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/lit/ - Literature

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16580597 No.16580597 [Reply] [Original]

>mum said "well done" when I told her I had read a 452 page novel and seemed genuine when she said it

>> No.16580609

i tell my girlfriend when i finish books and she fawns about it and asks me what it was about and loves hearing me explain it

>> No.16580608

just be happy that your mom thinks you are doing something good with your life

>> No.16580612

read it as "a 452 page novel today," and i came to greet you, but now i see you probably didn't even read it one sitting.
lmao your mom have no reason to be proud of you.

>> No.16580619
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>> No.16580629
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I don't even like getting praise, I don't think I deserve it. I feel like an imposter and I'm afraid that someday someone will find out that I'm not as smart as others think

>> No.16580631

Lucky guy

>> No.16580636
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>> No.16580674

Me mum is incredibly low IQ. Certain things that come easily to me such as simple reading comprehension can prove to be an insurmountable hurdle for her. She's impressed that I can understand questions on quizzes/exams or the Jeopardy gameshow.

I feel bad that she's had to work so hard and take abuse from so many people to achieve so little in her life. I feel guilty that just talking to her irritates me so much just because she has amassed so little practical knowledge (let alone scholarly knowledge) and needs help and input with so many basic things.

She's very loyal and caring, but there's a mental gulf that will always separate us.

>> No.16580684

Be thankful your dad has smart genes

>> No.16580689

my mom's an illiterate whore, the most she's read is like 50 pages of some stephen king novel, yet she pretends to read and thinks she's intelligent. degenerate alcoholic bitch, rot in fucking hell you stupid, subhuman ape. worthless piece of shit.

>> No.16580700

This board sure has its share of mommy issues

>> No.16580751

I'm definitely fortunate I got that Y chromosome

>> No.16580755

My mom has got a gigantic fat ass.

>> No.16580764

you just have to live a nice life and she will be happy. not everyone needs to be a scholar, some people are more simple. The education that we all receive is sub-par and we all know this.

>> No.16580857

Pics plz

>> No.16580910

I have a lot of fun summarizing books to my gf. It helps my retention and she likes hearing my shitty short form versions of stories lol

>> No.16580934

Treasure and take care of her. Sounds like a loving and nurturing woman. Can't ask for more in a mother.

>> No.16580968

It's a good thing that you're there to take care of her. The world can be cruel to the mentally disabled


>> No.16580993
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>mom died two weeks back
There’s a distinct feeling of hatred that comes from watching someone get diagnosed with terminal cancer, try to use treatments to outlast a quarantine, then die after seven months

>> No.16581003

Was she proud of you when she died?

>> No.16581014

i'm sorry for your loss anon.
my mom lied to me about dying of terminal cancer. she's still alive. i haven't talked to her in a year and a half. what's awful is that i felt happy when i thought she was dying

>> No.16581055
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Yeah, she was. She would say I was the greatest thing she ever did. We were planning a trip to Spain then one week after she got diagnosed quarantine started.
Thanks anon, I’m sorry you don’t get to have a mom either.

>> No.16581066

Sorry bro.

>> No.16581102

Well done

You better respect her you mong

>> No.16581122

Sorry to hear about your mom; hoping the best for you Anon.

>> No.16581149

I spent about 2.5 hours today talking to my mom about Borges. She's in poor health and I read her Library of Babel while she laid in bed; it was her first exposure to him and she thought it was amazing.

>> No.16581190

Tolstoy has some very short stories that are uplifting and easy to read aloud too. It’s hard to find good stuff to read out loud to sick people that isn’t either too much for them to follow or too simple.

>> No.16581504

Don't know if it matters to you but I'll pray the Divine Mercy chaplet for her. sorry for your loss

>> No.16581507
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>mom asks what I've been reading
>"Plato and the Bible"
>"why don't you read something more light hearted?"

>> No.16581546

You are lucky anon, I hope you tell your mum you love her. I know some people with 'intelligent' mothers.... they didn't turn out so good.

>> No.16581551

I'm sorry for you loss.

