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16576257 No.16576257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is stoicism really toxic masculinity?

>> No.16576272
File: 517 KB, 850x1183, Innocent and tasteful anime picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back >>>/reddit/

>> No.16576305

i dont take reddit that seriously, also sauce?

>> No.16576326

go back

>> No.16576335

>-19 le reddit downvotes
Reddit doesn't think so. So I guess it must be toxic

>> No.16576339

That's broicism.

>> No.16576358

No stoics are based, but none exist IRL.

>> No.16576409
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>> No.16576424


>> No.16576503
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>hates anime
You definitely have to get out, redditor

>> No.16576786

next you'll say 4chan is and always has been a foot fetishist forum

>> No.16576799

I have a memory of posting in a foot thread on /b/ around 2006.

>> No.16576801

as a mere end, stoicism was and always has been a basedboy philosophy so this shouldn't come as a surprise

>> No.16576819

Toxic masculinity isn't real. Read what the stoics had to say.
Grow a pair of balls and get off the internet for a while.

>> No.16576821

what is "toxic masculinity" even supposed to mean

>> No.16576837

the faggot proudly recalls his extensive history of faggotry. holy fuck imagine admitting (with a sense of pride no less??!) that you've been on this fucking site since 2006

>> No.16576841

It means "masculinity"

>> No.16576866

Such a shame; I was going to regale you with my anecdotal experience of the rise of foot fetishism on the internet. Pearls before swine, etc.

>> No.16576893
File: 34 KB, 540x506, 12991103_10209719420770088_89635196659452248_n_10209719420770088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoicism may be an answer to some men not being able to handle their testosterone, which is what is pseudoacademically called ToXiC mAsCuLiNity.
The solution to toxic femininity is bath salts.

>> No.16576901

No, because stoicism is gay and gays are not toxic.

>> No.16576969

Stoicism is not gay as homosexuality is a purely hedonistic lifestyle choice.

>> No.16576996


>> No.16577411

Toxic masculinity is all about behaviors that result from caring way too much about being perceived as masculine and really overshooting it.

The way others perceive us is an external. Whether someone thinks I'm masculine or feminine is ultimately up to them, not to me. Since it's not within my will to control that, stoicism would have me totally ignore it, as something neither good nor bad.

Therefore no, stoicism is not toxic masculinity

>> No.16577416

He’s right.

>> No.16577425

say what you want, but evil_patriarch wiped the floor with taoman108 in that thread.

>> No.16577441

Anything men enjoy or find comfort in is toxic masculinity

>> No.16577456

>Toxic masculinity is all about behaviors that result from caring way too much about being perceived as masculine and really overshooting it.
No it's not. It simply means "masculinity." It's a political smear used to condemn all masculinity.

>> No.16577479

This, even shit as harmless as barbequing or letting your son's rough-house is toxic apparently

>> No.16577532
File: 149 KB, 1402x898, STOIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up!

>> No.16577692

Are there actual stoics in real life? Holy cringe.

>> No.16577759

No, they are two different things. If you don't understand the distinction between masculinity and toxic masculinity, it's either from a lack of effort or a lack of willingness to engage with the concept.

>> No.16577777

Why don't you explain to us then?

>> No.16577791

Lol no the thing that I've seen described as "toxic masculinity" are actually good thing. For example "mansplaining" i.e. explaining something to an ignorant woman. "manterrupting" i.e. speaking up when the ignorant woman also appears to be arrogant. "manspreading" i.e. sitting comfortably.

>> No.16577798

The way I always understood it is that toxic masculinity is posturing at being masculine in order to mask insecurities, where as masculinity is just being masculine without thinking too hard about it.

Of course, the traits of toxic masculinity can be seen in a lot of people on this site, so it’s a difficult subject to talk about here.
If you’re trying to be masculine so you can be perceived by others as masculine, you’re missing the point.

>> No.16577800

Nice digits. Toxic masculinity is the overperformance of masculine behaviors in a way that lacks social calibration. A classic example is explaining something at length without consideration for whether it's already understood by the other party, which is an overshooting of self-esteem, a core component of masculinity.

