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File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, 74B9A3F4-C168-46C3-8B5D-A0DEAA8611BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16582014 No.16582014 [Reply] [Original]

>OY! Fack ya readin’ a book for mate!?
How do you respond?

>> No.16582017

>fuck off ya wanka's

>> No.16582022

Because I'm an ugly manlet and no one likes me.

>> No.16582023

They mercilessly batter you until they can hear your lungs rasp. Seriously these types will do that for a lot less

>> No.16582028

why do they all have boners lol

>> No.16582030

>Self Portrait In A Convex Mirror by John Ashbery, bruv! Gotta get on top uv dat American post-modern poetics to get top shelf pussy, bruv

>> No.16582032

why would I ever be in an environment where I encounter these people

>> No.16582049

nah, these lads look like they could take some banter

>> No.16582059

Why do they give this feminine vibe?

>> No.16582129

How do you never encounter people like these?

>> No.16582151

don't go to bars?

>> No.16582155

this image reeks of SEX

>> No.16582165

Oh it's chewsday, thuh day the Queen reads her nahvuhls.

>> No.16582170

Middle guy's face too small for his head

>> No.16582176

It's Deano Charlie Kirk

>> No.16582180

makes me want to stab and shoot them i guess

>> No.16582197

I was rather asking how come you never encountered these people in public places. They don't just dwell in bars all day you know.

>> No.16582198

Not living on an island full of inbreds helps.

>> No.16582200

Because they look like the all work in a hair salon.

>> No.16582207


>> No.16582217
File: 23 KB, 470x313, images-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a miserable loss to cope w

>> No.16582225

Get a life incel

>> No.16582229

yes mate im off the pingers bruv

>> No.16582405

I love these little insights into the life of tiny men, where these people look at all indimidating.

>> No.16582419

they wouldn't do shit, they look like faggots desperately trying to fit in into what they see a civilized sophisticated world so they have to refrain from acting impulsively like the animals they are

>> No.16582421

Yeah, these lads look like good chat. Dumb chat, but good chat.

I would respond with "because i fookin want to, ya bellends!"

>> No.16582437

They'd just laugh in your face you daft twat.

>> No.16582443

Nah, I don't reckon.

I reckon they'd get a hearty chuckle out of it and then go about their day. I have a couple of mates who are like the blokes in the pic, they're not bad lads, just dumb.

>> No.16582463

This guy gets it

>> No.16582467

What's the story here?

>> No.16582474

I'm a working-class Englishman and this happens remarkably less than a sincere "What you reading m8 is it good?"

I literally read a chapter at a Yatesies every weekday after work

>> No.16582476

So I wouldn't end up like you.

>> No.16582492

Also if the other happens I just say I'm trying to become a teacher. People respect striving.

>> No.16582495


Have sex

>> No.16582500

What do you order to drink, anon?

>> No.16582531

Only one of them looks like he's ever had a fight in his life. The small one second from the left. His nose and knuckles suggest he's either into boxing or can't handle his drink.

Guaranteed he's the one that there I have to say
>leave it leave it deano he's not worth it he only spilt a pint deano
ten times a night to.

>> No.16582533

this. the small one would punch your teeth out if he could. the others just went to the gym a few months to attract whores

>> No.16582548

Agreed that the small lad looks like a geezer. But conversely, the two lads in the black shirt actually look quite nice. The taller of the two, especially, looks like he'd be the type of lad to bum you a cig without protest.

>> No.16582553

Beginning of the month Punk IPA. End of the month John Smith's. If it's my birthday or something I'll have a Laphroiag

>> No.16582557

>John Smith
based bitter drinker

>> No.16582586

Piss off deano or i'll kill your mum

>> No.16582597

>How do you respond?
Give them a huge smile, since I know they are already dead, and all they have ahead of them is the slow failure of the bodies they take such false pride in, before they scatter as the dust they are, forgotten, as if they had never been at all
Then I ask them if they have heard about Jehova

>> No.16582605

This is the gayest possible response.

