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/lit/ - Literature

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16567142 No.16567142 [Reply] [Original]

I feel a lot of us were abused either physically or emotionally in our younger years which results in us seeking answers in philosophy, religion, etc. This is due to fact that we did not find acceptance in our community, therefore we tried to seek out a universal principle to find peace and make sense of everything.

Although that method is very beneficial in its own way, some aspects of it seem to be too cerebral and you keep going in circles.

I'm currently reading pic related and it's really answering a lot of the issues I've had in the past and bringing sense as to why I've struggled with relationships, addiction, emotionally beating myself up, suicidal thoughts, etc. Hope you guys find it useful as well.

>> No.16567272

Thank you for the recommendation

>> No.16567274

Give me a quick rundown. It takes a lot to convince me to read a book.

>> No.16567430

I think a lot of anons on here have c ptsd. We would do well to complete the book imo. I know I would.

>> No.16567490

I'm just taking ex once it gets approved for therapy in two years.

>> No.16567840

Download it from libgen and read the first 10 pages. It’ll take you 5 minutes to do so.

I do not need to convince you of anything, it’s not a hard read.

>> No.16567846

Nah just u

>> No.16567865

Without trying to sound too judgmental, nobody needs to convince you of anything.
There's this strange group of people who suppose that others should convince them to do things, else they are not worth doing.

>> No.16568027

just be buddhist

>> No.16568116

I came from a very loving, caring family that insisted on me being well-educated. They wanted inculcated in me a natural curiosity about the world around me. They made sure that I read the classics, travelled extensively and studied widely and assiduously. No abuse at all, the very concept is an abstraction to me. And to top it all off, I’m very well adjusted socially and regularly have sex with multiple women who marvel at my winning combination of worldly charm and ravishing good looks (another benefit of my superior genetic stock). It’s all just a quotidian part of being a part of the respectable upper middle class. I can’t believe you losers cope so hard that you think that a slight proclivity towards midwit intellectualism makes you in any way special. Hahaha imagine thinking that your meme trauma has given you your ‘gift’ of being an intellectual non-entity who read Nietzsche’s Wikipedia article once hahaha holy cope. Have fun with your lower class emotional deficientes hahaha whilst prime 8/10 beauties readily fondle my engorged penis after I’ve grown weary of reading a chapter of Plutarch or Thucydides for the day.

>> No.16568213

thank fuck i’m not the only one who has noticed..

>> No.16568218

holy based

>> No.16568224



>> No.16568235

>I’ve grown weary of reading a chapter of Plutarch or Thucydides
In Greek, I hope.

>> No.16568240

At the end of the day, it really is just about genetics and upbringing. "Trauma" is just not being rich and being able to afford a proper education or cozy trips with your family. Your dad spends more time at work making sure his boss is happy instead of spending time with you, teaching you about being a man.

I know your post isn't serious, but there's a lot of truth to it.

>> No.16568264

U suk!

>> No.16568293

I agree to a certain extent. However, in comparison to our ancestors, we are all aristocrats with respect to the amount of time we have in our hands. Therefore, we have the opportunity to fix aspects of ourselves that our ancestors otherwise would not have been able to.

Plus, most lot of this neurotic behaviour that we have is learned from our environment and not necessarily cause we are defective from birth.

>> No.16568490

>not just "muh PTSD" but "muh CPTSD"
What an extra-special little snowflake you are.

>> No.16569003

I can't tell which is bitchier, this >>16567865 view of rhetoric, or this >>16568490 kind of schtick.

>> No.16569012

Nice LARP bro

>> No.16569047
File: 490 KB, 641x886, A698DF4C-3571-43F2-976A-BFFC91E1CD3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family that insisted on me being well-educated. They wanted inculcated in me
>They wanted inculcated in me
> insisted on me being well-educated
> They wanted inculcated in me
> insisted on me being well-educated
> insisted on me being well-educated
> It’s all just a quotidian part of being a part of the respectable upper middle class
> They wanted inculcated in me

>> No.16569068

Do you seriously all come from dysfunctional families? My parents have been happily married for 35 years and I have a fantastic relationship with them even if we have our disagreements. Couldn’t ask for a more caring family.

