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/lit/ - Literature

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16584818 No.16584818 [Reply] [Original]

I had my love of reading ruined by having to read hundreds research articles. Any literature recommendations to get it back?

>> No.16584845

The Fan Man

>> No.16585135

what types of movies and/or vidya do you like?

>> No.16585146

Vonnegut is pretty smooth fun reading.

>> No.16585166

abigail is so beautiful <3

>> No.16585332

my advice would be to try poetry or just read light non-fiction

>> No.16585397


Storm Of Steel is a nice page turner.

>> No.16585463

I was just pissing about in a bookstore waiting for a bus once, picked up Good Omens by Gaiman and Pratchett because it looked like a fucking riot when i read the back. It was the first book I read with childish glee since primary school, and despite it not being as intelligent or high class as some people expect a grown ass man to read I could barely put it down before I finished it

>> No.16585871
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>> No.16585882
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Something nice and purple.

>> No.16585911
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>> No.16586187

Yeah Vonnegut is about as recreational as it gets. Try Cat's Cradle.

>> No.16586629

John Le Carre
Robert Harris
Find a well-reviewed autobiography of a figure you admire
Some well-written midwit social/political shit like Douglas Murray or Stephen Pinker if you want to blast through some nonfiction
I also recommend Primo Levi; he's quite pacey
Burmese Days by Orwell

>> No.16586672

I would personally reccomend using this as an opportunity to indulge in the other arts for a bit; exercise a different part of your mind. Music, film, theater, paintings, sculpture, all things inbetween; there's nearly an endless supply of works worth your time.

>> No.16586682

When you say literature do you mean literature or do you mean, like, fantasy novels? No shaming we just need to know to give good recs

>> No.16587284

Good Omens is the mountain-top of ya.

>> No.16587297

Maybe you should try new things for a while, then come back to reading.

>> No.16587363

I'd suggest reading something funny, which can be hit or miss, but the hits hit hard. Like Confederacy of Dunces. Or the story collection "Jesus' Son" by Denis Johnson.

>> No.16587372


>> No.16587386


>> No.16587498

Start with something retarded like the Twilight series, then slowly work your way up to whatever you really want to read.

>> No.16588131

Thanks for the recommendations. I will look into some of these.

Just looking for good reads. Don't really care.

Dark Souls 1 & 3, Wind Waker, Factorio, Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, Mother series (i.e. earthbound), RDR & RDR2, L4D2, Slay the Spire for Vidya
Grand Budapest Hotel, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Old Boy, LFO, Parasite, Pan's Labyrinth, City of God, Dr. Strangelove for movies off the top my head.

I'm sorry for abandoning the thread was working all day.

>> No.16588997

if you're looking to laugh I always suggest Inherent Vice.

>> No.16589517


I've read more research articles than you and I'm fine. It's probably vidya and youtube that are to blame, not research articles

>> No.16589580

plus one for good omens anon, I read it after heart of darkness and a stint of Kafka, it was just what the doctor ordered

>> No.16589818


You’re an ass.

>> No.16589828
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>I had my love of reading ruined by having to read hundreds research articles. Any literature recommendations to get it back?
Uhm, maybe just read something you enjoy?

Why are millennials so incompetent?

>> No.16590633

aphoristic literature. u know, stuffs like tao te ching etc.