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/lit/ - Literature

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16576767 No.16576767 [Reply] [Original]

the old one reached the bump limit

>> No.16576780

first for zyzz

>> No.16576823

I found myself sinking
in desire to read without end,
after my hands had already forgotten
how a book feels.

But now I drown in words,
cause all I do is
read, read and read
read and read

Will I find the strength
to pick up a pencil,
and draw a boat to hold me,
or will the words swallow me whole?

>> No.16577058

I have to go to work, but this poop is almost out. I'm going to be late and I remember what that old Greek man taught me. He said something along the lines of respecting the rules in whatever institution you belong to. My work institution isn't very clear on the rules, so I'm left to figure them out, and change them when I see fit.

>> No.16577127

Freedom is to be free from your passions and vices as Augustine said, "a man has as many masters as he has vices."

based and saintpilled

>> No.16577190

Yeah I like this

>> No.16577336

creating something can be one of the best things someone can do. It increases confidence in an individual and gives your brain an advantage when compared to people who binge watch netflix series in a day.

>> No.16577354

Is COCKSUCKING warosu down for anyone else?

>> No.16577357

Reminds me of the Goethe quote, “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

>> No.16577361

for a few days now

>> No.16577371
File: 81 KB, 600x849, Twitter @kadeart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want cute girls to beat me up.

>> No.16577382

Even without looking I can tell that's a piece by Egon Schiele. i shoudl get around to reading The Story of Art one of these days.

>> No.16577392

I keep reading philosophy haphazardly in the hopes that something will stick and i will, with some extraordinary luck, turn that into some god-tier original piece of writing. Fucking delusional cunt i am.

>> No.16577398

reminds me of the illusion 'merica has of their freedoms

>> No.16577454

I want to do the same thing man. But first we need knowledge, experimentation, experience and observation. It's more of a long term thing

>> No.16577687

I H4V3 4 QU35T10N. 5H4LL 1 G3T M0R3 B33R?

>> No.16577731

it is! i love egon schiele. this is a watercolor portrait of the cabaret dancer moa mandu.

>> No.16578453

Why does /lit/ hate trannies so much? Just absolutely frothing, seething, bottomless hatred for no particular reason. It's one thing to think they're gross and to not associate with them. But this animosity is something else. So bitter.

>> No.16578460

how tf can you tell without looking

>> No.16578492
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Yes. Always.

>> No.16578507

life is far too eventfull. I think my dad needs me. he has needed me since my early teens, so I wish he would grow up, but I still need him too so what can you do. I'm in a major debate with a woman on the other side of the world about the nature of goodness. I kinda like her, but it's mostly educational having to run through a bunch of stuff I believe in in order to make it comprehensible to her. I constantly expect she will stop responding. she probably will once she realizes I am never shifting my positions, but for now It's ok. I have a weird growth on my knee that I will get checked out by a doc tomorrow. I suspect it has some of the signature signs of skin cancer. I think it's a minor infection, but cancer seems possible. I have completely given up on handling uni for now. I got swamped, the whole thing collapsed. I'm waiting for the right time and the right way to try to salvage the situation.

>> No.16578534

My professor seems to dislike me now. I suppose I should be upset, because I'm a lazy worker and I caused this, but really I don't care. I'm not making problems for anyone else, so there's nothing to feel guilty for. He will feel that he's right, and I will feel that I'm right. Eventually, we'll never see each other again.

>> No.16579048

Sometimes I feel like I'd like to fuck my sister, specially when I'm drunk, I feel very guilty about this because I'm very good friend of my brother in law and the godfather of my niece. This will obviously never happened for several reasons and is not a very persistent thought although an awkward one, that's for sure.

>> No.16579826


>> No.16580066

For a while my sense of logos meant word. It's a complicated term but the definitions I used and continue to use is "word." But then I read that logos was also more foundational than word. Logos allowed words to exist.
Compare this to mafia. I learned that the mafia is not just an Italian conception. Italy, Spain and Latin America have this sense of community. It's a network of communication between grandma's. They're the original shot callers. Like politically, you do as your grandma suggests without putting up a fight. Thus grandma's centralize currency. They know all the gossip. Guys are expected to be macho and not gossip. Women have this lineage that behaves like a stream or current. This explains in part why Latin women that come to America are stuck up for a couple generations and gossip a lot. They think their currency is valuable here.
Either way, the stream of grandmas gossiping is like the logos. If you go to the mechanic and you have a bad experience, your grandma tells you who knows a good mechanic. The simple algorithm that makes grandma the shot caller.
Mafia exist because the economy allowed for grandma's to be exploited and trivialized. It doesn't mean you disrespect grandma but her knowledge becomes irrelevant.
Words exist because the logos economy allowed individuals to change their minds. Being wrong became trivial and "being right" became an objective.

>> No.16580080

*one of my definitions for logos was "word"

>> No.16580128

What am I supposed to do without a job? I’m doing everything right, I write applications, I’m a go-getter, and the world is still fucking me over. What the hell are you supposed to do when this happens?

>> No.16580417

as long as you're not creating conscious beings who will inevitable have to wrestle with their insatiable strivings or desires, then I agree.

>> No.16580445

hope metro exodus was worth downloading 50gb 3 times in a row

>> No.16580520

What's the point of Transcendental idealism? It doesn't give you any mystical experiences, useful daily life knowledge, or anything else. I don't see why it's such a groundbreaking idea for Kant. How would my life be different in anyway if I'm a transcendental idealist than if I were a reductive materialist?

>> No.16580523

Is there any way to overcome age and reignite the passions and ardor of youth? When we begin integrating into adult society the malleability of the self is hammered out until we're reduced to a small cog in the world's machinations.

I feel that all the choices to be made have been made; there's nothing more for me to do.

>> No.16580732
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Being a thot is a vortex that hurts you far more than it benefits you in the long run, and nearly all young women are trapped in it with no escape

It makes me laugh. Lmao

>> No.16580800

The point is that outside of general categories we can only know particular things through experience, which means that all people who claim specific knowledge of metaphysical orders are hucksters.

>> No.16580875

Isn't he a hypocrite for positing the existence of an inaccesible "world-in-itself" though? How does he know it exists if he himself cannot perceive it? He only posits its existence through exhaustive arguments, but not directly. I also don't see why Kant didn't just argue for a more straight forward idealism instead of transcendental.

>> No.16580902
File: 38 KB, 488x331, Trust issues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is a nasty trap to be in. Especially if all you enter into it with is your looks.
Well Neeko got herself a guy already, so no porn from her. Hope he's not too ugly, cuz she's a cutie

>> No.16580919

>Hope he's not too ugly, cuz she's a cutie
Meant to imply that they'll have children

>> No.16580920

Too bad she got bogged and turned herself into a softcore porn object before getting a guy. Now her kids can look up pictures of her being a whore forever, if she's not so mentally ill that she doesn't have kids.

>> No.16581098

>before getting a guy
Last I heard, she has had a boyfriend she lives with this whole time she’s been famous. This cam stuff isn’t porn or whoring.

>> No.16581143


>> No.16581185

ah fuck the shitwater splashed on my balls and taint again. i should take a shower but i don't want to.

>> No.16581195
File: 120 KB, 736x1104, 321B60A6-CBE0-4868-9E06-DF9C8CB438E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never given any of them money. I appreciate beauty. Simple as

>> No.16581204

I have never seen you post a black chick, in fact I don't think I've even seen you post a non-white girl

>> No.16581240

They say you never leave this place but I just feel like I can't keep up with it anymore. And besides I think my brain is so rotted that reading a book is now my only solace. My dopeamine fried brain actually relaxes with a book now and I can hone in on the text. Lately I've been reading in 30-50 page sittings which would have been insanely difficult for me not that long ago.

>> No.16581263

horny old bat

>> No.16581274

I still have attention problems but I feel what you mean, a lot of threads here are just people arguing their same old uninformed personal opinions again and again. If I could find one author I really connect with, whose voice really catches, I could probably read them for hours on end. Right now I can do that with visual novels because they're easier to relate to, but I want to transition to novels and literature because you run out of quality VNs eventually.

>> No.16581282
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I like them. Can’t post them all

>> No.16581286
File: 168 KB, 700x1050, C79F2C7C-3847-4AFA-B95B-FCDA8461F33C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say.

>> No.16581300
File: 24 KB, 500x344, cotumblr_obcy67i6DE1u1bxt2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never took a single
drag be fore the age of twen-
-ty five. Brought on by ennui
rather than stress. I needed
something to look for ward to,
even if it was cancer.

>> No.16581326 [DELETED] 

I just watched Shivers by David Cronenberg. I guess it was supposed to be a metaphor for the sexual revolution? Anti-degeneracy cranks should definitely peep it. Also, prophetic, since it was released in 1975 just a few years before AIDS began spreading widely in Western countries.

>> No.16581392

I had a nightly talk with the security officer of the dormitories and a young woman, tall and slender. While captivated by our conversation, I slightly touched her ankle, offered to massage her, she was visibly tired. I only want to see the naked beauty of her body, and while I'll call her mine, she'll know she reigns over me. Perhaps she does already.
After she left, the guard told me: "she's single you know, I think she likes you."

>> No.16581557

There is always the possibility to stab to death the rich and powerful. All hope is not lost as long as sharp objects remain.