>> No.16577810

Not who youre responding too but theyre right. Anyone who tries to act masculine is considered toxic masculinity so the only way to avoid toxic masculinity is to do things that are not masculine, so in effect all masculinity is toxic because you can't be masculine without doing masculine things

>> No.16577811

>trying to be masculine so you can be perceived by others as masculine
Yes, that's more or less it.

>> No.16577820

>Anyone who tries to act masculine is considered toxic masculinity
That is not true. I doubt I even have to cite examples as you must be perfectly aware that genuinely masculine men are not accused of toxicity by women, who find them attractive. Toxic masculinity is a specific and different thing.

>> No.16577837

This is retarded because everyday masculine traits are intellectualized ala >>16577791 to the point that I now have to think about and justify every masculinr thing id otherwise do mindlessly. Its a kafka trap, if I address youre attacks on my masculinity you call me toxic for "thinking too hard about it" and if i don't address youre attacks then you have free reign over the entire conception of masculinity and you'll just continue attacking me.

>> No.16577848

This makes absolutely no sense. Since if "masculinity" is a neutral or good attribute to have or display, then posturing as masculine would absolutely not be "toxic" or whatever term woke people use. So if toxic masculinity by this definition is bad then masculinity is itself bad.

>> No.16577855

You keep saying "I dont even have to address your argument". Yeah you do you stupid faggot, explain the difference or fuck off

>> No.16577863

>overperformance of masculine behaviours
I don't know what this means, can you give another example?
>lacks social calibration
You mean it breaks social norms? Social norms are constantly changing, more so now than ever before, it's impossible to keep up and so it's an unreliable source of justification for whether something is good or bad.
>without consideration for whether it's already understood
But this is a necessary action to ensure any group or team is on the same page. It's basic management. When a manager talks about plays and tactics to the team at half time, the players obviously already know everything that's happened and what the plan is going forward, but the manager needs to reinforce and remind everyone of the plan incase someone has had something slip their mind or gone beneath their notice. If you ran a business and were too polite not to explain the situation to your team incase you came across as condescending, you wouldn't be running a business for very long. This, to me, seem a very feminine trait, to take personal offence when someone tells you something you already know as if they're calling you stupid. When my boss goes on a tangent about the work that needs done for the day I listen to him and then casually respond with "yeah no problem". I already knew everything, he's 99% sure that I already knew, but he needs to be 100% sure we're on the same page so that things can run properly without needless mistakes

>> No.16577888

So its "toxic" to want to be perceived as masculine?

>> No.16577894

I have.
This would be the "lack of effort" that I brought up previously— you don't understand toxic masculinity because you won't even read a post explaining it.

Think about any kind of masculine characteristic - dominance, self-esteem, charm, responsibility. The man who exhibits toxic masculinity is overly-concerned with appearing to have these characteristics, and it causes him to "try hard" to demonstrate them. Social calibration is the means by which we learn the degree to exhibit different behaviors. Too little masculinity, and we appear feminized or weak. Just the right masculinity, and we appear as men. Well, what is it when we show too much masculinity, when we go too hard at it? You don't think there's a phrase that might capture this extreme...?

>> No.16577911

why are you pretending to be a man you dumbass roastie. you're making so many assumptions it's actually insane. charm, responsibility, self-esteem as masculine? these are basic human qualities that anyone can have

>> No.16577929

Yes so youre setting a limit on how masculine you think men should be allowed to be, a limit that is continuously pushed farther and farther as new terms like "mansplaining" and "manspreading" are invented and popularized in order to make traditionally madculine behaviors socially acceptable. Youre judt confirming the idea that toxic masculinity is just an attack on masculinity as a whole.

>> No.16577937

That's not toxic masculinity, you've just described overcompensation borne of insecurity, you don't need to make up a special term for it. Why do you have to make it about masculinity specifically? Why does no one ever talk about toxic feminity?

>> No.16577940
File: 27 KB, 260x395, 9780684849577_p0_v1_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread needs to read this book

>> No.16577943

*make traditionally masculine behaviors socially unacceptable

>> No.16577962

I've jacked it to this guy's art a bunch of times, he's really good.

>> No.16577978

Suppressing emotions, using reason and living according to nature is for misogynists

>> No.16577990

because it's a motet and bailey rhetorical technique to demean something.

