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/lit/ - Literature

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16575068 No.16575068 [Reply] [Original]

this is big boy money for me
tell me I'm not making a mistake

>> No.16575071

You're making a mistake. Buy physical books instead.

>> No.16575076

5 upvotes have been deposited to your reddit account

>> No.16575081

you could buy a lot of books for that amount

>> No.16575084

dont get kindle, get a kobo

>> No.16575090

you will get even near infinite through pirating

>> No.16575093


>> No.16575094

just get a paperwhite

>> No.16575097

This. The barrier to entry is high but after the initial price the sky is the limit

>> No.16575098

Don't buy that shit you slag.

>> No.16575101

>leather cover
uhm sweety this is a vegan board

>> No.16575127

e reader is the way to go if you're broke. you'll spend way more on physical books over time if you read a lot. filling up one billy bookcase will cost you about a grand

>> No.16575131

kindle only supports mobi and PDF
kobo supports many more including ePub which is pretty popular on libgen desu

>> No.16575137
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>tfw good eye sight so i can just read on my phone

>> No.16575139

Infinite amounts of books you'll never read, and the ones you do read are experienced on a ugly, plastic gadget. Plus there's already an infinite amount of books to be bought at two bucks on abebooks.

>> No.16575148
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>e-reader, pirate everything
>buy a physical copy of the book after I'm done reading and it wasn't a slog
get on my level

converting file types for kindle is easy enough

>> No.16575205

I just took the plunge too, we’ll see how much mileage I get out of it.

>> No.16575270
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this, need to flex with them in my bookshelf if a girl ever visits me at home

>> No.16575292

Not for long I assure yoy

>> No.16575316

buy something used

>> No.16575324
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should i get a paperwhite for 100 eurobucks?

>> No.16575344
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there are definitely cheaper alternatives but i still think it's worth it, the shape of the chassis feels nice to hold and the buttons are game changing desu, treat yourself anon. Converting books with calibre is easy if you're "borrowing" them

>> No.16575351

just get physical books from your local library.

>> No.16575439


An e-book is definitely worth it but I'd go for a cheaper model. If you only want to read books they are perfectly adequate.

>> No.16575496

shut up christi

>> No.16575521

what's the point of a 32gb e-reader? 8gb is more than enough right?

>> No.16575595

It is great, OP, don't listen to /lit/, it is mostly people preoccupied with the aesthetics of looking like a person who reads books.

>> No.16575786

Just buy a tablet and use the kindle app

>> No.16575793

Do these things have a backlight or a frontlight? I always get mixed answers.

>> No.16575800

Yes. 32gb is total overkill. I have loaded up more than 500 books and it's not even close to being full.

>> No.16575810

Reminder that if an EMP does knock out all your devices, you’ll have a much worse time than not being able to read. You’ll need to fight off raiders and cannibals at that point.

>> No.16575896

If an EMP shuts off your device you just turn it back on

>> No.16575907

god i want to die

>> No.16575919

Muh physical buk muh need to feel it, smelle it, me show off muh shelf

>> No.16575920

You say it like most books that you aren't reading digitally won't be read in an ugly paperback

>> No.16575934

Not all of us live near libraries with a good selection. I tried this route and the library even struggled to have popular classics let alone more obscure texts. Using the inter-library lending system wasn't much better

>> No.16575951

I love mine. Do you have prime? It's only 70 on prime day.

>mfw I turned mine on today and all the ads are gone even though I didn't pay to have them removed
am I lucky, or did they roll back the ads or some shit?

>> No.16575973

why would you pick the most expensive one if that's a lot of money for you you absolute retard? I've got a bridge to sell you dumbass. A paperwhite has got to be way under $100 now

>> No.16575993

if you're gonna spend money, might as well spend good money...

>> No.16575994

calibre converts epub fine.

>> No.16576004

physical buttons is a massive selling point for me. Fucking hate touchscreen.

