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16605056 No.16605056 [Reply] [Original]

He wrote this aimed at all of us, right? Is the spiritual/psychedelic route the end-trend of humanity?

>> No.16605082

i did shrooms and they gave me depression
i didn't even have a bad trip
also, i hate women now
i think about torturing them a lot
idk if that was the shrooms tho

>> No.16605092

not all of us are as special as you

>> No.16605104

i don't get what you mean by this?
are you a woman?
if you are i am going to cry for a while and think about tracking you down, kidnapping you, torturing you, murdering you, and then hiding your body in a swamp where your loved ones will never find it

>> No.16605106

do more, again, and cancel all that shit out PEMDAS

>> No.16605110

like the math concept?
also, if any fembot lurking or posting in this thread could announce herself that would be great
i would love to hurl insults at you

>> No.16605113

Doing LSD was one of the most important things I have done in the past 5 years. Should I read this?

>> No.16605134
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>also, if any fembot lurking or posting in this thread could announce herself that would be great i would love to hurl insults at you

>> No.16605136

Definitely. Short read, one of his only nonfiction books, and it was ultimately one of the most life-affirming things I've read. Taipei was grim, and this was like bloomer-tier spiritualism/mysticism/education

>> No.16605138

This is a homo/acc board. Hating women is based.

>> No.16605141
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>> No.16605146

watch this video and tell me you don't want to blow someone's brains out afterwards (your own brains or a woman's brains)

>> No.16605147

God I wish I tried lsd before I graduated college
I might not be in a situation where I cant try it (or do much of anything else) if I had and its as life changing as they say

>> No.16605149

Hating women was one of the major plot points of this book

>> No.16605153

this isn't ar9k

>> No.16605157

sorry, but that's the only other board i visit, aside from pol

>> No.16605204

now way. people have been doing psychs for as long as there have been people. if it was the end trend we'dve just stopped.

>> No.16605206

fasting, no food, can produce DMT, HGH, and most importantly, inner quiet and peace. Same thing as Mahareshi Trancendental Meditation, as per David Lynch's directive, the whole goal is internal, and the drugs merely accelerate, there is no "authentic" trancendental experience besides what you figure out yourself. Eventually real life becomes reenchanted, and awe-inspiring awesome.

>> No.16605213

we can backstep, if the timewave is fractal as McKenna said, the trend is still upwards

>> No.16605227

you are a coward, and the fault lies entirely within you. seethe harder and then die alone, I guess, is what I'm saying. spread negativity elsewhere, because you are what this book strives against, and if you refuse to give it the time of day, there is no point to your writing.

>> No.16605237

early humans didnt have the tech nor material knowledge we have. psychedelics only put pieces together, only the pieces you have learned up to the point of usage, and your experience with the psychedelic. The more you know the more profound/enlightening it can be

>> No.16605249

>you are what this book strives against
i've done lsd and shrooms and dmt
what did i do wrong?

>> No.16605256

>bloomer-tier spiritualism/mysticism/education
you are talking like this is a good thing.

>> No.16605260

Looks like incel shit to me. I mean hating women is based but incels are on the same level as a woman, or less, to me. I can fuck any woman I want but choose not to.

>> No.16605301

The only difference between a woman hater and an incel is that incels are ugly
Do u hate them for being ugly?

>> No.16605316

gonna take lsd next week should i take a full tab or half

>> No.16605418

100 micrograms is a very good first-timers dose. It lasts like 12 hours, dont do it late if you want to sleep.

>> No.16605435

why are psycho-fags so insufferable

>> No.16605459

Take 1 tab. Half tab might just give you some physical alterations like feeling heavier. You’re not going to trip balls on 1 tab but you’ll be tripping. And if it’s your first time it should be enjoyable.

>> No.16605477

psychedelics can be fun/interesting but if you let them get to your head prepare to become delusional and disappointed. all those studies saying they cure this that and the other all bullshit but i can believe they might help for some serious addictions.

>> No.16605644

It sucked. Potted bio of Terence McKenna and boring Erowid trip reports. I wanna read his earlier stuff about fucking 16year olds.

>> No.16605659

Reminder that shaping your life around anything you find on youtube is cringe and this board is for /lit/.

>> No.16605664

this might not be true, I did some googling, and DMT isnt proven to be endogenous (natural in humans)

>> No.16605676

You presuppose anyone asked your review

>> No.16605711

I think thats the main takeaway, which is that it is unique, and largely (scientifically) unstudied, so in terms of recreation, its like jumping off a bridge into water, which has a chance of harm, or being very fun and good for you

>> No.16605735

though they're not nearly as insufferable as conservatives

>> No.16605882 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16605901

>picture of someone wearing a mask
And? Is this some kind of attempt at refutation?

