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16566419 No.16566419 [Reply] [Original]

Alright lit, I'm a libtard. Gimme the most redpillling books on human nature you think there is, imma read them all then come back to yous and tell you what I think.

My current list:
> The Bell Curve
> The Sacred and the Profane (Eliade)
> The Better Angels of our Nature (Pinker)
> The Blank Slate (Pinker)
> Culture of Critique

Anything else less obvious?...

>> No.16566425

Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines by René Guénon.

>> No.16566435

Start with the Greeks reetard

>> No.16566451

Preferably one about human nature and how we're supposedly inherently right-wing. Like I'm personally a Rousseauian, and I think that Woman is naturally egalitarian, cooperative and feminine. I think we're peaceful creatures! I basically have a positive view of human nature, try and post books which will differ with this (pro-tip: I don't think can!)

>> No.16566479

Most of human nature you just can't properly absorb from a book, you have to spend years observing how other people act, having relationships with people, and uncovering the layers of delusions in your own mind.

Anyway while I think psychoanalysis is largely bullshit and Freud was basically a cult leader, you should read his work on narcissism, with a critical eye. People's delusional self-images are maybe the most salient feature of their psychologies. The second most important feature imo is people's inability to process information which if they were discovered to believe would have serious social consequences for them, ie. they can't even really comprehend let alone believe taboo ideas.

It's my opinion that when you rid yourself(as much as you can, it never really works all the way) of these two problems, the 'redpilling' pretty much just follows of its own accord. Half the time the issue is extremely obvious and their inability to see it is due to delusion, and half the time the issue is so ambiguous that people's certainty is delusion. But you have to really, really not mind having painful views of who you are and not mind being ostracized before you can start accurately observing.

>> No.16566493
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>Preferably one about human nature and how we're supposedly inherently right-wing.
This is reetarded and this is coming from le ebin "right winger". You should abandon calling things "left" or "right" wing.
>Like I'm personally a Rousseauian
Please read Freedom and it's Betrayal by Isaiah Berlin
>Woman is naturally egalitarian, cooperative and feminine
> I think we're peaceful creatures!
Why? We are masters at genociding life.
>I basically have a positive view of human nature, try and post books which will differ with this (pro-tip: I don't think can!)
What is positive view of human nature? I think we are very violent for example, but I don't view this as a negative.

Seriously, start with the Greeks.

>> No.16566514

Freud is an interesting figure, tho the Frankfurt School had a better synthesis / critique of his thought. Freudo-Marxism is interesting, like I agree with Marcuse in Eros and Civilization who says we have to liberate the primordial sexual desires of all people to release them from authoritarianism.
We're not masters at genociding life; that's only been the last 10,000 years of civilization that makes you think that! For 90% of human history we were peaceful and bovine! Read Rutger Bregman bro. All the evidence shows that old human skeletons were rarely if ever the victims of violence, and there's no evidence of war in prehistoric man!

>> No.16566529

Conflict of Visions
Kowledge and Decisions
Both by Thomas Sowell

>> No.16566587

>Frankfurt School had a better synthesis / critique of his thought. Freudo-Marxism is interesting, like I agree with Marcuse in Eros and Civilization
That stuff is obviously not going to give you an understanding of what we are calling redpill, which is what you asked for. If you want to understand it then let go of your ethical and political preconceptions. As an exercise try to imagine an evolutionary purpose for every ethical impulse people have, ie. it serves their genes reproductive success. If you don't understand evolution read a textbook on that first.

Then try to imagine what sort of purpose an 'oppressive' cultural institution like patriarchy would serve in terms of long-term prosperity, growth, and power of a society. Do it as a devil's advocate or whatever.

>> No.16566675

Just read this

>> No.16566728

That sure doesn't sound like a liberal white teacher who just went and taught at a black school in the inner city. Guy is saying things like 'rap is degenerate' and describing hoodrats as though they're animals on a safari, the entire thing is incredibly offensively written.

Anyone who actually was some liberal and went to a school like that and came out racist would just be clinical about certain discrepancies, not sound like someone who's been on Stormfront for 10 years and is trying to pretend he's a teacher.

