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16574516 No.16574516 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in a vampire-y mood.

>> No.16574519

Dracula is pretty good

>> No.16574538

If you had to pick three Anne Rice novels (because I don't really recommend more) it would have to be Interview With The Vampire and its associated Tom Cruise kino, The Vampire Lestat, and if you liked the story go on to Tale of the Body Thief to see it through, or if you just liked moody goths bitching about other moody goths in moody gothic places then go with Blood and Gold.
Also check out Shadow of the Vampyre starring Willem Defoe and Blood For Dracula and Flesh For Frankenstein starring Udo Kier. Vampires transitioned really well onto screen.

>> No.16574546

I've read and I thought it was pretty boring for large parts. The beginning with Jonathan in the castle is great, but then you are subjected to a large chunk of two girls giggling about boys until Mina finally gets bitten, and even then it's mostly just the guys arguing over who gets to give her their blood. It does pick up again after that though.

>> No.16575411


>> No.16575530
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Carmilla is quite good.
The lesbian scenes are also nice :b

>> No.16575540

listen to the audiobook its included free with audible and has a full cast narrating, it works much better

>> No.16575552


>> No.16575727

Salem’s Lot is the best Vampire novel I ever read. Dracula has a lot of flaws and the narrative style never clicked for me.

>> No.16575925

I don't know if I'd like it because it's by Stephen King. I tried reading The Gunslinger but I hated the writing style, and dropped it pretty early on.

>> No.16576019

Yeah, I’ve read a few of his novels Salem’s Lot and It are the best. They’re pretty well written. Any of the Stephen King memes like child orgies or terrible endings don’t really apply to Salem’s Lot. I think it’s a well-done novel and it works well because it’s a good, self contained, 300 pages or so. I never read any of his non-horror stuff.

>> No.16576077

This is a board about books, not /tv/.

>> No.16576101

>Salem’s Lot
>Self contained
Anon, I.....

>> No.16576143

I only read the book and the two companion short stories that are included in my edition, and aren’t at all necessary to the actual story.
I’ve heard that he might have recycled a character and made allusions to it in later works, but idk anything about that. If you compulsively need to crawl through 5,000 pages of Stephen King’s second rate fantasy series on the off chance you might get to lap up a stray scrap of “lore” thirty years removed from the original story then that’s not really a flaw in the novel.

>> No.16576244
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Not "made allusions", Father Callahan is literally one of the core characters in the latter half of the Dark Tower series. He got into some weird shit after he jobbed to Barlow and chased vampires across dimensions until he wound up in Rolands Ka-Tet.

>> No.16576259
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>> No.16577424

>>Salem’s Lot
>>Self contained

The story traces the fate of some 30-odd, distinct characters. I suppose it would be an exaggeration to call it a masterpiece of plotting and concision, but if it's not, it's darn close. (By contrast, King's shaggy-dog propensity came to the fore in his next (and many other) novels, The Shining (although it's still a quite good, and quite potent horror novel, imho).)

>> No.16577478

Salem’s Lot was good, but imagine reading this dogshit lmao

>> No.16577878

Exit The Castle

>> No.16578455

Christopher Buehlman has two vampire novels:
>The Lesser Dead
>The Suicide Motor Club

The latter had one of those first chapters that just pulls you in, and the book held my interest throughout. B+

>> No.16578482

Haven't read any of the Dark Tower books, but the Fr. Callahan subplot in Salem's Lot was like a corkscrew to my heart.

>> No.16578505

>vampire books
>Exit The Castle

Anon, I.....

>> No.16578703
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Michael Rowe, Enter Night

A solid, straightforward vampire novel set in remote Ontario. An enjoyable read. But in one aspect - the authors' respective accounts of how vampires take over a small town - one sees the difference between a merely good writer, like Rowe, and a really gifted one, like King. In Salem's Lot, King brings the vampire assault to life through a series of kinetic and varied scenes that have the feeling of a swelling tidal wave that finally comes crashing down - whereas Rowe can only stage-manage a couple of rather static set-pieces that serve as a kind of semaphore for the larger attack.

With that said, the book has some very good and toothsome scenes.

>> No.16578801
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You're right, essays aren't books. Sorry.

>> No.16578820

Dracula is a good pick. If you'd like to see a book that predates it by about 20 years, check out Carmilla. Its not necessarily better, but is interesting.

>> No.16580282

One drop of blood on the long-entombed vamp; what's the worst thing that could happen?

