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16604071 No.16604071 [Reply] [Original]

Have people ever picked on you for reading in public?

>> No.16604074

Only at miller grove

>> No.16604077

No. That only happens in movies or in some shithole high school that can't even afford an AP class

>> No.16604080

No. But I pick on people for reading in public. If they can’t take criticism and succumb to peer pressure they’re worthless

>> No.16604081

No. Getting 'picked on' depends on your physicality, not what you are doing at the moment.

>> No.16604097

>tfw you realize "ahh" means "out here"

>> No.16604140

Anti-intellectualism isn't as prevalent outside of America. In Bongistan, if you were reading for pleasure, assuming you drew any attention at all, you'd get asked what you were reading and even complimented in your hobby that so many deem to strenuous at that age.

>> No.16604153

I've done it in buses, parks, cafes, and bars, and nobody has ever so much as mentioned it. Although I guess whoever took OP picture probably didn't say anything to that kid either

>> No.16604176


>> No.16604196

Yes, there's a really pick anti-intellectual culture that you'll be surprised exists, it only really exists in children and young teenagers that most people grow out of

>> No.16604215

yes for reading comic books

>> No.16604234

No way

>> No.16604238


>> No.16604251

Based bully trying to stop you from being a soiboi

>> No.16604272

Not black, but yes, this happened to me a lot.

100% true. I'm glad I learned this lesson young when my turbonerd friend hit puberty and got hot and suddenly all the dork shit we did was "cool" when he did it. I don't resent him for it, I'm just glad I realized the activity itself wasn't what got you pussy before I did some embarrassing shit like trying to learn guitar or something.

>> No.16604302

Old people used to compliment me for reading in public when I was a kid, but when you're an adult nobody gives a shit anymore. Some people might make passive-aggressive comments about you reading anything they think is too "pretentious" (code for "intimidating"), but those people are cowards and will never actually call you out on it.

>> No.16604384


>> No.16604694

I read on break at work and my coworkers think i'm an anti-social nerd but i do it mostly because i dislike 80 of them.
Every conversation is the same bitching and moaning about petty little shit that i hear of every single day at work. Their negativity is constant and annoying so i ignore most of them, read and listen to music

>> No.16604766
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>> No.16604786


>> No.16604795

what the fuck...
does it really?

>> No.16604799

out here > ouchea > ouhea > heaa > aaaa

>> No.16604813

How do you know that he isn't making an expression of surprise, like oh or wow

>> No.16604937

I’ve conditioned myself to only like reading outside, so even at like 1 am ill go find a bench for something outside to read

>> No.16604963

>tfw qt reads your favoutire Murakami book on the metro
>too much of a sperg to break the ice
I kind of given up with women, years of inexperience with girls made me goofy.

>> No.16605019
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not original anon but i can affirm that ahhhh likely does mean "out here"
Went to a nigger high school in a large city and they used other words like "alright" as "ii"
alright - aight - aii - ii

>> No.16605030

American English was a mistake.

>> No.16605038
File: 98 KB, 564x672, 1602967903852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why niggers will never be great.

>> No.16605041

Well, I was once beaten to the brink of death and pissed on by three men as dozens of people watched and walked by for reading a particular book in public...

>> No.16605045

What book

>> No.16605182


>> No.16605555

>when he does the impression of a nigger around 2:00

>> No.16605560

You've clearly never heard a she-boon speak. Just say that "Dis nigga ahh reading a book" like you're an upstanding black woman.

>> No.16605570

If Kali Yuga could speak.

>> No.16605649

yeah when I lived in New Zealand one of my dumb coworkers gave me shit for reading on my breaks. ironically was she was a fat american from detroit, the other new zealanders never gave me shit and were down to talk lit

>> No.16605653

What do you mean by shit? Was she calling you anti social or did she think you thought you were "better than every body"?

>> No.16605673

in the fifth grade i was reading goosebumps at lunch and this girl sierra made teased me about it

>> No.16605681

Did you fuck her?

>> No.16605700

lol this is peak gen x cringe

>> No.16605778

checked and keked

>> No.16605808
File: 117 KB, 614x528, 1593117067459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve conditioned myself to only like reading outside, so even at like 1 am ill go find a bench for something outside to read

>> No.16605817

Ebonics isn't English at this point. The language has been broken so much that it degenerated into its own thing.

>> No.16605828

No, I don’t think that happens anywhere where the people are literate
What book were you reading in OP’s pic?

>> No.16605854

what, Hicks? You serious? Can you elaborate?

>> No.16605870
File: 97 KB, 640x637, existential shit 2342sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess readers are faggots or something.

>> No.16605925


>> No.16605979


>> No.16605982

>on break during my first day at work
>take out some book I've clearly started reading
>co-workers keep bothering me asking what I'm reading
>when I tell them one of them goes "IS THAT THE ONE WHERE (spoiler)?
Why do people do this? Shouldn't having a book out be code for "please don't bother me"?

>> No.16606015
File: 341 KB, 657x527, 1595885945046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw norm MacDonald thinks Hick's is a hack

>> No.16606059

I agree with you though? I was trying to explain how they get there from normal language.

Really? Interesting, I love norm. I think some hicks bits are really funny.

>> No.16606073

Only in highschool. Had to go to the park across the street to hide or else I'd get them tossed on the school roof.

>> No.16606076

Yeah I love them both. He said his comedy was sophomoric because he says stuff like "oil companies bad!" I think it's just a difference in style, Norm's comedy seems to avoid the Carlin style and instead be more focused on just doing jokes.

>> No.16606102

I went after midnight with "Kobzar'", collection of poems by Ukrainian most popular poet, Taras Shevchenko. Two different guys separately approached me at 01:00 and 02:00 while I was sitting near an entrance to 24/7 shop. They were friendly, surprised to see me reading that, made a couple of compliments and even asked for my contacts. I am not a woman and neither were they.

>> No.16606121

niggers were a mistake

>> No.16606137

I was reading Joan Didion's Slouching Towards Bethlehem (chosen for its pocketbook size) at a Peturbator show. A guy with a wolf mask pointed at me and made "getting up" motions but I didn't feel uninhibited enough to dance. So I guess I was "picked on", kinda. I hope I wasn't ruining anyone's vibes. I look bored a lot when really, I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.16606141

yeah. MacDonald wouldn't ever really give big props to a Carlin disciple. I'm not surprised. He's still among the best for how crystalline his entire act was in terms of his ethos.

>> No.16606187

jesus christ fucking niggers

>> No.16606190

What is the best reaction to this? Ignore them? Laugh at them? Ironically agree with them and keep reading? Leave to go somewhere else? Act insane or mentally ill to establish supremacy within the social dynamic?

>> No.16606210

Beat them with a roll of quarters.

>> No.16606258

It’s anti white culture. Whites are intelligent so noggers go out of their way to talk stupid and spell things wrong. Oh and commit crime and be over all degenerates

>> No.16606594

>reading at bars
Tf nigga? You actually bring books to bars? Lmaooo

>> No.16606739

what’s wrong with that? drinking and reading in the right bar sounds quite nice m