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/lit/ - Literature

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16584460 No.16584460 [Reply] [Original]

There are way too many LARPers and other retards on this board. Every second thread is either about some edgy /pol/ shit that doesn't belong here at all, some unrelated yada yada "books for that feel" or just another thread about books posted by someone who doesn't read books at all.
I am pretty sick of it, especially because I haven't found any literature discussion forum that is better than /lit/.
Apart from that I enjoy being part of smaller communities, supplementing anonymous imageboards with a more personal and real life like discussion.
So, today I will do something I have been thinking about for years, just to try and see if others feel the same: I will start a /lit/ book club. My plan is to have bi-monthly polls for a book that everyone in this group then reads. Until the next poll there will be enough time to read and discuss the book as well as sharing ideas for the next book to read. Pretty much like your usual book club, just on the internet.
I am open to any other ideas, I could for example imagine that we each write a couple of paragraphs about our major takeaways of the particular book or have some occasional mumble calls.
All of this depends to large parts on the kind of members this group will have, especially the type of books that will be discussed. But I am sure this could be a lot of fun and I would be happy if some of you thought the same.
If you are interested in all of this, I have a couple of questions you need to answer in a bunch of paragraphs (no need to write too much, I just want to make sure that the same retards I was talking about earlier don't infiltrate our little community).
>Which book influenced you the most? Why?
>What kind of literature do you usually consume? Why?
>What are some other things you spend your life with, other than reading?
>Where do you live?
>Is there anything you would specifically like to see in this community?
Please send me an email with your answers to bookclubanon@tfwno.gf, I will then try to reply with instructions on how to join in the following days.
I would implement this book group with an irc channel because I will not start using some zoomer shit like discord that will sell all my data to whoever bids the most, if you have a problem with irc you can tell me that and we might use matrix or some other open protocol communication medium but definitely not discord. If you are fine with irc, add your favourite network and nick in your email so I can create the channel on the network most of you would prefer. Nick is required to legitimize the members.
Looking forward to seeing you on the other side, frens!

>> No.16584462


>> No.16584495

>what is a post title

>> No.16584506
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Glowy Glowy Glow Bro
still gonna send that email tho

>> No.16584514
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This seems no better than faggots who try to shill /lit/ discords. I hate how people on here don't read and they make abhorrent threads about irrelevant shit, but don't think I'm going to want to join your gay pseud party full of entitled midwits. A valiant attempt but the people of this community are often not worth communicating with outside of it—unless to achieve a goal; the last most of us would want to do is go through a screening process to find ourselves surrounded by nutcases: Your post alone makes you come off extremely entitled and up your own ass. Good luck I suppose. I read books, I make thread about book and talk about for 30ish posts—that's enough for me. If you want bookclubs, I say non virtual ones will prove more rewarding.

>> No.16584540
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Based dogisaga poster, 4chan is for the lulz, not weird self improvement cults

>> No.16584558

You make me sound somewhat elitist, I hope you are the only one who interprets this from the OP. Because this is absolutely not how I want this to end like, it would just attract the wrong kind of people again.
Its perfectly fine to have just started reading and not having a lot of experience or knowledge, everyone started at some point. And everyone is welcome in our little community, but what I do not want in there is people who don't even like reading and just come to /lit/ to see tl;drs of some philosophical text. There are too many shitposts not really related to literature and I want to try and create a community only for the people who enjoy reading a good book occasionally.
Again, nothing elitist about and I don't want to be gatekeeping, just filtering out the users of this board who intentionally (or at least knowingly) lower post quality.
>weird self improvement cults
literally what

>> No.16584587
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Ah, a fellow enjoyer of high art. I'm glad a man of taste agrees with me. Frankly I wish the questions that don't deserve their own thread general was more successful; a lot of the awful threads are people really new to reading asking pointless questions. That and any "book for this feel" threads. I can't imagine a /lit/ exclusive club being very enjoyable: the only people who'd want to be accepted would be the middlingly read turbo pretentious so it would be a IRC of autistic psychos arguing about absurdism and trying to one up each other.
Again, a valiant attempt, and perhaps I was too quick to insult. Although these more exclusive communities are often wrought with personality issues—often begot from the genesis of their creation: to rise above the rabble of /lit/.

>> No.16584748

I understand your points and can imagine all of that happening, but I did never look at one of those discords and just want to try this. Maybe it will turn into something great and fun, or it will just be a waste of a couple of minutes of my time. Would be great if a nice community formed but it's no biggie if my little experiment fails

>> No.16585024

Cool idea, pls accept my application anon

>> No.16585551

>using irc in 2020
Fucking lol'd

>> No.16586456

>old = bad
It has worked for many years, and it worked great. Why would I ever want to switch to something else?

>> No.16586473

Why not do a Socratic dialogue? You would probably have way more participants.

>> No.16586521

>glownigger doesn't want anons fully encrypted and anonymous
jej kys

>> No.16587275

I only read what I desire to read, so I can't really into reading groups. Sorry OP.

>> No.16587319

sent. but not being able to post images in irc is going to be a problem
both are good. i just got into listening to online radio stations and it feels nice for someone to pick things for you sometimes, you get into new things you wouldnt have envisioned yourself enjoying,, altho i cant imagine the decision wouldnt be at least mostly democratic.

>> No.16587994


>> No.16588016

can we pool our money together and get a camgirl to read to us?

>> No.16588044

how about just get the vtuber tech and a voice changer and we can do it ourselves

>> No.16588080

I've played around with voice changers but it's not believable as a real woman

>> No.16588110
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>> No.16588122

>the people of this community are often not worth communicating with outside of it
Based and truthpilled.

>> No.16588191

I'm not going to go through a bunch of drag queen voice exercises. I want
> speak normally into microphone
> input into software
> output authentic sounding woman's voice

>> No.16588202

just a thought :)

>> No.16589067

There MUST be something like deepfakes for voice

>> No.16589317


>> No.16589329

>tfw i cant answer any basic book questions like "whats your favorite book" because I only recently started seriously reading and I feel like I havent read enough to come up with a solid answer
I know most of /lit/ doesnt read, but I do dammit, I'm getting there

>> No.16589340
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>> No.16589436

Why not do both? I would prefer a cycle of about threee months for a book so there is plenty of time to read personal books along

>> No.16589444

discord or gtfo

>> No.16589489

Discordfags are the only one's that need to gtfo

>> No.16589962
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Holy based and boomerpilled

>> No.16590193

MS Paint tier voice deep fake

>> No.16590218

I appreciate the initiative and, although I don't think this club would be for me, I wish you good luck.

>> No.16590341

kek great comparison

>> No.16590393

Try this one

>> No.16590836

I unironically think this would taste pretty good. Should post to /ck/ anon

>> No.16591088

>I don't think this club would be for me
Why though?

>> No.16591433

what the actual fuck dude

>> No.16591443

When will you send out the instructions OP?

>> No.16591460

Decided to do it when the thread has died, I want to get as many emails as possible before sending out invitations.

>> No.16592420

Cool, looking forward to it

>> No.16593024

Kek I've never seen that picture posted with a caotion fitting this well

>> No.16593231

what's glowing about that?

>> No.16593501

What's so weird about that?

>> No.16594564

Well if it goes well do expound upon us its success. Perhaps, despite my fervent initial adversity, I, and those holding my opinion, may wish to join in.