>> No.16578007

I'm a man, like 90% of this board outside of butters. Come back when you have more of an argument than a meltdown.

I'm not setting the limit, the limit is an emergent property of social interactions. This goes for every moral virtue, by the way. Courage and temperance are also comfortable means between extremes either of which would be detrimental. Have you read the Greeks?

When someone cares too much for his own life, we call him cowardly. When he cares too much for money, we call him greedy. When he cares too much for appearing masculine, guess what? There's a specific term for that now.

As for toxic femininity, yes, of course it exists. Did you assume I would deny this? Why did you assume that?

>> No.16578027

hegel buried these retard ideologies over 200 years ago
at least argue over something new

>> No.16578054
File: 401 KB, 850x1156, Gelbooru tonee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only interested in that one pic but glad you like it anon

>> No.16578069

The stoics were very patriarchal and understood hierarchies and were often very explicit about it. Like the left in general, anything Reddit touches will be twisted and corrupted by people working for their own ends. They do not care about the truth.

>> No.16578095

>invent terms to negatively portray previously innocuous behavior
Wanna try again?

>> No.16578103

Ok, and how can you tell the difference between someone who cares too much about appearing masculine, and someone who is naturally very masculine? When a man refuses to defend his fellows in their time of need it is apparent that he is a coward. When a man dedicates a great deal of him own time and effort to acquiring money, but never uses it to help his fellows, it is apparent that he is greedy.
When I see a man who behaves in a very masculine way, there is no clear way of knowing whether he is pretending or whether he is genuine, only an impression that I've formed based of prejudice, nothing more than a feeling, can tell me whether he is being false in his habits, or whether they're really just his nature

>> No.16578134

Never heard of this fallacy before, it is actually very common too. Thanks mate

>> No.16578153

>Why did you assume that?
not OP but one doesn't even have a wikipedia page, while the other is listed under wikis feminism. Toxic masculinity is cultural masculinity that women believe is detrimental to women.

>> No.16578206

>I'm not setting the limit, the limit is an emergent property of social interactions.
You're sitting here arguing againdt 3 or 4 people that your particular interpretation of the limit is wrong. The emergent property of this social interaction is that you're wrong.

>> No.16578221


>> No.16578416

Stoicism /is/ toxic masculinity. No matter how good you are at maintaining a stoic attitude in life, you're still essentially signing a 'contract from below' that compromises your emotional health. Being reflective and non-reactive in trying moments almost always relies on some measure of outright suppression in emotional affect

The typical modern stoic is satiated by a subtle form of Lacanian 'surplus enjoyment' -- by displaying no outward emotion in social tableau, as a contrast to what he considers the wanton emotionality of the other (weaker & more immature) humans, he cultivates a vain sense of secular piety based on his ability to "beat" others at the perennial game of suffering in silence. In indulging this small vanity -- even minutely, in a way that isn't explicitly 'felt' by the body -- he negates the very principle of ethical constancy upon which his attitude rests.

In essence, the stoic 'congratulates' himself on his complete rejection/abnegation of the emotional realities in his life. He makes himself believe that, because he no longer /feels/ his reactive drives as acutely as others, he is no longer guided by them. In using stoicism as a rebellious/transgressive 'reaction' to his [liberal humanist] culture's treatment of emotion, and in imposing this dubious 'virtue' on others (by example and/or by inherently normalizing dialogue concerning his worldview) -- typically other men of the same cohort and social profile -- the stoic becomes guilty of toxic masculinity.

>> No.16578427

Exactly, stoicism is toxic masculinity because all masculinity is toxic.

>> No.16578461

>letting women define your sense of being a man
not gonna make it

>> No.16578467

If you disagree with the existence of toxic masculinity you suffer from toxic masculinity.

>> No.16578490

this is such a brainlet take and written in such pompous academic pseudspeak that i almost wonder if this post might be totally sincere and not really bait after all

>> No.16578496

In more sensible days they were called either brutes or cowards, but let's just throw the whole lot into one bucket of bland indistinction, as our brainless generation is wont to do.