>> No.16566740

all garbage. this is a bait thread.

>> No.16567768

Yeah I think we've been tricked into believing that humans are naturally patriarchal and violent - when really that's only been the last 10% of our species! The 90% of humanity has been peaceful and feminine!
Aight suit yourself, I'm an anti-natalist to clarify (re: Rust from True Detective's worldview)

>> No.16567775

You are being extremely disingenuous in your dismissiveness

>> No.16567790

These are some of the more politically formative books for me.

The Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan
The Vanishing Tradition by Paul Gottfried
Anarcho-Fascism by Jonas Nilsson
Essential Writings on Race by Sam Francis
Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deenan
Against Democracy by Jason Brennen
When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson
For my Legionaries by Codreanu
The West and the Rest by Roger Scruton
Discrimination and Disparities by Thomas Sowell
The Myth of the Rational Voter by Bryan Caplan

>> No.16567988

Mein Kampf. I'm dead fucking serious. Ford translation. I actually recommend the audiobook since Hitler had his speech transcribed to paper for the book.

>> No.16567996
File: 9 KB, 250x238, jooooooooooooz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mein Kampf. I'm dead fucking serious. Ford translation. I actually recommend the audiobook since Hitler had his speech transcribed to paper for the book.

>> No.16568017

Seek help tranny

>> No.16568030

Imagine saving that picture and thinking its funny, that you're going to totally own some poltards with it.

>> No.16568033

Thomas Sowell The Vision of the Anointed
Jonathan Haidt The Righteous Mind
Douglas Murray The Strange Death of Europe

>> No.16568039

>that you're going to totally own some poltards with it.
I just did LMAO

>> No.16568091
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>when really that's only been the last 10% of our species! The 90% of humanity has been peaceful and feminine!

>> No.16568107

All of this garbage has been debunked. You have an obligation, if you read these books, to read the refutations; otherwise you'll be parroting nonsense.

>> No.16568169

The refutations I've seen of the Culture of Critique amount to "I haven't read it but I don't need to because it's all bullshit". I can't imagine I'll be very impressed by the responses to the others.

>> No.16568182

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

>> No.16568189

Read actual refutations.

>> No.16568205

There is no academic response to the book. The only thing I've seen is from Steven Pinker who misrepresented the book while admitting to not reading the trilogy.


>> No.16568249


>> No.16568250
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This. Spending time and engaging with people from different cultures and classes is much more revealing than any book (other than some works of fiction) I've read.To see the tendency for people to live as bullshit factories rather than as Hobbesian hunch-backs is where the insight is begins.

>> No.16568269
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You guys are fast of the keyboard. Do you even read?

>> No.16568504
File: 912 KB, 1080x1218, Chudjak (1843).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t.

>> No.16568544

The Culture of Narcissism

>> No.16568571
File: 96 KB, 600x800, human-accomplishment-074477166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the newest Murray book instead of TBC. And also pic related.

>> No.16568580

The Aquatic Ape is good but really just an interesting theory. Sapiens: a brief history of human kind discusses how modern day inhabitants of the Middle East have about 4% Neanderthal DNA in them. Try bringing that one up to ur liberal buddies and prepare to be screeched at lol

>> No.16568584

Dont liberals love sapiens though

>> No.16568589

>Chudjak (1843)

>> No.16568597

I thought liberals loved the idea that eurasians are part neanderthal as that makes africans 'pure humans'. Obviously this logic has holes.

>> No.16568602

Well we are all Homo sapiens so we don’t have a choice

>> No.16568610

Oh sorry do u mean do liberals love that book? I have no idea I can’t normally communicate with them as they are far too emotional for me.

>> No.16568614

How come Evola isn't on your list?
Read 'Revolt against the modern world' first then report back OP.

>> No.16568617

Whether a specific group likes or dislikes the book has nothing to do with whether its contents are true

>> No.16568640

Just one from my ...heh... collection

>> No.16568689

Daily reminder there has never been a quantitative research debunking The Bell Curve. All the critique amounts to is ad hoc explanations, speculations and muhh opreshun.

