Am I just jaded or do Vooters seem really annoying? It always seems so fake and put on

>> No.16606600

4 sheep and 6 wolves vote on whats for dinner. /thread

>> No.16606609

If you lose, you're weak. Any response to this is just a cope.

>> No.16606642
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i guess nazis should fear liberals and commies then

>> No.16606735

It's easier to come up with a judgmental maxim than to think about all the possibilities/forces for why something happened, then consider that you only know what you know.

No, you assumption making ape, I am not defending anyone.

>> No.16606760

>you assumption making ape
Huh? what did i assume?
>I am not defending anyone
I never claimed you did...? Seems like your projecting heavily. Maybe you didn't understand what I meant? Bioleninism is basically the vanguard party being made up of generally "weak" people, I'm saying that if it wins then they weren't weak.

>> No.16606971

I don't know if there are english translations, but Gustavo Bueno wrote 2 books criticizing democracy.
>Fundamentalismo Democrático
>Panfleto contra la democracia realmente existente

>> No.16607002
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>> No.16607026

He does not argue against democracy, he criticizes it's short comings. His people and culture invented democracy after all, it makes sense their philosophers would fine tune it. Furthermore his commentaries helped the Romans evolve democracy into republicanism and thus eliminate the topic of his critiques to begin with.

>> No.16607049

He calls it the worst form of government, the most degenerative form of a state (his final polis descended from the Oligarch).
Aristotle was much more forgiving on democracy. To Plato, the freedom of democracy was a form of slavery.

>> No.16607686
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>> No.16607715

Folks once proposed to grow chickens lacking brains. This was accomplished. But not with chickens.

>> No.16608500
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Odd recommendation. Hobbes' arguments against democracy (as far as you could consider the parliaments of the day democracies) are, like, a page and are all pretty weak. He only preferred Monarchy, he didn't think democracy was an illegitimate (or necessarily bad) form of government. You could argue that he was simply appealing to Cromwell but suggesting his government was legitimate to be able to return from exile. But even in Behemoth—which was published ~30 years after Cromwell deposition and death—while he does blame the Long Parliament (among others) for causing the war, his criticisms weren't that their form of government was illegitimate. Rather, the Long Parliament created a rival sovereign. And as 'man cannot serve two masters', it precipitated the civil war which motivated Hobbes' very strict need for a single sovereign power whose legitimacy could not be questioned on grounds of religion of politics. So even when he didn't need to curry favour with the reigning power, he didn't really attack democracy as a system. Which suggests to me his tolerance of it in Leviathan was sincere.
I just don't think it is a very good recommendation for the topic. I also see it on a lot of monarchist reading lists—and though he certainly was a monarchist—his political philosophy wasn't really about monarchy. It was about making an argument for government that could bring peace to a nation with a religious and political community 'of divers sorts'. And in many ways, i think it is quite contrary to the kind of legitimacy monarchy operated under (divine right).

>> No.16608506

Derrida - Rogues

>> No.16608520

Your kidding right? he hated it with a passion since he held it responsible for the killing of his friend Socrates.

>> No.16608825

These ones.
Add Practical Idealism by Kalergi.

>> No.16609531

>Furthermore his commentaries helped the Romans evolve democracy into republicanism and thus eliminate the topic of his critiques to begin with.
You, uh, you know that the original name is Politeia and it has nothing to do with republicanism as a political concept?