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/lit/ - Literature

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16569240 No.16569240 [Reply] [Original]

>spend early adolescence reading philosophy and various other classic texts.
>end up now with spergy thoughts that make me incapable of not being analytical in interpersonal communications.
>get asked if i am autistic constantly in any social situation.

>> No.16569286

>>get asked if i am autistic constantly in any social situation.
I would ask the same thing, how can you not differentiate your personal realtions and social interactions with your books and act accordingly? I'm not saying that you should be braindead when talking with others but don't be like that typical fag in his first year of psychology who likes to "analyze" everything and everyone.

>> No.16569290

How old are you? Just give it a couple years and maybe write down what you enjoyed or didn't enjoy about your interactions. Keep a journal

>> No.16569305

>now doesn't know what day it is
When I was working full weeks people would ask me what day it was and I'd laugh it off and tell them I didn't even know what month it was. They didn't really laugh along that much.
Also drop philosophy OP, it's filler material. Wasted a lot of time reading shit like Hegel and Kant only to realize that it's totally inconsequential. You unironically get better philosophizing from naval stories and the like.

>> No.16569325

If people are asking you if you're autistic, you probably are. Because you are autistic you don't realize how unusual this is for someone to say to an acquaintance.

>> No.16569342

>if a bunch of faggots call you a retard it means you are one
Don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.16569360

lmao I'm such a sperg that reading those things made me better in social situations

>> No.16569410

FUCK this picture hits hard. This is literally me. It's all pretending, even though my future looks great I want everything to end. I know I sound like a little bitch, and it is true I am one right now. I guess my last chance is to destroy my body. The last time I ran a marathon (last year) my mind reseted itself for a few days. Back then I had some clear thoughts. I guess that is what I need. Time to get HURT again. Thanks for the meme OP, what a great reminder.

>> No.16569471

0 notifications is pure bliss though

>> No.16569486

>I know I sound like a little bitch

>> No.16569495

That's the most accurate -oomer picture I've seen. I've had a girlfriend but it was over a decade ago. I had friends but I cut off every one of them and haven't had a friend in years. I just go to work, masturbate, and sleep.

>> No.16569538

once you achieve this you are free to live without holds and become more than you ever could have been otherwise, shackled by the arbitrary laws of society

>> No.16569586

I'm exactly in the same situation. And because I don't know how to get out of it, I will just tell you something that you'll probably can do: read Faust.

When you have "lived" your whole life through books and other ghosts, communication and intimacy with others becomes absolutely impossible. You just can't approach their real being, which manifests only in spontaneity, because you're locked among rigid concepts, ideas, and other abstract entities. You approach everything from this terms. Everything is theoricised and put in analytical terms. And normal people who actually lead normal lifes, they have an instinctual disgust towards this. They can see the inferiority in people like this, they can see their underdevelopment, their lack of real life and experience, especially women. Again, read Faust. It won't solve any of this things, but at least you will feel accompanied and understood.

>> No.16569599

Also read Debord, it will also feel very familiar.

>> No.16569626

Surprisingly accurate image
I am hanging on by a thread from being broken to gone

>> No.16569879

Hang in there, anon.

>> No.16570322

there might be something too this cause this is a really odd thing to say to someone

>> No.16570458


>> No.16570623

Are you londonfrog?

>> No.16570641
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For me, it’s the loomer

>> No.16570661
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People are ever keen to adopt a label for themselves or project one onto others. Deviation doesn't imply incompleteness or inadequacy. In other words: as >>16569342 said. You are like a fish that will only grow to the limits of the "mental pond" you have plopped yourself into.

>> No.16570710
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>> No.16570724


>> No.16570752

what is this? autism?

>> No.16570772

Honestly I’m getting there too OP. After reading the greeks I’ve realized that they are so much better than people that I no longer like spending time with friends.
Socializing beyond having a couple of good friends and a partner is meaningless endorphin seeking, and horribly boring.