>> No.16568701

Nah bro its been refuted just trust me

>> No.16568710

Race and IQ is literally one paragraph of one chapter in TBC. Murray is a real scientist

>> No.16568714
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>> No.16568776

Why is Pinker even on your list? Read this list in this order:
>Coming apart
>The bell curve
>Collapse of complex societies
>Transformation of war
>Decline of the west
>Beyond good and evil
>Question concerning technology
>Technological society

If you read it in reverse order you will be put off by the language as you cannot see the problems these are authors are wrestling with. The problems identified by Murray are due to historical forces already identified by earlier authors. Continue on with Junger, Schmitt, or whatever you want as you will have finally seen behind the curtain. Disregard Evola and Kaczynski, they are memes.

>> No.16568801


>> No.16568818

you seem rustled

>> No.16568893

Human nature, non political? Among others I like:
>Men Among the Ruins by Julius Evola
>The Triumph of Death by Gabriele d'Annunzio
>The Cantos by Ezra Pound, especially the Paisan Cantos
>Being and Time by Martin Heidegger
>The Stranger by Albert Camus
As for explicitly political works I like:
>The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
>Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey (read only after finishing Decline)
>Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>The Last Will of a Russian Fascist by Konstantin Rodzaevsky
> The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger
>For My Legionaries by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
>Reflections on Violence by Georges Sorel
Lastly, some esoteric/occult works, these are optional, but you may like them if you're an /x/fag:
>The Doctrine of Awakening by Julius Evola
>Lucifer's Court by Otto Rahn
>The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi
>The Book of Enoch
>The Kabbalah
>The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.16568937

objectively wrong, Evola is the biggest pleb filter

>> No.16569024

Yeah totally

>> No.16569128

>Yeah I think we've been tricked into believing that humans are naturally patriarchal and violent - when really that's only been the last 10% of our species! The 90% of humanity has been peaceful and feminine!
Well you're asking for the 'redpill' view so imagine a world in which the opposite is true

>> No.16569139

>it's totally a really good argument to just repeat in baby talk what your opponent says
da jooz posters are literally the reason I first thought there might be something to the JQ, you guys are so bad at your job you convince people to see what your opposition is saying simply by being such retards

>> No.16569156

Just go to a black hood. That's all the redpilling you need.

>> No.16569179
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>the bell curve

>> No.16569247

Start w the greeks

>> No.16569330

Oh did you have a meta-analysis that shows the IQ gap between races disappearing? Or a meta-analysis that shows that IQ doesn't actually predict for outcomes?

>> No.16569352

dont let me catch an opp in my hood or this nigga bouta catch anotha body nah mean

>> No.16569393
File: 5 KB, 126x187, dataclysm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the book with the okcupid blog posts about dating data that have since been wiped from the net

>> No.16569420

The history of central banking and the slavement of mankind

>> No.16569510

There is absolutely no point in trying to have any sort of argument with anyone disagreeing with your point. A vast majority of the population believes in borderline Lysenkoism.

>> No.16569523

>Gavrilo Princip and John Wilkes Boothes were Jewish
>literally no evidence of this anywhere else
Neo nazi historiography ladies and gentlemen

>> No.16569545

You won't convince them but it's fairly amusing watching them flail about trying to defend their obviously retarded viewpoints.

>> No.16569559

Cope, i’ve lived around blacks and this is entirely accurate. Offensive language doesn’t discredit the story

>> No.16569566

If I recall correctly the book never expresses that these two were jews.

>> No.16569577

Going to check out this book. Thanks.

>> No.16569600

Get ur faggot pol ass out of here

>> No.16569602

Ride the Tiger is the worst written book with any modicum of popularity
>hurrdurr Nietzsches symbolism shows that you should dildo your ass until Kali Yuga ends
He died as he lived, a degenerate loser

>> No.16569606

Stfu w ur poor pitiful me the jews are controlling my mind shit. It's pathetic and weak.

>> No.16569618

>a meta analysis
I love how you faggots run to science when you have no argument and run from it when it says you're wrong. What has ur bitch iq done for you?

