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/lit/ - Literature

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16574237 No.16574237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think creativity is politically oriented?
For instance on 4Chan, all the funny and witty memes are made by right wingers to mock left wingers.

The only somewhat funny memes the left produces are literally stolen from the right (the MAGA NPC being stolen from the SJW NPC, the chud incel being a copy of the so y jak style)

Is the left capable of producing funny content to mock its opponents? Is creativity in terms of memes/humorous attacks politically oriented as it seems to be?

>> No.16574241

Not literature.

>> No.16574242

It's philosophy, though

>> No.16574247

No it isn't. Even if it was, read the sticky.
But most of all, fuck off and never return.

>> No.16574249

The left's memes are currently toppling the greatest civilization the world has ever seen, the right's memes are hackneyed variations on a couple of stock characters relegated to the sewer of the internet.

>> No.16574256

Are you unhappy that your side of the political spectrum is incapable of producing anything of worth? Maybe you should go back to PLebbit, little fag, I've been there for longer than you

>> No.16574262

Give actual examples please

>> No.16574264

left-wing meme culture is fundamentally different from right-wing meme culture. Rather than focusing on abject mockery and repetitive images, it tends to be far more surrealist in nature and often contrasts mixes references to science or history with out-of-left-field commentary.

The difference is philosophical. Conservatives ridicule people they think they're superior to, while liberals ridicule reality, which they feel is nonsensical

>> No.16574270

This is the worst thread of the day, congrats

>> No.16574277
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The humour of leftist memes springs entirely from the ironic use of fonts.

>> No.16574287

Utterly predictable. Not everyone who finds you insufferable is your political boogeyman. Judging by your atrocious grammar, i'm guessing you're an ESL. Is that why you couldn't understand the sticky, because you can't read English properly?

>> No.16574299

Liberals and their far left vassals hold most of the institutional power and make up a vast majority of the elite in the West. Therefore their memes and propaganda becomes bleak, humourless and a manifestation of the injustices in the system they have created.
The memes and propaganda created by its opposition - the populists, nationalists, conservatives, workers, libertarians etc. - are instead perceived as cheeky, irreverent, counter-culture, vivacious, controversial, avant garde, thought provoking etc. just because they are challenging the status quo of the neoliberals and their far left vassals.
Power can't speak truth to itself.

>> No.16574306

blessed burger thread
all politics

>> No.16574307

>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.16574313

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Seriously, you /pol/tards are annoying as fuck. Get the fuck off this board and kys.

>> No.16574318

It has nothing to do with right or left and everything to do with truth and acknowledgement of the true hysterical nature of the world. Whether it's a feeling or a message. The left "can't meme" because they control their speech and their truths.

The "right" largely can't generate memes either. The only place that generates memes consistently is the chans and that's because these anonymous boards promote truth first. Every single ground shaking meme has an element of such cold-cutting truth that it just tears into people.

Despite what people say about the chans, can it really be called right wing? Like there's nothing particularly right wing about the place other than the users, but there's no barrier for entry here.

Take /lit/ for example, there is no barrier here other than discussing books and authors. Why does /lit/ not talk about more trash? Why isn't it garbage like r/books? The answer is simple. Truth, by nature of the setup of chans, is promoted here which forces only the standouts to rise to the top and be even considered for discussion or recommendation.

I think /pol/ gets a lot of focus because politics become a large focus of both the internet and the real world, but I genuinely believe that every single chan board has had profound impacts on their respective focuses even if the users don't realize it. The average anime watcher (who still has trash taste) would have even worse taste if /a/ never existed for example.

>> No.16574324

>there's nothing particularly right wing about the place other than the users
the users aren't right wing on the whole either, except for /pol/ tourists who pollute every other board

>> No.16574334

That's not my point. There's no reason why /pol/ is right wing. There's no reason for /pol/ to be right wing. The set up of /pol/ does not lend itself to any side. The only rule on /pol/ is to discuss politics.

/lit/ isn't right wing (it's not really left wing either) and I wasn't claiming it to be. I think /pol/ is right wing for the same reason that /lit/ promotes reading philosophy and genuinely good writing. It's just the very nature of having an anonymous board lends itself to expose the truths associated with whatever the subject of the board is.

>> No.16574358

imo it comes down to the status quo. The idea of a meme is to spread an idea. To spread this idea, it has to be opposing the status quo. Otherwise you're not spreading an idea, as it's already the default. This is why the right is currently out-meming the left: they're just less of the status quo. It'll come back around tho, when the right becomes the status quo (we can see this currently with Donald trump's presidency) the left will be able to meme again. (They've already gained since 2016 for this very reason)

>> No.16574371

The rules on a board (e.g. your '/pol/ is for politics discussion' example) aren't the only determinant of what gets posted. Every board is shaped by its own history, and evolves in a historically contingent manner. In the case of /pol/, 2016 brought in a huge number of new users, as well as reforging its reputation as a hangout for far-right lunatics (see the Q stuff for example) rather than a mixed bag that falls somewhere to the right on average. Prior to that, as far as I recall (though I may be wrong as it was a long time ago), the most common political opinion on 4chan was a kind of libertarianism, vastly different from the unironic fascists who waste everyone's time today. Additionally, anonymity does not do anything to change the fact that only certain groups of people are attracted to 4chan - in the case of /pol/, it is mostly young, American men, who probably tend towards the more socially isolated. It is easy to imagine an anonymous board with a different userbase coming to entirely different conclusions on a subject. You don't even really need to imagine it if you just think about 4chan in the past.

>> No.16574381

the sexual revolution and equality between the races

>> No.16574410

/phil/ when?

>> No.16574417

When 4chan was actually influential on the internet and its humour it had this anarchist-leftist slant for the most part, with some lolbertarian elements. The right wing was admittedly funny around 2016 but their shit became stale and /pol/ is mad unfunny right now and gets mad butthurt when a white character gets changed to a non-white character in a movie or TV show.

>> No.16574421

that literally happened in the 1960s, grandpa

>> No.16574424


>> No.16574432

Can we finish this thread here?

>> No.16574646

Imagine coming to /lit/ to talk about literature.

>> No.16574658

>There's no reason for /pol/ to be right wing.

There was a concentrated psyop by storm front and white supremacists in the early years

>> No.16574668

Before 2016 it was still full of Evola reading mystic racists and white supremacists. There was a successful attempt to shift the board culture in like 2010 by American white supremacists