>> No.16581600
File: 1.25 MB, 1066x737, spoopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't admit to myself that I am truly and profoundly stupid. All my experiences tell me this is true, I understand I am incapable. My brain just doesn't accept it. Only reading philosophy gets me there, and only for a second. I read Heidegger, say to myself 'goddamn, what is this guy saying?' go to class, and realize I could never come up with something so profound. I want to accept it, then authentically accept the rope. This self-delusion with occasional loss of control isn't sustainable.

>> No.16581607

I feel fine with everything at this moment. later today I have a evening date with this older woman. I wonder how that will go, last time she bailed and called apologized and offered a set up another date. It's all whatever to me (in a non attached way). I'll give it one more go, if she blows me off or pulls the same schtick, then I move on completely, wish her the best and have a nice life. but that is whatever. : )

>> No.16581618

checked. maybe believing that you are "profoundly stupid" is a bit to negative for you to synch with, which is fine. who wants to say that about themselves. perhaps is best to think on the grounds of 'the more I learn the less I know'. If you want to have profound thoughts, maybe what you need is life experience, not just classroom experience.

>> No.16581674

gang gang
pick up the pencil m8, but keep the books close by. love it.
sounds about right.
I like this. beautiful.
see this>>16577127
If your happy then your fine. If you get fired, well it kinda is your fault.
If you have a good relationship with your father, keep it that way. one day he will be dead, then you will be. many people don't relationship with their father. try helping your father in an encouraging way, to were his self-esteem grows. and a positive self image grows. this is also partly on you. no father wants a drop-out son. get your shit together and pass school. their most likely won't be a right time and right way, so act now. take care of yourself, like your taking care of someone else that you want to see succeed.
>Words exist because the logos economy allowed individuals to change their minds. Being wrong became trivial and "being right" became an objective.
pretty good line m8
would you rather prefer a system of bartering instead?

>> No.16581716

>what a night of writing looks like

a can of beans
a cigarette
green tea
a beer
another can of beans
another cigarette
3 cheeseburgers and a large fry from mcdonalds
another beer

how tf did i get so stimulant depdendent and how do i regain some self control? this is not me trying to be cool hemingway drug binger this is me sitting down to seriously do some work and needing constant inputs and distractions

>> No.16581718

not to mention how often i tab into 4chan and facebook, or that i will be masturbating probably twice before going to sleep

>> No.16581726

Marketless shared economy. With a training wheels stage using non-accumulative currency

>> No.16581729

Do a 48 hour fast with only snake juice (electrolyte drink).

>> No.16581988


>> No.16582183

I changed the wallpaper of a POS system at work to a picture of a dog pooping. I'm hoping a virus didn't get put on while on the internet.

>> No.16582438

"the vitalistic attempt to establish "life" as a notion which transcends the dichotomy of being & consciousness gets at something true, if inarticulate"

what the FUCK does any of this schizo shit mean?

>> No.16582456

how not to get discouraged by the sheer number of people trying to make it as a writer?

>> No.16582462

A worm crawls out of a plate of spaghetti. He says "that was a nice gangbang."

>> No.16582566

At this point it feels like the world was designed to be a mockery of me. Why did it have to be so?

>> No.16582587

you're not that important, you're just unfit for the world, like many people that being said
i did not laugh but it's a nice idea
git gud
i love pooping, nice one

>> No.16582592

The man I was sharing a crack pipe with called me a nerd. He was on the phone with a dealer and he said 'I'm with a nerd'. It hurt my feelings. Do I look like a nerd? I guess I must do. I don't want to look like a nerd. Oh well, water under the bridge. I will survive.

>> No.16582595

>Is COCKSUCKING warosu down for anyone else?
it's back
>Maintenance is complete! We got more disk space.

>> No.16582600

Quite the contrary. I am very "fit" for the word, perhaps too fit.

>> No.16582616

haha nerd

>> No.16582620

mass repliers should be mass banned

>> No.16582621

people who are fit for the world don't think of it as a mockery

>> No.16582624

Trannies is not really about transexuals like faggots is not really about homosexuals. Trannies are just the poster boys of leftist mental illness, so people who dislike that use tranny as a catch-all term.

>> No.16582629

>It doesn't give you any mystical experiences, useful daily life knowledge
Anon... philosophy is not for you

>> No.16582638

You do write like a nerd too, so I think you're onto something anon

>> No.16582654

Im a 28 year old kv neet who still lives with parents. I have massive repression phychological issues and use ssri's. Sometimes i try to read but it seems like i barely understand on the deeper level. Here you know 90% about me.
I hate myself.

>> No.16582658
File: 56 KB, 639x460, 5a6bc97ee818fdbb06fc4e1aa1f75591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never be an Ottoman disciplinarian. I will never have the pleasure of caning a malefactor on his soft naked feet. Why live

>> No.16582665

are we supposed to know all fucking acronyms in the world

>> No.16582671

kissless virgin retard, you're on 4chan you should know this and khv at the very least

>> No.16582675

I don't go to r9k you cringe faggot

>> No.16582715


>> No.16582728

this might be a complete brainlet take, and it certainly doesn't speak for Kant, but a simple way of thinking it is that for something to "be" it has to "be" something. Being in itself like a shape, and "that which is in the process of being" as that which fills the shape, as the substance. What there is to be would be the ideal forms. Being itself I imagine is a kind of a binary condition imposed by God and implying His existence through its one-ness.

Either way, if it is true that in order to be something you have to be something, then it stands to reason (for whatever that's worth) that what there is to be precedes the being itself, or is at the very least a separate category from being. So the forms that can come into existence exist separately from existence itself.

I'm sure a better philosopher than I can point out the flaws here, but this would be one (to me) coherent way of deriving that ideal forms ought to exist without having much specific to say about them.

>> No.16582738

a lot of people go crazy if all they have is formulaic adulthood.

>> No.16582756

and God knows best.

>> No.16582761

the only way to not be a nerd is to be beaten by your father and then take that out in a bunch of petty crime and fighting as a young teen. if you are not fighting, stealing, maybe robbing people, hauling contraband by age 14 you're gonna be a nerd. they can smell us, and we can smell them (they are the people that seem to play by different social rules, to never relax but to be comfortable being tense, the people who scare us). it's ok anon. you still have a connection to your heart. they got that beaten out of them.

>> No.16582778

That is the problem with being middle class. You have neither proletarian vigour nor aristocratic self-assurance. Only manners and a mortgage.

>> No.16582807

based and mybrainedpilled

>> No.16582809

>So the forms that can come into existence
that is, mundane existence
>exist separately
ie transcendentally
>from existence itself.
from mundane existence

>> No.16582820

In the posdcast with Joe Rogan, Gad Saad talks about couples who got married at the end of high school. Saad says that the girl would look at the status of her future husband in the context of high school. Later when it turns out that he ends up as a simple construction worker, their relationship develops the potential of being destroyed, because looking at the salary and status, the nerds are crushing it.

I watched Dazed and Confused last night. I think the idea about the status past high school is just nerd cope, and they would love to be a David Wooderson without throwing around their diplomas and salaries and whatever else. I mean, you can do the same things as him, but having a diploma as back-up kinda abolishes it, gives it no value.

>> No.16582903

The leaves are turning golden brown and are falling off the trees. I sweep them in piles in my garden and then I take a shit on each pile. The wind is cool and crisp against my naked behind. It is a gentle wind. I can smell wood burning in the distance. Smoke rising over the rooftops. I remember the many autumn's of my childhood. Running wild in the park on an October afternoon, kicking piles of leaves with my father. That time has passed now. The innocence of childhood long gone. Shitting on a pile of raked leaves is a ritual. The leaves form a bed for the shit. It is their home. Overhead the sky is white and grey. There has been no rain this week, just endless cloud. I have taken precisely seven shits in the garden in the past week. As I am an alcoholic, they are mostly liquid in composition. I wonder what my father would think if he could see me now. I doubt he would understand. I imagine his concerned face, watching from a window, as I squat over the next pile of leaves. I force the image out of my mind as I attune my senses to the here and now. Leaves rustling in the wind. Crows cawing in the sky. I feel alive. No one can take that away from me. I let it all come out.

>> No.16582921
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How can I cope with the world around me slowly sinking into degeneracy? It's sinking its claws in me and trying to pull me down too. Nobody is genuine, everything causes me pain.

>> No.16582937

did you consider that what you see in the world might be a reflection of yourself? there is much goodness yet in the world anon, so much kindness, so many eyes still beautifully shining. the internet is an infectious cess-pool. Go out and watch people. See their faces light up as they meet. See someone suddenly struck by a thought break into a wry smile. Go down and watch as the churchgoers feed the poor. Hate sells. the internet is a market.

>> No.16582942

You're right anon. There is much beauty left. But the cities and the pits of humanity are spreading. They have gravity and soon the wild and beautiful places will be sucked up.

I hope this doesn't happen too soon, and I hope you have a wonderful day anon.

>> No.16582947


>> No.16582955

I hope you have a terrible day anon. And you reflect. And the the day after that is wonderful.

>> No.16582958



>> No.16582961

>thinks i'll waste any bandwidth on a youtube link
I don't think so champ

>> No.16582978


>> No.16582987

how do i improve my prose?

