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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 543 KB, 750x913, girl coffee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16580829 No.16580829 [Reply] [Original]

Write a short story to accompany this image

>> No.16580831

me wan cum in her hymen

>> No.16580852

More pics plz

>> No.16580858


>> No.16580868

The Freemason Milk Bar was unusually empty that night. Perhaps everyone was out getting better chairs from Ikea so we didn't have to sit on these shitty chairs that underfunded inner-city public schools are known for.

>> No.16580917

"No really, she said, "coffee isn't good for you."
My eyes widened and I spit my hot cum latte across the table.

>> No.16580918

"I never dreamed I could be this turned on," she thought, as his monologue on the Knight of Faith's ability to teleologically suspend the ethical droned into its fifteenth minute. She let out the softest moan, and then instantly bit her lip, terrified that he would hear and stop expounding. For an awful moment the sound of her sexual need hung in the air, but she should not have underestimated his devotion to Christ. He resumed his speech with the example of Kierkegaard himself, how he played the scoundrel to break off his relationship with his fiancee and pledge himself fully to the Galilean. She leaned forward, her eyes fixed rapturously on his own, framed in their spectacles, and took a small sip of her coffee. The hot liquid burned her throat, but it was nothing compared to the burning between her thighs. "God," she thought, "grant me chastity and continence, but not yet!"

>> No.16580927


>> No.16580933

>"You're here for the baby shoes, right?" she asked.

>> No.16580957

“Wait.” She stopped him in mid speech, slapping the empty espresso cup to the table, startling him. “How in the hell is Erdogan ‘based’ to you? Is this some kind of joke?”

>> No.16580981

thats just some picture of the most generic looking hot woman of our time. Not inspiring in the slightest.

>> No.16581068

Yes and?

>> No.16581075
File: 187 KB, 954x876, 1594957169610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16581109

the roastie whore sipped her fucking pumpkin spiced latte.
"i like you, anon," she said with a sickly, youthful warmth like decaying vegetation. "you're tall and effeminate. i mostly like you because you're taller than me and i'm a stupid little chimpanzee slut."
"word up ho," you said. "esketit skeet."
"haha you're so funny anon. how rich are your parents again? i just love a man with rich parents. didn't you know that i'm god? i really am, anon, i'm god herself."
"aight bitch imma skiddaddle," you said.
"you can't go! anon! don't leave me! HELP! POLICE! HE THREATENED TO KILL ME!" she screamed.
"w-what? ho i'm just going to do homework-"
just then, a SWAT team broke in through the ceiling.
"ah shit dis da end huh. i was just going to do homework i have a test tomorrow."
the SWAT team shoots you and you fall down on the table dead.

>> No.16581123
File: 55 KB, 414x376, 1578939640924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it 1000 words and have it on my desk by friday

>> No.16581304

I first laid eyes on her from afar inside a Chapters bookstore. Perhaps that's misleading, as I wasn't attending to her literal eyes inasmuch as I was carefully studying the crevice of her ass, made noticeable by her skinny pants. She seemed busy in the history section, and on gradually approaching her, noted that she seemed to bear great interest in WW2 Japan. Still thinking of a way to initiate conversation, I stopped a few feet from her by the holocaust area. Her scent alone gave me enough information so as to conclude that this was an art hoe. Bingo. To further my progress, I thought, I ought to pick up a book, find some 'extermination camp' photo, and react emotionally as the sensitive man I am. So, I opened what looked like a book intended for children on the matter, skimmed through it, found a large photo, and began my performance. I rubbed my eyes, leaned on the rack behind me, sniffled, and quickly sat down, almost falling over. This should have been enough noise to bring her attention, yet there she stood looking at a picture of Hirohito. I then quickly improvised, faking a phone call, and stating my apparent distress to a friend of black descent. She looked at me and smirked. I immediately gave up on my performance and began flirting. I may have even thrown a Jew joke (flirtatiously). Fast-forward to our first date in a coffee shop. I fully intend on burying my cock in her afterward but she seems to have some alpha attitude, making this process harder than it should be. She later revealed that she has a thing for sexual dominance. That night, when she pegged me, I noticed an Imperial Japan tattoo on her front left thigh.