>> No.16582608


>> No.16582609

He's also the one who looks like someone photoshopped his eyes to make him look like a mong
The others just look like they were insecure, lonely kids, who go to the gym to fake a modicum of self-worth, he was actually bullied

>> No.16582611

These lads look like wankers but that is only superficial, working class Deano lads are probably the most genuine top notch blokes you could meet. If you reply with some quality banter such as, "me missus is making me read cause I watched too much footy lads" they will all laugh then buy you a pint and welcome you into their group. Middle class and upper class pseudo cunts who actually consider themselves superior to you will not be so gracious. It is those you need to watch out for.

t. Bonglad

>> No.16582614

Good. They can be the kings of my corpse

>> No.16582618

>that is only superficial
Nah. A wanker is a wanker.

>> No.16582622

Confirmed middle class pseudo who doesn't know how to win favour amongst different groups cause he has a superiority complex. The key is to know how to work different groups lad, you will go very far in life if you master this skill. Don't dismiss them as wankers on the outset, you'll be surprised. These types of lads have had my back in many situations despite their appearance.

>> No.16582625

>The key is to know how to work different groups lad
>Calling anyone else a pseud

>> No.16582634

The based friend of the deanos
The virgin chud with no social skills

>> No.16582687

Confirmed, also grew up amongst working-class lads and know their ways. Guys in the photo are typically dumb as a brick and have simple pleasures, but are ultimately very friendly

>> No.16582689


>> No.16582691


>> No.16582693

>he was actually bullied
Nah, he was definitely the bully

>> No.16582698

>t. Bonglad
They look like slavs/balkans

>> No.16582702

Guys like that are at least genuine and can be fun and even necessary to hang out some times with, but only in small doses. Having interests beyond pints, clubbing and footy does not necessarily make you a haughty pseud. It goes both ways. Inverse snobbery is tedious too.

>> No.16582704

Picture was taken in Birmingham, UK, iirc, and they very much look like bongs

t. bong from near Birmingham

>> No.16582707

meant to reply to >>16582611

>> No.16582710

Plenty of eastern europeans in Bham, and they don't look British at all

>> No.16582711

I've never really experienced inverse snobbery from these sorts of groups though desu. They might joke a bit about it and call you brainiac or einstein, but not in a nasty way. As long as you can talk to them about their interests too, and don't attempt to belittle or condescend to them, then there really isn't any problem

>> No.16582713
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>Punk IPA

>> No.16582714

not a bong but this is very much true all around the world, also being capable of having a nice conversation with these kind of people is very important

>> No.16582719

Nah, these are definitely bongs. Believe me, these are the sorts of guys I went to school with, who I played football with on the weekends, who work as tradies in my local area. They don't really have slavic facial features at all

>> No.16582737

Yeah I reckon the people who perceive inverse snobbery are the ones who never really grew up with these sorts of folk, who struggle to talk and banter with them. Many such cases amongst my more middle-class friends

>> No.16582742

Almost every fight or altercatio I've ever had post secondary has been with dickheads who look like these whilst they've been off their faces on lager and coke.

>> No.16582749

lmao punk IPA is a pretty mainstream beer and IPAs have been drunk in the UK for decades before they became a onions meme in the United States.

>> No.16582753

Maybe be less ugly? idk

>> No.16582759

I never grew up with these sort of folks, quite the contrary in fact. My parents are the "intellectual" type which provided a good education but my close family is just boring catholic-without-spirituality bourgeoisie who can't see what they're not shown, which lead me to realise that if could speak with them I could speak to everyone and everyone deserves to be listened and loved.

>> No.16582763

I lived in acadmia for the past 10+ years in a university city in bongland so I almost never interact with anyone who's not an academic or a posh kid lol

>> No.16582765

Nah, that's not it.

>> No.16582768

oh my god the pants of these guys, they look so funny I couldnt stop myself from laughin gout loud would I met them in the streets posing for a photo like that hahaha

>> No.16582774

>tfw grew up in a village full of hicks and lowlifes
>taught me social aptitude
>lost it all because I had no reason to keep it up as an adult
Jealous anon. Miss having social immunity. If you can sell a good first impression all you have to do from there smile and act boisterous and they'll love you
Lots of good memories from being a kid getting rowdy and getting up to trouble with these sorts of people

>> No.16582779

What do these guys work?