>> No.16582991

read e.b. white

>> No.16582999

Philosophy is banal midwit trash written in purposefully obfuscated language. The challenge in reading philosophy comes not from understanding difficult concepts, but from de-fucking the tedious pile of words shat onto the page. The only ones worth reading are the Greeks, and even they're shit half the time.
Philosophy is for people too stupid to understand science.

>> No.16583092

>mass repliers should be mass banned
Oh no, im taking the time to read several posts... and replying to them. the horror! I hope you can love yourself one day. get help.
can you explain a bit more? what does marketless shared economy mean? like a one world economy were nobody can sell anything?
what is non-accumulative currency? currency not based on a fiat system?

>> No.16583094

Post 16582999 is venal midwit trash written I purposefully retarded language. The challenge in reading post 16582999 comes not from understanding how retarded anon is, but from de-fuckong the tedious pile of words he shat onto his computer. The only posts worth reading are literally anyone else in the thread, and even they're shit half of the time. Anon 16582999 is too stupid to understand philosophy or science.

>> No.16583111

shut your mouth brainlet

>> No.16583133

at least you're not like svenanon, holding 4 different conversations, writing the same bullshit, using the same links during a period of 7 months

>> No.16583168

checked. <3
checked. <3. lol

>> No.16583181

lmao you almost got the sex number

>> No.16583186

Go on

>> No.16583189

>Read a bunch of self help books
>studied socratic logic from a book
>had 20 weeks of cbt with a psychologist because of ocd
>develop a high self esteem
>still have sex obsession (thoughts) and interpersonal problems, which raise and lower my mood extremely within an hour, except now I just vocalise them because I (stupidly) overcame my psychological defences.

How do I reverse the effects of books? Also, any books on developing a low self-esteem? I can't fundamentally fit in and not be a friendless khv so all I have is to write while hopping from one job to another.

>> No.16583213

and 4chan is a place to express that anguish

>> No.16583376


Internalizing your thoughts may seem like you're being dishonest with people but whenever you engage with someone remember you're both looking for interest in the other. Don't feign interest in the other if it's not earnest. Don't force interest on others without them seeming sincere.
Although yeah gauging too much info is tough sometimes. You have to appeal to your local social customs and approximate them to make others feel comfortable.

>> No.16583398

>If democracy requires free speech to be sacrificed, why do you think keeping democracy is a worthwhile endeavor? Perhaps you should be questioning the validity of universal suffrage.
>If your mode of government can't withstand fake twitter bots, you should probably just toss it and start over with something else.
>It's obvious to me that democracy/universal suffrage gives incentive to actors (both foreign and domestic) to wage a mind-control war against the population.
>If people are legitimately willing to question something as foundational as free speech, they should really consider the other parts of the foundation too.

Now we're getting somewhere!

>> No.16583431

why are fake news such an important topic nowadays? we're talking about adults, if you're dumb enough to fall for false information, well, you got played son, why whine about it

>> No.16583439 [DELETED] 

Ever heard of the Iraq War?

>> No.16583470

French Revolution was a mistake.

>> No.16583480

Like a large family that shares its resources.
Non-accumulative currency are labor vouchers. You earn by the work you do, pay a guy for a pizza and he stamps it out, no till, no bank. Pizza guy is earning his. No one can steal them. Eventually, in such a system, people will start to give gratis and we’d start to realize we don’t need even that. Hence shared economy

>> No.16583487

yeah, people fell for george w., and peope fell for 2016's "drain the swamp", and obama's "change" "hope" or whatever it was, and now they're falling for biden's "oh no evil fascist"

in the end of it, everyone seems to be able to look through the charade, but it keeps working

>> No.16583568

So, why not just have a royal family instead of wasting time and resources tricking the masses with psyops? If we had a real aristocracy with clearly defined privileges and responsibilities people would be less resentful than now where we have a defacto privilege aristocracy that may or may not be allowed to get away an assortment of crimes, but have no social responsibilities beyond having their assistants post woke tweets on their behalf from time to time.

>> No.16583711

The universe is trying to get me to procreate. I can see it coming from a mile off. It's one big con. I don't think I could bring life into this existence. It would kill me to see the suffering. I couldn't handle that. But the universe has other plans. You see, the universe is a female. And she wants me to procreate. I will not fall for it. The whole thing is a racket. I'll leave it to the other humans to procreate. I have no problem with that. They can do what they want. Someone has to keep the human race going. But don't try and involve me. That story would not have a happy ending. I have to turn against my programming. I will live and I will die. I'm happy with that. I want to be forgotten. I'm not an antinatalist. Fuck those guys. The problem I have is with myself. It's none of your business. It's between me and myself. And I don't want to drag any creatures into that sorry story. It's not self-pity. It's self-annihilation. That's my goal. I don't want me - or any part of me - to keep on going. Why don't I kill myself? Well, I'm not a fucking sadist. And I'm not a pessimist. I just want to live out the rest of my days in peace. No, I WILL NOT HAVE SEX. I do not trust contraception. Fuck that. PLEASE GOD LET ME DIE A VIRGIN

>> No.16583771

Thats a neat idea. though I question, what is the perimeters of this hypothetical family? is it just a 'fancy new formatted' form of tribalism? continuing, correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like an allotted 'stamp' system based off of the value of works work. In your eyes, even this would be abandoned as we can realize we can just share everything?

>> No.16583822

I have no idea why not.

>> No.16583950

sucks to be you lol

>> No.16583951

What a silence...
It's a beautiful day, one that reminds us of what summer is like. The environment, with its warmth, its light, its smells, seems to want to call people to itself. Without a doubt it feels like a ripe spring day, although in reality it is only the end of February. Ignoring this oddity, it's a real treat. Yet, there is practically no one around. The streets are rarely traveled by any cars and their hissing is vaguely perceived. The sidewalks occasionally see pedestrians pass by in their shiny clothes that reflect the intense sunlight. Their faces are largely covered by masks, which prevent them from being distinguished from each other by the distance. They keep their distance from the others, and turn grim looks every time someone "invades", even if just by mistake, the personal space of several meters they have created around them. Some bring dogs. These stand with their heads down, as if they were broken and trot listlessly betraying their natural playfulness and energy. There are also those who push wheelchairs, a sight increasingly rare, but which occasionally shows up. These, in order to better guard their precious cargo, look like in some ways incubators on wheels, which filter the air and allow the right amount of light to enter. The shops in the streets are almost all closed, and the restaurants, bars and pubs have been for a long time only a memory. It almost seems that there is an epidemic in progress, an event in which a treacherous microorganism that looks more like a tiny device than an animated creature, breaks that macroscopic and very complex machinery that is our society. This is half the truth as there was a disease, but months have passed since its actual disappearance. Despite this, people continue to largely avoid the outside world, and stay at home unless forced. It is not the first epidemic that has hit us in recent years, and people have not forgotten the fear of contagion. Too many serious illnesses of various kinds in a short time have left a real physical and mental burden. People very often no longer have confidence in being outdoors, in crowded places, interacting with strangers. This is because another germ has spread among many of the people in quarantine: that of social evil. Many are no longer used, or no longer willing, to get to know each other, accustomed to loneliness and our increasingly advanced and alienating pastimes, which have helped to distance us from one another. Maybe it's just a phase, but who knows. Meanwhile the silence persists, and it is more and more grave.

Wrote by me in March.

>> No.16583969

Mishima should've won the Nobel Prize.

>> No.16583991

Because people would actually rise up and chimp out if they dropped the charade

>> No.16584042

i can't get this quote from Nietzsche out of my mind
Who are we? And what are we doing? I literally stared at a mirror for a good 10 minutes at myself....what really am I doing?
>We are unknown to ourselves, we knowers: and with good reason. We have never looked for ourselves, – so how are we ever supposed to find ourselves? How right is the saying: ‘Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also’;1 our treasure is where the hives of our knowledge are. As born winged-insects and intellectual honey-gatherers we are constantly making for them, concerned at heart with only one thing – to ‘bring something home’. As far as the rest of life is concerned, the so-called ‘experiences’, – who of us ever has enough seriousness for them? or enough time? I fear we have never really been ‘with it’ in such matters: our heart is simply not in it – and not even our ear! On the contrary, like somebody divinely absent-minded and sunk in his own thoughts who, the twelve strokes of midday having just boomed into his ears, wakes with a start and
wonders ‘What hour struck?’, sometimes we, too, afterwards rub our ears and ask, astonished, taken aback, ‘What did we actually experience then?’ or even, ‘Who are we, in fact?’ and afterwards, as I said, we count all twelve reverberating strokes of our experience, of our life, of our being – oh! and lose count . . . We remain strange to ourselves out of necessity, we do not understand ourselves, we must confusedly mistake who we are, the motto2 ‘everyone is furthest from himself ’ applies to us for ever, – we are not ‘knowers’ when it comes to ourselves . . .

>> No.16584076

Ur nan

>> No.16584081

That woman looks like California

>> No.16584098

I like it. The style is fairly simple, but it gives off more of an intimate and warm feeling this way.

>> No.16584128

Very true. I am trying to be Catholic but I can't get over the belief barrier. But him saying this so many years ago and today me being held as a slave by my PMO addiciton is truly insane. Wisdom.

