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16567326 No.16567326 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I begin with Evola?

>> No.16567345
File: 22 KB, 300x300, Jason-Reza-Jorjani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with Evola's most recent reincarnations.
Jason Reza Jorjani's books and interviews>Review Brah's videos>Evola's books

>> No.16567351
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, Reading Guide Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16567366
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Start with Guenon.

>> No.16567386

Putting it in the bin

>> No.16567391

what are you interested it?

>> No.16567393

Ive never reas evola im just really tired and i thought that was funny

Hes a fascist philosopher correct? What metaphysics does he ground himself in?

>> No.16567395

what kind of question is that

>> No.16567403

What kind of answer is that

>> No.16567405

You don't really need to start there
You can read Revolt > Ruins > Tiger
and understand the Historical (Revolt), Political (Ruins) and Philosophical (Tiger) perspectives of his theories.

There's far too many charts that want to waste your time on this board. I like Evola, but that other stuff is completely special-interest.

Anyone saged, stop trying saturate the board and make people conditioned to hate his name like Voldermort or something you bunkerchan trannies.

>> No.16567417

Anyway saged*

>> No.16567420

He is not a fascist philosopher. You want fascist philosophy read Sorel and Gentile

>> No.16567477

Yeah, he is a superfascist philosopher

>> No.16567510

As in he transcends fascism, yes. As in he is realy-really, fascist in the normative sense, no.

>> No.16567592

Go straight to Miguel Serrano

>> No.16567600

What the fuck are you talking about
shut the literally fuck up

>> No.16567607

No he wasn't, he was a critic of fascism and he did so in his book "fascism viewed from the right.
When he was referring to himself as a "suprafascista" he meanf he was beyond fascism.
again, if you want fascist philosophy- sorel and gentile.

>> No.16567615
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He was very critical of the Fascist party, and also wrote a critique called "Fascism viewed from the Right" and "a Traditionalist confronts Fascism". - He praised what aligned with traditionalism, and rejected what didn't.
The nuance has clearly gone right over your head.
Like I'm sure the pic-related quote, will have you confused. "Like what DUDE, you're against marxism but you're not a FOX news boomer, wHATT no WAY!"

>> No.16567619

Sorel was a marxist and protofascist, you don't know what you're talking about, literally less fascist than evola who was simply too edgy to accept a label.

>> No.16567627

I'm on the right too, I just absolutely hate how right wingers are always trying to one up each other and are just too huge brained to actually get behind a real movement. This is why the right fails and the left can get things done.

>> No.16567649

Right, I understand where you're coming from now. But I don't see how just lumping Evola in with a movement that is internationally abhorred helps.
It's far better to accept a watered-down fascism through Traditionalism, than to incorporate Traditionalism into fascism, because how will it remotely gain traction?
Fascism only needs Religion/spiritualism if the people care about it, Traditionalism always needs it. That is the main distinction that will keep Traditionalism perennial and fascism, just a temporary description.
This is about the long game now. I don't expect to see anything in my life time.

>> No.16567651
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This is a full collection of Serrano

>> No.16567661

The jews and the left aren't as stupid as you want them to be, when they see fascism they call it what it is. Why don't you just stop playing the game where you scratch your head and pretend not to know what they're talking about? Besides I think you're forgetting the fundamental aspect of anti-capitalism that makes fascism transcend the bonds of mere reaction and traditionalism.

>> No.16567663

>Golden Cord

>> No.16567727

SHOULD I read Evola? All evolaposters I see around here are cringe as fuck. Is there anything to be taken from his works, or is he rightly so left out of most school curriculums?

>> No.16567749



>> No.16567767

If you're not an autist it can definitely work. enjoy it for what it is, more motivational work to reject acting like a blue pilled cuckboi and more motivation to build yourself up to be a strong man who can carry suffering and be a light of beauty in an ugly world.

>> No.16567779

Most of it is not sensical garbage. But at least he is not a racist (more focused on temperament, pro-miscegenation, so forth), and he hates thots.

>> No.16568108

based department

>> No.16568119

Reading his work was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had in a while.
I really liked the metaphysics of War.

>> No.16568275

>Evola: yeah the caste system is based ARYAN Tradition!! “The division of individuals into castes or into equivalent groups according to their nature and to the different range of activities they exercise with regard to pure spirituality is found with the same traits in all higher forms of traditional civilization, and it constitutes the essence of the primordial legislation and of the social order according to “justice”.

>Evola complaining about said caste system: “the action of a qualified individual who strives to attain the Unconditioned, even by means of violent efforts is the necessary counterpart of the descent of a force from above, which does not need "initiatory bureaucracies." What Guénon had to say in an unfortunate essay concerning "The Need for a Traditional Exotericism," must also be rejected, since it offers dangerous incentives and alibis to a reactionary and petty-bourgeois conformism.”

>yea egalitarianism is gay and anti-traditional, heirarchies which recognize this and which exclude people of certain types from joining an elitist spiritual order are a necessary and just reflection of the hierachy of the cosm- “WHAT NOOOO YOU CANT ACTUALLY DO THAT, T-THAT’S REACTIONARY AND BAD!!”

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.16568421

He was a traditionalist/perennialist not a fascist

>> No.16568456

He changed his mind over the years as he read more or developed new thoughts, just as Guenon and every man before him did.
The Evola who wrote Revolt Against the Modern World is very different to the Evola who wrote Men Amongst the Ruins.

>> No.16568706

>If we talk about actual economics and politics that's BAD you need to talk about astral bodies and priest/warrior class that's the real shit.

>> No.16568783

Economics is as mystical as yoga

>> No.16568822

>Economics is as mystical as spiritual ascetic practice

>> No.16569018

It's only a science the way psychology is.
People are as devoted to the Market as they are to any other religion.
You just don't realize that Psychology and Economics are religious because they are the current dominant world religions.
Hinduism and Buddhism still to this day call themselves sciences.
All science is, is formulating a model of how you think reality is working, and then testing things out to see if you can get a predictable result from an action.
So much of Economics is based on faith and assumption.

Someday you'll see what I mean. It's a mystic ideology.

>> No.16569273

>Hes a fascist philosopher correct?
everyone who hasn't read him, and a metric fuck-tonne of brainlets who have, think he's "fash" when he isn't.

>> No.16569610

I’ve heard some anons say that Evola cured their autism. I suffer from overthinking and such and want to be cured of my autism.

>> No.16569694

The former stems from the latter.

>> No.16569711

I'm more inclined to believe their autism only got worse.

>> No.16569723

If you like mountains and mountain-climbing, I'd read his short book "Meditations on the Peaks: Mountain Climbing as Metaphor for the Spiritual Quest." It'll give you a good idea of his belief in the possibility of transcendence through activity in the modern world.

>> No.16570902
File: 69 KB, 850x400, georges-sorels-quotes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you don't know what you're talking about. Sorel's ideas were indispensable in the development fascism.

>> No.16570914

Metaphysics of War is a good starting point.

>> No.16570969

Start with the spaghettis

>> No.16571031
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Deeply based anon

>> No.16571098

First you have to be a virgin or a manlet