>> No.16569074

Not me. I just come here to laugh at people, this site is a mental asylum.

>> No.16569133

i am so sick of middle class faggots squealing about anxiety and depression and ptsd oh my anxiety oh my depression oh that stops me from doing that it stops me from taking responsibility can you not do that it really triggers my ptsd um i have anxiety so i can't talk to people i am just so depressed but i don't do anything to fix it but you have to feel sorry for me because i am special and unique and very important look at me look at what i have wrong in my life i am suffering and noble please pay attention to me FUCK THEM I WANT TO KILL THEM

>> No.16569148

I don’t understand why anons find it so hard to be socially well-adjusted either. Just don’t be a sperg it’s not hard. Obviously you’re not going to get on with everyone but it isn’t difficult to read the room.

>> No.16569193

>This is due to fact that we did not find acceptance in our community

its almost like there is an agenda by the controllers to make society hostile towards men and make you isolated.

>> No.16569229
File: 109 KB, 696x1043, damaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this guy

>> No.16569234

Hey man thanks for real, I'm looking into info like this too it sound like this might help

>> No.16569373

>hey man if you were abused or people did you wrong as a kid and you find yourself maladjusted because of this this book is helping me with that and I want to share it I hope it can help someone else in this situation

>> No.16569385
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 02a7b198345905dd7f974c59fad9c77d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inculcated in me a natural curiosity about the world around me

You can't have a NATURAL curiosity INCULCATED. Outted yourself as a pseud that quickly... damn, they should've paid for a better education.

>> No.16569623

You're welcome man, good luck :)

I'm sure it'll really bring things into perspective and give you strength!

>> No.16569640

>a lot of us
Just you, if you're talking about literal abuse.
Abuse in a more abstract sense (unfiltered internet access from a young age, exposure to concepts requiring preliminary knowledge without that knowledge, etc) is a harder question.

>> No.16569670

>I feel a lot of us were abused either physically
speak for yourself pal

>> No.16569676

>nd to top it all off, I’m very well adjusted socially and regularly have sex with multiple women who marvel at my winning combination of worldly charm and ravishing good looks (another benefit of my superior genetic stock).
Nice LARP, bro

>> No.16569707

I made this thread because I felt there are far too many /lit posts about feeling depressed, catastrophizing things, along with the fact that many anons here are NEETS or socially isolate themselves.

Along with this, I sense that these people seek answers in philosophy and religion because they want relief with the problems they have.

There is some correlation with all this and after a long personal journey of looking for the answer myself, I have found this book. It's of course not the only book one should read or the best book regarding any depressive or existential problem, but it puts things into perspective and gives you a roadmap which is much better than the typical Jordan Peterson 12 Rules crap kind of advice, which is more about telling people what they "should" be rather than giving them a perspective on how to accept themselves and the situation so that they can move onto more mainstream achievements.

>> No.16569736

Why is it so hard for you to imagine that people exist who are well-read, come from healthy families and regularly have sex? Would it make you seethe if you had to concede that your own coping mechanisms are a massive cope?

>> No.16569757

>It’s all just a quotidian part of being a part of the respectable upper middle class
>It’s all just a quotidian part of being a part of the respectable upper middle class

>> No.16569959
File: 224 KB, 678x496, familymeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude doesn't even understand the concepts behind the fancypants words he is trying to use. (A highly educated and widely read veritable Gargantua of refinement shitting his wisdom on the percieved morons beneath him not knowing the difference between inate and inured? How can such a product of all human knowledge, good breeding and experience suggest a natural inclination can be inculcated without stopping himself from committing such an obviously oxymoronic blunder?) Not to mention his sentences are overworked to the point of a brittle stiffness, almost in parody of king's english. Hell, he may even be educated and have taken a few trips, but he's nonetheless a stupid poseur. (Unless the post is a parody, which I actually believe it to be.)