>> No.16584160
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>But him saying this so many years ago and today me being held as a slave by my PMO addiciton is truly insane. Wisdom.
holy crap!!! insight into the most basic aspect of the human condition!!!!!!!! i'm gonna cooooom!!!!

>> No.16584228


>> No.16584231

is it inherently chauvinist to believe that you are following a right path and that those who are not are more or less missguided? I can't' see how anyone could believe in anything in particular and not a the same time believe that this way of life is superior, but at the same time it gnaws at me to think that anyone who thinks themself superior is likely to therefore be a cunt.

>> No.16584256

Although I dislike dogmatism I find that to be a weak argument, you might as well say that anyone with any kind of knowledge that another person lacks is a cunt. If you have some kind of skill or specialty, generally you believe in the correctness of your received ideas on the subject, and in the incorrectness of views which contradict your ideas about it, perhaps not so much as a matter of arrogance but of logical necessity.

>> No.16584273

I have a headache from drinking a fuck ton of coffee at work today.

>> No.16584305

don't call your brother retard!!!! liable to hellfire

>> No.16584321

I had a dream in which a guy tried to pursuade me to read Leviathan. I still haven't gotten around doing it, but I will soon. I've read the first page and actually loved his train of thought.

Last month in a dream I started rambling to some black figure saying that "I think about you so much because I don't care about you the slightest, that's how backwards is everything in my life." I don't remember who the preson in the dream was, but it's one hell of a introspection.

>> No.16584401

what would you think about a religious practice? what if I am orthodox, and therefore find all other practices to be inferior?

>> No.16584413

conceptually I have no problem with that. it's the fact that i don't think there are very good epistemic justifications for any particular religious tradition. that's what makes the arrogance - when it exists - annoying. but the idea that you believe something which is true and that others believe something which is false - i don't really have a problem with it.

>> No.16584430

Goethe said that if an afterlife exists, it would be annoying meeting the group of people who would not shut up about telling everyone "we told you!"

>> No.16584490

I get a lot of suicidal thoughts when I stop drinking. No drink tonight. I promised mum and dad I wouldn't

>> No.16584557

Many years before Lupin III would get a crossover with Detective Conan, Arsene Lupin crossed paths with his own "Shinichi Kudo" in character of Beautrelet. Not being an action anime cashgrab, Hollow Needle was better written too, although Sherlock Holmes is an asshole again.

>> No.16584600
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 8x8 yoshi tail wag haha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never learned how to "learn" something.

I'm constantly inspired and filled with a want to learn how to draw, program, or learn another language. I look up the information online and books and yet nothing ever really clicks. It's like I don't know the steps.

>> No.16584619

Arsene Lupin always looked like a fun read, but I never got around reading him.

>> No.16584673
File: 18 KB, 328x448, gyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pi-zza mo-za-rella
pi-zza mo-za-rella
pi-zza pi-zza pi-zza pi-zza
pi-zza mo-za-rella

pi-zza mo-za-rella
pi-zza mo-za-rella
pi-zza pi-zza pi-zza pi-zza
pi-zza mo-za-rella

>> No.16584712


>> No.16584783
File: 40 KB, 304x397, arsene_lupin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first book, "Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar", is the best place to start, since it's collection of short stories and it's easy for first-time readers to get into it. The Confessions of Arsene Lupin is also split in shorter stories. The rest take more motivation, they are relatively long and some have a lot of drama in them. Don't worry about chronology, the writer certainly didn't, and Lupin likes to lie about his real age anyway.
I'd also recommend novelization of the first play, titled just as Arsene Lupin. It was novelized by Edgar Jepson and is humorous.
The Barnett and Co. Agency is quite good too, it's Lupin playing a detective, but still keeping to his true nature, much to dismay of his police friend.
The only one I didn't like was Billions of Arsene Lupin, that one was just stupid.

>> No.16584811

thanks for the rundown

>> No.16584950

It took me 13 days to download Microsoft Flight Simulator.

>> No.16585124
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To him:
My god, you will forever remain the funniest and the wittiest of all. The hope you give and take, the pain you inflict and ease. Always with the most profound comical timing. How can I, the fool, see anything other than despair in the most humorous of all spectacles?
Do not cast pearls before swine.

>> No.16585131
File: 14 KB, 474x284, 57645743754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 250 pages into this man's History of Western Philosophy, and /lit/... the guy is a fucking retard. He seems to view the object of writing a history as being his opportunity to dispute every great philosopher before him. He thinks he finds all these obvious flaws in Plato, Aristotle, the Epicureans, the Stoics. He even calls Marcus Aurelius a "pathetic figure." Remind me again what this anglonigger ever gave us of his own? The "Principia Mathematica?" It's utterly forgotten a century later, unlike the works of everyone he dares to trash.

Fuck Bertrand Russell.

>> No.16585139

you should've talked to /lit/ before starting, they would have talked you out of reading it

>> No.16585149

he proved that 1+1=2

>> No.16585178
File: 177 KB, 937x1085, sexual-integrity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this makes me want to stop watching porn, but it's difficult.

>> No.16585187

I never forced myself to stop porn, it just happened, I wouldn't think about watching it now

>> No.16585195

I think part of the problem I'm just not very happy. Porn is one of the few pleasures I get. I'm sure it contributes to and feeds into my other problems though.

>> No.16585204

>3 cheeseburgers and a large fry from mcdonalds
you were fine up until this. stop eating crap food.

>> No.16585215

>And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.
Painfully true. I skim through everything now - click on a youtube video, watch for a few minutes, go to a shitty thread on 4chan, skim through 300+ replies, repeat.
Human biology tells us that any habit maintained is a habit reinforced, so even the difference between using the internet attentively vs. skimming it must make a lot of difference. I certainly get more value out of diving deep into things, but skimming is easier and still entertaining. Nonetheless, I should try to skim less, if I still don't plan to cut out my internet anyhow.

sauce https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/07/is-google-making-us-stupid/306868/

>> No.16585217

What I get when I go to Taco Bell:
2 Soft Tacos
1 Chicken Chalupa Supreme
1 Crunchwrap Supreme
1 Chicken Quesadilla
1 Medium Pepsi
Mild Sauce

>> No.16585229

Also I've lost 100lbs over the last two years

>> No.16585235

I'm not happy either, but I don't watch porn.
Are you looking for god?

>> No.16585243

sometimes instead of clicking the heart button to follow a thread, ill just reply to a random comment with "based". I hope y'all don't actually feel like the dumb shit you say is based.

>> No.16585250


>> No.16585265

There are times in the past when I have, and I've always been partial to Christianity, but at the moment I don't feel anything in that regard and haven't for a few years now.

>> No.16585272
File: 35 KB, 807x418, xiao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The view out of my kitchen window is so pleasant at night, everything is dark besides my neighbour’s windows. All I see are colourful bits that shimmer through the tree that grows in the inner courtyard.
It calms me to see lively people, busily living their own life's, without knowing I even exist.

I am not questioned nor watched, not even acknowledged. I can just be there, no interferences.

These brief moments of solitarily observing these encapsulated miniatures of life, are the peak of my day.
I live here in the city, alone.
I am lost, stranded and there is no way for me to get off of that most remote island that is my mind. It feels like I can’t talk to anyone about what’s troubling me, I also don’t think there is a solution for my fears.
After graduation I could have aimed for a job right away, but since my qualifications are low, the prospects of being able to do worthwhile work are tiny.

So, I decided to enrol in university, to do whatever. Meaningless. And whatever comes after university doesn't concern me for now.

I feel like I have so much to give to this world, not that my offers would be better than any other one's efforts, but I would love to give regardless.
Want to contribute, fall asleep after a long day of work, knowing that I gave my best.

Here I am, exhausted from going the way that is layed out for me. It is so easy, I just have to follow footsteps, that is all and I am so tired.
Maybe from offering nothing at all.

>> No.16585394

Your image seems to be in the shape of California.

>> No.16585398

Guys, do therapists and pills really work? I'm starting to get desperate. I really haven't felt good in a long time.

>> No.16585409

Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. You might as well give it a try though - it's not going to hurt.

>> No.16585434

I'm worried that if I try, and they don't work, I will lose what little hope I have.

>> No.16585435


>> No.16585445

Holding out hope that things will get better if you do XYZ, and then not doing XYZ and remaining miserable, will only ensure that you are miserable. Might as well take the chance that you won't be.

>> No.16585450

depends. i have borderline crippling anxiety/neuroses but i can function effectively without it. ssris made me feel normal, happier anyway, and without that edge i just felt lost, as if i was missing something.

>> No.16585465

I can't function effectively without it *

>> No.16585499

it is a mystery

>> No.16585500

rate bitches

>> No.16585519
File: 247 KB, 419x604, 0286302c12bd7ed6e6d69311534e830a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dieu, donne moi la force d'aimer mes enfants, tes enfants, avec tout l'amour que tu as placé dans mon coeur.
Donne moi la force de les aimer comme jamais je n'ai été aimé.
Puissent-ils se sentir à leur place en ton royaume.
Ils ne sont pas, mais ils seront, je le sais.
J'entend déjà leurs rires, leurs plaintes, le chant de leurs âmes
mon Dieu, tu sais à quel point je peux être mauvais, donne moi la force de ne pas devenir la bête absurde qui m'a insufflé vie.