>> No.16582782

>Give them a huge smile, since I know they are already dead,


>> No.16582784

You wouldn't even dare to look at them kiddo

>> No.16582787


>> No.16582825

i don't think you lost it if you had as a kid, go talk to some lowlife and see for yourself

>> No.16582826

waiters, construction, security, etc

>> No.16582828

Imagine being this sheltered lol

>> No.16582832
File: 11 KB, 284x177, 1599824197995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Bookreading poofs can't handle the bants and take everything too seriously. If you don't act like a stuck up cunt you might even get some of them into literature. Most my high school mates are deano types and I've gotten some of them into reading before. It's not intelligence, but the anti intellectual culture you were raised in. Some of these guys are actually insecure about their lack of education and would appreciate if someone taught them something without condescending to them like their teachers probably did, in my experience. I went over to one of my mates a while ago and he'd gotten a bookshelf and he told me he wanted to get into reading after seeing all my books. It was a good feeling.

>> No.16582848

>implying i have the social skills to do "banter" with random strangers
Check your privilege faggots

>> No.16582851

then just be nice, if they don't feel the need to ostracise you in order to bond you'll be fine

>> No.16582854

They looks spanish (except for the smaller one)

>> No.16582869

>then just be nice and pray that the gods will smile upon you
Nah I'd rather be a cunt from the start

>> No.16582870

then you have the banter

>> No.16582874

Yeah mate, I'll even retract what I said earlier about upper class people. The class system in the UK seems to follow the dimwit, midwit, topwit paradigm. The upper classes and lower classes seem to intrinsically understand eachother. After all in times gone by the deano lads in OPs pic would have been infrantry soldiers and the upper classes would have been the officers of the Empire. The worst I have encountered is from middle class midwit snobs. The type whose dad is a mid level accountant who drives a volvo. These cunts are the worst. A pub full of Deanos and Tarquins unironically would probably be bantering together after a while. A room full of Deanos and Oliver's maybe not.

>> No.16582876

I can see why you think that for 4, but 1 and 3 look incredibly bong-like

>> No.16582880

No, my being a cunt is autistic and not light-hearted fun like you social faggots can manage with your superpowers.

>> No.16582882

I need something to do between arm and chest days at the gym.

>> No.16582886

based, but you have to have the looks too

>> No.16582887

The british white working class are worse than niggers.

>> No.16582899
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T. Nigger

>> No.16582900
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basically this, in other words

>> No.16582907

Don't live in Bongland

>> No.16582925
File: 142 KB, 1072x1440, deanos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookpuffs can't compete to be honest

>> No.16582929

Post physique

>> No.16582930

>fifa with the lads
nothing can compete desu

>> No.16582938

>"me missus is making me read cause I watched too much footy lads"
>quality banter
Never come across a bigger LARP in my life.

>> No.16582941

Ten years ago these slobs would have been working off their fat in a Sunday league. Consoles and their consequences have been a disaster for the British race.

>> No.16582943


>> No.16582952

t. Chud who never interacts with other lads

A bit of self-depreciating shit banter goes along way to signal to them you aren't a stuck up knobhead and can take a joke. You obviously wouldn't get it mate.

>> No.16582963

>ITT yanks and euros pretending to be bongs
the only other race that could bant with those blokes are aussies

>> No.16582966

I showed my gf this pic, she said lad on the right is fit. There you go lads, speccy Deano out mogs the others.

>> No.16582968

I grew among these people and we obviously never "clicked" but I'd hang out with them and they'd appreciate me for who I was (they genuinely thought I was a genius). I never tried to adopt their jokes and they didn't try to adopt my autism. We still hang out every now and then but that's about it. If these people shouted at me on the street I'd probably just smile back cause it's funny and maybe shake my head as in "you got me" or point at my head as in "to get smart" but not respond back cause my voice is not loud enough to match the atmosphere.

>> No.16582971

I've interacted with more than enough lads to know that that is weak fucking banter and would get you nowhere with them other than ridicule. Literally doesn't even sound like what a human being would say, sounds like some burger autist's impression of what a lad sounds like.

>> No.16582974

If you think 'me missus is making me read cause I watched too much footy' passes for bant then you're either American or fourteen.

>> No.16582976

It's not that bad depending on the delivery

>> No.16582994

It's pretty bad. It screams "I'm one of you lads innit, please like me/don't beat me up."
>depending on the delivery
Be my guest

>> No.16583004

More like http://viz.co.uk/category/real-ale-twats/ desu

>> No.16583005

This is true. Most of these blokes are sound, very rare that they’re not just well-adjusted office workers out on the lash.