>> No.16578521

Only if you're using stoicism as a front for your narcissism. A practising Stoic shouldn't feel superior to others because of his self-control, he should wish to use his new ability to help other people who wish to be helped, and to reason when such help would be wasted or detrimental, and withhold it. If you feel superior to others you have failed at your practice of stoicism

>> No.16578526

Well yes, all male-identifying men suffer from toxic masculinity

>> No.16578653

Basically this. Toxicity will manifest differently in males from females. In both cases the source are things such insecurities. So the new terminology is useless.

>> No.16578683

> nice digits

No topic is too heated to pay respects to some sick fucking digits

>> No.16578783

>Lol in an outrage culture its toxic to remember what you cant control and not stress over it
>Lol in an outrage culture its toxic to remember that emotions can be addictive and so need to be maintained
>Lol in an outrage culture its toxic to not be a selfish, self-absorbed, reactionary consumer

Western culture is undergoing another agricultural revolution, but this time the crops and livestock will be people. Going beyond your own succumbing to animal behaviors and condemning those who know it leads to destruction is only going to brand you as a commodity.
Laugh at me now, but just you wait for the day you're children accept sponsorship from Pepsi so your grandchildren can afford college because "That's the way it is now, don't be so old-fashioned"

>> No.16578977

complete misunderstanding of stoicism, read more

>> No.16579038

Stop caring about genital stimulation.

>> No.16579055

i think it's more likely that hes a dishonest (you) seeker impersonating a leftist intellekshtual desu
still gave me diabetes to read all that

>> No.16579163

Ive always thought toxic masculinity was roid ragers and gym bros flexing everywhere and trying to intimidate people with their stature. Using your masculinity as a gross extension of your personality.

>> No.16579185

amazing digits squandered on a terrible thread

>> No.16579196
File: 150 KB, 1279x1357, blog, Miyawaki Sakura, Tanaka Miku, Yabuki Nako-445565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stoicism is like the bastardized form of cynicism for someone didn't want to do what diogenes did
the founder of stoicism was a rich fuck who didn't want to give up his wealth

>> No.16579213


stoicism was a *

>> No.16579243

But then he got shipwrecked and barely survived, thus developing the complexion of the corpse per the prophecy. He then went on to develop and reach stoicism.

> don't worry I finished your history lesson for you

>> No.16579262

>stoicism is not gay
yes, yes it very much is

>> No.16579722

ANYTHING that spites women makes me happier.

>> No.16579731


>> No.16579752

>explaining something at length
lmao I thought you would say like 'beating people up' or something.

>> No.16579762

Neetch was gay and died from gay cancer.

>> No.16579817
File: 67 KB, 1024x552, 1598328925156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men existing.

>> No.16579945

People's hatred of stoicism reminds me of people's hatred towards JBP during his prime
It's so milquetoast and inoffensive, and the people who adopt it are just trying to do some self-improvement, yet it attracts hordes and hordes of people who want to destroy it for no real reason

>> No.16579957

In some contexts that would fit, and I bet it happens a lot more in nonwhite social groups. But of course there are also non-toxic instances of beating people up.

>> No.16580010

Asians beat each other up a lot less than whites, and some white groups are pretty violent. What makes it toxic or not anyway?

>> No.16580071

If you beat up a mugger or a home invader or something like that, it's not toxic behavior, because it does no harm to you or to society. But if you constantly get in fights that you provoke in some effort to demonstrate your masculinity, that's toxic behavior because it hurts you and society both.

>> No.16580129

What if you get in fights not because you want to demonstrate your masculinity but because you like hurting or dominating people?

>> No.16580145

Okay Yujiro Hanma.

>> No.16580158

I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about that sort of person

>> No.16580205

toxic masculinity is hate speech

>> No.16580393

the post that destroyed all pseuds forever

>> No.16580430
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>> No.16580856

The keyword is "trying". It's the same thing in essence as someone trying to be cool vs someone actually being cool. You don't just put on a leather jacket and automatically become the Fonz, there's more depth to it than that. There's maturity and tact and a certain amount of self awareness that goes into it. Of course there will always be the types that pounce on and decry any showing, in whatever manner, of a particular trait, but they're immaterial. If you're really cool/masculine/whatever, then it is irrelevant what you are confronted with as you will be able to deal with it accordingly.

