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16565592 No.16565592 [Reply] [Original]

People often defend AAVE/Ebonics by saying, and I quote, "AAVE has consitent 'grammar rules' [quotes mine] and a consistent 'logic' [ibid] so it is a correct form of English."

My rebuttal is rather to view this "consistency" as consistently making the same mistake. Multiplying 1 by 1 and getting a result of 2 every time [see Terrence Howard, known actor and part-time mathematician] doesn't make it right. You just consistently make the same mistake and show yourself to be ignorant. The same is applied to AAVE. Their "grammar" consistently makes the same mistakes, illustrating their ignorance. AAVE is not a correct form of English. It is rather an obstinate form ignorance, which the larger intellectual world refuses to correct because of muh slavery.

>> No.16565607

The definition of up-your-own-ass jesus christ.

>> No.16565608

Yeah but it's fun to read and parody

>> No.16565618


nigga you don't know shit

>> No.16565622

you're a ninny, aave is fun

>> No.16565625

So if I consitently say I is, then that is correct English?

>> No.16565633

I would rather raise a race up from the mire of ignorance than laugh at their lack of awareness.

>> No.16565641

hol up mang
ay yo so was you sayin is
lemme finish here

dey finna be taking our language outta school
mhm I don't think so!
boy if you take our AAVE imma have to whoop your ass
lawd help me

>> No.16565651

you're concern trolling, if they spoke standard american english (which they can) nothing would change.

>> No.16565654

Desu if you discount AAVE for having different ("incorrect") grammar from Standard English, why not say Standard English is also bad because it has very different ("incorrect") grammar from Middle English or Old English?

>> No.16565659

das rite, brother. Our language is the language of KINGS and don't let that intolerant, elitist, pale, yte ass OP tell ya otherwise

>> No.16565667

At what point does it start being a dialect and stop being 'wrong' whitey?

>> No.16565687

There would have to be a major literary work written in AAVE, or at least a movement for authors to write and publish in AAVE. Like the Bible in what is now known as standard German

>> No.16565694

Yeah, it's a dialect. AAVE isn't even a comparably disparate dialect. There are hundrds of chinese dialects to the point where two people in different regions of the continent can barely communicate with each other at all. The dialects use the same words from time to time and with different grammtical structures but there are rules sound enough for considerable communication, even non AAVE speakers are close to fluency so long as they are fluent in english.

Language just simply isn't about being correct, it's just communication.

>> No.16565732

Never, because it's not a dialect, just a collection of common fuckups.

>> No.16566310

Have southoid dialects ever been legitimized? Why do they want it to be? Just to say we iz intellectuals and shiiiet? Just have it be a fun informal dialect.

>> No.16566359

Emily rudd

>> No.16566927

>Language just simply isn't about being correct, it's just communication.
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.16566942
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She's very pretty, and still is, but I feel like she looked better when she had the long black hair.

>> No.16566954

We finna take dis talk and make it ow own nah mean
crackas be thinkin they own it buh naaaah nigga mine now nah sayin

>> No.16566955


>> No.16566991

the difference is that you have a correct way of writing/speaking that is taught in school so everybody can communicate formally.

>> No.16567061

you clearly know nothing about mathematics. A logical system is perfectly capable of supporting a multiplication function on symbols 1 and 1 (1x1) and getting a result of 2. Of course in this case the symbols 1, 2 and x would be defined by different axioms than they are in conventional mathematics but this is besides the point. The point is AAVE/Ebonics are effective for communication which makes them logically complete systems. I don't think you appreciate how much of "correct" english is totally arbitrary and a mish mash of other languages.

>> No.16567091

Not really OP. It just sounds retarded and should be purged by any decent state

>> No.16567106

Yuh dis nigga spittin facts homes. Dis shieet got logic and shieet maen. Logical consistency don’t mean shiet for no complexity doe.

>> No.16567134

bla bla bla you’re a faggot nobody cares kys

>> No.16567136


>> No.16567143

>who is Zora Hurston?

>> No.16567153
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OP is a loser faggot who actually cares about stupid shit like this,

but let me bring attention to you that picrel was probably just the first picture he had in his camera roll, as it is filled with many 6/10 semi-famous white girls that he beats off to every night after clocking in from a hard day of btfoing the blacks on /lit/, before waking up and going to his wagie cuckery and then doing the same that night

>> No.16567564

Niggerspeak is not a dialect, it is a pidgin. Anyone who disputes this is a shitlib faggot.