>> No.16580366

I enjoyed Christopher Moore's vampire books: bloodsucking fiends, you suck, and bite me

>> No.16580387

Except Salem's Lot has an absolutely terrible ending.

>> No.16580450

Books I'll vouch for:
-Salem's Lot
-The Strain series

Graphic novels/comic books I'll vouch for:
-30 Days of Night
-American Vampire

>> No.16580855

No it doesn’t lol

>> No.16581271

Yes, it does.

>> No.16581311

It’s not like a happy ending with the town returning to normal would have been better. The town was doomed before the book started; even without Vampires it was going to wither and die. The milkman who was about to retire was definitely going to be the last milkman ever to retire in Salem’s Lot, at least three young people decide to pack up and leave during the novel, they don’t even have a movie theatre anymore, the counter at the drug store is dead every Saturday night, etc

>> No.16581331

The novel has layers, I really appreciate how King captures small-town life. Salem's Lot is almost an allegory for small towns dying as their populations move to urban areas. The vampires represent the allure of far-away lands and technology sapping the vitality from rustic life, while writers (Ben Mears) and traditionalists (Father Callahan) try desperately to keep it alive.

>> No.16581420

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.16581453

Carmilla is fun as fuck and should be read before Dracula.

The Anita Blake series is not bad but interesting if you want to see the well that Twilight and True Blood sprung from. Just be aware it turns into bad erotic fan fiction of itself after 7 or 8 books.

>> No.16581467

That reminds me, I read all 13 of the novels of the series by Charlaine Harris that True Blood was based on, AMA

>> No.16581548

Except the ending is implied to ultimately be a happy one, with them going back and being all heroic and shit. Typical of King he pulled his punches at the very end. Not really sure how you got the impression that the ending was anything else.

If anything the vampires represent banal Cold War paranoia. It's King's lazy attempt at ripping off the same fear of the foreigner narrative present in Dracula.

>> No.16581593 [DELETED] 

Because the town is already abandoned by everyone except Vampires and Ben openly says that the fire they start won’t kill them all

>> No.16581605

Because the town is dead and Ben openly states the fire won’t kill them all. Susan, Dr Cody, Mark’s parents and a bunch of other people are also dead

>> No.16581817

Nice, im about to check it out

>> No.16582112

>Can you recommend some good vampire books?
Stop reading genre fiction.

>> No.16582171

vampires are faggots, dragons are a superior monster.

>> No.16583500
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>same fear of the foreigner narrative present in Dracula
Dracula is a foreigner out of homage to the canon, and because 19th century England had a the same problems with rootless intercoastal elites that the American empire does today. All the good vampire books from this period are glorified Alex Jones rants about rich lizard pedophiles from the center of the Earth.

>> No.16583728
File: 212 KB, 757x665, One for the road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because the town is dead and Ben openly states the fire won’t kill them all.

King wrote a sweet follow-up, "One for the Road," set a few years after Salem's Lot. A slow burn in the dead of winter, growing dread with a very nice payoff. One of my favorite King stories.

>> No.16583736

>The novel has layers, I really appreciate how King captures small-town life. Salem's Lot is almost an allegory for small towns dying as their populations move to urban areas.

Well said. King doesn't get sufficient credit for his very substantial writing chops.

>> No.16583999
File: 323 KB, 750x1200, Keep_Novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They Thirst by Robert McCammon
Vampires take over Los Angeles. Solid vampire/horror novel; you'll enjoy it if you like same. But in the final analysis, it comes in the second tier after the superior Salem's Lot.

>F. Paul Wilson, Midnight Mass
Vampires take over the world, with the book focusing on one small city on the east coast. Enjoyable for horror novel enthusiasts, but Stephen King it ain't.

>F. Paul Wilson, The Keep
Circa WW2, high in the Carpathian Mountains, *something* in the ancient castle is killing off German soldiers. A good read -- especially strong on mood and atmospherics (which is half the battle in any decent horror novel). Really not bad at all, although the plot has a few unwelcome twists in the last third or so. Was made into a decent movie.

>> No.16584494

Why would you read a book that describes no child orgies?

>> No.16584650

Let the Right One In

>> No.16584764

>Let the Right One In

It has a very nifty premise that made for a good movie, but I am wondering whether the book is what you would call a good read?

>> No.16585827

I, Strahd: The Memoirs of a Vampire
based on an old dungeons & dragons module, it's basically dracula retold in a fantasy setting, but it's very high quality

>> No.16586912

ah yeah, I forgot about that one. Hope I find an E-pub.

>> No.16587239
