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1657406 No.1657406 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to really like this guy. I remember reading Valis about 18 months ago, and despite low expectations, I thought it was fairly good. I saw The Adjustment Bureau recently and enjoyed it. I'm reading The Man In The High Castle, and think this might be his best work I've read yet, although I'm only partway through. Only love for this troubled but talented man?

>> No.1657432

I thought a few people here liked him. Perhaps not.

>> No.1657435

>I saw The Adjustment Bureau recently and enjoyed it.
This isn't some "DURRR Original always better!!" BS. However, there maybe a problem with altering one's opinion of an author based on separate, loose adaptions of their work.

>> No.1657659

Just thought I'd mention it. And it reminded me he existed, so I went and found a copy of High Caste (although I didn't buy it until 2 weeks later).

>> No.1657668

You really, really shouldn't judge PKD on the basis of adaptations of his work, because he gets adapted a lot and he gets adopted very loosely. Although from what I've heard about Adjustment Bureau it seems fairly faithful.

I like PKD a decent amount, especially his short stories. He's good at reality-bending, out-there stuff. He's cool I like him. If you like him you should check out Tim Powers and James Blaylock, who were kind of his proteges/students.

>> No.1657669

Adjustment Bureau is a good movie, yes, but the story it was based from, the Adjustment Team, is quite different from the movie. The basic premise is there but they're quite different. You'll like it though and I suggest you read that too.

>> No.1657673

The Man in the High Castle is his best, based on what I've read. Stuff like The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Ubik, A Scanner Darkly and Flow my Tears, the Policeman said are all pretty good too.
I was given The Transmigration of Timothy Archer for my birthday, but I haven't read it yet since he's one of those authors you should spread out. Read too much all at once and he gets a bit samey.

>> No.1657674

big fan. read do androids dream about electric sheep first, then maze of death, then pretty much anything else i could find. all in the same crazy paraoid genius style, and worth checking out.
ive binged a bit hard though and will probably have to wait a few years before i can read another though. one of those things,

>> No.1657678

I've only read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Ubik.

Androids was pretty good, but Ubik was a total mindfuck. I enjoy his writing, but to me it seems like his ideas aren't matched by his skills as a writer (which doesn't mean he's bad, he could just be a lot better imo).

Still have to read A Scanner Darkly, High Castle, and Flow My Tears.

>> No.1657680

My favorite is a short story: The Variable Man.

>> No.1657682

>I enjoy his writing, but to me it seems like his ideas aren't matched by his skills as a writer

To avoid confusion, I mean that his writing is somewhat weak compared to his creativity.

>> No.1657684

Yeah, that is true. His writing works, but it's never amazing. Can't have everything, I guess.

>> No.1657697

cause je just writes man. dude was fucking insane. literally. he didnt approach the craft like fucking hemmingway or salinger or anything. he had ideas in his head and he wrote em down, almost no editing usually. prolific as fuck.
so, take that for what it is. i kinda dig the style for what it is.

>> No.1657700

Really? I like his prose.

>> No.1657724

I've read 4 PKD books:
>Man in the High Castle
>3 stigmata of Eldritch palmer
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>A Scanner Darkly

I liked A Scanner Darkly the best just because I thought some parts of it were really funny and its one of the only PKD books that I really feel attached to the characters in. I thought he did a good job developing the characters.