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16605651 No.16605651 [Reply] [Original]

How much of a problem in modern culture is that pretty much everything offensive has been said or done and that there is no conservative morale standard to oppose to anymore and pretty much no way to rebel against the system without being co-opted?
Gravity's rainbow’s turd scene was 50 years ago, Naked Lunch's Steely Dan (a steam powered iron strap on dildo) 60 years ago and just about every way to carve up a human body has been shown in countless horror movies over the last 40 years.

>> No.16605655

Don’t worry mang, ITS AWWWWWWWWRIGHT

>> No.16605693
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What makes you think it's a problem?

>> No.16605726

obscenity doesn't vanish it moves. racial stuff is as offensive now as saying "fuck" used to be. i'd also argue that western obscenity is becoming much more akin to japanese swearing, wherein there aren't specific words that are bad but forms of address that are obscene when used in the wrong context

>> No.16605743
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, E36B2D8D-7526-4C19-BB12-CB3BC68D8C44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just eliminates any kind of transgression of social norms, which has been a pillar of culture till just a few years ago, and the very act of social rebellion leading to change.
Instead we have ended up with a never ending repetition of what already is.
Leading to the mindset of pic related and soviet-level cultural stagnation and decay instead of positive change.

In case you speak German:

>> No.16605746

Also a good point. Societies don't stop caring about offensive things, they just shift to other things. In antiquity they viewed patricide and regicide as the greatest evils man could commit, while now we'd say it's infanticide or something.

>> No.16605764

it's negrocide at the moment

>> No.16605807
File: 47 KB, 600x817, 1602335800357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scary angela merkel motif music video
>rick and morty picture
>social stagnation is somehow linked to obscenity
>thread quickly descending into /pol/ garbage
I regret dignifying this thread with my earlier post. If you were sincere at all, there is plenty of art that can be made without relying on exhausted forms of transgression.

>> No.16605889

Don't be a loser and you'll stop caring.

>> No.16606074

This is because most people have failed to distinguish between outlining a philosophy and actualizing it, or in other words, are all talk. For instance, you can say you are a communist that wants to destroy distinction between classes, but this is completely different than going out and actualizing what you want. This is because of the passage of an age of revolution to an age of reflectiveness. Because of a generalized civilizing of humanity, relations of dependence are gradually formed and intensified, in porportion to the loss of self-reliance. This creates strict routines for the members in this system of dependence, which gradually makes people fear otherness. Any desire to escape from a routine, because of this cowardice, creates a reflectiveness in which one endlessly plans out this escape so that nothing could possibly go wrong. Most philosophies and opinions of the "modern", that is, the reflective, age, are just products of this reflectiveness. So it is not that the system of dependence is invincible, or that it has somehow absorbed all possible weapons against it for it's own health, as some philosophers claim, but instead that the weapons that have been used have been little more than pen and paper.

>> No.16606130

How do you think there is not? Belief in God, modestly, absolute values and truths are all conservative now more than ever. Couple it with scorn against promiscuity and in general hedonism and you are there. It's "easier" to be a conservative now more than ever.

>> No.16606497

You want some ideas, do you want to be sincerely offensive or simply offensive for offence's sake?

>> No.16607424

It's only a problem if you go searching for a solution.

>> No.16607704

thinking that there are no more social norms as of the last few years is unironically gamergate-tier cringe