>> No.16581907

My girlfriend used to ask me to read out loud to her but it annoyed me because I couldn't just start reading a book aloud when I'm halfway through it

>> No.16583348

I must become a smart /lit/ bf for my future gf (if that ever happens...)

>> No.16583364

Start reading Hegel, so you won't feel ashamed.

>> No.16584084

>I don't think I deserve it
What makes you arbiter of who deserves what on this bitch of an earth?

>> No.16584093

one hundred years of solitude?
not sure ive read any other 452 page novels

>> No.16584503
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>Stop reading all those books and get a job
......there aren't any mom...

>> No.16584518

Lock down

>> No.16584638

Yeah, Hegel *still* hasn't been thoroughly exposed as an imposter. How hard can it be, anon?

>> No.16584680

>my parents found out I'm doing porn
Jesus, that both was and wasn't unexpected. How tragic. What's her mental issue? She seems pretty lucid.

>> No.16584683


>> No.16584730

Fuck you cunt. But also nice, happy for you.

>> No.16584832


>> No.16584968

Yes this is what we did during the lock down

>> No.16585308

I wish my mom was dumb and sweet. My mom is a bitter bitch to everyone. She told me I was going to drop out of high school and be a failure the rest of my life because I turned in a homework assignment for gym class a day late when I was twelve.
I'm the youngest and finally moving permanently out soon, and I'm happy for myself but terrified for my poor dad because she berates him and mocks him for all his interests, and now he won't have anybody else there.

>> No.16585457

My mother, when she saw I was reading the Greeks, said she was surprised that someone nowadays could find something of importance in writings from such a long time ago. I was so speechless I couldn't even respond desu

>> No.16585521

you should talk with her anon, just in case. Don't do something you'll regret when she's gone

>> No.16585536

sweet anon

>> No.16585559

i told her i'd piss on her grave so i'm not invited to her funeral. sometimes i think of calling her and telling her that she's a worthless subhuman piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live, and that i hope there's a hell for her sake. if i ever see her again i think i might snap and beat the shit out of her. i fucking hate my mother

>> No.16585876
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>> No.16585929
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>> No.16586577

This is the most pathetic thing i have read in a while. Please emigrate back to /r9k/.

>> No.16587719

mine 2

>> No.16587786

Good luck bro. Do well in school, exercise, continue your education and get a good job. It’ll get easier.

>> No.16587873
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>> No.16587884
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>intelligence is genetic

>> No.16587911

I share this feel in many ways.

Father is an academic with no street smarts, his lack of financial sense destroyed the family.

Mom is a manipulative / scheming mastermind yet total dimwit. Rides off part-time work, child support, and gov benefits.

I can't stand being around either of them.

>> No.16587921

Sorry to hear, anon. You can always stay in touch and ask your Dad to hangout when you can.

>> No.16587926

I'll see those producers in hell

>> No.16587940

what did she say exactly? did you try to explain it to her?

>> No.16587958

>attaches picture symbolizing someone who is genetically unintelligent

>> No.16587995

>genetics stop at the neck

>> No.16589289

My gf just calls my books dumb and then reads fucking Teen Wolf fan fiction. When we first met she misled me into thinking she was bookish. Nope, she's on Twitter and Instagram, dumb bitch.

>> No.16589377

porn should be illegal. Why is it not? I don't understand. I don't get it. Can't it just fuck off with alcohol along with it?

>> No.16589400

same anon that's a very comfy feeling

>> No.16589419

She got into a severe car accident when she was 16, although it's unknown whether that caused her learning disability or if she had it beforehand

>> No.16589523

>tfw no gf to read poetry with

>> No.16590764

would be annoying

>> No.16590879

my ex was the exact same
leave her anon, scroller gfs are the fucking worst.

>> No.16591115

I second this advice. Your girlfriend is trash, anon. You know it. Don't delay.

>> No.16591254

everything is genetic, just like everything is environmental

>> No.16592396

how many geese do you have

>> No.16592415
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This board is reddit trash