>> No.16605969

pissy tabby
fussy kitty
hiss hiss hiss

quick to argue
voided venue
click click click

still we laughin
fabu dabbins
based based based

>> No.16605978

who's that

>> No.16605981

yup, insufferable

>> No.16606010

>trafficking in mean boy points
imagine yr barbed wallet

>> No.16606014

You were right. I want to blow your brains out. These are drunk girls on a night out trying to talk shit and impress their friends by being epic.
If you can't figure that out, you have zero business forming opinions about people, you simply are not capable of perceiving social situations correctly.

>> No.16606023

Is this what you think is cool? Lmaooo

>> No.16606034

stand strong, anon. youll make the rhyme free life work for you yet

>> No.16606047

People hype them up so fucking much. They're cool and all, but there's more to life, and tripping balls and talking about it all the time isn't an interesting philosophy.
They've helped me get over mental illness, but that also took therapy and pharmaceuticals and stuff, and a LOT of psychedelics. People act like they'll cure you in one trip, that's not the case.
I know drug addicts who trip balls regularly too, I mean maybe some chemicals in a specific setting might really help, but just taking mushrooms on your own won't do shit.

>> No.16606254

no, you're just a faggot, that's all

>> No.16606791

alcohol only lowers inhibitions such that women say what they already believe

>> No.16606818

If only social situations actually worked like that, as if rules like "drunk words are sober thoughts" were actually concrete like maths. But they aren't, so grow up and learn to socialize.

>> No.16607297

socializing isn't the issue
the issue is that women cannot feel the emotion of romantic love
mothers can love their children and men can love each other as brothers, but women and men cannot truly love each other because women cannot love

>> No.16608391

>>also, i hate women now
>i think about torturing them a lot
sounds like you took the redpill instead...

>> No.16608405

>boring Erowid trip reports
this is kinda part of the appeal, except they're not boring. It's the first time I've read a trip report by someone who can actually write. It was fun to read.

>> No.16608524

yes its my first time, 1 tab it is then

>> No.16608531

good luck bradda. I think L is legit the best drug, if you don't count the life saving ones. I wish I could trip for the first time again

>> No.16608537

Women & brainlets fail to understand that they value psychedelics only because they value materialism.
And because they now have a view opposite to what they believed before, it means their view is truer. They fail to think outside the box.

So The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield (fast but not perfect) technique to reach partly what your reason and heart cannot achieve fully in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy to be at ease with life.

>> No.16608544

Are you 16?

>> No.16608768

thanks, looking forward
should I take it orally of sublingually? worried about it being laced with n-bome and I don't have access to a test kit

>> No.16608798

This is a really low IQ take on psychedelics. If anything they out you in a really interesting world where you are surrounded by platonic ideal forms in all directions and it is a stunning place to be.

>> No.16608885
File: 62 KB, 304x1024, 1597089939384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a steady supply of LSD and trip bi-monthly. Usually take a tab or two because that much gets the job done, I've experienced ego death or "oneness" on only 115ug.
I never have more than 12 hours a day to myself so taking 4 or even 8 times that amount will probably fuck me up for a good couple days- when I really need to function.
Overall LSD has had a positive impact on my life and in more ways than one really kept me alive. I've had some scary moments during trips and thought loops but never a "bad" trip. I only ever trip alone, drink some tea, contemplate and introspect on life occurrences.

I was not raised religiously and was an atheist at one point in my life but LSD has cemented my belief in a higher entity. I am still without religion but working my way through the Greek canon and will be moving on to eastern philosophy, namely Hinduism to achieve a higher understanding. I probably have shit karma and was born into this life due to past sins and will probably not achieve nirvana/samsara in this lifetime, but hopefully I will do enough good in this life to be reborn again in a better position.

One of the most important things, I believe in is the fiery pursuit of passions and enduring of suffering until death. The body is just a transportation vessel and I aspire to become the truest form of myself and assert my will- that is to have a positive impact on my surrounding.
Though, this worries me because the road to hell is paved with positive intentions and it's those who aspire to do good the demons are always trying to lead astray.
I'm going to turn 20 in a few months, dropped out of college because I couldn't take the bullshit. I hope I don't end up becoming a burnout fuckup. If you think my post was retarded let me know.

Tl;dr LSD is good and be good towards others. Pursue passions and create beautiful art.

>> No.16609418

Drugs are for degenerates

>> No.16610289

I did not read this as bullshit. OP here, I saw it as beautiful and you seem good intentioned, with reconciled awareness of the world and its pragmatic truths. Good luck!

>> No.16610755

If its bitter, it's a spitter. If your tab is bitter than it's some research chemical that's not acid. I've also heard that nbome doesn't work orally, so if its bitter you can just swallow it and you'll only get high if its L. But if you have proper lemon itll lick in much faster if you just keep it in your mouth