>> No.16576028

Library books are disgusting and are responsible for 90% of Pink-Eye outbreaks in America (probably)

>> No.16576038

Then just get a tablet you can do a whole bunch of other shit on too?

>> No.16576083

Don't get a Kindle, to much DRM and stuff so you can't actually pirate books.

>> No.16576094

How are you too dumb to pirate books? It's the easiest thing on the planet.

>> No.16576106

Absolute retard anon, I pirated ~50 books already on my paperwhite

>> No.16576108

wtf are you talking about retard I've still yet to actually pay for a book on my kindle

>> No.16576441

I don't know any of that shit but I know physical books are nothing but romantic crap. If I were you I would buy some minimalist e ink without any color internet of anything but I just read my stuff on my cellphone. I still buy books though, those that are very hard to find and I have this very little collection too, nothing wrong with buying books for "good reasons"

>> No.16576644

Mate you literally just use calibre.

>> No.16576900

mine just has one ad (for the marketplace) that it shows always. I think it knows you're pirating and doesn't bother advertising to you lmao

>> No.16577007

get an onyx boox max 3 instead

>> No.16577137

Think how many 2nd hand books you can get that are not on kindle for that much, kindle is an app on your phone now BTW, literally no reason to buy one

>> No.16577162

> amount of books to be bought at two bucks on abebooks

t. abebooks employee
Now I see who it is that seethes so much about ebooks and piracy lmao

>> No.16577169

Get it they're great anon

>> No.16577173

I still have an older paperwhite that works fine, but has 1gb. It fits like 100-200 books, and its certainly enough for me, I couldnt imagine what you can do with 32gb

>> No.16577174

I got the Max 2 for textbooks and it's lovely. Begin fucking huge really is a game changer, especially if you're reading stuff that reflows poorly.

>> No.16577234

My calibre folder which has 32000 files in (mostly epub and mobi), ~250 of which are pdfs and also some jpg (covers) is only around 16gb.
32gb is complete overkill.

>> No.16577324


>> No.16577485

>doesn’t download illustrated editions

>> No.16577502

bro just go to the library
bro just look up the pdf
what the fuck are you doing

>> No.16577515

just get the paperwhite and lose the overpriced cover dude.

>> No.16577558

You can get that same case on aliexpress for like 10 bucks.

>> No.16577592

but reading on monitor is hard on the eyes

>> No.16577606

Do you not have a phone? Just read on your phone.

Plus you have to buy shit on a kindle. You can pirate books on your phone.

>> No.16577629

This shit gets fucking old quick when you read anything you can steal, and realize that a lot of scanned non-fiction is only available as a PDF (including a lot of fiction, especially with illustrations or intentionally fucked-up formatting).
For just a bit more, you could've gotten an iPad or other tabled and done so much more with it. I used to like the idea of a Kindle - now I realize it's absolutely dog-shit.

>> No.16577632

I just read books on my phone, but I guess everyone at starbucks will be very impressed when you read with one hand without letting go of your s o y latte.

>> No.16577665

Are you genuinely braindead or just pretending to be?

>> No.16577673

You'd have to be really dumb to do any extended reading on an iPad, it's horrible for your eyes. Also not everyone cares about some obscure pdfs.

>> No.16577704

Not him, but I read on my phone for years; still do sometimes. I had a Kindle but I always wound up using my phone because it let me get away with reading at work, I could read it on the train during my commute or when I was waiting for any kind of appointment. It got to be such a habit I just started reading on my phone exclusively.
I don’t even have a large screen one like a lot of people do now. The first book I ever read digitally was on an iPhone 4S and now i have an iPhone 7.
The iphone 6 and 7 + is huge and lots of people have those.

>> No.16577752

How is that braindead? Why spend money when I already have the tools infront of me?

>> No.16577761

Just turn on nightlight or antiblue light.