>> No.16581369


>> No.16581389

you better have a time machine

>> No.16581394


>> No.16581429

playing name games with the tribe is never going to get you anywhere, i said. but she already knew that and didn't care. i ate the food that was in front of me, and it tasted good, like good food should. she looked at me and i looked at her and she had a greasy look on her head that would be more noticeable on an ugly man for example, and i had food in my mouth still that wasn't chewed so i kept chewing and she kept looking but she didn't speak. so i swallowed and spoke to break the silence, though all i could think to say was nigger, so i said it and she got mad because she thought i wasn't being serious but i was. i really didn't care what she was saying, all i knew was that i had to get out of there before i ended up in a

>> No.16581477

excuse me?

>> No.16581540

I hadn’t seen her since prom night four years ago. I hadn’t been on a date since college, 2 years ago. Between years of porn abuse and meticulous PUA research, I had no idea if I would be confident or sickly on the date. I saw her lips. I wondered what it would be like to stick my member through it. She said something stupid. I fake laughed. She said she was busy when I asked for a second date.

>> No.16581569


>> No.16581573

>Hey, thanks for the coffee anon, it has been wonderful finally having someone who truly loves me for wha-
>Anon, what THE FUCK IS THAT?
Nothing personal, tired of everyone feeding my delusion that everything is alright when it really isn't. Sorry you got mixed up with the wrong man.

>> No.16581786

Retards are easy to take advantage of. The woman who I met in the coffee shop earlier that day was almost certainly retarded; staring at a wall and making a peculiar expression as if she were trying to put on a pretty face for a camera. She thought that I was being serious when I offered her a modelling job. The look of horror on her face when I immediately forced her into BRAP position still gives me a hard on when I think of it to this day

>> No.16581913

"No, you really can't sit there I'm afraid, my mother will be back any moment"
"Okay, sorry"
"Look, here she comes"
Turning to look, I glance at her breasts, they are small and perky, judging she hasn't had children yet, I sigh, no milky goodness in those bags.
I can tell by Mothers expectant smile that she is thinking I'm having one of those moments from her romance flicks. To dissuade the old bag I start insisting rather firmly that the girl should find another seat.
"Okay man, I was just leaving"
Swearing under her breath she takes a seat at an empty table covered with the litter of numerous beans.

>> No.16582005

"So.....," I said, after taking a long sip of coffee, "D-do y-y..."

My voice cracks.
She notices.
I panic.
I check my watch.
I look at her tits.
She notices.
I open my phone, pretend to receive a call but she knows it didn't ring. I abandon the idea and shove it back into my pocket. I become hysterical, and my vision begins to blur.
I chortle anxiously into my coffee and try to speak while consuming the agonizingly bad drink. They fucked up my order, I laughed it off. She noticed. I'm choking myself. I cough for several minutes

"...D-do you like o-oat milk.. in your latte...? Too...?"

>> No.16582015

Returning to the rightful place at my table, her face loose with the usual melancholic drop, she sheepishly passes a bottle of thick yellowish milk into my greedy hands, averting her eyes as I sample the offerings.
"I've told you to stop smoking, I don't like the taste"
Silence is my reply, as it has been for almost five years now, so we continue our meal in the shroud of it.
The girl at the empty table has found a friend, a young barista is making her laugh, has he noticed the barren chest? Alas, milkless thirsty nights await that man.