>> No.16569627

You are wrong and you can't defend your position

>> No.16569646

Science is valid when it can consistently predict things. IQ consistently predicts outcomes. The races consistently have different average IQs no matter how you account for environmental variables. Almost all other evidence we have- history, crime statistics, brain sizes, etc. backs up the same general conclusion that IQ does.

>what does your IQ do for you
See you can't even think coherently about the question, you are already trying to divert to irrelevant personal issues

>> No.16569656

Every time you use an exclamation point, I believe you less. Ebin trole, fren XD

>> No.16569669

It's not science. Science (in positive empiricism) is concerned w material causation. There's no causation materially in that. The reason is because it's concerned w socially reported attributes and it finangles a system from that and the best it can do is correlation. So we have no idea what it actually measures, what it does measure certainly can't be called intelligence as it excludes many things (for instance, even if you consider it learned, most whites aren't dancers, into sports or rappers, despite being a large population). It doesn't account for growth, late bloomers, how a late bloomer comes to exist, how an early bloomer fails. It's not science as we mean the term.

>> No.16569684

it's science because it predicts for outcomes, it draws a correlation between the score and people's abilities at various tasks. A population with a low IQ reliably exhibits different behavior and levels of achievement than one with a high IQ.

You actually know this somewhere deep beneath your crimestop, you know they're fucking retards and eg. the Japanese and Jews are very smart. You are entirely aware of this, you're just a coward

>> No.16569706

The Great Leveler

>> No.16569718

That's not science that's probabilities in sociology. There's no science which asks you to poll people on a topic then turn those reports into an overarching system.

Ig this is bait but I've seen your "whites" fail at some pretty embarrassing levels. Clearly at least in that you can see the failure of the "iq" structure.

>> No.16569727

Childish recc

>> No.16569731


>> No.16569739

That is science, all science does is draw correlations between states.
>I've seen your whites fail
Do you honestly not understand what averages are, or that intelligence isn't the only thing that matters?

>> No.16569749

Those are pretty libtarded books. Read Lee Kuan Yew, for one. IQ tests are meaningless. If you want to read something that tells you "niggers are retarded" then you can just read that online and believe it. You don't have to reach around your elbow to jack yourself off.
The weather radar consistently predicts weather. What kind? Outcomes in a civilization where all your basic survival needs are provided through money are different than in a civilization where you have to secure those things yourself, from raw materials.
Being "smart" does not equal having a good life. The Japanese society is in spiritual shambles, their humanity has been completely destroyed by technology and industry. The same is true to different extents of all developed nations. If having a "low IQ" means I get to have my native racial culture and family back, I want to be retarded. All IQ worshippers hate humanity

>> No.16569766

>IQ tests are meaningless.
Tests which measure your ability to recognize patterns in a timely manner in relation to others are meaningless? How come?

>> No.16569772

>Outcomes in a civilization where all your basic survival needs are provided through money are different than in a civilization where you have to secure those things yourself, from raw materials.
IQ and time preference contribute to success in both scenarios
>Being smart does not equal a good life
Completely irrelevant

>> No.16569817
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>violence causes equality
If you see fights on ufc you'd know one punching another doesn't make their bank accounts similar. It's not causated it's a crackpot theory

You're not verifying through your senses of what's happening. It's based on social reports. They gather the reports and try to make a system.
What does an average look like? Can you feel it? It's not science.

>> No.16569826

And yet you have pretty dumb ppl w high iq. Looking for averages as some bandaid for your shit structure just speaks to its weakness. Formal topics like logic and math aren't justified by averages.

>> No.16569836

Not violence, but destruction creates equality. Read the book before trying to refute it.

>> No.16569847
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I don't know, my IQ is too low to explain it.
We were implicitly arguing racial superiority, bro! Quality of life is relevant!! Don't pussy out now!! You may have to admit that all this "achievement" has been in the service of something other than the perpetuation of fulfilled human lives!

>> No.16569848

Not going to get into the IQ argument, but saying that probability and statistics aren't science is pretty retarded desu, they're a branch of math.

>> No.16569873

How does destruction create equality? I've broken a plate, still didn't make the world more equal. It's at best a variable in causation given certain circumstances. It's nonsense and that crap is easy to refute in two seconds because it would be destroyed in any formal field.

