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File: 98 KB, 716x716, Last Thursdayism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16569740 No.16569740 [Reply] [Original]

>Last Thursdayism still hasn't been refuted
How could this happen?
In case you're new to this:
The universe was created Last Thursday and all previous memories you believe to have, that extend beyond that, were just implanted, as well as any evidence of the universe being older. Rest assured all of those are just really good simulated evidence, but the universe in itself was created Last Thursday and not a moment before.

Feel free to refute this. (Warning: You won't be able to).

>> No.16569755

>you can't refute a theory that was specifically designed to be I unfalsifiable

>> No.16569758

>le ebic atheism meme
you need to go back

>> No.16569795

>you were implanted with the sensation that time is actually passing, the theory of which relies on the unreliable memory
>Other people don't exist

>> No.16569824

I can remember remembering things and the memories I made since last Thursday and that I am still making don't feel different from the supposed implanted memories, so why shouldn't I believe that the universe is created and memories being implanted in this or every other instance?

>> No.16569837
File: 325 KB, 884x649, Screenshot_20201013-133650_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck right off

>> No.16569839

it's by definition irrefutable, doesn't mean it's true, doesn't mean it's false

Now fuck off, OP

>> No.16569849

>But when religions do it is ok.


>> No.16569854

This didn't refute anything though.

>> No.16569862

Why prove last thursdayism wrong? What difference does it make when the universe was created. We are in it now, that is what matters. Whether it was created billions of years ago or a millisecond ago it literally does not matter.

>> No.16569863

Epic dabber dab XD CHUNGUS wholesome keanu chungus shaggy reeves dab dab fortnite epic ninja LIGMA MEGALUL PogU PogU POGGERS dab trolled le epic MEGALUL LULW rickrolled LOL LMAO

>> No.16569866

Your axioms are false. Done

>> No.16569867

>t. has started using this website after 2016

>> No.16569911
File: 126 KB, 900x579, 1602215589878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one said you couldn't use irrefutable arguments, we're just telling you that you're not proving anything that isn't widely accepted by anyone not entirely retarded ; your reddit logic isn't impressing anyone, and it's not proving anything to anyone.

Yes, it is possible that the universe was created last thursday, I cannot prove that it has, nor can I prove it hasn't.
All I can tell you is that I didn't go through the spiritual voyage that could make me feel to my core that it is true, the way I did regarding god, thus I do not believe it to be true, but that's my very personnal interpretation and I wouldn't wish to impose it on anyone.

You're using science and logic to address metaphysical issues, which proves that you understand nothing of the metaphysical AND nothing of science (a tool designed to observe the physical world), you're metaphorically using a screwdriver to hammer a nail. Any carpenter doing this would be considered a very bad carpenter, well, anon, you're doing the very same thing with science, thus you are a very bad scientist.

>> No.16569914

Because I said so! Isn't that great. You might believe any other time is as good as "Last Thursday", or maybe any other creation myth that is unverifiable and unfalsifiable by the same metric, but worry not. I can assure you it was Last Thusrday. Case closed. Don't you feel better now?

>> No.16569922

Your axioms are false. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.16569923

It refutes last thursdayism.

>> No.16569930

ebin meme arrow

>> No.16569942

I am omnipotent, yet I refuse to show my powers.

Feel free to refute this. (Warning: You won't be able to).

>> No.16569948

It specifically says it could be true but you just choose to believe something else because it feels better. That's not a refutation.

>> No.16569949

I'm not religious but...

Last Thursdayism and similar "beliefs" (FSM, teapots in space, invisible unicorns...) are nothing more than a xxxxx. They don't inspire, they don't give meaning, they aren't aesthetic, they aren't sincere. They are bugman-tier parodies of beliefs that have inspired more awe in humans than a thousand Sagans or Dawkinses. Last Thursdayism lets the atheist feel comfortably smug in his banal ironic joke, and nothing more.

Actual religions are indeed unfalsifiable, but that isn't that the entire point of their existence like it is for LT.

>> No.16569950

Your axioms are false.

>> No.16569953

I fucked your mom last Thursday

Feel free to refute this. (Warning: You won't be able to).

>> No.16569955

fuck I forgot to fix that placeholder. Just pfretend I thought of the perfect word or phrase to go there.

>> No.16569963

Based and checked, OP is retarded

>> No.16569969

What does the universe even have to do with you?

You're only perceiving the world through your sensory organs and its impossible to understand the universe for a living organism.

