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16584296 No.16584296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you met god? If so, when did it happen? How did you know?

>> No.16584301

he told me OP is a faggot

>> No.16584314
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I'm pretty confident this is a lie

>> No.16584338

Liying is a sin.
God is sinless.
Therefore, it is true

>> No.16584355
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I wasn't referring to god calling me a faggot, I was referring to you claiming to have lived that experience

>> No.16584508

On the tail legs of a shroom trip in January, heading back inside from a walkabout. Softly falling snow hushing the world. Friends are ahead me, at the door to their shitty apartment, in a pool of yellow streetlight.
For a moment everything is , totally zen. I ask if that's all there is, and I'm washed by an answer that it is. Even as the moment fades and life creeps back in the moments says that the fade is it too, neccessary.

>> No.16584520

This is the most Truthful answer you could find in a thread like this. I enjoyed reading that.

>> No.16584544
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>On the tail legs of a shroom trip
Yeah I'm sure that was god

>> No.16584551

became Christian after doing LSD

all religions are ways of interpreting God, because I'm western I chose Christianity because they symbols are culturally powerfully to me

>> No.16584567 [DELETED] 

>Have you met god?
I have.
>when did it happen?
Late January 2006.
How did you know?
There was a flash in my mind and I knew what had happened.

>> No.16584573

>Have you met god?
I have.
>when did it happen?
Late January 2006.
>How did you know?
There was a flash in my mind and I knew what had happened.

>> No.16584582

you saw a late new year firework?

>> No.16584584

I've met them in a dream a couple times, once during the end of the world.
God's pretty chill, but we never interact.

>> No.16584589


>> No.16584596

Where in the Bible does God say that lying is a sin? Read Kierkegaard, my man. "Lying" is another form of anonymity, and God is the ultimate anonymous author.

>> No.16584606

Found God while in the shower. I felt transcendent. When the experience was over, I completely forgot I was even in the shower.

>> No.16584621

>Noooo God never finds unorthodox ways to communicate with His children when they seek Him

>> No.16584625

yeah your drug-induced delusions are definitely religious revelations

>> No.16584646

Not that anon but why aren't they?

>> No.16584668

>Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

>> No.16584670

On drug trips I never meet some higher power. I normally meet myself. Say that what it will.

Because they aren't pyshical real.
And vise versa because religion isn't real. They can be incredible religious revelations.

>> No.16584693

>vise versa
>religion isn't real
based faggot I want to murder

>> No.16584701

>>16584693 i try my best.

>> No.16584724

Bro, do you not know what "false witness" means? It means "perjury." God hates perjury. God is not a deontologist.

>> No.16584729

>Heroin, cocaine, and alcohol can indeed open up the mind to altered states of consciousness, as can music, poetry, and meditation. However, do not think these experiences give you new insights into reality, or that they are even remotely spiritual. Drugs like these can serve only to help the ego forget its problems, and only for a short time. They dangerously suppress the symptoms, but do not cure the disease. You may well experience a rare heavenly bliss and warm sense of fulfillment, though I bid you think again! Soft drugs invariably lead to hard-drugs. Small superstitions give birth to gross miscarriages of reason.

>Far from bringing us closer to reality, such practices distance us from it by making us content with a dream. At least at other times reality is close enough to foil our plans.

>This is not to say altered states of consciousness are without their use. With intelligence, they can help to make us aware of the many faces of reality, and thus that reality exists purely within the mind. Unfortunately, the herd look no further than their present comfort, and cannot learn from experience. Implications and consequences are alien concepts to such animals, who are fully occupied just keeping from drowning in the stormy seas of their lives. They have no time for investigating the nature of life and death: they have no time *to live*.

-Kevin Solway

>> No.16584787

>Because they aren't physically real.
Does something have to exist physically for that sort of experience to count, and if so, why?
I don't totally disagree with that statement, fair enough. But I don't know if I would say all that can be gained from mind altering substances is further insight into one's ego, or that one's ego is somehow separate from "reality".

>> No.16584871

Who the hell are you to determine the rules of how God is and is not allowed to communicate with humanity? If He can speak through dreams, He can speak through mushroom trips. I was an edgy atheist before I ever tried them.

>> No.16584881

Comparing heroin, cocaine, and alcohol to psychedelics does nothing but betray that you and whoever Kevin Solway is have got no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16584893

Otherwise it's just mental. It'll exist in your head. It has power even if it's only an idea, but it only has real world change through your actions. It's not an act of god when a schitzo kills the president. It's an act of a delusional person no matter how many times god told him to do it.

He can't communicate. He's not real. He's as real as a waifu and you're a tulpamancer.

I'd also venture to guess that you're a failure of the ten step program. Failure in my eyes. Success in theirs. Found sobriety through god instead of through himself. Correct?

>> No.16584919

>Soft drugs invariably lead to hard-drugs.
Reagan-tier thinking. Pot keeps me off alcohol and everything harder than acetominophen. Medicate according to your need rather than your desire.

>> No.16584927

How so?

>> No.16584948 [SPOILER] 
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>go back

>> No.16584954

>There's no possible way that carbon can form gigantic hydrocarbon chains and complex molecules because lead can't do that. Both carbon and lead are just elements, and we all know elements don't behave that way.

>> No.16584964
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I disagree with you but I am to much of a brainlet as to articulate why

>> No.16584979

>He can't communicate. He's not real. He's as real as a waifu and you're a tulpamancer.
That's alright, anon. I hope you come around eventually and stop deluding yourself into thinking you understand the way the entire world works.
> I'd also venture to guess that you're a failure of the ten step program. Failure in my eyes. Success in theirs. Found sobriety through god instead of through himself. Correct?
Incorrect. I've never had a drug or alcohol problem. I smoked weed twice in college, found it boring, and became the sober babysitter friend. I've done either shrooms or LSD about once a year for the past five years. I drink socially when my friends ask me to go out with them, typically two beers a week or so. Sometimes a glass of red wine with dinner when I'm cooking with it. I've never touched any other drugs and have no desire to, they're not really for me. I don't know the ten steps.
Why is this the first conclusion you blindly plucked out of thin air?

