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16581371 No.16581371 [Reply] [Original]

i hate everybody and am always mad. what are you some books that will help me control my anger?

>> No.16581470


>> No.16581471

The Great Gatsby
>Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope.

>> No.16581476

i haven't read that yet, and am an alcoholic (it pacifies my infernal wrath), so i'll check it out.

>> No.16581481
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Don't contain it anon. The fire rises.

>> No.16581482

>being angry is a mental illness
kys faggot

>> No.16581496

take your meds

>> No.16581505

No one cared about me till I put on the mask.

>> No.16581509

check out Culture of Critique

>> No.16581528

t. tranny
anger is a basic human emotion

>> No.16581535

>always mad
def basic.. go get a latte brainlet

>> No.16581544

take your estrogen

>> No.16581547
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>> No.16581549

try using t. irl, you'll def see def is better

>> No.16581585

this isn't irl you schizophrenic tranny

>> No.16581644

Honestly I think Stephen King's Rage (published under the name Richard Bachman) has a few really good chapters describing unraveling anger from a first person point of view.
I know King generally isn't viewed as that great of a writer but something about his descriptions in these passages really gets to me. Especially Chapter 10. This is more of a "I don't know why I'm so angry but let's get violent because it's the only thing that makes sense right now" type of idea, which might be what you're looking for.
Another good one is Invisible Man. Outwardly it's a rumination on racial politics during the rise of American Marxism, but its true light comes from how perfectly it articulates the emotions that come from being projected onto and misrepresented by every person you meet, black or white.
At its peak, the final few chapters morph into a primal hallucinatory nightmare where the main character realises just how bullshit everything around him truly is, and has this amazing transformation fuelled by anger, frustration, truth, and hatred for everyone he's met. I highly highly recommend it.
Finally Lolita would honestly be quite good for you to read too. The true "meme" surrounding Humbert Humbert's character is not so much that he's a nonce, but that he's an obsessively spiteful and vindictive man, who can extremely eloquently articulate what makes him so viscerally and animalistically angry about certain things, and people. Have fun.

>> No.16581695

i appreciate the recommendation but i'd never read stephen king.
>At its peak, the final few chapters morph into a primal hallucinatory nightmare where the main character realises just how bullshit everything around him truly is, and has this amazing transformation fuelled by anger, frustration, truth, and hatred for everyone he's met. I highly highly recommend it.
sounds relatable. might check out invisible man, thanks for the recommendation anon. i definitely feel invisible and wronged by everyone.
not a big fan of lolita. the descriptions of the hotels they stayed in was the best part of the novel to me. i haven't read a lot of nabokov but i preferred transparent things and read it twice. i liked the lean prose.

>> No.16581694

Anger is as much a basic emotion as lust and despair. It's natural to feel, but indulge in it and you'll only make your time on earth worse

>> No.16581725
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no dude, anger is literally one of the five basic emotions. that's how fucked society is now though, you're not even allowed to feel or express one of the five basic human fucking emotions. why, because anger and aggression are masculine, and men are bad, so take a fucking pill, get a sex change and get fucked up the ass? fuck this gay earth

>> No.16581733

come on anon elaborate on your anger it helps you work through it
t. also fucking angry a lot

>> No.16581776

absolute kek

>> No.16581783

i've got to get to the liquor store before it closes (10:30pm rn) but i'm mad at the ways i've been wrong, i'm angry at the people who insult, ridicule and laugh at me in public, i'm mad at the people who tell me i'm something i'm not, and i'm mad at how i'm not even allowed to be mad at all the ways i've been wronged and am constantly wronged by all these stupid, shit-eating, subhuman chimpanzee pieces of braindead shit, who are nothing but mindless animals mindlessly trying to procreate, and hypocritically shaming others for no reason, projecting every sick, twisted, negative their deformed little minds can think of onto others; i'm mad at the fucking worthless subhuman beast fake coughing outside like a barking dog, i'm angry at the stupidity of it.
i'm angry at stupid people for being stupid, they shit on Being itself, they make life into something worthless and disposable, and i'm angry that i'm not even allowed to be fucking, that everybody is allowed to provoke me, that even this fucking worthless animal fake coughing like a barking dog is allowed to provoke me and i'm not allowed to fight back.
what am i supposed to do, let everybody tell me i'm the sick, twisted, untrue, wrong things their deformed little hypocritical minds can think of, if you can even call that thinking, without fighting back? and then i can't even fight back, since then i really am the bad guy everyone says i am, for no reason, unprovoked, just because the They determine their ideas through the spirit of vengeance, and society has devolved into just people fighting.
i have nothing but hatred and contempt for liberal democracy, for neoliberal ideology, for the human animals under liberal democracy, for herd morality, for all these stupid, base, hypocritical, perverted, braindead, mindless, worthless, shit-eating, shallow, superficial, cock-sucking animals.
i expect other people to have some level of civilization and human decency and every time i go outside it's like going to the zoo.
and all these arrogant, despicable, worthless rodents make a mockery of me, when all i do is suffer in pain, day in and day out. they're absolute idiots, they know nothing of suffering, and, being subhuman fucking animals, they know nothing of their own mortality.
anyway, i need to get to the liquor store before it closes.