>> No.16567574


>> No.16567576

AAVE is an evolution of Scots as it sounded centuries before, in other words it's a dialect

>> No.16567740


>> No.16567761

Stop summarising my diary desu

>> No.16568117

>newfag doesn't recognize old /lit/ meme template

>> No.16568196

For all the trolls defending AAVE, let's say you are a professor of English Literature. You teaching a class on Shakespeare. One of your students turns in their critical essay on Shakespeare's Othello. It is written in AAVE. What do you do? How do you grade it?

>> No.16568227

It's not even consistent. For example, take the phrase "going to." Sometimes they say "gone," sometimes they say "gon," sometimes they say "finna."

>> No.16568229

>Why do they want it to be?

Validate utter cultural self-destruction of the African-American community.

>> No.16568254

Your analogy fails because the statement 1 x 1 = 2 cannot logically have an actually-existing referent and is therefore incorrect. Its incorrectness arises out of the statement’s incompatibility with reality. You falsely claim that AAVE is analogously incorrect where it diverges from standard English, but this is clearly an entirely different kind of relationship: namely, one existing between two different constructed languages, rather than between a single constructed language and physical reality. In order to prove that AAVE is "wrong" where it diverges from English, you first have to demonstrate what made the English correct in the first place.

>> No.16568256

Ok retards, think about it this way. In America, AAVE is THE ONLY DIALECT WHICH IS TAUGHT AS A FORMALIZED "LANGUAGE" in all-bkack schools. They literally teach them AAVE instead of English. Do you really think that is going to help in the long run? Down South you're taught normal fucking schoolbook English. Up in Philly, New Jersey, etc. you are taught normal English. Those SPOKEN dialects aren't formalized into a written language. BUT FOR SOME FUCKING REASON THE SPOKEN DIALECT OF AAVE has been formalized into a written language which is exclusively taught to blacks to cause issues when they go off to higher education and the job market in order to foment "racism". It's fucking ridiculous. No other dialect in America is taught as a formalized writing system. Explain this you daft cunts.

>> No.16568259


>> No.16568263

>Hasn’t heard of August Wilson
Also there are passages of AAVE spanning many pages of Invisible Man

>> No.16568265

AAVE as a formal written language is incompatible with reality. Name ONE other dialect from America which is taught as a formal writing system in schools. You can't. Faggot troll.

>> No.16568276

He’s right though. If you disagree, the onus is on you to justify what conventions are considered correct, and which ones are incorrect. I guarantee that you cannot do this satisfactorily

>> No.16568340

> AAVE as a formal written language is incompatible with reality.
You clearly failed to understand my post. The statement 1x1=2 is "incompatible with reality" because the proposition it denotes is necessarily false. The semantic content of the sentence cannot be true, ergo the statement is incompatible with reality and is incorrect. AAVE and English are both SYNTACTIC systems and possess no semantic content outside of their use by speakers. Alleging that either of them are incorrect as 1x1=2 is incorrect (that is, that either English or AAVE is semantically incorrect) is false and actually pretty incoherent.

>> No.16568356

Oops typo. Meant to say "Alleging that either of them *is* incorrect"
By the way, this was an example of a syntactically-incorrect statement.

>> No.16568358

The majority of the English speaking world adheres to certain grammar conventions when writing. AAVE is the only dialect besides pidgin which does not. Even Scouse, Scots, and Mancunian english speakers write in formal English. THEY DO NOT FORMALLY TRANSCRIBE THEIR DIALECT INTO A WRITING SYSTEM.

>> No.16568364

AAVE is incorrect. Why does this trigger you?

>> No.16568425

Using AAVE in "formal writing" is incorrect if "formal writing" is taken to mean "standard American English," but this is trivially-apparent (using French would also be incorrect for the same reason).
> AAVE is the only dialect besides pidgin which does not [adhere to certain grammar conventions when writing]
What the fuck does this even mean anon? If you’re trying to say that AAVE does not adhere to the conventions of standard American English when written you’re obviously correct but this is also by definition true of every nonstandard English dialect. If instead you’re saying that AAVE speakers don’t adhere to these conventions when writing you’re mistaken, as virtually all AAVE speakers also speak Standard American English

>> No.16568433

>they do not formally transcribe their dialect into a writing system
yeah they do, it's just not as common as AAVE for obvious reasons

>> No.16568449
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>Even Scouse, Scots, and Mancunian english speakers write in formal English. THEY DO NOT FORMALLY TRANSCRIBE THEIR DIALECT INTO A WRITING SYSTEM.
*blocks your path*

>> No.16568472

>which they can
Haha hehe hoho

>> No.16568537

> There would have to be a major literary work written in a dialect in order to be valid
> Homeric poems passed down through memorization don't count though.

>> No.16568601

Most dialects adhere to standar grammar conventions. Name one other american dialect which consistently uses "I is", "We was" or "I/you/he/she/we be". You can't.