>> No.16585004

One day I end up in jail and suddenly I felt God was explaining me why things happened as they did. Many years later I realized it was nothing but a coping mechanism in my brain and my own ignorance of things and subsequently me I triyng to intellectualize things because like most westerners I grew up in a religious family under semitic belief systems. I still believe in God though but you don't 'met' God and the ones beliving such thing are schizos or evangelical delusions.

>> No.16585006

Nobody has seen God. I've only been lurking this board a few weeks so feel free to correct me, but I remember reading Plato and he argues that a being of perfection such as God would be incapable of deception, since deception is always bad. If God is incapable of deception then how can he take any form other than the form that He is? And it's pretty obvious that God has no physical form, so no one has met him physically

>> No.16585017

How very Jewish. So God takes issue with someone lying under oath, but not with someone lying outside the courtroom purely for their selfish gain? Nah

>> No.16585027

There are plenty of cases where lying isn't immoral. God's not some Kantian who's going to send you to hell for telling your son that Santa brought him presents.

>> No.16585043

Lying to children doesn't count, there are too many things they can't yet understand so you can't tell them the truth in its entirety. But yes not taking credit for your generous acts seems an acceptable lie to me, but I strongly doubt that you'll be able to give another example that isn't Santa

>> No.16585067

>How did she go? Was she in a lot of pain?

>> No.16585081

My everyday experiences with Good and Evil

>> No.16585084

Me and God hang out on Saturdays and drink beer and play Super Smash Bros.

>> No.16585091

I think this is a bad lie imo. That person is going to mull over the final moments of their loved ones life and be completely deceived. Honesty is much better I think
>yes she had some pain but she bore it bravely and is it at peace now

>> No.16585183

>she bore it bravely
>and is at peace now

>> No.16585186


>> No.16585197

>lying under oath
I don't think you (or many people tbf) realize the gravity of a solemn oath, especially one made under God.
>outside the courtroom
Not necessarily. One can still bear false witness against another in day-to-day life. But the act of bearing false witness is purely objective: it harms another by slandering them. In so doing, it upset the natural order of justice, which—at that time—was naively defined as "each getting what is owed to them."

>> No.16585226

>I don't think you (or many people tbf) realize the gravity of a solemn oath, especially one made under God
You don't me m8, I take promises very seriously, oaths even more so though I've never had to take one
>But the act of bearing false witness is purely objective: it harms another by slandering them.
I can't disagree, but I do suspect this is merely a translation issue, does anyone know what the commandment is in Hebrew?

>> No.16585234

Santa is not a lie, it is a fiction. You should know that.

>> No.16585236

Are they better off mulling it over if they know she was in excruciating pain and shat her pants after she finally gave out? Does that really help them come to terms with anything at all?

>> No.16585254

What's the difference?
You don't have to say excruciating, "some pain" is accurate, since there is no way of measuring how much pain a person is in
>shat her pants
If they specifically ask you this question then yes you should tell the truth.
>Does that really help
Her dying didn't help either but it still happened. Should I go tell them she's still alive but just ran away and will never contact them again?

>> No.16585261

I saw him a couple of nights ago. Though I also saw Leviathan. He revealed himself as the Monad, covering my eye with the central point on my pupil. Leviathan had a more concrete image though, He appeared as a massive set of oily black jaws. No eyes or other features, only a long row of teeth along the endless black jaws.

>> No.16585276

>What's the difference?

>> No.16585282

>I take promises very seriously
Maybe you do, and if so, I apologize for having offended you. But you seemed confused why God would merely care about oaths, which are srs business and made quite frequently outside of legal proceedings.
>a translation issue
No, the Hebrew matches the translation quite well and ancient commentators parsed it as I did. See also Matthew 15:18-20,
>But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
>For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
>These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
and Exodus 23:1-3:
>Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.
>Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:
>Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
Also you called me Jewish which is (a) funny, because I'm quoting and interpreting a Jewish text and (b) horribly offensive, since I am a virulent anti-Semite.

>> No.16585283


>> No.16585300

Does bearing false witness extend to denying your own actions to avoid the consequences? If so, then that encompasses all lies as far as I can tell
>I am a virulent anti-Semite

>> No.16585309

Who does he main?

>> No.16585336

U 2

>> No.16585342

Hm, it might be better to distinguish between "lies" and "deception." Certain ideas cannot survive direct communication: this point is one of Kierkegaard's most central. For instance, if I were to tell you "there is a God" based upon my own subjective experiences of divinity, you would have no reason to believe me. Sure, the words and surface-meaning survive, but the idea does not: all you can reasonably deduce is that "anon believes there is a God." Therefore, a level of deception is necessary to communicate essential truths like this one. Kierkegaard claims that God frequently engages in this type of deception, or indirect communication (God as ultimate anonymous author). Hence the Christian importance of faith.

And this claim is supported by the Bible: one needs only to think about the Binding of Isaac for an example. Did God lie to Abraham? No... not really. Did he deceive Abraham? Absolutely. Was this deception merited? If you are a Christian, then yes, it was.

>> No.16585370

Interesting. But wasn't the binding of Isaac a test of his faith? I can't see how this is applicable to anyone other than God, or maybe I'm a brainlet, but I can't think of a time when you could deceive someone and call it a moral good. I know for myself that I'd rather know a hard truth than believe a soft lie.