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/lit/ - Literature

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16578864 No.16578864 [Reply] [Original]

Reading a translation of fiction is like watching a remake of a movie and hoping it's good. Prove me wrong.

>> No.16578867

It isn't. This is just your Anglo brain collapsing into itself and sperging out nonsense on a Mongolian basket weaving website.

>> No.16578877

But if i am not capable of watching the original, then I will happily watch a remake.

>> No.16578879

Daffy here looks like Foucault

>> No.16578895

hehehehehehehehe. true. i doubt reading is a very different experience in translation unless the point of the book was the *prose*

>> No.16578901

based hehe poster

>> No.16578902

Yeah, poetry is a case in point. Sometimes I'll read translations of French poets in my native language just to see how the translators dealt with the poems. I know French, but it's interesting to see how accomplished translators work.

>> No.16578972
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>it's just like watching a movie
You don't read, nigger.

>> No.16579007
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Actually, it can be totally different, I read often in english, Spanish or Portuguese. Some language fit perfectly in the story or made better a character.

>> No.16579024

I'd rather read a translation than miss on a good book because of the language barrier. And no, the analogy would be more akin to watching a foreign movie dubbed in English. It will inevitably lose some of the nuances but its better if there are no subbed versions available.

>> No.16579573

No, it isn't. A dubbed movie is still the original movie with a translation so you can understand it. Word choices and the language the book is in IS the book.

>> No.16580150

Found the American.

>> No.16580174

1) It's not similar because you could watch the original movie without spending years learning how to understand it.
2) Some remakes are better than the originals (e.g. True Grit) so even if it were similar, it wouldn't prove that translations are always bad or worse than originals.

>> No.16580236

No, it isn't. A dubbed book is still the original book with a translation so you can understand it. Word choices and the language the movie is in IS the movie.

>> No.16580351

People who read translations and think they understand the book are the same people who read the headlines and think they understand the news.

>> No.16580381

It's quite the reverse, as the metre and sounds of the language are merely the headlines to the ideas within the work.

>> No.16580396

>t.only speaks one language
Anyone who's read something in two+ different languages would recognize immediately that translations are a waste of your time.
If you're not big brained enough to read Homer in Greek, you're not big brained enough to read Homer.
But sure, go read Fagles, he was a decent poet, better than you deserve MAN OF BUT ONE TONGUE

>> No.16580410

ready to give us the dithcourse in dithipline and punith

>> No.16580416

I like translations of Japanese. There's a cozy simplicity and the occasional clever turn of phrase.

>> No.16580421

reading a retelling of a story with trannies and feminists as the main characters is like watching a remake of a movie.

>> No.16580442

I speak English, French, and Spanish. You're just wrong, and grasping at random straws to try and keep your point.

>> No.16580932

I smiled

>> No.16581704

A translation still works with the baseline of the original. While some of the translator's thoughts will show through, it will always follow the same plot as the original.
A remake can do whatever the fuck it wants with the source