Science has nothing to do w math. Current philosophy of science, as developed by the bacons, aristotle etc, is empirical. Math isn't empirical. It uses those subjects as an axiom to help solve it. Science is particularly interested in empiricism. Positive empiricism literally states it uses math to talk about the material world understood through empiricism.

>> No.16569884

A variable in correlation* which would imply a variable in causation but I'm sure it doesn't even attempt to broach that so I'm using its structure.

>> No.16569910

So kill every other race. You will not automatically have a better society. Even kill everyone below 150 iq. Still won't. A variable you could have to contend w is psychopathy, and to want to kill all other races is psychopathic. If everyone in your culture was psychopathic then it won't matter how smart they are because they can't hold a society together. That's actually proven. They stop raising their young and then die. It's not measured fully yet but that's an empirical observation, you know, science.

>> No.16569913

Okay, not him, but destroying a civilization, which inherently has some kind of hierarchy, reduces all the members of that hierarchy to the same base level of resources. A master oil painter without paint supplies is equally as talentless as the next guy.

>> No.16569916

>How does destruction create equality?
Read the book and find out, imbecile. The fuck you think I recommended it for?

>> No.16569927

Does it? If you overthrow a set hierarchy does another not form? Perhaps the ppl who overthrew the hierarchy? The ones who can assumedly kill you?

>> No.16569939

To be a citation storm moron to drum up other idiots who terribly defend their book recc's as well. Nothing you brought up made sense. It's just political garbage.

>> No.16569951

>If you overthrow a set hierarchy does another not form?
Missing the point. In the previously existing hierarchy, all ranks have been dissolved upon destruction of it, and in terms of that hierarchy, equality has been achieved. Another hierarchy will form only because not everything in the world has been destroyed yet.

>> No.16569957


Just to name a few

>> No.16569960

>It's just political garbage.
You're a fucking retard. That book is a historical and scientific investigation on the matter, not a political one.

>> No.16569966

We're talking about Culture of Critique you illiterate cock mongler.

>> No.16569981

Even if you destroy earth, this doesn't affect aliens. It's a particular solution not a universal one which limits it necessarily as a theory of causation.

Yeah that's the same shit with history. It's not science. There's not a single God damned instance of a equalitron particle being created by "destroying" something (whatever tf that means).

>> No.16569992

What degree of something being destroyed is equality created? Is it correlated and probabilistic too? There's a 50% chance a equalitrometer of equality is created?

>> No.16570002


>> No.16570027

>Even if you destroy earth, this doesn't affect aliens.
Literal retard tier argument that misses the point entirely. The point of the book is to demonstrate that equality only comes about through destruction and by no other means has it ever come about historically. Nothing you've said counters this point.

>What degree of something being destroyed is equality created?
Absolute destruction results in absolute equality. At the moment of the Big Bang we were all as equal as we possibly could be in this universe and at the moment of the Big Crunch we will all return to that degree of nearly absolute equality, because in the process everything in the universe will be destroyed and reduced to the simplest particles.

>> No.16570052

Name one "equality" that has happened this way and btw "you're missing the point" isn't a response. You have an unbound variable w a hole in it. You can only accept that your statement isn't defined properly.

Absolute destruction implies there's nothing that exists. In logic they'd say that's vacuously true but I deny negations. Equality, in the best defined way, is a subset of existence. Destruction is the opposite of that so unless you have a dualism calculus in where destroying things causes the creation of things (and any gd example desu) then it's just nonsense created by some butthurt faggot in politics.

>> No.16570084

>Name one "equality" that has happened this way
The book has countless examples on this. It's funny, you called the book political garbage but your refusal to read it or permit its recommendation in the thread without you spewing your bullshit on it is obviously completely politically motivated.

>Absolute destruction implies there's nothing that exists.
Exactly, because absolute equality can only come about in nothingness. Nothing is absolutely equal. Sorry you don't like this conclusion, but that's what redpilling means, hence the recommendation.

>> No.16570109
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>literal who blogs
>opinion articles

>> No.16570130

He replied to this >>16568689 as well as those others

>> No.16570165

It's metaphysically motivated and none of them prove that. What he terms as destruction is just randomly chosen. Actual destruction, in science, doesn't exist. Idk why you keep saying it's scientific.

