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16601187 No.16601187 [Reply] [Original]

Books on why heterosexual sexual intercourse that results in impregnation is the meaning of life? Schopenhauer’s description of the will-to-life is making me think so

>> No.16601189

only gay sex has meaning, you dumb faggot

>> No.16601193

God. Why is impregnating sex so hot bros. I cant help but get a stiffy thinking about a girl becoming round with my seed.

>> No.16601198

Desu I’m such a beta I’d be embarassed to walk around with a girl I impregnated in public. I don’t want people to know I had sex. Weird hang up of mine desu. Still want to impregnate a girl though

>> No.16601211

as Nature intended

>> No.16601215

Anon, I..
t. father

>> No.16601226
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>> No.16601291

It's an immorality project for your average retard. Nature you as a meat puppet for entropy and rewards on each step you take towards procreation.

>Erwin Strauss, in his brilliant monograph on obsession, similarly earlier showed how repulsed Swift was by the animality of the body, by its dirt and decay. Straus pronounced a more clinical judgment on Swift's disgust, seeing it as part of the typical obsessive's worldview: "For all obsessives sex is severed from unification and procreation....Through the...isolation of the genitals from the whole of the body, sexual functions are experienced as excretions and as decay." This degree of fragmentation is extreme, but we all see the world through obsessive eyes at least part of the time and to some degree; and as Freud said, not only neurotics take exception to the fact that "we are born between urine and feces." In t his horror of the incongruity of man Swift the poet gives more tormented voice to the dilemma that haunts us all, and it is worth summing it up one final time: Excreting is the curse that threatens madness because it shows man his abject finitude, his physicalness, the likely unreality of his hopes and dreams. But even more immediately, it represents man's utter bafflement at the sheer non-sense of creation: to fashion the sublime miracle of the human face, the mysterium tremendum of radiant female beauty, the veritable goddesses that beautiful women are; to bring this out of nothing, out of the void, and make it shine in noonday; to take such a miracle and put miracles again within it, deep in the mystery of eyes that peer out-the eye that gave even the dry Darwin a chill; to do all this, and to combine it with an anus that shits! It is too much. Nature mocks us, and poets live in torture.
Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

>> No.16601293

Try your common sense first, hedonist.

>> No.16601309
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Based, why are bellies so hot?

>> No.16601318

There is nothing in the sensual realm remotely as pleasurable as sex with a pregnant woman.

>> No.16601322

The pleasure is not the goal, the continuance of life and the impregnation is the goal. The pleasure is secondary, it’s bait put their by Nature so that you fulfill your purpose. Non-breeders are literally useless

>> No.16601323

How can I get a girl to let me impregnate her bros

>> No.16601328
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I don't have answers friend. I'm not old enough I'd want to have kids yet (college student), so I haven't ever tried to do it before. Hopefully one day,

>> No.16601329

Fucking hate japs.
Who has ever had someone waiting for them to come home at the door like this,fucking retarded nips with their disgusting simplified human faces,I bet this is pornographic too,they have this puritan facade but theyre all mentally ill sexual deviants.

>> No.16601330

Unironically, have sex

>> No.16601338

I’m an incel though, should I just kms now? I can’t even fulfill my purpose in life

>> No.16601348

Are you under 30 and not a NEET? Congrats, you're gonna make it. If you're both, work on fixing that situation as best you can. Worst case, see if sperm banks'll allow you and jack off to the thought that maybe you have kids somewhere.

>> No.16601350

Nonsense, there are many other ways of feeling fulfilled - not to mention the fact that most married men also feel unfulfilled. In the meantime, experiment with prostitutes. If you live in a big city you'll even be able to find pregnant escorts, which I imagine would also be enjoyable.

>> No.16601364

It’s over for all sub 8 men. Rope or cope

>> No.16602199

Cringe and blackpilled.

>> No.16602217
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It is proof that human beings are enlightened by God with immaterial souls that we can find meaning beyond reproduction, whether that be homosexuals, transgenders, asexuals, celibates, or failed heterosexuals. We are more than just biological evolution. Everyone ITT will rage at this post because it was both pro God and pro gay, but it's 100% true.

>> No.16602229

flawed presupposition.
celibate monks across the globe seem to have found transcendent meaning beyond sex.

>> No.16602307

I think the hard part is getting the girl to have sex with you. Most girls find it hotter than guys to finish inside them. Out of 5 girls (not hookers) I've had sex with, 4 of them have wanted me to do it, 3 I actually did.

>> No.16603047

It’s a false meaning. They are deluding themselves.

>> No.16603067

based transcendent desire

>> No.16603146
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This guy is such a low-T that he's scared of his and others' bodies.

>> No.16603340

It’s customary in Japanese culture for someone coming back home to announce their presence (by saying “tadaima”) and the rest of the family greeting them (by saying “okaeri” or “okaeri kudasai”). Not our fault you Baka gaijin live in atomized societies where being rude is the norm

>> No.16603395

Biology textbooks, particularly regarding evolution and the importance of reproductive success
It’s the reason you exist on a biological level, evolution has crafted you to want to do what is evolutionarily successful: dropping nuts inside fertile women (though there may be greater meaning beyond this which we do not yet know)

>> No.16603416

t. illiterate


>> No.16603449

>girls find it hotter than guys to finish inside them
True. This is another reason they take the pill
t. Shagger

>> No.16603452

Go fuck yourself,there are people living in cybercafes in nipland and you want me to swallow more of this le superior traditional culture of Japan.This is like the ballsucking of le epic modular traditional architecture of Japan,when most people live like pigs waiting for slaughter in their cubicle sized apartments.

>> No.16603463

Copecel detected

>> No.16603470

Then tell me what the "accurate" interpretation is.

>> No.16603506

Rude gaijin. At least we try to preserve our culture, our temples receive millions of yen every year to fund their preservation, gaijin demolish their old buildings to build postmodern ugly towers. Also I haven’t read that doujin but it probably only features vanilla hetero sex and impregnating. Sex for procreation with wife is literally the most healthy expression of sexuality. Gaijin worship homosexuals parading naked in front of children

>> No.16603883

Based Jap.

>> No.16604210
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Imagine perceiving encouragement from someone who's sympathetic to another person as "cope"

They'll be based once their birthrate is normal.

>> No.16604826

Plato's Symposium.

>> No.16604837
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>> No.16604906

that's what women are for

>> No.16606189

There are no fathers on 4channel.