>> No.16570808

Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.16571007

ive been suffering a breakup after being a retard and falling in love with a former close friend and this image makes me hate you and me

>> No.16571011

Acquired autism*

>> No.16571092
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>> No.16571489

>>get asked if i am autistic constantly in any social situation.
I'm autistic but I've practiced social skills enough to the point that most people don't know I am unless they really get to know me. There's lots of good books on social skills, all you have to do is practice and soon enough you'll be an autist in normie clothing.

I still stim in public though, people don't even know it's autistic they just think it's some zoomer/quirky thing.

>> No.16571699

care to explain? I have no need of sex

>> No.16571706

It is painful and very boring to fake social skills. I then amuse myself by saying autistic things.

>> No.16571743

broken bloomer is just a revert to the doomer

>> No.16571770

this is a literature board, please go to r9k

>> No.16572023

>It is painful and very boring to fake social skills
I don't see it as "faking" more just using skills which I never acquired unconsciously.

>> No.16572144

Well if I am only getting positive experience because I am doing something right, rather than inherently being right, then something is amiss in ethic and moral doctrine.

>> No.16572157

A shady lane, everybody wants one
A shady lane, everybody needs one

>> No.16572200

Unironically get stone/drunk but in a social situation, would recommend getting stoned because you becoming a bit more self aware of how you act and the way others act as well. Learn to loosen up and just go with the flow

>> No.16572227


>> No.16572314

so this is how I come off to people

>> No.16572667

No, this is how the creator of the meme thinks he comes off to people. In reality people aren't that observant and don't really care, thank goodness.

>> No.16572823

Hahaha the winter clothes in summer (& vis-versa) and the umbrella are me. Fucking hilarious

>> No.16574236

it's called being a schizo

>> No.16574251

I would agree with you, but the vast majority of people have no idea what autism is, they unironically think that being weird and/or socially awkward makes you autistic

>> No.16574297

most Greeks were shit too, they just didn't like portraying reality in their art. Characters in literature are divine ideals (except for comedy). If you want to find out how the average Athenian was actually like, paint an image from every bad quality that Plato ascribes to the "masses".

>> No.16574312

I get pissed and want to bash in someone's face whenever I realize someone is faking their social skills. Authenticity > everything. I don't know if it's autism because I can detect instantly if someone isn't being sincere from their tone and body language.

>> No.16574666

Why does the gone bloomer look sad? He should technically be overjoyed, manic, euphoric, since he already came from doomer. He should now be insane.

>> No.16575024

it's schizoid personality disorder

>> No.16575277

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god

>> No.16575629


Is this possible natty?

>> No.16575917
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>had a taste of love, knows what he will never have again
This is sadly true; had several girlfriends after the first one and each time I realized that I was only looking for her in each one of them

>> No.16575935


>> No.16577237

Look upon this anon and learn ye spergs. Charisma is an essential part of true intelligence. Learn it, or forever be dim.

>> No.16577263

God you sound awful. Why would you accept these things in yourself?

>> No.16577446

An old friend wanted to come over and we sat in silence for 4 hours poor guy

>> No.16578826

I just read about this and I'm now convinced this explains everything about me wtf

>> No.16578850

You consumed and continue to consume too much noise. Take the via negativa and resensitize yourself to signals.

>> No.16578869
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You must be schizoid, or you wouldn’t have come here.

>> No.16578910

By here do you mean this thread or by here do you mean this website?

>> No.16578915

to any of my fellow autist bros I've figured out a good way to get better at socializing.
>Join a large youtubers discord, such as quackities kitchen or fitz hotel
>Join one of the VCs, there's constantly at least 50 people talking in various channels
>Start talking to people, if you don't like the convo, just leave and find a new call
It's worked insanely well for me, the ability to leave whenever I want is really nice plus there's no face to face shit

>> No.16579006

This website. Just visiting 4chan often enough is proof of oddity, threads like these only provide proof of the Barnum effect.

>> No.16579065
File: 76 KB, 882x960, 1600171536288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i get so bored because it's rare that I find people into the samw things I am, or are even willing to go indepth about their own experience and percepiton of life. Half the time I just throw on a smile and just nod my head, or I just act/get inebriated to entertain them and throw up a smokescreen

>> No.16579080

Yeah I agree but I don't think threads like these are so bad (if that's what you we're implying) it just seems like everyone wants to relate one another.