>> No.16581802

>you're not even allowed to feel or express one of the five basic human fucking emotions
Feeling and expressing that is fine, but do so in moderation and with temperance, and most importantly know WHY you are angry and what can be done to help it. Without that you'll just be an aimless, raging creature who takes cathartic pleasure from feeling insulted.
>why, because anger and aggression are masculine, and men are bad, so take a fucking pill, get a sex change and get fucked up the ass? fuck this gay earth
Get off the internet for a while. Most of the world is not like this and it seems constantly being online has skewed your perception.

>> No.16581813
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149:4.2."Anger is a material manifestation which represents, in a general way, the measure of the failure of the spiritual nature to gain control of the combined intellectual and physical natures. Anger indicates your lack of tolerant brotherly love plus your lack of self-respect and self-control. Anger depletes the health, debases the mind, and handicaps the spirit teacher of man's soul. Have you not read in the Scriptures that 'wrath kills the foolish man,' and that man 'tears himself in his anger'? That 'he who is slow of wrath is of great understanding,' while 'he who is hasty of temper exalts folly'? You all know that 'a soft answer turns away wrath,' and how 'grievous words stir up anger.' 'Discretion defers anger,' while 'he who has no control over his own self is like a defenseless city without walls.' 'Wrath is cruel and anger is outrageous.' 'Angry men stir up strife, while the furious multiply their transgressions.' 'Be not hasty in spirit, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.'" Before Jesus ceased speaking, he said further: "Let your hearts be so dominated by love that your spirit guide will have little trouble in delivering you from the tendency to give vent to those outbursts of animal anger which are inconsistent with the status of divine sonship."

>> No.16581818

>and i'm angry that i'm not even allowed to be fucking, that everybody is allowed to provoke me, that even this fucking worthless animal fake coughing like a barking dog is allowed to provoke me and i'm not allowed to fight back.
This seems to be a large crux of your anger.
What would fighting back give you? If you yelled, thrashed and berated "them" into changing their views on you, would either yourself or the world be a better place?
The only thing you can control is your own thoughts and actions, so try to guide those to healthy places so that regardless of the beliefs of others, you are content. Of course doing so isn't easy and takes time, but you're the only one who can do it.

>> No.16581835

I wonder how many actual crack heads are on this board right now. How many addicts, high on mummies money, are pouring through antique fascist lit every night? We may never know.

>> No.16581904

>Feeling and expressing that is fine, but do so in moderation and with temperance, and most importantly know WHY you are angry and what can be done to help it. Without that you'll just be an aimless, raging creature who takes cathartic pleasure from feeling insulted.
very true and well-put. i have a copy of rhetoric by aristotle, and i only read the parts on the emotions with relevant emotions i feel, as it included poetics, and i bought the book just for poetics, but my anger does seem completely justified. i'm not just angry at everyone for no reason out of resentment, i'm angry at people who slight, belittle, shame and accuse me, and i should be angry instead of letting their moral hysteria and the projections of every stupid thing their sick little minds can think of onto me actually get to me and turn me against myself when they are wrong and just sick, twisted, abusive hypocrites.
>Get off the internet for a while. Most of the world is not like this and it seems constantly being online has skewed your perception.
people online are better than people irl. people irl are trolls who will physically harm you if you respond to their trolling.