>> No.16582065
File: 67 KB, 789x750, 1601814716743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue eyes
>straight brown hair
>oval face
>nice nose

>> No.16582077

I laughed

>> No.16582253

Nobody wants to play with the stinky pussy

>> No.16582260

Jesus christ im lonely during quarantine thought the narrator. I want some ass been too long he thinks

>> No.16582487

"She's too cute. I can't fucking do this.", he thought. She stared at him, patiently. He swallowed loudly.
"So uhh, I actually go a lot on this forum, it's called uh" (he pauses, considering if this was a bad idea) "4chan and-" the girl's expression contracted for a fraction of a second, and he saw the ghost of a sneer of disgust, or revulsion, like she had just seen some repulsive half-dead insect wriggling manically. Or had he? Did he imagine it? "-the literature board there is pretty good, you can talk about some pretty interesting stuff." Had he gotten away with it? "Sounds interesting!" she smiled. He exhaled stealthily. He had gotten away with it. Now how the fuck was he going to leave? He tried to think of an excuse but his brain was overheated. "Maybe I'll try going on there some time." she said. "Uh yeah, sure! Good idea! he said, too enthusiastically. A second later he realised what he had said and how she would view him if she actually ever DID go on the website and he began to panic. "Well, uh nice day isn't it! I have to uh, go return some video tapes" he said while winking, but it looked more like an expression of pain. His chair scraped loudly as he pushed backwards and he bumped against the table painfully, but tried to shrug it off as he hobbled away. "Wait!" She called to him but he didn't answer. He needed to leave. "Fuck!" he thought. "I should have looked at her boobs... though she might have noticed... shit, I don't know. I need a fucking coffee." He continued down the street until he found another cafe, this one run by an old Brazilian woman who tried to flirt with him and stroked his pale hand with her leathery, melanomic talon.

>> No.16582582


>> No.16582588
File: 118 KB, 837x839, poster,840x830,f8f8f8-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16582596

My girlfriend looks similar to that. Yes I will breed 3+ white children with her and intend on marrying soon.

>> No.16582889

Vocaroo anon please

>> No.16582924

Similar but your gfs lazy eye, broken nose and hare lip are how I tell them apart,

>> No.16582950

I killed her with a single strike. "It's amazing how much better men are than women," I said to myself.

>> No.16582962

Dangerously based

>> No.16582981

Theres this shitty cafe called 'Mikes'. I went there last week cause they sell the sandwiches cheap to at the end of the day. "Can I get a flat white with almond milk and a chicken sandwich?" The fat old lady took my money, the barista glared at me and packed the group handle, she was kinda cute. I thought I recognised her, pretty sure she went to my highschool. "almond milk" she said to herself in a high pitch mocking tone. I felt awkward standing while she made the coffee so I sat at the table and pretended to text someone. Barista walked over to my table and sat down never breaking eye contact. She took a big gulp of my coffee slid it across the table to me,
"almond milk?" she said cocking her head to the side
"uh yeah"
She stood up suddenly so the chair legs made that noise scraping against the floor. Firmly threw the paper bag with my sandwich at me like a hard two handed baskeball pass then walk back behind the counter.

I went up to talk to the manager, but the fat lady was ignoring me, the barista was aggressively making out with the dish boy and flipping me off over his shoulder.
"ALMOND MILK!" she screamed as I left.
Sandwich was ok.

>> No.16582982

Her face, when dick in a cup. God, I love the way she looks at me. I've tried dick in a box, dick in a pie. My dick was burnt and red, and yet, here she is. My dick, in her cup. Fucking perfect. She wants to fuck and suck, my dick inside her cup.

>> No.16582988

I'm not the kind of guy to frequent coffee shops, but I entered the place and when I finished ordering I spotted a girl out of the corner of my eye. I approached her from the side and said hey, I'm a little nervous but I saw you and you look cute so I was wondering if you'd like to have a coffee together sometime. She said thanks for the offer but I'm not interested so I sat down like an idiot and left the shop a little while after that.

The next day I came and she was there again this time with a guy who looked a lot like me. I wasn't going to let the chance pass me again so I approached her and pretended like I'd known her since high school. What's up, I said. It's been a while, how've you been. She wanted to laugh, I know, yet she just looked puzzled. Get away from me, creep.

I pressed on instead. You haven't introduced me to your new boyfriend over here, who's this? I said. She didn't respond. The guy said hey I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you Andrew I said. After shaking his hand he seemed uncomfortable. I glanced at the girl and she was looking away also.

I went home having learned something but I wasn't quite sure what.

recommend me short story authors who write on this subject

>> No.16582996