Well that's a dead-end. I hope you don't think you're saying the truth because then you'd be contributing to your self-made problem.

>> No.16570225

>Actual destruction, in science, doesn't exist.
Neither do any systems of equality we could possibly discuss, n.b. The work is scientific in that it is rigorous; it is a work of "historical realism," and it is "true" as in it remains unrefuted.

>> No.16570250

Yes equality does show up in logic in terms of substitutibility.
Being rigorous doesn't make it science. Logic is rigorous it is not science. It is not empirically derived so it's not science at all.

>> No.16570273

If you've read the bell curve you really should read 'Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class'.
The only reason one would believe in tabula rasa after that book is because of wilful ignorance.

>> No.16570274

Science hasn't observed a state of true equilibrium yet.

>Being rigorous doesn't make it science.
Well that's what I meant by "scientific." Now you know.

>> No.16570289

Logic isn't science. It's concerned with material causation. By definition it cannot find equality because it refers to a particular material object.

If you mean science as in it's rigorous then you lose your claim of it meaning anything based sociological conjectures.

>> No.16570305

We're peaceful in comparison to other animals on earth since that's all we have, most of us don't kill for fun like some animal races do.

>> No.16570328

Okay, fine, history cannot be scientific, it can only be logical (i.e. rigorous) or illogical. The book is a more rigorous historical investigation than any other on the topic and the underlying metaphysical interpretation remains unrefuted as a result of this.

>> No.16570339

All of science is statistics, in fact without statistics there would be no predictions.
Why do you think CERN always talks about 5 sigma signals when they claim a discovery?

>> No.16570446

I disagree with it being unrefuted but I do agree whatever it's concerned w is more logical. I do think it should have some material representation and it perhaps needs to have the terms changed to something more accurate so it can be show things to be true.

You can predict without statistics. You set up a framework and fill in the holes and say where a hole exists like how the chemical chart was invented. Using statistics is when you're sol and have no idea what framework you're working in.

>> No.16570459

>it perhaps needs to have the terms changed to something more accurate so it can be show things to be true.
What terms, and what would you replace them with?

>> No.16570460

>book written by Pinker

yeah, youre a retard

>> No.16570483

I honestly have no idea. I could guess but I don't know what he's trying to do w it so I'd be changing it in letter not spirit.
For example I'd change destruction to just a different hierarchy or existence but I'm not sure if that would contradict his other points.

>> No.16570492

the very first article link is what proves taleb to be a fortunate midwit who knows his niche but nothing else, he fundamentally misunderstands statistic

>> No.16570497

>like how the chemical chart was invented.
Ok, wow. You really don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.16570560

No statistics anon. Just a metaphysical framework or material framework.

>> No.16570567

The Bell Curve and Culture of Critique are all you need to understand how American society works

>> No.16570696

>>The Last Will of a Russian Fascist by Konstantin Rodzaevsky
quick rundown?

>> No.16570702

Do you think the telluric helix is used today?
Anyway if the formulated idea did not have predictions that could be verified statistically then it would be worthless and unscientific no matter how beautiful.
Theory does not need to be statistical but applied science needs to be.

>> No.16570709

The Higgs was predicted way before CERN was even able to confirm its existence to 5 sigma. In fact the mechanism by which the Higgs worked was essentially ported from the theory of superconductivity.

>> No.16570727

I mean it wasn't made statistically but applied science is just done in theoretical frameworks. It's kinda monkeyish to assume they're just bots.

>> No.16570728

>I don't know what he's trying to do w it
So why do you want to change it?

>> No.16570799

Yes, and there is an infinite set of hypothesis and theories supported by subsets of evidence, without sorting them out statistically there is no predictive power.

>> No.16570995

Experimenters mostly knew what they were looking for before they even started the Higgs experimental search. The statistics essentially just proved the existence of the particle (and that it uses essentially the simplest version of the Higgs mechanism) within a given mass range.

>> No.16571017

Based Sowellpilled.

>> No.16571046

Yes, what is your point?