All we know so far are theories and they're just that. Know your place and follow nature.

Do you expect an ant to ever learn how to make a plane? No, because its beyond its scope.

>> No.16569970

>feels better
No, because it's more reasonable to believe.

>> No.16569983

It says it could be true, but there's no reason to suppose it is, or has any greater likelihood than what we suppose is the natural course of events. Basically the same strain of logic as Descartes's proof of God - "The nature of a perfect being implies existence, therefore God exists"

>> No.16570007

It might seem like just a joke, and it presented like this I guess for an added shocking factor (to anger theists into replying). But it does hold a significant meaning to those that propose these ideas. It's an attempt to free yourself from some perceived limitations of organized religion. Notice that you don't have to hate religions as a whole, or even at all. I believe many people who go to churches and mosques understand this as well, and they don't believe in god or prayers or any other such stuff, but they like the community life and other things religions brings to them.
Of course by the nature of these arguments it's easy to just associate them with troll-y fedora types, but they do serve a higher purpose. You don't need to lose your awe on the great accomplishments of religion in order to stop believing in impossible beings.

>> No.16570025

Damn, why do you guys seethe? I thought atheists disbelieve things until proven otherwise, yet here we have people beating their chest about centuries and centuries existing before they were even born... weird.

>> No.16570036

>go through the spiritual voyage that could make me feel to my core that it is true, the way I did regarding god,
I'm honestly very curious to hear about this, if you would be willing to share.
>I wouldn't wish to impose it on anyone.
I am entirely ok with this. But it seems other religious people are less balanced on this aspect. You know the whole "if you don't do as I say and believe what i believe you will literally burn forever" kind of thing. It might rub some people the wrong way. Keep in mind, since we are talking about skepticism, that you might be talking to someone who has never used reddit, and might not even strictly be an atheist as far as you know. But it's irrelevant, you could see me as the fedora stereotype if it helps you in any way.
>You're using science and logic to address metaphysical issues
If you go further down this line you'll end up in a "Last Thursdayism" territory about things that science can never know. That's very bad of you, anon!

>> No.16570041

Based and check'd

>> No.16570091

Based Tolle poster

>> No.16570099
File: 54 KB, 650x450, 1602020854336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm honestly very curious to hear about this, if you would be willing to share.
There isn't really much I can tell you about this, just that I've been through some dark times, and I felt that there was something more to life, I met god in a way, I know it sounds like bullshit but I can't really tell you what it is, you need to experience it.
>I am entirely ok with this. But it seems other religious people are less balanced on this aspect. You know the whole "if you don't do as I say and believe what i believe you will literally burn forever" kind of thing. It might rub some people the wrong way. Keep in mind, since we are talking about skepticism, that you might be talking to someone who has never used reddit, and might not even strictly be an atheist as far as you know. But it's irrelevant, you could see me as the fedora stereotype if it helps you in any way.
C'mon Anon, I was taking the piss, the fedora redditor is a classical insult here, off course I assume you're not really one, I wouldn't be speaking to you otherwise, as for proselytism, that's not my conception of religion, but I can see where those people are coming from, and they may have a wisdom that I don't possess.
>If you go further down this line you'll end up in a "Last Thursdayism" territory about things that science can never know. That's very bad of you, anon!
No, because science is made to observe the physical world, period, I don't use science to bother with metaphysical issues, simply because it isn't the realm of science, if god really exists, and if he is omnipotent, even your top of the line god-detector-3000k will be subjected to his influence, and therefore only work if he wishes to be discovered (which so far, doesn't seem to be the case), so what's the point of even building such a device?

>> No.16570104

Apply Occam's razor to your fucking wrists OP.

>> No.16570142

atheism is also under attack when unfalsifiable claims are made fun of

>> No.16570143

Neither has little tiny elves created the worldism been refuted. Some ideas are so preposterous it is impossible to find a logical basis for refuting them, just as it is impossible to find a logical basis for asserting it.

>> No.16570146

I din't think your religion is aesthetic, inspiring, meaningful, or even sincere. Cope.

>> No.16570168

I would just like to add that I used to be a typical hardcore atheist, and that I felt I knew everything more than anyone, felt that logic and science could explain everything and fill every void. The truth is, I'm way happier, connected to the world, and I feel immensely more that I belong now than I did before I started believing in god. I used to think believing was blinding yourself, but now I feel that I used to be blind before, and that at last, I see.

