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16596552 No.16596552 [Reply] [Original]

I never read books over 300 pages. If you can't get your point across using 300 pages you suck as a writer.

>> No.16596559

You suck as a reader.

>> No.16596560
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>hey everyone, check out this dumb and overly generalized opinion I have!

>> No.16596588

but it depends what they are trying to say retard

>> No.16596607

A quick and very cursory list of authors with works totalling over 300 pages:
Who doesn't suck as a writer under this model? King? Koontz? This is a really dumb thread, OP.

>> No.16596610

king is a perfect example of needlessly long writing

>> No.16596615

Hemmingway wrote mostly short stories.

>> No.16596621

My copy of "A Farewell To Arms" is over 325 pages and my copy of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" is roughly 500 pages.

>> No.16596627

The Pearl
The Old Man and the Sea
The other ones I am missing but there are a lot more.

>> No.16596628

Ok, sure, but he still wrote novels over 300 pages. All I was saying.

>> No.16596635

Every writer writes mostly short stories. It's just that you never get to read them. Even if we were to ignore the works >>16596621 mentions, how do you account for the other authors? How does the fact that Hemingway wrote mostly short stories evidence the idea that Tolstoy is a bad writer because War and Peace is really long?

>> No.16596697
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I agree. Read Lao Tzu. Only 20 pages

>> No.16596986

I disagree, it depends on the genre. I think no thriller should be over 300 pages. Clancy is too bloated for me, even though I get why his books are that way. Most crime novels shouldn't overstay their welcome either.