>> No.16583044

All it needs a table with a prep line for a cheeky sniff

>> No.16583068


>> No.16583077

>OY! Fack ya readin’ a book for mate!?
a good question, unironically. why am i sitting in a dark room reading fucking kant when i could be out getting proper filthy and chasing minge?

>> No.16583078


>> No.16583091


>> No.16583096
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Kek, nigger

>> No.16583102

Work out more, you breathy bastard.

>> No.16583105

based and pintpilled

>> No.16583106

>le footy lads out at 'spoons to watch the saturday football before a night on the lash

>> No.16583123

*steals your wallet after he shares a blow of coke in the loo*

haha real honest salt of the earth blokes, come monday they'll be back to sitting around the building site drinking tea and bantering while doing no work

>> No.16583151

All the replies to this post scream of trying to fit in with le ebin working class culture

I've had to work around people like this and beneath the thin veneer of being pleasant blokes who just like a bit of banter and football, they're actually horrible, materialistic and lack any sort of conscience. They are the epitome of the morally vacuous modern everyman who is too stupid for rational thought and was raised without christian morality drilled into him to prevent his ape brain from doing whatever it feels like from moment to moment.

>> No.16583169

My sister has those same pants

>> No.16583183

I’ve had this exact scenario play out in real life

>> No.16583188

this. stop romanticizing stupidity.

>> No.16583199

Is that Tom Hardy on the left? Based

>> No.16583201

incel alert

>> No.16583205



>> No.16583207

>ya'll need jesus, verbose edition
How you going to convert them anon?

>> No.16583212

Peak midwit right here

>> No.16583215

you will never be one of them.

>> No.16583218

absolutely based and true.

>> No.16583228

I'm a big fat cunt, just one who knows how to throw a punch.

>> No.16583235

Newcastle or Middlesbrough?

>> No.16583239
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, 1C74B0FD-9897-4628-BC4B-5FF350EF5B41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've had to work around people like this and beneath the thin veneer of being pleasant blokes who just like a bit of banter and football, they're actually horrible, materialistic and lack any sort of conscience. They are the epitome of the morally vacuous modern everyman who is too stupid for rational thought and was raised without christian morality drilled into him to prevent his ape brain from doing whatever it feels like from moment to moment.

>> No.16583240

You’re reading far too much into it. These men are not horrible, they are just stupid.

>> No.16583244

Nice blouse faggot

>> No.16583246

a lot of them are genuinely horrible and violent. not that i would expect a shut in incel to know

>> No.16583247

in hope one of the writers will teach me how to buy pants that cover my ankles

>> No.16583250

Stupid people act based on instinct and feeling, which generally leads to horrible things.

>> No.16583252

Little tory cunt, bet you go to work wearing a cravat.

>> No.16583257

I think it's the weird ass tight pants

>> No.16583258

chaste and breadpilled

>> No.16583261

Same cunt will praise nignogs for being noble savages while demonising his own countrymen. Pure neoliberal piece of shit vibes from him.

>> No.16583262

>tight pants

>> No.16583264
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Lmao fat fuck

>> No.16583275

why is it one or the other? nogs are just a more extreme version of stupid whites

>> No.16583283

the uk does seem to have this very short-tempered and violent sort of working/underclass natives. a friend of mine went to a big outdoor concert somewhere in northern england, and while he was waiting for the show to start some apeman not even in his line of sight went ”oi wot yer lookin at” and walked over and kicked him unconscious. just for sitting on the grass and minding his own business. and all of his uk friends were like ”yeah shame you missed the gig mate”

>> No.16583284


>> No.16583293


>> No.16583298

it was his fault for looking at him though.

>> No.16583301

you shouldn't look, and if you do, you better have a face that says "I saw it, but I don't care"

>> No.16583305

they might also read books

>> No.16583306

if you ask me "saw what?", I don't know what

>> No.16583310

your friend has a face of a snitch

>> No.16583313

the anglo mindset

>> No.16583314


>> No.16583320

Why do you think the British are the pioneers of primatology? A lifetime of interacting with the subhuman underclass of British society teaches you all the tricks you need to survive an encounter with Chimpanzees.

>> No.16583322

it's the same here in aus. there were a few guys who got punched out of the blue for no reason and killed by coked up retards like that outside of nightclubs so the government enacted lockout laws that effectively killed nightlife in sydney. now sydney is boring as fuck because of these ape tier dumb fucks who people ITT seem to idolize so much.