>> No.16568604

Name one Scouse or Mancunian who writes in their phonetically transcribed dialect.

>> No.16568622

Appalachian English frequently uses non-standard conjugations of the verb "be."

Not my fault they don't care about their dialect as much as African-Americans and Scots do.

>> No.16568647

>Name one other american dialect which consistently uses "I is", "We was" or "I/you/he/she/we be".
African American Vernacular English is the only one. However,
>Most dialects adhere to standar [sic] grammar conventions.
By definition not true. All dialects possess grammatical features which differ from standard American English. If a dialect did not, then it literally wouldn't be distinct from standard American English, and therefore wouldn't be a dialect at all. In highlighting the syntactic features of AAVE that differ from SAE you're literally just identifying the fact that it is a dialect that is distinct from SAE. You still need to demonstrate how the distinguishing features AAVE are "incorrect," which by the way you will fail to do unequivocally.

>> No.16568655

wardine be cry

>> No.16568672

Please read me some Shakespeare and tell me if according to its consistent grammar rules, modern English is written correctly or 'consistently making the same mistakes'

>> No.16568694

>wypipo pretending Scottish isn't the same
>wypipo eating mayonnaise

>> No.16568698

because we are not in the middle ages. Of courts Ebonics are not correct, all dialects are incorrect in some for or another, while it's ok to use them in a casual setting in formal occasion and in formal writing you should use standardized English in order to make sure those whose dialects differ from your won understand what you are saying.
It's the most basic tenets of language for fucks sake. Use the same words with the same meaning while speaking with others in order to get your point across.

>> No.16568715

Are you faggots actually fucking defending pidgin and AAVE as "proper English"? For fucks sake When you mix Spanish and English while you speak you also are getting a dialect that is even more internally consistent than AAVE, but everyone know that is no the way one should talk in formal occasions or how one should write.

>> No.16568743

>When you mix Spanish and English while you speak you also are getting a dialect that is even more internally consistent than AAVE
No, code-switching is almost never consistent. (If it's consistent then it's considered to be a pidgin instead.)

>> No.16568744

You're both conflating two different arguments: "AAVE is a legitimate dialect with its own internal rules that aren't just mistakes" (which is the argument the pro-AAVE people in this thread are making) and "AAVE should be used in formal speech and writing" (which no one is arguing). Of course in formal speech and writing it makes sense to use the standard dialect so everyone can understand it, but that doesn't make AAVE somehow bad or deficient. German speakers use Standard German for all formal situations, but that doesn't mean the Swiss or Bavarian dialects are just people making mistakes.

>> No.16568761

No one is saying that AAVE is "proper english," only that it's a proper dialect, and not a set of recurring mistakes analogous to saying 1x1=2, as OP falsely asserted.

>> No.16568866

Its literally U speak vs non-U speak, and it coiuld be argued its prole Newspeak which purposefully limits and stupifies language capacity

>> No.16568890

People who defend ebonics are retarded. Not as retarded as the people who speak it but its a close run thing.

>> No.16568891

Yeah no

>> No.16569189

Say "I is" is not correct. Dumbass pragmatist.

>> No.16569205

>no one arguing that AAVE should be used in formal writing
You do realize blacks are getting uppity about English professors correcting their writing at universities? Right? You are aware of this?

>> No.16569219

>AAVE is not a correct form of English
Neither is American English. It is just white ebonics.

>> No.16569228

>Appalachian English frequently uses non-standard conjugations of the verb "be."
Give an example. I'm from Appalachia. No idea what you're referring to.

>> No.16569253

AAVE is literally taught to black children in all black/majority black schools. In other words they are teaching children to write in it.

>> No.16569293

Who cares if blacks speak AAVE? We're on the road to considering them a separate nation anyway so why shouldn't they have their own language?

>> No.16569303

No it's about writing you knobs. AAVE is becoming acceptable in college essays, high school papers, etc

>> No.16569306

Appalachian English is considered as bad as AAVE by everyone else

>> No.16569318

bavarians and swiss were a mistake you mountain monkeys

>> No.16569320


>> No.16569355

In high school we were taught that it was racist to expect black kids to be taught "proper English". People are taught how to write in ebonics in schools. I dont understand how someone can listen to how blacks speak and think they're a positive cultural force

>> No.16569361

That's fine. Just declare it a separate language.

>> No.16569364

I mean no one in this thread.

"I been there already," "They was outside," things like that. There's a collection of interviews with Appalachian speakers born in the 19th century here; I don't know if all the features they used are still common today, however.