>> No.16585674

I was watching this documentary series about NIXVM called "The Vow" and was quite amazed by the gullibility of the people. Not just gullibility, just their sheer stupidity and shallowness. The cult leader says to someone "I know your dreams are really important to you" and the listener goes WOW he understands me on such a deep level! Dude literally everyone thinks like this. This is just probably psychological tricks played on him that are independent of the actual words. Maybe if he were in my place, watching the documentary he would be thinking the same thing.

>> No.16585974

Learning a trade comes with practice, just practice, even if you suck.

>> No.16586031

Iwant to kill myself but I dont want them, whoever after I am dead, searching throught my things, like my pc files or history and the things I own. Its freaking private.
Its probably the only thing keeping me in this world. The possible shame of my parents, my brother and my sisters knowing me. What books I like, what I wrote to my friends, what saved files I got on my pc, my diary...

Guys can I only ended in pure indifference from my world and how?

>> No.16586063

reminder that you might not die after your attempted sucicide, if the medic who is working for the ambulance finds you alive and you finally kick the bucket on his watch, it means a lot of paperwork paperwork for him afterwards,

reminder that if you decide to hang yourself, whoever happens to take you off the noose, it won't be in the top 20 of his favorite experiences,

reminder if you want to off yourself with cyanide, you're gonna suffer for at least 25-30 minutes before you finally embrace the lord,

>> No.16586082

reminder that if you jump off a building, there's a chance it kill you off, it will be pretty painful, for you

>> No.16586102

Anon, you know very well how to end your life anonymously. You know how you could hide all that you are from your family in your death. Your post is just an excuse, a cope, that's what it is, and you know it.
In reality you do not want to die, so you pretend that you couldn't realistically toss your belongings away before your death.
You pretend that all that is stopping you is what the living would think of you in death, you, the cold, uncaring piece of meat.
This post is your soul telling you that suicide isn't the option, your fate is to suffer a bit more.
Stay with us, anon. We all grieve, we all feel pain, it would be unfair for you to free yourself of this burden.
Don't be selfish and walk with us, anon.

>> No.16586118

what books do you like anon?

>inb4 it's pseudlevel

>> No.16586199
File: 30 KB, 719x666, 93z54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like some feedback from the French anons or others if possible. Thank you

>> No.16586243

I used google translate, I liked the text desu, have no constructive input besides that,

>> No.16586887

you're on my mind

>> No.16586960


>> No.16587014

Started being more active on 4chan. Online interactions are not fulfilling in the slightest. You guys have nice thoughts here and there, but it's just a wall of text. Might as well get the same experience from a book.

I was more stable while I was alone quarantining.

>> No.16587039

Dans l'ensemble c'est pas mal.
>Ils ne sont pas, mais ils seront, je le sais.
Très maladroit. L'idée est bien et est placée au bon endroit à mon avis. Mais la formulation est à retravailler, elle s'insère mal avec le reste du texte. Le "je le sais" sonne agréablement, Essaye de reformuler le début pour lui donner un côté plus travaillé et en même temps assez naturel comme le reste.
>donne moi la force de ne pas devenir la bête absurde qui m'a insufflé vie.
Le deuxième problème de ce texte, et le deuxième point fort. Déjà "bête absurde" c'est pas très clair, ensuite dans ce texte plein d'amour finir par une condamnation aussi absolue ça passe mal. J'imagine que ton père a été un salaud ou un idiot au vu de ton texte, mais essaye de nuancer le trait. Tu ne veux pas devenir comme lui et tu en as peur, peut-être que lui aussi s'est posé les mêmes questions... Je ne sais pas c'est juste une piste. Et puis c'est Dieu qui insuffle la vie, pas le sperme, mais on comprend l'idée.
Je me suis attaché sur ces points parce que j'aime bien le reste anon.

>> No.16587043

That woman looks like the state of California

>> No.16587119

I was going to post the same thing.

>> No.16587123

I looked and saw a parrot with a stubbed beak.
I looked closer and saw a woman.
The feathers of color turned to patches of garbage.
I hate women

>> No.16587340

I am the Le Grand Meaulne poster. I don't know if you saw some of my post about it in recent thread. Its an excellent french book that shows old France in 1900.
I also love Brother Karamazov. And finally sone short stories from Tolstoy are really what I like to read for a quick read on the week-end: there is too many of his short story to cite them. But The Cossacks is amazing, Le Diable and Le Cheval.

What about you anon? Btw if you know french, Le Grand Meaulne is an excellent not too well know in this day of age, book. I suggest to you if you like the old strict catholic France and want to experience the passage from childhood to adulthood in a young man optimistic world view almost too fairy.
Thanks for asking also anon

>> No.16587500

Fear of death is a right old bitch. When you are young or healthy, it is distant and abstract. When sickness makes death a realistic probability, however, its absolute finality and cruel mystery seems to claw its way from inside out of you. The skeleton within you, anonymous and featureless and like all those other skeletons, reminds you of the sameness and oblivion that awaits. I've heard of people who have learned of their terminal illness who embrace their fate with clarity and composure. Perhaps learning of the certainty of it can bring peace. I am not so sure this is the rule rather than the exception. Yet dying is its own unique ordeal and there is nothing that prepares us for it.

Every illness is a slight preamble to death. It is a hint as to where the way of all flesh goes. Death sheds within us, ripens within, slowly expresses itself in time--its power and its truth only grows. All paths collapse into it. Its finality is mathematical and pure.

Rather than expending resources in how to extend the lifespan, more should be put into enabling people to choose when and how to end it. Such existential certainty puts everything in its proper place and banishes dread.

>> No.16587513

I just ate a bunch of lukewarm mozzarella sticks and feel a bit ill

>> No.16587525

I hate my former friends, but they probably hate me more

>> No.16587633

Wasted so much money on feminine clothing this year just to goodwill it or hand it off to my sisters. Well, I tried. Back to escapery with creativity. Will keep the underwear, however.

>> No.16587809

I am of the firm conviction that all stay at home mothers are insane and obsessive termagants. Of all my friends whose mothers were stay at home, their mothers are all micro-managing, coddling, narcissistic, and smothering. It makes sense though, if your entire 'job' is raising your children you are going to end up taking it very seriously, your children are all you ever think about. Those friends of mine are adults now and all have terrible relationships with their mothers; they still interact as though they are children, whining and petulant, and their mothers aren't any better. It is embarrassing to watch.

By contrast, my mother worked full time as a nurse since I was a young age and it imbued me with a sense of independence. Although I remember periods of loneliness as a child, it also meant that I never got sick of my mother's presence and now our relationship as adults is a strong one, one based on mutual respect and a genuine appreciation of each other's company. This is the same for my friends whose mothers worked while they were still children.

>> No.16588081


>> No.16588440

Why are these ancient, dusty old fossils running for president? Why are they so old?

>> No.16588478

>fancy new formatted' form of tribalism?
Something like that, I suppose. It’s community reformed. Anything they turn it into and hopefully never allowing states. As I and many others see it, even without market capitalism to corrupt, power by itself is just as corruptible.
The voucher system can fit on a phone app or be a little printout. Whatever’s easiest and environmentally friendly. Phasing it out being the most environmentally friendly thing

>> No.16589081


>> No.16589089

These threads suck and have nothing to do with literature. You're all a bunch of faggots.

>> No.16589116

A while ago my closest friend told me I’m very attractive. I already know this; I take care of my appearance and am very charismatic if in the mood. My friend usually doesn’t say things like this; he’s deeply insecure about his masculinity and revealed a bit of his insecurity there. I’m better looking than him by his own admission and obvious fact but he has way more sex than me. Actually I’ve never had sex. I know none of the sex he has is meaningful. Rather, it deepens him in a harmful feedback loop where he constantly needs to affirm his masculinity. He meets women through tinder. It’s unlike me but I thought what the hell one day and downloaded the app. I got plenty of matches but the conversations went nowhere. The digital context mystified me. And also I’m unaware of how to advance a romantic relationship with a woman. This is the difference between him and I. He socializes often but wears a “mask” while doing so. Everyone can perceive the act. Meanwhile I’m a hermit who is dragged out to socialize on rare occasion and when I do I feel elemental, and become the center of attention. None of this is to aggrandize, it’s merely what occurs. Still I’m bothered. When he gets horny he hits up a fwb. While I jerk to embarrassing porn. But another difference between us — he is way more horny than I. I don’t masturbate often nor do I have the urge to chase women much. I know my sexuality is stunted in some way. Yet I don’t want to be like him of course. I’d like a healthy middle ground. I guess all I want is a healthy romantic relationship.

>> No.16589159

I'm reading Xenophon's story about Socrates at the dinner party, and it's so blatantly gay that I can only laugh. These dudes were all 100% unironically fags.

>> No.16589227
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Thanks. Turns out it is easier to write when you do it out of heart.

>> No.16589247

Symposium is homer establishing the big gay greek elite

>> No.16589393

Along a field I walk and I look to the setting sun
its sky is orange and clouds pink

I wonder when my life is over, what will I think?

My brain goes on with rumors of me
and a crying child screaming for her mother
who never answers
plays through my ears when the night is quiet

Is this what really going insane feels like?

