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16587801 No.16587801 [Reply] [Original]

Novalis > Hölderlin

>soul vs pretentiousness

>> No.16587902

god i would give anything to smell her armpits

>> No.16588064

Elle a de très jolis seins!

>> No.16588787

imagine breeding this angelic spic

>> No.16588914

>Never talk to me and my bro Hölderlin again.jpg

Seriously though, I was looking at a (french) edition of "Les disciples à Saïs et les fragments" a few days ago.
Would this be a good starting point to Novalis?

>> No.16588945

Zoomers are extending the battle royale shit to the poets now too? Great...

>> No.16588959


Poetry began with a battle royale so you don't have a heel to stand on here m8

>> No.16588965

Okay, but in exchange I want your ability to enjoy smelling armpits.

>> No.16588983


>> No.16588992

I read that too. I find that English translations of him are lacking but thankfully the frogs provide. The intro was highly informative as well.

>> No.16589090

Good. Now I think I'm gonna read the intro. Kek

>> No.16590191


>> No.16590211

Fake and gay

>> No.16590212 [DELETED] 

J'irai les cueillir dans les jardins
D'anémones au printemps

>> No.16590226

J'irai les cueillir dans des océans
D'anémones au printemps

>> No.16590270

I read Heinrich von Ofterdingen recently and enjoyed it, gonna get to Hyperion soon so I can actually compare the two
What are the similarities?

>> No.16590397

>What are the similarities?
both by young poets inspired by german idealism but with drastic different works.
I really don't think, as someone who likes Novalis more, actually deriding Hölderlin is necessary to point out how great Novalis is, similarly neither one would need to do vice versa if one preferred Hölderlin, mainly because their two great works are just not comparable.

>> No.16590841

Wrong. Holderlin literally did a Flawless Victory and Babality.

>> No.16590984

oh bro it's so good it's like youre inhaling that part of them that is primal and feminine it gets me rock hard. the pussy has this too but there is something about the armpit that's more erotic, like it's a second pussy hidden in plain sight man i wish i could fuck it

>> No.16592342

Is that an Iberian?

>> No.16592357

Hölderlin is pure joy, not pretentiousness.

>> No.16592363

Technically Cuban.

>> No.16592410
File: 3 KB, 125x97, 1600955063305s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would agree with you but since I'm living in Heidelberg I can't go one second without being blasted by his stuff from all directions.
He's like the patron saint of this city. Its getting to the point where I almsot can't feel excited about him similar to goethe after we talked about faust for ages in my last year of school

>> No.16592822

why is he so celebrated in Heidelberg? I know he's been there a couple of times and wrote and ode dedicated to the city, but is there something else? also, based Holderlin, my favorite author ever.

>> No.16592845

>my favorite author ever.
Not him. Really? Why?

>> No.16592876

>why is he so celebrated in Heidelberg?
any place in germany that has these "romantic" students of german idealism who admire the genius of Goethe (and his followers), the intellect of Hegel and the profundity of the poet need to tell everyone how much they love Hölderlin.
We have 5 (men) bathrooms in our phil library and every single one has an inscription on the wall regarding Hölderlin if not directly saying "Lese Hölderlin!".
Kinda cringe but it could be worse.

>> No.16592895

Ana de Armas

>> No.16592990

to put it shortly, I guess it’s the way he combines the sentiment of lost childhood and his theological insight, also the original way of viewing antiquity. It simply resonates with me on personal level.

>> No.16593314


>> No.16593327

>provides a nonexistent rebuttal
double retard

>> No.16593453

One must endure the temptation to envision several scenarios with this excellent example of a woman, a goddess one might even say, one of which include licking the space between her breasts, then proceeding with sucking on her left nipple all while sticking ones thumb inside of her succulent mouth. One must. One really must.

>> No.16593466
File: 27 KB, 474x463, 1602871170319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16593500
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1599675848449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women. What could you say? Who made 'em? God must have been a fucking genius. The hair -- They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... and just wanted to go to sleep forever ? Or lips -- and when they touched yours it was like... that first swallow of wine... after you iust crossed the desert. Tits! Whoo-ah! Big ones, little ones, nipples staring right out at ya... like secret searchlights. Mmmh. And legs -- l don't care if they're Greek columns or secondhand Steinways. What's between 'em, passport to heaven. l need a drink. Yes, dear Anons, there's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing: Pussy.

>> No.16594757

Based and hairpilled.

>> No.16594874

you bumped this thread from page 10 jsut for this?
we are not gonna get any better replies any way since 90% of /lit/ loses the ability to even breath when they see the picture of a beautiful woman.
It's not even like I was baiting for such repleis with that pic, since as everyone knows that woman (who I only know as JOI) is a huge ancient greece fan and has her birthday parties themed in hellenistic where all walk around in tunics and no undergarment whatsoever to replicate authenticity - a party to which you will never be invited; she will never stop you from your work, to coyly ask you whether you perchance could come to her b-day party her mom is helping her throw for close friends and after inquiring whether you would want to bring someone else (ofc you wouldn't, because all you have dreamt of the last half year was JOI herself, everyone else pales in comparision to the image you have of her) to which you give a negative reply, she now cheerfully tells you the time and date and that she is excited to see you in adequate style - and ofc recite their favorite hesiod or aeschylus plays before swaying into the warm mediterranean night drunk on red wine, and therefore the pic is definitely related to the topic at hand, since as we all know Hölderlin's greatest work (Hyperion) is a greek fanfic and the main character Hyperion (eventhough he is greek in the work) very much embodies the spirit that JOI has in her pure soul.
So while I was mocking Hölderlin and purporting Novalis as superior the image of a beautiful woman in hellenistic spirit should give every other cynic pause on his judgement. Compare Heinrich and his cold dense forestry adventures, talking to miners, the poor woman stolen from foreign lands and brought to this incongruous infelicitious germanic land, to the greek beauty separate to aprhdoite only due to modesty.

>> No.16596356


>> No.16596598

im just replying to tel you that there is no chance on earth im gonna read all that shit by you lmao

>> No.16596613
File: 76 KB, 600x350, 1596889415205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy checked

>> No.16597372

wall of text