>> No.16580874

Just to overshoot it, because when you overcompensate, you end up doing things that hurt yourself and others.

Masculinity is a virtue. It exists between two extremes. Everyone knows that being not-masculine-enough is a problem, we call these kinds of men "weak," "no balls," "incel" etc. Well, why are you surprised that there is an opposite extreme?

>> No.16580878

Then toxic is not a great word, since you have many men who genuinely are extremely masculine and do 'toxic' stuff. What you're describing is affected or compensatory masculinity.

>> No.16580984

I agree, it's a crap term. I can understand the line of thinking behind it; there are expressions of masculinity that are "toxic" e.g. men that pick fights or are just violent unnecessarily, but overall it seems like an oversimplification of a much more nuanced issue.

>> No.16581072

you're a good man anon. don't let this site jade you if it can be helped

>> No.16581385

I was an engineerfag in collage so I didn't even know this word existed until the professor in the Greek mythology class I was taking used it. He said that Hector from the Iliad was a "perfect example of toxic masculinity" because he decided to charge out and face the Greeks head on for manly honor rather than being sneaky and trying to flank around them. The professor argued that his actions were guided by man culture and resulted in his death, the destruction of his city, and the capturing of his family.

>> No.16581395

Stoicism can apply to anyone regardless of gender. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something.

>> No.16581419

Ok but those actions aren't stoic in nature. Itd be stoic if he didn't have the choice to flank them and didn't become a nervous wreck stressing about facing them head on because he couldn't control it

>> No.16581469

It seems a bit pedantic to refer to this behaviour as 'toxic', which would give the impression of something like Chernobyl. It might be compensation, or just enthusiasm. Also, have you thought about how the audience changes over time, and that both parties need to do their part? I notice that many people who might complain about toxic masculinity are also quick to excite when a popular franchise makes compromises to cater to their interests, but seem to be reluctant to change their minds, why is this? Of course, I only offer this generalization as a question because toxic masculinity is obviously a buzzword that no one with any integrity would use to discuss any phenomenon.

>> No.16581484

Based anime poster buttblasting redditards

>> No.16581514

>I'm a man
Post benis

>> No.16581542

If you know who Yujiro Hanma is, he is the definition of toxic masculinity and no one can stop him. He is beautiful.

>> No.16581556

>Positive masculinity is what women find attractive
>Toxic masculinity is what woman find unattractive
It's funny but I am in 100% agreement with you.
Men should stop letting a bunch of feminist harpies define what masculinity is and isn't. Can you imagine feminism as a movement being shaped by men dictating to women what aspects of their self-expression are attractive and what aspects are "bitchy" or "toxic femininity"?
Stop engaging with these discourses altogether. Use violence if needed. This ideology being pushed down people's throats is pure evil and it wants to destroy you and everything you care about.

>> No.16581566

Women are attracted to fucking serial killers and criminals, is that not 'toxic' lol

>> No.16581574

Women are attracted to masculinity. Toxic masculinity is a type of masculinity.

>> No.16581576

>"try hard"
>toxic masculinity is posturing at being masculine
>the limit is an emergent property of social interactions
This is literally just you and your small clique of faggot friends defining who's "cool" and who's "lame", and presenting it as political discourse in order to justify being a bunch of shit eating bullies.

>> No.16581577
File: 78 KB, 781x957, Jeremy_Meeks_Mug_Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek fucking Nicholas cruz, goblino looking guy that he is got more bitches thirsting after him than I do because he shot up a highschool and I didn't

>> No.16581788

truly horrific anatomy work there.

>> No.16581795

how does one grow so disconnected from the concept of honor?

>> No.16582115

The professor must obviously be a marxist and can't grasp the point of transcendent ideals like virtue and honor.

>> No.16582146

religion of the cuck is toxic masculinity? kek

>> No.16582161

why is it "toxic"?

>> No.16582190
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>> No.16582504

this is the reason anime feet are shit.
they either have awful anatomy, or they're just rotoscoped photos. Exception is that one guy that got to make "Miru tightsu", but thtat's literally just one guy in a thousand.