I only hope it isn’t
these thoughts have become my terrors

>> No.16589414

if you want to find a interesting woman join some local rock climbing/martial arts/biking/whatever club and ask out woman you find interesting

>> No.16589640
File: 3.63 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20201011_135620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone remember me? it's your man horseposter.

>> No.16589646

I hate when males start using feminine tactics like being passive-aggressive, guilt-tripping, attention whoring.

>> No.16589651

i don't think you could call those feminine in all sincerity, they're just obnoxious and retarded but females use them the most. it's a shame what became of both feminity and masculinity, they absorbed all of the bad qualities as well

>> No.16589666
File: 56 KB, 860x799, e6xz3y4zryl51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I can say is life is very surprising.

>> No.16589669

Yeah, sometimes i think that feminists are probably the most unhappy women because they believe that becoming pseudo-masculine they'll attain happiness.

>> No.16589676


>> No.16589684

shut up fag those are definitely feminine

>> No.16589687

Haircuts were always my biggest fear in elementary. I’d let my hair grow long how I like, mangy unkempt and jutting out at all angles. I didn’t want to be noticed at all and haircuts only served to draw unwanted eyes. They would ask, “Did you get a haircut?” and I’d go red, sheepishly replying “yes,”
it was a whole routine. I think I begged and cried every time pleading that grandma just let it stay long
but that never worked. I’d always find myself fixed on a chair in agony, the discomfort unbearable.
Keeping my eyes on the ground never daring to look in the mirror. When it was over I said “thank you” eyes still down, and I would go home to the bathroom to find a mess upon my head I thought looked awful. They always left short bangs cut in a straight line that's the part I hated most.
When I’d arrive at school my insides felt five miles above the rest of me, I could get red just anticipating.
Then it was the interaction as soon as I got inside and that repeated itself throughout the day.
When I got older and smarter I created a strategy, I systematically scheduled haircuts. I would get one mid august before school giving myself enough time to come to terms with my new look. Then I would get another over christmas vacation, I noticed a lot of other kids did that and they aren't so keen on pointing yours out when they’re focused on themselves. Finally I’d get one at the beginning of summer, usually the last day of school. That was the only deal grandma would make, she’d let me wait till the last day.

>> No.16589695

memes from underground part 2

>> No.16589726
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there are naturally masculine women (see: non-attention whore tomboys, butches, etc) and i think that's pretty based. people naturally posessing good defining qualities of the opposite sex are rather rare and shouldnt be belittled.

but what you called pseudo-masculinity is a poison that affects all that lack innate, virtuous mssculinity, just like women who try to force themselves into "feminity" become insufferable hysteric bitches and men become trannies or $oyboys
> mfw nowadays attention is centered at the worst qualities of each gender and virtues are rarely praised

>> No.16589742

>good defining qualities of the opposite sex
What are the good defining feminine qualities?

>> No.16589767

maternal love, pacifism or general desire to avoid agression, sensuality, emotional openness, great empathy, a special love for decor and beauty, talkativity
that's from the top of my head, none of those are exclusive to women but are strongly associated with them.

>> No.16589774

p good list

>> No.16589791

>pacifism or general desire to avoid agression
I think it's pretty cool how women can step into conflicts and just sort of resolve them by simply being off limits to violence. can't hit a woman so they can say what needs be said.

>> No.16589795

except you can just ignore them lmao

>> No.16589833

to be perfectly honest I think there's a very real womanly courage. i don't think they calculate that theyw won't get hit, they just step in. I think.

>> No.16589846

>a very real womanly courage. i don't think they calculate that theyw won't get hit, they just step in. I think.
that's not what courage is anon

>> No.16589862

well yea I suppose you're right

>> No.16589863

i also find it very amusing. peacemaking is a divine gift, but it takes innate goodness to use it visely.

>> No.16589890


>> No.16589899

Theatre will gain in popularity as AI rises because it is one unforgeable art.

>> No.16589905

Nothing is unforgeable, that's just homo sapiens cope

>> No.16589907

good take

>> No.16589911

Too gay.
Back to twatter.

>> No.16589919

Tu soulèves des points intéressants, je vais effectivement revoir tout ça, c'était un premier jet.
>Ils ne sont pas, mais ils seront, je le sais.
Moi aussi, je ne suis pas très satisfait de ce passage
>"bête absurde" c'est pas très clair
Je sais, c'est une lettre à dieu, il sait ce que je veux dire, je n'ai pas voulu être trop explicite.
>finir par une condamnation aussi absolue ça passe mal
Ce que j'ai voulu exprimer là, c'est justement la faiblesse et la haine qui me font douter, c'est l'objet de ma prière, en quelque sorte.
>J'imagine que ton père a été un salaud ou un idiot au vu de ton texte, mais essaye de nuancer le trait.
Tu as raison, il faut que j'arrive à lui pardonner, c'est là toute la difficulté. Pour le moment je ne suis pas prêt à le faire.
>Et puis c'est Dieu qui insuffle la vie, pas le sperme, mais on comprend l'idée.
J'ai pensé à la même chose, mais justement ça apporte une certaine ambiguïté par rapport au reste du texte. La vie est divine, il y'avait quelque chose de divin, même chez mon père, lorsqu'il me l'a transmise. Lui aussi était un fils de dieu.
>Je me suis attaché sur ces points parce que j'aime bien le reste anon.
Merci Anon, ça fait plaisir.

>> No.16589922

back to MY DICK

>> No.16589937

maybe, but the time when robots can gives us the satisfactory illusion of people in a play is still far while in few years AI will be capable of writing books that we will genuinely think as great, actors in movies can already be CGI, music can be fully made by computers, etc.
My prediction is that one day a book will be published, win a prize, and two small bald computer scientists will come forwards and tell us that is was written by the Hemingwaybot 2.0 or something. There will also probably be whole series of sf/fantasy books written by AI and reddit will have a huge prostate orgasm over it.
the world is already too gay

>> No.16589938

I read "closest" as "closeted" and interpreted this entire post differently. It almost seems to make more sense that way

>> No.16589971

Oui je trouve qu'on comprend bien tes intentions mais un peu malgré le texte dans le deuxième point que j'ai soulevé, et du coup ça sonne un peu maladroit. Je ne pense pas qu'il faille forcément reprendre ce passage à zéro mais essaye peut-être de faire rentrer tout ce que tu viens de me dire dans le texte.
>Tu as raison, il faut que j'arrive à lui pardonner, c'est là toute la difficulté. Pour le moment je ne suis pas prêt à le faire.
C'est très bien anon. Je pense que le pardon est quelque chose de très important et est très différent de l'oubli. Essaie de peut-être faire rentrer cette dimension dans le texte.
>mais justement ça apporte une certaine ambiguïté par rapport au reste du texte
Je ne pense pas que ce texte gagne beaucoup à être ambigu justement. A montrer l'ambiguïté de l'existence indéniablement, mais comme le reste du texte est très clair ça sonne bizarrement. L'idée derrière est très bien donc je la garderais mais tous les textes ne gagnent pas à être ambigu. Réfléchi peut-être à faire un autre texte qui se pencherait plus sur cet aspect ?
Connais-tu Francis Jammes et sa prière pour aller au paradis avec les ânes ? Je pense que tu pourrais bien aimer ce poème.

>> No.16589974

What's the last time a document came out of the US government that had some kind of literary merit?

>> No.16589982

Is Mgtow overrated?

>> No.16589994

>nothing to do with literature
It's obviously literature. You can easily see these posts as diary entries and letters.
Just filter these threads if they annoy you.

>> No.16590024

Je vais prendre tes remarques en compte, là je n'ai pas trop le temps de me replonger dans le texte.
Quant au poème, il est très beau, je ne connaissais pas Francis James, j'ai aussi lu "J'aime l'âne" qui me plaît beaucoup.
Je dois filer, bonne journée Anon, et merci pour tout.

>> No.16590041

pas de souci, passe une bonne journée et puisses-tu trouver la force de pardonner à tout ceux qui t'ont fait du mal

>> No.16590224

There's been a pigeon making pigeon noises and flapping his wings outside my window since yesterday. I've not seen him yet, but I'm always on the lookout for him.

>> No.16590231

I think im falling asleep. Im going further and further into myself. The rules ive made for interaction have become my interactions I dont know how to connect im just a fox. I feel like a hollow shell. I think im losing the ability to make my own thoughts. Its like im drowning in my own tiredness and drudgery.. What will happen when I finally die. Looking back on what ive written so far it seems pretentious. Like ive had some illusion that I was once something better, but why? Did I just fall into the trap of modern thinking that being intelligent/free thinking/enlightened is some how achievable if you put all your ideas in a framework of "logic". The internet seems to run on theb notion of quantified superiority over something or someone else. A rude reply to a stranger somehow makes you superior to them. A handwave discretionary remark of a ideology somehow makes you more enlightened or shows that your ideas are based on more "objective" means. This is nothing new in fact most probably have this paradox in the back of their mind, dont they? It seems like a sickness in the human condition being exploited to make us more tired but who knows. Maybe that is why absurd psued concepts like "Newtons flaming laser sword" exists. Why would anyone of "logical" mind make a single rule that everything must bow to if the state of everything is not known. Is logic still logic if it is subjective? Jung cited that the worrying practice empirical data being discredited not on its validity but on who provides it was gaining traction in the 60s but today it has become status quo... but why?It only seems to cause harm and discourse to no practical end. Is it a form of escapism? Everyone seems to be an enlightened rebel fighting the corrupt majority for a utopia hat could somehow be achieved if someone followed the "superior" ideology. I wonder if I feel the same way. If everyone had the same ideas I did would the world be better? It seems like a naive notion to think my sets of ideas can be applicable everywhere. I dont know. My thoughts seem full of drudgery and the same exact thing has been said many many times before. Im falling asleep

>> No.16590411

I can't tell if it's the autumn depression, stress from work or my mind simply cannot conflate comfy Lupin of short stories with the drama of longer works, but I just finished Crystal Stopper after skimming through about the later 1/3 of it, and it left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, despite the mostly positive ending.
I'm just going to leave 813 unread, I started several times, even skipped to ending to tell myself it will all be okay... it wasn't okay. Much like the ending of Hollow Needle wasn't okay, Raymonde was right when she told him laughing at fate will bring bad luck.
Movie for Halloween, Lupin series into archives and I'm on a hunt for something new.

