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File: 102 KB, 500x500, bernhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16584286 No.16584286 [Reply] [Original]

Gulping down the body of Christ every day – in other words about three hundred times a year – was really no different from rendering daily homage to Adolf Hitler. While the two figures are totally different, I had the impression the ceremonial was the same in intent and effect.

>> No.16584312

Is this supposed to be a deep insight or something? I thought everyone knew the Nazis were merely a contrived rendition of western and eastern ceremonial traditions manufactured for their symbolic and memetic gestures to be repurposed into a 20th century industrialized context to worship the state and scientific progress while holding on to a piece of the spiritual past in order to inspire the people to be happy cogs in the machine.

>> No.16584473

You phrase it like that's a bad thing.

>> No.16584976

Someone please sell me on Bernhard. Every excerpt I've ever read from the guy sounds either pseudointellectual, gimmicky, lukewarm, or all three most of the time. I just fail to see why he's supposed to be such a big deal.

>> No.16584989

Why do you always use this picture of him eating ice cream?

>> No.16585424

Phew, thank God we won or we'd just be cogs in the machine...

>> No.16585486

I think he's funny

>> No.16585511

Neoliberalism is fascism lite.

>> No.16585520

t. Cog

>> No.16585523

Neoliberalism is fascism in service of ever-increasing, ever-more-complicated consumption rather than the abstract well-being of the people.

>> No.16585562

...yeah? Congrats, you’ve just discovered the purpose of ceremony

>> No.16585595

Same diff. Most people are base so the totalitarian state in interest of finding the path of least resistance will fulfill base needs to the fullest extent possible. This will then be interpreted by the people and by the state apparatus as being in the interest of the well being of the people since it fulfills their immediate compulsive consumerist base needs. Even green movements thusly get co-opted to serve base needs for materialism and consumption but don't fool yourself into thinking an intact Nazi Germany would've pursued a different route. Hitler was always eager to please the basest instincts of his constituents no matter how he window dressed it to assure people that that wasn't what he was doing.

>> No.16585626

it's a nice image

>> No.16585735

>fascism lite
This term belongs on Reddit anon. Have some self-respect please

>> No.16586005

Is this what cringe passes for intellectual on this board? Holy shit what a bunch of faggots.