>> No.16570171

The thread was made entirely to piss people off and goad them into replying. Whether the average churchgoer believes fully according to your standards or not, you're actively choosing to mock them because you think you're intellectually superior, and they would be right to get angry with you over this.

>> No.16570179

Have you ever been inside a cathedral or mosque that's been standing for centuries?

>> No.16570196

Creation is an illusion present in consciousness’s memorialised particularisation. Creation is maya and an epiphenomenon of consciousness. Time doesn’t exist. Nor does identity except as a fragment memory.

>> No.16570218

people keep arguing as if this is a religious-atheism debate, but it's just another way of saying "reality is an illusion"

>> No.16570226

>as if this is a religious-atheism debate
It does throw a huge rock into the pond of "I disbelieve until I have proof" rhetoric.

>> No.16570233


>> No.16570238

By providing an example of what atheists generally believe despite it being unverifiable: the existence of the natural world outside of their mind.

>> No.16570243

Because it's rhetoric from 2011 internet atheists when we were all 14 year olds in his shoes making these threads on /b/

>> No.16570280

this content of this is synonymous with "I disagree with you" with no extra qualification
since the criteria for falsity is dependent on axioms themselves, you're just saying "given my own axioms, the addition of yours would result in a contradiction". there's no getting beyond this, not logically, but you could sway someone to believe their axioms are false:
for example, the form of your statements is very convincing, and if you continue to spam dubs, you'll be sure to make their axioms false, so to speak, by sheer force
very nice

>> No.16570284
File: 200 KB, 1200x577, rs12001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bookshop lady was trying to dissuade me from buying The Gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster because she presumed that I, as a man of faith, would be offended by it I guess.

>> No.16570293

It's way older than 2011, my young zoomer.

>> No.16570321

ok but generations of people did for thousands of years before this world was graced with your presence.

>> No.16570372

I'm sure it is, but I don't think the average /lit/ poster was arguing on IRC in 2002, and I was just answering his question

>> No.16570395

>Cites year.

I think OP refuted himself.

>> No.16570448

You're alright. If we ever meet I like to play chess and poker so familiarise yourself with those games.

>> No.16570509

Wow, you indeed possess a broad knowledge of reddit memes. Now proceed to go back.

>> No.16570515

I'm alright at poker but have a bad habit of practicing on lichess in spurts lasting a day or two then dropping it for exactly enough time to forget all the patterns and maneuvers I just re-learned

>> No.16570764

>There isn't really much I can tell you about this, just that I've been through some dark times, and I felt that there was something more to life, I met god in a way, I know it sounds like bullshit but I can't really tell you what it is, you need to experience it.
What do I do if my dark moments and tribulations seem to show me exactly the opposite? I've been battling a chronic illness that has been worsening for over 10 years now, and I've tried to kill myself three times. I've searched everything that you could imagine to try and find solace, and the only thing that has some minor effect is to imagine that this is indeed just a bunch of atoms and cells and that there is nothing after. Any other idea, to me, brings an incredible amount of suffering because it seems people will just make up stories to make themselves feel better and manipulate each other when convenient. People asking me to just endure this suffering for the rest of my life to server some purpose for them.
>No, because science is made to observe the physical world, period,
What I'm trying to say there is that claims of a world outside of the physical one are often tending towards "Last Thursdayism". "You can't measure this, but you must believe it exists because you can feel it, and you can feel it with your physical body but not measure it with physical instruments because there's unique things called souls, just believe me ok". It goes down that route I feel.

> if god really exists, and if he is omnipotent, even your top of the line god-detector-3000k will be subjected to his influence, and therefore only work if he wishes to be discovered (which so far, doesn't seem to be the case), so what's the point of even building such a device?
Exactly. If the universe started last thursday and everything is simulated to seem different (including god), my god-detector-3000k is also useless by the same criteria. To me the most tenable position is to abandon all of those that require me to believe these immeasurable things.

>> No.16570795

>come up with some "irrefutable" gobbly gook
>think its clever somehow
>feel the need to challenge others to refute it for a dopamine hit
this is the brain virus that this american "democracy" has injected in the minds of men

>> No.16570806

See >>16569849

>> No.16571227
File: 76 KB, 620x466, inhzddyvxstgfjyckpsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person you are replying to said they aren't religious. Try to think about how you can positively contribute to someone else's understanding, rather than make them feel bad, and maybe you'll look less illiterate next time.