>> No.16590425

What do you intend to do when you find him?

>> No.16590486

Break its neck.

>> No.16590496

I don't yet. I definitely don't want to start causing it any grief though. Maybe give it some seeds, try and get it to jump on my arm or summat, and if it's up for a chat I'd be glad to have one.

>> No.16590647

Most of the articles have been removed and completely vanished from the web, although there's effort to recover them.
And honestly, it feels like most men are already dropping out of participating in society by their own account. MGTOW feels so irrelevant because it was new and unprecedented. Now it feels like the norm.

>> No.16590712

*don't know yet

>> No.16590724
File: 64 KB, 800x553, Wack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I water plants with onions sauce? I got 4 little container of onions sauce from a sushi restaurant. I don't want to drop it in the sink because I don't want to poisson my city water supply with some xeno-estrogen present in the onions sauce. So my question is can I give the onions sauce to my plants or to outside trees?

>> No.16590730

its s o y .not onions sauce but s o y sauce

>> No.16590736

Maybe he made a nest in order to have little ones, my lass had one do it in front of her neighbour's window

>> No.16591135
File: 46 KB, 620x413, lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh maybe. My nan in Poland has a pair of pigeons that look like this, though I vaguely remember them being more pale and with a slight pinkish hue, that have a nest in one of the pine trees in front of her flat, and swoop down to her balcony for some seeds and water. There's this little hedge in my garden where there's always a load of house sparrows and like wrens and shit knocking around, so there might be a nest there even if I can't see it

>> No.16591176

Maybe if you water it down, otherwise the sodium concentration would be too high. Also you're a retarded faggot.

>> No.16591385

Well I dont want my city folks to be effeminate and voting for Biden

>> No.16591478

Thank you for your service anon, last night he talked about how little kids should become trannies. It was horrible.

>> No.16591677

I really like your post. The following really resonates with me
>I feel like I have so much to give to this world, not that my offers would be better than any other one's efforts, but I would love to give regardless. Want to contribute, fall asleep after a long day of work, knowing that I gave my best.

It doesn't matter what is it is, but I havn't fallen asleep feeling that way in a long time, maybe ever. I don't know the last time I genuinely tried my best at something that wasn't video games.

>> No.16591765
File: 1.60 MB, 500x284, 091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing my part!

>> No.16591868

Excrement is the skeleton key to understanding one's relation to one's body. Consider that the countless arguments which define and dignify the body by its various aspects always omit excrement, which is as begrudgingly as it is universally accepted as bad. However, in a matter of utmost curiosity, the "good" body - everything but excrement - cannot sanction excrement, but the "bad" body - excrement - CAN completely defile the "good" one. Not just literally, but in coinciding the literal and figurative: once any and all aspects of the body are thought of as excretory, they pass the check valve from the "good" body to the "bad", they become excrement and are excreted in a true Ontological sense. Past the decorum of common sense or the perversity of Catholicism, everything pertaining to the body is fundamentally excretory: I wake, I breathe, I eat, I drink, I walk, I idle, I sleep, etc. as I do not of my own will, per the "good" body, per nonsense about timeless consonance and matter of fact between me and it, Man's dominance mirrored in its erection or his soul housed and manifested by its flesh, but strictly per the "bad" body, simply because I must, lest I choose to perform the act of suicide, qualitatively indistinguishable from excreting; the ONE common denominator of the body hidden in plain sight. Even the body's most "hermetically" rich aspects, its cyclical-becoming - the circulatory or pneumatic - and its linear-being - the skeletal or genital - are transmuted from the quaintly "demonic" - embodiment as provisional conversation between the fall and the grace of God and such that has a beginning and an end - to the terribly ARCHONIC: embodiment is simultaneously destroying me in two opposite ways, running on and being consumed by the accelerating treadmill of diarrhea while dragging and being accumulated by the growing ball and chain of constipation to no end, so to speak. The colon becomes bilateral. A labyrinth of telescopic rectums. The mouth itself is just another anus that dumps IN rather than out. Embodiment becomes insane. Pass it and accept it as bad.

>> No.16592094

I bought 2 bags of chips to celebrate that it's Friday and I get to read all weekend, but now I feel like shit for eating unhealthy.

>> No.16592153

God is good.

>> No.16592565
File: 119 KB, 1024x716, marlboro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube algo recommends louis theroux interviewing boer leader
>saw this when i was a young anarcho-whatever homo lad
>dimly remember "nationalist man bad"
>watch it as grown man with lights fully on and trained on it, not just letting it osmose into my half conscious teenage mush mind this time
>realize it's obvious propaganda
>louis "city slicker fag, audience stand-in dandy man with college degrees and no cares in the world, slumming in a strange country where people still do icky things like hurt eachother" theroux pestered this old, traditional man for hours and edited it down to five seconds
>makes it seem like louis "xander from buffy chandler from friends patton oswalt seth rogan funny queer twink hip 'hehehe nationalism??? riiiiight... ooookay... lmao... k...' metrosexual post-masculinity FAGGOT sarcastic ironic effeminate FAGGOT" theroux is the cool red scare podcast apathy voice daria joss whedon ironic voice of reason and the old man is ummmmm? like? weird XD???
>it's a normal old man, from a time and country where being a man was still fucking possible
>just doesnt understand why theroux is being such a little obtuse pussy bitch and asking childlike questions
>doesn't realize theroux is being deliberately childish to be provocative of outbursts, refusing to get into the weeds so that the old man will reply with equal simplicity, in stark terms that make for a good soundbite
>FAGGOT theroux edits it to seem like he said one "reasonable" thing in a prodding superior condescending way, and the old man flipped out and started ranting about black/white
>even then the old man wasn't even racist, just expressing that his people manifestly haven't mixed well with the other or this wouldn't be an issue
>FAGGOT theroux edits it to make it seem like he made one "ummm sweetie? yikes?" comment and he freaked out again
>get mad
>clip doesnt even dignify him with a name (terreblanche)
>look him up
>Hacked to death by black farm workers in 2010.
>check internet for distraction
>college teacher beheaded in paris today by man screaming allahu ackbar, for showing a caricature of muhammad as part of a civics class

If the world is controlled by demons, is it hell

>> No.16592577

Based schizopost

>> No.16592688
File: 3.09 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201014_203247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute cops..

>> No.16592695


>> No.16592698

Being a faggot is illegal in Russia. Watch your ass, cyka.

>> No.16592764
File: 1.40 MB, 2131x2301, IMG_20201016_215340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you try and stop me from adding to my creepshot collection daily, retard
(dog went in to get some cigs)

>> No.16592823

Let me tell you, there's nothing gay about hell.

>> No.16592860

>I take a shit on each pile
How would one achieve something like that?
Hold your poop in for a couple of days then go to work on the first pile hoping you won't produce a single, long turd? Maybe drink some laxatives before so you can have really runny poopoo and can easily controle it much like peepee? It's hard for me to take your text seriously unless I can figure this out, it greatly breaks my immersion.

>> No.16592868

I could fell him with one punch

>> No.16592875

no i think your brain is still mush

>> No.16592877

have you seen the older cops? they're all fatties to some degree, im fairly sure they just eat the young ones' rations
also the cop academy i live next to could be fairly called special twink forces unit

>> No.16593009

Never in all my years on here has the censorship been so fucking bad as this year
>Banned from /fit/ for making a common feels bar thread
>Banned from /pol/ for saying nigger one time too many
>Banned from /x/ for calling out an anti white faggot
>Banned from /tv/ for asking for movies/documentaries about pedo gate
>Banned from /fit/ for saying mean words

>> No.16593017

>>Banned from /pol/ for saying nigger one time too many
i ca bullshit.

>> No.16593043 [SPOILER] 
File: 464 KB, 1754x962, 1602877410387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, mods are more power hungry than ever

>> No.16593046

don't tweet on 4chan

>> No.16593108

Why don't you try it and found out for yourself

>> No.16593115

i won't volutarily go on pol. im not a retard

>> No.16593711

Finally a new happening, I started getting boring. However one guy in France getting beheaded and the attacker getting shot isn't very interesting either.
I went to /pol/ to see the threads and there is a new meme that hasn't arrived here yet: 'debunked'.

