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/lit/ - Literature

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16588800 No.16588800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature about leaving the past behind?

>> No.16588808


>> No.16588809

damn, he left right before the 2016 election irreversibly fucked this place up.

>> No.16588815

Fuck him, Hiro does a better job anyway.

>> No.16588818

Left after he irreversibly fucked the place up by welcoming stormfront fags (right after alienating the $cientology protesters)

>> No.16588819
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>> No.16588824

The Iliad

>> No.16588836
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>> No.16588847

It would've worked out well had those sci fi cultists started gangstalking every fucking nazi fuckhead. There's a good idea for a novella.

>> No.16588855

The Cantos

>> No.16588858

Hard Rain Falling

>> No.16588860

The Moon and the Bonfires

>> No.16588881
File: 1.69 MB, 2736x3648, Anonymous_DC_January_2009_raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRL activism is when this place started going to shit

>> No.16588894

naw man hiro's the one that split the site into 4chan and 4channel. super dumb.

>> No.16588902

You are the cringe killing /lit/

>> No.16588915
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>> No.16588919

>leaving the past behind

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo has a character named Diavolo who's hellbent on leaving his past behind.

>> No.16588923

One of the dumbest moves ever

>> No.16588947

it's functionally identical and more attractive to advertisers, what's dumb about that?

>> No.16588980

checked. First one that came to my mind, and one of the most hard hitting books to me, when I was around 5 years of age, Oh, the places you'll go.

>> No.16589021

What was dumb is that he didn't hide 4channel boards from 4chan. From how many /pol/tards, twitter and /r9k/-threads, from how many newfags and crossboarders would /lit/ have been spared, had Hiro just removed those little icons?

>> No.16589024
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>> No.16589032

having an edgy opinion thats just contrary to your butterfly isnt cringe.

>> No.16589074

Death in Venice

>> No.16589091

>does something stupid or shady
>"haha me so solly no speakey engrish"

>> No.16589355

>he doesn't have 4chanx

>> No.16589424

What does he even do?

>> No.16589520

Allowing trannys, jannys, americans, niggers, women, homosexuals and tripfags killed the site.

>> No.16589558

Fuck you buttertranny, you're the one ruining /lit/ by tripfagging.

>> No.16589637

invitation to a beheading

>> No.16589645

almost none on 4chan buddy

>> No.16589650
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>more attractive to advertisers

>> No.16589754

>right after alienating the $cientology protesters
Everyone was getting sick of them. moot never wanted 4chan to be political. They formed their own *chans because of that where they had more freedom. This has always been the case and similar thing repeated during the Gamergate fiasco where the threads were exiled to other imageboards

>> No.16589810
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More like literature for stepping into the future.

>> No.16589923
File: 16 KB, 500x375, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are the cringe killing /lit/
I bet you have plenty of practice saying that in the mirror all day.

>> No.16590077

Literally rent free

>> No.16590093

this is an anonymous imageboard you retard

>> No.16590902

>moot never wanted 4chan to be political.
Until he did and left stormfront take over a board and turn 4chan into a political refugee camp.

>There’s no such thing as pol
>There’s no such thing as r9k
Cancer for the site, not me.

>> No.16591008

>founded at 15
>must be 18 or older to post

>> No.16591021

Moot was a cuck (the meme exploded because of him after all). Hiro is much better, without the slightest bit of irony.
>m-muh founder
It was a 2chan clone anyway.

>> No.16591050

>Hiro is much better

>splits 4chan and 4channel
>adds 4 videogame boards in a week
>moderation is even worse

Yes, truly better.

>> No.16591077

>>splits 4chan and 4channel
Great. I can browse 4channel from work without being blocked by the porn filter or phoneposting.
>>adds 4 videogame boards in a week
And that's a good thing. I occasionally go to /vrpg/ and /vst/. Main /v/ is terrible.

>> No.16591081

Like a tripcode?

>> No.16591108

nice image lol

>> No.16591137

Did everybody just forget that Hiro got caught selling private information of a previous sites users?

All your details have been being sold since 2015, but I do think Hiro still wanted to change some things he thought would make it better.

>> No.16591148

god i wish that were me (in the middle)

>> No.16591153

It’s like getting made that there’s grass on earth

>> No.16591222

Buttertranny I...

>> No.16591279

Spinoza's Ethics and Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.

>> No.16592602

Yes, this site makes money, thats how it can sustain itself.

>> No.16592607

People very rarely switch 4chan boards.

>> No.16592638

Nice reference, by contrast part 6 (Stone Ocean) is all about making and retrieving memories.

>> No.16592733

Man's Searching for Meaning

>> No.16592752
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butt is a jannie
the call is coming from inside the building

>> No.16592761
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>mfw been on 4chan for longer time than it's founder

>> No.16592774

>implying i dont still lurk

>> No.16592837


>> No.16592847

hi moot

>> No.16592855
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>> No.16592869

If you are moot, post a picture of shoe on head

>> No.16592894


kill yourself you fucking tripfagging piece of cancer. I'd prefer a million poltards over a single tripfag

>> No.16592912
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>> No.16592916


I actually find this extremely amusing. Its refreshingly comical.

>> No.16592946

You can never leave.

>> No.16592968

>dedicates a significant portion of his life to protecting the integrity of online anonymity
>gets a job at google the second he got a whiff of $$$

moot is legitimately one of the biggest rat kikes in human history, genuinely unironically a more treacherous fucking animal than judas

>> No.16592982


This is such a bullshit take. Why can't moot get a nice job and a career if he wants to? Was he supposed to spend the rest of his life in poverty trying to keep 4chan running for an ungrateful audience? Not to mention that he at no point sacrificed the integrity of 4chan's anonymity. He in fact went to great lengths to ensure the site would be in good hands after he left.

>> No.16592995

I ran into him once at the Google office in San Francisco a few years ago. Was really weird as I didn't even know he was working for the company. Made sure to look at his lanyard ID to figure out whether his name is actually Christopher Poole (it is). Google internal employee network few details about the work he's doing though (think it just said he's a project manager).

>> No.16593102

trans rights

>> No.16593138

When did you get so based Butterfly?

>> No.16593144

>almost 1/3 of 4chan's existence has been under Hiro

>> No.16593211

>moot wanted 4chan to be political, and this is demonstrated by letting in stormfront fags
I agree that they're annoying, but this is literal retard-tier logic.

>> No.16593219

did you chat with him?

>> No.16593251

>figure out whether his name is actually Christopher Poole (it is)
I will refuse to believe this till the day I die.

>> No.16593263
File: 140 KB, 940x563, the+book+of+the+new+sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first 5 books of the Solar Cycle