>What would fighting back give you? If you yelled, thrashed and berated "them" into changing their views on you, would either yourself or the world be a better place?
it wouldn't. in the past i have let my anger get the best of me and hurt and fought many people. now that i'm older and more mature, i try to be civilized and stay out of trouble, but the They is still constantly abusing me, which makes me angry. i try to sublimate to higher forms, expressing anger in words, or by watching a violent movie, or just by playing a fighting game. but the culture i live in is so morally hysteric, low, base, and resentful, that it itself seeks to censor any such aggressive media or freedom of expression, in order for us all to worship women and live like animals.
>The only thing you can control is your own thoughts and actions
that won't make these morons shut the fuck up. the anger still remains. if i'm not angry, i am accepting the venom they inject into me, letting it make me sick with their psychotic, hysterically, bullshit "morality," which seeks to blame and shame faultless others out of their unreflective deformity and sickness of mind. anger is an immunological response, the rejection of the negativity of the other.
i am content when i am alone and don't have to deal with these mentally retarded, perverted, hypocritical, resentful, stupid, low, base, subhuman pieces of worthless shit. but, as a person living in what is supposed to be a society, i do have to go outside in order to eat, where i am met with baseless hatred, shame, ridicule, and hostility, simply for existing. if those are not grounds for anger, i don't know what is.

>> No.16581921

for years i have met them with christian love and been met with nothing but abuse, ridicule, harassment, violence, belittlement, and disdain. following christ's words would only continue to make me a scapegoat and a victim, bearing my cross every day, being crucified every day by these heathen, bestial sodomites, these abominations, these sinners, living in sin, assuming that everyone else lives in sin too, seeing only evil in goodness. people from any of the world say i look like jesus; people here say i look like this or that horrible thing, since they are such evil, perverted, hypocritical, subhuman pieces of shit. they worship the beast; carnality is their god, their a priori syllogism of mind. if you can even call that mind. i have nothing but absolute contempt for the worthless, mindless, evil pieces of subhuman shit who hiss at me with their forked tongues. may they rot in hell - yet i am the one who is in hell here, simply for trying to be good.

>> No.16581961

>and i should be angry instead of letting their moral hysteria and the projections of every stupid thing their sick little minds can think of onto me actually get to me and turn me against myself when they are wrong and just sick, twisted, abusive hypocrites.
You can reject their ideas without turning that into anger. If you become enraged by what they say of/to you, then it still has far more power over you than if you just treated it with unimportance.
>that won't make these morons shut the fuck up
>the anger still remains
False You create the anger, it exists solely within yourself and is amplified or diminished by your own perception of things around you. You also control the sway their words or actions hold over you (unless their actions are physical in some nature, in which case it's fine to defend yourself).
>but, as a person living in what is supposed to be a society, i do have to go outside in order to eat, where i am met with baseless hatred, shame, ridicule, and hostility, simply for existing.
I can't imagine you receive all these strong emotions every time you just go out to eat, but if you do then move out immediately into a rural area (I'm assuming this would be a city thing).
In my experience, almost all people just react with hollow politeness (maybe because that's all I give to them). Outside that, I know nothing of their beliefs or the lives they lead because I see them a short time and keep conversations short. It's best not to come to conclusions about someone unless you've at least had a civil conversation with them

>> No.16581971

Stop avoiding other emotions

>> No.16581994

>Watch Out, Suglia

>> No.16582195

i don't though. anger is a reaction to the negativity of the other which forbids my ability to feel positive emotions, since the other is mostly stupid, negative, and base, and wants you to be a stupid, low, base, vengeful, animalistic, hypocritical pervert like them, and they call that "morality," and it forbids you from experiencing the joy of life, the joy of Being, any happiness, nostalgia, any depth of feeling, since, for Them, the herd animal, at least these days woman is the absolute, not sex or reproduction but women, so everything is subordinated to that, to women, to sex, reproduction, etc, and everything is judged in relation to the merely biological imperative to reproduce, which is why i have so much hatred and contempt for everyone, the stupid, low, base, subhuman animals, for robbing me of my peace of mind, my good intentions, my spirituality, and almost my soul

>> No.16582221

>You can reject their ideas without turning that into anger.
word, you're right.
> If you become enraged by what they say of/to you, then it still has far more power over you than if you just treated it with unimportance.
you don't understand what they're like, though. if you don't fight it, they make you into it. i cannot allow myself to be weak and to accept what they dump onto me. i have to reject and to fight it. there's no other option.

i disagree with most of what you say, because you're telling me to passively endure abuse.

