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/lit/ - Literature

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16576659 No.16576659 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I go to talk about poetry/theory? Poetry generals are gone and 90% of the posts here and shitpost or retarded newfags posting about the stranger or the first Dostoyevsky book they ever read newfags have overrun this shit hole and i'm not willing to wait around for that one thread everyday that is half-decent

>> No.16576927

I'm not memeing. If you want to actually discuss a book reddit is the best place to go.

>> No.16576945

Make a thread for it faggot.

>> No.16576976

Unironically, poetry is dead. It died when music became easily available and widely spread. All the people with poetic energy make music and write lyrics.

There's some meme poets of the modern era, but none of them have the influence of music where the actual creative poets end up.

>> No.16577186

how many books by Harold Bloom do you own

>> No.16577205

please you must go back

>> No.16578491

Band camp ran pretty late this year eh?

>> No.16578569

I’ve primarily got a group chat with ~15 poets that are in various stages of publishing, from online to prominent print journals to full books and a well-known poetry editor. We share new stuff we’re working on or readings and things that interest us, talk about structure and working habits, and share our successes and give a lot of encouragement. We formed it for an independent course/workshop we all signed up for (I was accepted for free based on the strength of my writing sample).

Honestly I have good discussion on /lit/ there’s just a lot of bullshit to filter through. Poetry share threads are pretty terrible but I was at that stage once, and there is occasional good stuff and discussion to have. The poetry general threads are much better. I at least have recent memories of discussing Baudelaire and Mallarmé etc. just in the past few months. They just die quick.

/r/truelit is the only decent reddit discussion I’ve found with people that actually care about the craft. Literature is just link sharing for pseuds

>> No.16578718

if you're gonna talk shit and shill reddit you might aswell drop the names of these so-called poets

>> No.16578733
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Don't read theory. Read poetry. Read it in your native language, read it in your second language, read it in direct translation, read it in indirect translation. Write a few verses, become ashamed of yourself and trash them. Learn folk poetry and write it (if you can play an instrument, even better). Go out in the world, plant your feet in the sand, in a mound of dirt. Take a dip in the salty seas or swim in a nearby lake. Just please don't read theory. It is boring, nobody cares about it, it isn't illuminating. It won't help you understand the poets, nor will it make you a better poet. It's just a black hole of death.

>> No.16578744

I’m not talking shit. I said there’s good discussion on /lit/ instead of other anons saying it’s shit and don’t bother. And I disagreed with the other anon shilling the literature reddit because it sucks. Check your comprehension

>> No.16579256

Bloom helped me understand Stevens. I also read a book of critical essays on Stevens' long poems that made his work even more revelatory and beautiful. In the peak of this time period, I was so tuned in that I distinctly remember the pleasure of predicting the final lines of a Stevens poem just before I read them. Things happen obliquely.