>> No.16577768

yeah you can read entire annals worth of shitposts but when you actually read something worthwhile the eyes just recoil in terror

>> No.16577797

How is it any harder than a kindle?
Unless you do a white background with the brightness cranked up to 100%
I don’t see how white text on black background is hard on the eyes at all and I don’t even know what the consequence is supposed to be. Hasn’t Computer Monitors causing myopia been disproven?

>> No.16578412

Bullshit, I've saved thousands of dollars in books usinng a kindle.

>> No.16578439

No, but bro, you never really READ the books if you didnt smell the cellulose at the same time and touch the dead tree with your own hands.

You might think you read and enjoyed all those books but its actually just a placebo effect and you cant remember anything about them really, while every paper book your read is connected to your soul and you have perfect recollection of them

>> No.16579117

Why not just get a kindle off craigslist, if 200$ is too much for you?
Are you afraid of buying second hand, faggot?

>> No.16579130

I bought a kobo libra H20 and read more than ever on it

>> No.16579140

E-ink screens produce very minimal blue light

>> No.16579166
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Kindle Oasis was the best purchase I've made (alongside Samsung tab S7 plus). I had not read consistently for years. Now I've read a book a week for the past 2 months. Super comfy, specially a read before bed with all the lights off. Also obviously saves a ton of space, which is good for me since I'm a Uni student and constantly moving around.

>> No.16579168

>not having a massive array of pandects loaded up on your device for use as reference material
you don't have to actually READ the books anon

>> No.16579451

Blue light

>> No.16580064

When (((Amazon))) pushes their white-male purged version of the books you have onto your goydle you won't even realise

>> No.16580197

Just use yer phone.

>> No.16580745

kobo libra H2O or forma?

>> No.16581312

Why not just get a kindle paperwhite? It's much, much cheaper and hardly any different. For that price you may as well just buy physical.

>> No.16581325

wait for fread.ink to be finished and buy a used ereader that itll run on. fully free (as in free speech, not free beer) software that wont limit you to certain formats.

>> No.16581401

Yes unless you're using a lot of scanned PDFs or manga. Both of which are why my ereader has 128GB.

>> No.16581406

Every ereader with a paper-like page (so almost every ereader nowadays) uses a frontlight

>> No.16581602

If you were wealthy, yes, because that device doesn't support usb type c connectivity, and is still running the archaic micro usb.
Thus, if this means big money to you, yes, it's worth it.

>> No.16581678

As the owner of one, the bestthing you can do is "purchase" samples of the books you intend on reading. You'll save plenty of money as it's unlikely that you won't end up with a substantial backlog.

>> No.16581687

If you only have your books on an e-reader, you don't have any books

>> No.16581691
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Ya got me

>> No.16581746

As long as I get them for free from sailing the seas, it's fine.
Unfortunately, most people who own the e-readers, will buy ebooks off from Bezo, thinking that they own them digitally.

>> No.16581844

its for quality of life. its definetly more cpmfortable to read with e ink but if youre too poor to even be able to afford an e reader, you could just use your phone

>> No.16582143

why would i seethe about piracy? i'm glad people are reading epubs on their plastic device rather than buying up all the cheap paperbacks (same reason i only ever recommend bad books on /lit/)

>> No.16582215

sure you can save money with a kindle, i have one btw, and use it to read academic works that sell new for obsence prices, but if they were available at an affordable cost i'd obviously opt for that over staring at a screen, i do that all day at work, i don't feel the need to do that in my spare time, and btw that wasn't the argument i was making, i swear to god most people on here are illiterate... yes genius if you buy 200 paperbacks for 2 books you'd be spending more money than if you read 200 badly formatted epubs you downloaded for free, congrats!

idk what this means, ESL? non-white? post hands

humans like tactile, aesthetically pleasing things, idk why this is so upsetting to people. that's not the main reason i avoid reading on a kindle tho and opt for paperback whenever i can, why stare at a screen when i don't have to