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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 328 KB, 1800x1100, the 2011 visual book list online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1657736 No.1657736 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at 30 / 100 books. See picture. I feel I've read a lot of okay and good stuff this year, although there was some garbage in there too. Best so far was probably The Feast of the Goat. The one problem with reading this much new stuff, is you don't have much time to go back and enjoy rereading the old stuff you like.

>> No.1657742

thanx 4 da update dawg

>> No.1657741

Magical realism is for fags.

>> No.1657743


You'd have to be a fag NOT to read it. Allende and Murakami are pretty good. Angela Carter is decent, but lower than them.

>> No.1657775

I'm a tripfag look at me look at me look at me look at me, please approve of these books!

>> No.1657780

sage for books as trophies.

>> No.1657804

Every time this faggot reads a book he adds it to this jpg and posts it. Every. Single. Time.

What the fuck? What the fuck? What. In the fuck.

>> No.1657812
File: 25 KB, 400x400, my_children_have_enough_self_esteem_to_the_2_bumper_sticker-p128796060988491221trl0_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People do this shit all the time, every day, with all sorts of really mediocre stuff.

>> No.1657830

Today I took a shit. Shit was so cash.

>> No.1657850

I just made a sandwich. I'll take before and after photos of the plate to show you guys, once I get my cam connected.

>> No.1657856

Guys so I fucked this bitch earlier. How many bitches have you fucked this year?

>> No.1657858

Do you have photos of the girls? Laid out side-by-side in a jpg, preferably?

>> No.1657863
File: 52 KB, 365x500, 1283879871457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looked like this only prettier and less slutty

>> No.1657865
File: 3 KB, 126x123, 1295324521338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you think if I had a tripcode girls would notice me?

>> No.1657869

Yeah sure bro i get mad pussy cz im a socialite tripfag aww yeahhh

>> No.1657872

I think if you had a tripcode, you'd feel pressure to pretend to be some sort of alpha male off-line, and so would post fictions about girls noticing you, yeah.

Good thing we're Anon and don't engage in such stupid shit, eh? Eh?!

>> No.1657903

4 or 5. But I'm in love with someone else.

>> No.1657910

goals are a meaningless social construct

>> No.1657921

>less slutty

You don't know what the fuck that word means.

>> No.1657924
File: 25 KB, 448x500, Son-i-am-proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP seems to be suspiciously absent from his own thread.

Anon, you have done well.

>> No.1657935

While I too have done this challenge last year, I didn't feel the need to pat myself on the back after every book I finish, alter and upload the same jpeg and make a new thread to show people on /lit/ "look at me, I read thirty books so far, aren't I amazing?"

Fucking tripfags. Keep your goals to yourself and do it for yourself, stop parading to /lit/.

>> No.1657957

Heyy look! It's me but not me!

>> No.1658083

Isn't there Shelfari for this sort of thing? If you put in the dates when you finished reading, it gives you how many books you have read each year.

>> No.1658296

I've read about 4 or 5 books since I last updated.

This could be the first time I've posted the picture, and you'd all still fucking complain.

>> No.1658324

boo fuckin' hoo

No one gives a shit about you. Even the other tripfags don't know who you are. Kill yourself.

>> No.1658394

When did I say they did?

>> No.1658405

Goodreads does the same thing. It even tells you how many pages you read and the longest book you read that year.

I wish there was a site like Shelfari/Goodreads that made recommendations based on the books in your library. Like a last.fm for books.

>> No.1658415

Why on earth would you set a goal for the year? Do you hate reading so much that you need something so retarded to motivate yourself?

>> No.1658417

Of course you'd never admit it -- don't be absurd.