>> No.16593904

>community reformed
what does this mean?
>never allowing states
in the sense of a state being a title, I don't see what is wrong of such title. beyond the concept of a title, what does this mean?
you are correct in that power of all sorts, in all different forms always has the element of possibly being corruptible at some point in time.
is this the strive for some form of society were everyone is 'equal'? all forms of power are frowned upon? in which this whole thing is based off of a modern materialist (marxist) element?

>> No.16593999

I have a creative slump inbound

>> No.16594112
File: 293 KB, 580x548, 1601894861590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a 1500 essay due
>want to do it early so I sit down on my PC from noon trying to get materials and begin working
>spend the whole day doing nothing productive
>feel desperate to work so I stay up late paat midnight
>Finally start writing and finish a good chunk AFTER 2 AM
Why am I like this? I genuinely don't get why I couldn't start writing when I had all the time in the day but couldn't. However as the fucking sun is about rise again now, I was full of some 'passion' to write and it baffles my mind I had to do this instead of being effective without having to ruin my sleep.

>> No.16594475

The hardest part of writing is the act itself. Write something even if its shit. You can always edit it after.
It's easier to polish a turd than to shit out gold.

>> No.16594484

I will heed this warning and update my filter

>> No.16594753

yeah same, i used to only be able to start working after 2am.
Now i dont work at all, i just stay up all night to atleast atone for my sins (just going to bed would be admitting defeat i suppose.)

>> No.16594902

Holy Spirit of oblivion

what did I have to do, I now forget
I am a moon of cold delirium
my eyes are heavy and my head is light
am I dreaming or is this fantasy? 
my eyes lose their luster but not my eye
i imagine things and then forget them
everything is fading but becomes clear
health or leprosy, am I Miriam?
as quick as they appear they take their flight
i see gold-glass cities in majesty
across an azure-amber field I fly
human-faced plants become a melting Gem
I blink and return, i sweat and feel drear
now I am a sun of melancholy
ash-apples from sodom covered with blight
fantasy and dream both fade, I feel drear
am I Haman or am I mordecai?
Gems become my tired eyes then a stem
awake I feel dead, without majesty
return to there land, but it is folly
apples turn to ash when I take a bite
I long for the land where the sky’s are clear
Wines of memory I did glorify
tried to get up but I coughed up some phlegm from my dead dreams something breached the limit
“come with me beyond wake, sleeping and dream”
I lay my head down and become the night
I met the very dreams of my spirit
I grasped the light of the divine morning
I remembered I am the holy star

>> No.16594985

I do the same thing with programming. I'm working on an iOS app, and no matter or busy or not busy my day is, I don't write a line of code for it until 10:30PM at the earliest.

>> No.16595021

How do I stop myself from instinctively posting "based" or "cringe" or whatever nigger twitterspeak that is prevalent these days? I feel like a fucking idiot every single time.

>> No.16595031

Add a negative stimulus every time you say it. Like, prick yourself, slap your face, etc.

>> No.16595056

Will start this right now then.

>> No.16595099

All that is nothing, is truly blessed. Make me blessed again.

>> No.16595110

I am normally the biggest don't count your chickens until they hatch nigga around, but I am allowing myself brief moments of imagining the titanic asspain in November if Trump wins

Holy moly will that be a fun couple of days

>> No.16595148

When did I wake up ?
I don't know.
It was either yesterday,
or today, or maybe I was never a sleep
-what if every time I close my eyes at night, and lost conscious it was just imitation of sleep ?

>> No.16595251

I think I'm becoming addicted to escorts. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so expensive.

>> No.16595260
File: 2.97 MB, 724x740, 1597236807540.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you realize that white men were the good guys all along

>> No.16595269

I love my mom and step dad. I love my brother. I love my grandparents. I love you anon.

>> No.16595671

Not suburbs. People knowing their neighbors more.

Places can have names, but don’t need bullies claiming ownership. Switching the world’s conception of place and home. We cannot own the earth because it owns us.
What’s wrong with “equality”? A better word I’d use is balance. When I talk about the age humans worshipped goddesses, they like to assert that there never was a matriarchy. No of course not, it was, however, balanced.

Aww <3

>> No.16595898

How does one get away from the mindset of shitting out gold immediately? Just practice?

I hear you guys, losing sleel is like a way of punishing yourself. I do that shit too, sleeping is like saying you give up.
I managed to write a 1200 word draft before taking a short nap. It fucks me up how I won't be able to start shit until I finally set myself in motion once the deadline approaches. Just once I'd like to finish things long before its due.

>> No.16596078
File: 208 KB, 526x261, va.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to write a joke obituary for myself
>can't come up with anything funny

>> No.16596134

i feel ya, fucking hard to write jokes in set format

>> No.16596138
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 1590818466512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belly full head empty
don't want to die
cat makes a nice noise
but her poop smells bad
and she doesn't understand

decaying flesh
impotent will
belly full
head empty

>> No.16596145


>> No.16596259

ok, so instead of suburb neighborhoods. little enclave areas of self sustained communities. with such areas as the local area were food is harvested, local place for hair cuts, local place for....etc. instead of the "local" neighborhood 'multinational corporation mega store that imports 90% of its items etc.' is this what you mean? if so, I can agree on that.
I do agree on the term balanced. I will go along with that word. I myself, at least when it comes to the sexes, do not believe that one sex is 'better' than the other. men and woman are both glorious in their own fashion (mentally, biologically, etc) men and woman belong together. It's just wonderful, and both men and woman should be celebrated separately and together.
from your last post, it does have a little bit of a flower power wishful tone, at least to me. referring to lines such as
>Places can have names, but don’t need bullies claiming ownership.
>We cannot own the earth because it owns us.
>What’s wrong with “equality”?
addressing each of these, one at a time.
1. If this given hypothetical area is in balance, their would be a set of agreed upon guidelines. a set of understandings that occur within this tribe, in a way this is a strand of what can be considered culture. If a person or set of people arrive near by our hypothetical tribe, they might have a set of different beliefs. this can have an effect, in the sense, of the way things are run and operated. It would be beneficial for our hypothetical tribe to understand that the area in which they work, with their time, energy, etc (their lives) is to be protected. I'm not saying that our hypothetical tribe needs to blindly go to war with the neighboring tribe, if communication and peace can be established that would be beneficial for both tribes. But that also doesn't mean that the tribes should also go in opposite direction and blindly join together, with that they loose the sense of who they are as a people, their way of life, etc.

>> No.16596263

2. referring back to the balance, it would behoove us not to live blindly to the submission of the earth. In the sense that nothing is built. Nor would it be proper to 'conquer' the earth and build parking lots everywhere. A balance and integration of our hypothetical tribe living with nature and celebrating the life of the earth, while at the same time creating things of beauty and not being ashamed of it. perhaps this hypothetical tribe can live in some form of forest town where the land is kept intact, respected, studied, praised, celebrated, cared for, etc. while at the same time creating homes, crop areas, buildings for the practice of some given field. Balance.
3. equality strikes me in two different formats. the first one being this: equal opportunity for all. key word being opportunity. this is something that, as of right now, I have no problems with and can support. The second being that all things are equal or should be treated equal. This is absolutely silly and to far fetched for me. If this was to be so, would you higher a landscaper to do dentistry in your mouth? It is not that I am saying their is a hierarchy and dentists are better than landscapers, or the other way around. But what I am saying is that they are purely different realms. Both are wonderful in their own ways, and I'm 100% grateful for both. Perhaps, again, it comes down to balance. An understanding the the realm of dentistry takes time, energy, and dedication to learn a certain set of particular skills, and the same for landscaping, but those skills are different. They may be both valuable but they are not interchangeable (equal).

>> No.16596295

It comes and goes in cycles and now I'm back to despair, over-self-aware hating myself from every possible angle feeling infinitely small etc. It's tiresome to say and I know how this reads. But every time I think I'm "better", every time I think I'm ready to put all this behind me and get on with life every time I think I've accepted who and what I am it catches up with me. Everything feels founded on lies. My generation feels doomed, what's worse is I feel doomed. I am completely out of step. I will not be spared or saved and the internet has shown me I am not even in this unique, I can't even languish over myself as some kind of outsider. I am one of the millions defunct. A historical bore. I will put this out of my mind get over this again get my shit together and pretend to function for a few days or weeks or months before falling apart again. I anticipate it will be like this to death. Maybe this is everyone's experience. It's a tough go. Life is tough. Just have to try and hang in.

>> No.16596548

It shouldn't be that way, read Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving, it may contain some interesting insights for you, good luck.

>> No.16596860

I have the same problem...in fact I have had it all my life with homework and stuff that is like homework.
Training, cleaning my room etc. was never such a problem.
In the end I never solved it and am now hoping that I will get a job that doesn't bring me in these situations again.

>> No.16597056

Haven't gotten up yet cuz I can still smell her perfume and pussy juice on the sheets.

>> No.16597472

It seems the only way for me to move forward is to completely relinquish the past, good and bad alike, and deny all the experiences that have built me.

>> No.16597773

Based ?

>> No.16598205

the idea that human beings need eachother is irreconsilable with the demands of modern life. one day soon it will be discovered that those "primitives" that hold on to family values over capitalist values were the true geniuses.

>> No.16598728

Never forget breathing.

>> No.16598972

Is that Kass from BoTW?