>> No.16583329

why was he looking at him though? that's rude. got what he deserved if you as k me

>> No.16583338

is this some sort of bong meme

>> No.16583342

kek, based norfener.

>> No.16583353

I looked at a guy passively through my peripheral view, his hands were in his pockets, I was just checking that he wouldn't pull out something, he wouldn't fuck off until I stopped looking, it was subtile as fuck,

at public gatherings there are always those retards who don't know what to do with their life, I live in a small city, everyone knows them, but still

>> No.16583359

>can't detect that reedy home counties accent under the fake northern one

>> No.16583510


>> No.16583534

what the FUCK are you looking at *does a twirl showing my femcock as I pull out my glock 19 loaded with hollows*

>> No.16583591

>this accent that sounds like a vague fusion of every accent in England outside of the south will fool outsiders
Obvious southerner detected

>> No.16583620

I thought we were all past that tight pants above the ankle thing.

>> No.16583773

You need to talk to girls more often

>> No.16583851

First of all “chud” would not be part of your used vocabulary if it were true

>> No.16583872

Get bent pooftas

>> No.16583882


>> No.16583905

Deano on the right mogs every subhuman on lit into oblivion

>> No.16583976
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>25 years old
>manager of his own JJB Sports branch
>married a slag he pulled on a night out 2 years ago
>owns a brand new Audi (on finance)
>owns his own Barratt Home (with a mortgage)

You incels must be pretty jealous of Deano

>> No.16584014

Daily reminder that people like this consist the majority of voters. Democracy was a mistake.

>> No.16584109

>majority get to decide what happens to the majority
Sounds okay to me, tranny

>> No.16584124

Not my crowd, but they look like okay guys

>> No.16584155

This is what happens when you act like a cheeky little cunt

>> No.16584165

literally nothing wrong with any of that

>> No.16584170


>> No.16584174

cringe happens?

>> No.16584177
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>> No.16584407

I would close my book and just leave, or just take it if I can't leave. Fuckers talk like the violent type of anglos, me and my fucking spaghetti arms have no chance.

>> No.16584498

Cos I'm liking it.

>> No.16584735

Absolutely based, you have completely convinced me you are the deano whisperer

>> No.16584994

I don't think a lot of deano posting comes from hate or feeling superior I think it's just having a giggle at their ridiculous appearance.

>> No.16585181 [DELETED] 

I'd try not to laugh british accents crack me up

>> No.16585224

There are four people, there is no middle.

>> No.16585257
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>> No.16585386
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I'm reading to improve my mind, not that you worthless maggots would know what that's like

>> No.16585474

Are Barratt Homes the bastard children of our burger castles made of plywood and drywall that made it back to bongland?

>> No.16585501


They're at least brick, but I'd classify them as MiniMcMansions, yes.

>> No.16585535
File: 105 KB, 700x420, 8216[1].jpg_width=700&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=49ee5003b8a054d4995225f652f12282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the British equivalent of this, only imagine them being built on the outskirts of otherwise traditional, picturesque villages.

>> No.16585671

They don't.

>> No.16585676

They all look like homosexuals

>> No.16585713


>> No.16585776

I'll tell yers a story. I was in the Forester's a couple of weeks ago with my mate Dave, went for a piss... And a guy was peeing in a stall with the door open and he was clearly doing pelvic floor exercises. See as a fella, instead of doing Kegels what you do is stop-start when you pee. And this fella was full on going "PPPFTOOO, PSS, PHTOO, PLUURT, PHTOO, PSSS" In public what the fuck

>> No.16585798

I don't.

>> No.16586093

Their pants don't have mouths, yet they must scream.

>> No.16586247

You are 100% correct

>> No.16586369
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They're all getting repossessed soon

>> No.16586379
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Truth is Deano is a chad and /lit/ is too afraid to admit it

>> No.16586393
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Roger Scruton is turning in his grave

>> No.16586481

To finish it

>> No.16586548

pretty sure people were sitting on their asses playing FIFA in 2010

>> No.16586551

Dude in the cream shirt looks like a randomly generated Elder Scrolls Oblivion character.

>> No.16586587

>just round at Daz's playing fifa with Gaz, Waz and the lads

>> No.16586997

me with the cap

>> No.16587547


>> No.16587727

Silly anon, 2010 was only a couple of years ago.

>> No.16587888
