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File: 234 KB, 725x1075, Camões.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16591947 No.16591947 [Reply] [Original]

Camões edition.
This thread is for the discussion of Lusophone literature (from Portuguese speaking countries). Feel free to contribute with reviews on your favourite authors, books, fragments, original works, new editions or publications, and the like...

List of Portuguese Books:

>> No.16591969
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Good luck my lusophone frens. Fuck anglos.

>> No.16592360
File: 17 KB, 269x400, 9781933227306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whomever studied this book in school knows how good this book is.

>> No.16592552


>> No.16592586

Tell me why is good.
Maybe post an excerpt?

>> No.16592598

Trying to elarn Portuguese from Spanish. Any suggestions on books complex enough for me being invested but simple enough for me to understand?

>> No.16592656

Machado de Assis is highly entertaining. His style might be a bit old-fashioned, but i would say it his easy enough, especially for a Spanish speaker.

>> No.16592684

It's a sermon about the virtues and faults of Men and comparing them to certain kinds of fish (and other sea creatures). The sermon has as base the miracle of Saint António, when he spoke to the fishes. It develops from that idea, that if Men would heed his words then might as well others learn from it. Thought the sermon was written and firstly preached in the late sixteen-hundreds, it still holds many relevant point regarding human nature.

>Maybe post an excerpt?
Currently occupied, but I may post a translated excerpt when I have more liberty.

>> No.16592685
File: 161 KB, 800x1173, 800px-Machado_de_Assis_aos_57_anos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

++ on this, de Assis, check out Memorias Posthumas de Braz Cubas

>> No.16592707

Dalton Trevisan, Graciliano Ramos.
Clear, concise writing, using simple words, but still very good.

>> No.16592722

Vos, diz Cristo Senhor nosso, falando com os Pregadores, sois o sal da terra: & chama-lhe sal da terra, porque quer que façam na terra, o que faz o sal. O efeito do sal é impedir a corrupção, mas quando a terra se vê tão corrupta como está a nossa, havendo tantos nela, que tem ofício de sal, qual será, ou qual pode ser a causa desta corrupção? Ou é porque o sal não salga, ou porque a terra se não deixa salgar

>> No.16593728


>> No.16593737
File: 118 KB, 860x573, toni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qual é nosso melhor escritor contemporâneo?

>> No.16593749

terra BTFO

>> No.16593752

name a more kino poem than

>> No.16593756

onde é que eu começo com Cesário Verde?
eu vi a casa onde ele morreu noutro dia e pensei que se calhar leio uma coisa dele

>> No.16593767

almost makes me miss highschool. it was awful but the Portuguese classes were comfy

>> No.16593770

>onde é que eu começo?
Ele escreveu alguma coisa em grego?

>> No.16593870

não. leio traduções de poemas dele em grego?

>> No.16594345

>Anon didn't got the joke.
Not him btw.

>> No.16594454


>> No.16594607

Lobo Antunes, por óbvio.

>> No.16594619

Compre o livro e leia. Tem umas cem páginas e entende-se com muita facilidade. É poesia realista, de vocabulário acessível e ideias claras.

>> No.16594858

Para de bumpar, OP, ninguém quer falar sobre literatura lusa nessa sexta. rs

>> No.16595027

Sou o quotado e não sou OP não, viado.

>> No.16595118

Eu quero.

>> No.16595910
File: 2.19 MB, 1502x1920, El caballero de la mano en el pecho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aprovecho su hilo, primitos, para pregutarles: que tan proximos se sienten a nosotros, los hispanoparlantes?
Yo siento a la lusofonia como una parte esencial de la cultura hispanica amplia, pero no se si comparten este sentimiento Uds.

>> No.16596176

Surely hispano-bro. Don Quijote is on my reading list.
Also, send me some spanish poems. I'm in a poetry mood.

>> No.16596216

We have become more isolated with time. In the past, Camões, Gil Vicente and Sá de Miranda wrote a few of their poems in Spanish. And Alfonso el Sabio wrote in Galician-Portuguese.

However, more recently, I believe the proximity has started to increase. It is now quite common to see interactions between Lusophone and Hispanic writers. For instance, João Cabral wrote many poems about Spain, Vargas Llosa wrote a novel based on Euclides da Cunha, Saramago wrote an entire book imagining a new sort of Iberian Union (Jangada de Pedra), Lobo Antunes always mention Hispanic authors among his influences...

>> No.16596289
File: 298 KB, 2100x1200, ballerinaLauren-Post-2100x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

João Cabral de Melo Neto – A bailarina

A bailarina feita
de borracha e pássaro
dança no pavimento
anterior do sonho.

A três horas de sono,
mais além dos sonhos,
nas secretas câmaras
que a morte revela.

Entre monstros feitos
a tinta de escrever,
a bailarina feita
de borracha e pássaro.

Da diária e lenta
borracha que mastigo.
Do inseto ou pássaro
que não sei caçar.