>rural area
i'm not a redneck, i want to live in civilization where people are civilized, i live in a city, i expect them to be civilized, but they're rednecks here too.

>In my experience, almost all people just react with hollow politeness
where do you live? that seems good to me. people here are obscene perverts. everything is a joke to them. they're animals with no awareness of their mortality. they're savages, they're animals. there's no way that anyone could feel anything but the utmost hatred and contempt for such wicked, hypocritical, moronic, hostile PIGS.
> It's best not to come to conclusions about someone unless you've at least had a civil conversation with them
the people here are too stupid for that. everything devolves into a justification for their territoriality, for their vengeance. they're incapable of civil conversations. they're worthless, pathetic, manipulative, aggressive, hypocritical, perverted, mindless pieces of subhuman shit without meaningful access to language. i hate nothing but the most pure hatred for each and every one of them.

>> No.16582226
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>> No.16582248

notes from the underground

>> No.16582636

Then whenever you get angry from then on, read the bible until you've calmed down.

>> No.16582644

Realize anger and hate is exhausting and boring and then just stop

>> No.16582652

Some people are just naturally angry and you can't stop it. Just let it out on /lit/ anons like we all do so we can act normal outdoors.

>> No.16582660

>anger and hate are boring
How dumb and effeminate are you?

>> No.16582662

The Bible

>> No.16582678

>t. fucking retard that thinks becoming enraged when the corner store is out of ding-dongs is manly and life-affirming

>> No.16582684

kys subhuman

>> No.16582709

Debunked numerous times

>> No.16582960

Plato's Symposium

>> No.16582972
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>> No.16582995

based, albeit slightly lost
acknowledging that society at large is nothing but animals parading under a layer of human skin and fabric is the first step, dear anon.
the anger will subside in due time - what you are feeling now is merely appropriate disgust and rejection of the human "world" as you become more aware of its endless flaws.
serenity comes after anger dries up, just as the sea exposes its most beautiful scent only after it rages against the shore.

what will you be drinking?

>> No.16583002

Don't subdue it, transcend it. Instead of getting angry in traffic like a dog barking at strangers, rise your anger to a thing in itself, disconnected from that which might cause it. Behold it in yourself, as a baroque object of the sublime. Aestheticize the anger away from mere reactivity.
Once you have done this, you won't behave like the animals in this thread. You won't be a mere conduit for cultural troubles (ree trannies, ree effeminates, ree jews) you will be cable of original thought. You won't allow yourself to be angered, you will anger at will.

>> No.16583015

>anger and hate is exhausting and boring
hate is the underside of love. the man whose hate burns the brighest is the man whose deepest love was severed.
i feel sorry for you, who will never experience the true colors of emotion.

>> No.16583016

threading dangerously and alternating spastically between based and cringe

>> No.16583019

I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that I mastered this technique while lip-syncing to death grips in the mirror.

>> No.16583030

Look at all these ego inflated faggots telling you what to do OP. Are you really getting cucked on an anonymous internet forum?

>> No.16583033
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>> No.16583037

Post links. Pretty sure mcd has answered most refutations

>> No.16583064
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>You won't be a mere conduit for cultural troubles
Actually it is culture that is a conduit for our emotions

>> No.16583075
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Actually cultural landscape and emotional consciousness are one and the same

>> No.16583119


That’s only what you may want to believe.

>> No.16583129


>> No.16583145

>raging and sperging is masculine
Being feminine is being a slave to your emotional whims and going along with them.

>> No.16583156

you're not wrong just not focused anon

>> No.16583161

the stoics unironically

>> No.16583194

>ego inflated faggots
if not obvious from my reference to the sea, i'm from the mediterranean seaside. a faggot, maybe. ego inflation, however, is veritably difficult when your town has chickens running into cafes biweekly in the 21st century.

let the anon consider our advice in peace.
regardless of whether he will take my, or any of the other anons' advice, it is essential he reads as many views on his issue as possible. only then can he differentiate between implanted ideas and his own sense of truth.

>> No.16583206