How common is that? I know there was a controversy in the 90s in Oakland where a school tried to teach AAVE to students but there was public outcry and the program was canceled. Besides, as long as they learn Standard English too I don't see what the problem is, just like I don't see what the problem is with Scottish students learning to read Scots poetry.

>> No.16569371

Isn't it strange how no other dialect of English is treated this way? Isn't strange how people in Appalachia are still expected to know "proper English"? Isn't it strange how Scots are also still expected to know "proper English"? Hmmm I wonder why the only exception is made for blacks....

>> No.16569377

They aren't learning standard english because as >>16569355 points out, it is considered racist.

>> No.16569384

But you really CAN'T expect that though. Instead of tearing down standards, why not just admit that blacks can't and shouldn't have to meet white standards? Antiracist writers like Ibram X. Kendi call this "Affirming the equality of difference".

>> No.16569389

Could you provide evidence of a school that does this? I don't mean some shit-tier inner city school that doesn't teach its students anything, I mean one that teaches AAVE but not Standard English.

>> No.16569394

It's just so stylistically ugly, I have no idea how someone can argue in good conscience that it's equal to proper English and that teaching it to blacks is a good thing. No one in the professional world speaks ebonics, isnt that setting them up for failure? Is having a society where people can communicate with each other and share a culture a bad thing now?

>> No.16569414

There's a reasonable argument to be made that forcing blacks into white society sets them up for failure because the vast majority of them aren't going to be able to succeed.

>> No.16569426
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>> No.16569430

a black nerd argues black people are stupid?

>> No.16569433

language standardization is cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16569435

>no you can't just count all black inner city schools!!!!

>> No.16569436

sounds fake. post proof of this

>> No.16569441
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>> No.16569448

An IQ of 85 was considered "retarded' before it was shifted down to 70. The average IQ of US blacks is 85. They're a bit less intelligent than other groups.

>> No.16569463

You can count an all black inner city school if it teaches AAVE but doesn't teach Standard English. I'm saying I wouldn't count one which doesn't teach any form of English at all (since that isn't what the thread is about).

>> No.16569468

85 seems like a poor cutoff anyways. Only one standard deviation? It's like calling 115 a genius.

>> No.16569489

To be fair, a white person with an IQ of 85 will seem 'slow', but a black person could get an 85 and seem 'normal' - but they'll have about the same level of mental ability.

>> No.16569493

When the language overall moves in a direction, it simply evolves. But when one particular ethnic group is too stupid to speak the language correctly, that's not an evolution of the language. Remember that Shakespeare was a widely understood popular writer in his day. Ghetto talk is neither widely understood nor popular. The most you can say for it on that score is that woke white people ape what they think ghetto talk was from ten years ago based on music.

>> No.16569507

Have you ever met anyone with an IQ around 85? No, they're counting to potato but they need significant protections that normal people don't


>> No.16569516

When Vulgar Latin evolved into the Romance languages, it did so differently among different groups, which is why French, Italian, and Romanian are not mutually intelligible. Similarly, English has evolved differently among different groups, such as African Americans, Scotsmen, and Australian bogans. Why is "ghetto talk" any worse than French?

>> No.16569664

If that is your excuse then it's not English. If it's not English then it should not be taught in america and those who use should be dealt as the alien group they are culturally, ethnically and linguistically.

>> No.16569679

My four year old twins speak as well or better than the blacks with which I work. I wonder often if their level of comprehension and thought exceeds that of toddlers, considering I engage in the same level of discourse with my children.

>> No.16569702

>If that is your excuse then it's not English.
It's on its way to becoming a separate language. It took centuries for Vulgar Latin to diverge into the different Romance languages; give it a few hundred years and maybe AAVE will be a separate language from whatever the descendant of Standard English is.
>If it's not English then it should not be taught in america
Lots of schools teach languages other than English. Most high schools and universities have a second language requirement.
>and those who use should be dealt as the alien group they are culturally, ethnically and linguistically.
What do you mean?

>My four year old twins speak as well or better than the blacks with which I work.
It seems unlikely that your children actually have a better grasp of language than any native English speaking adult, though it's possible that they speak Standard English (not English in general) more proficiently than your black colleagues.

>> No.16569704

Then it isn't English. It is its own language. AAVE defenders claim it is "correct" English.

>> No.16569821

>Lots of schools teach languages other than English. Most high schools and universities have a second language requirement.
It should not be taught as a first language. And not even as a second because, as it stand it's not a proper one, it's a amalgamation of colloquialism and saying that are not, and I repeat, are not completely coherent and since they are not consistent and consistent. They might be so in a far off future, once the new rules and grammatical structure for this "Language" is established but at the moment it is not. It's very Dishonest to compare then with french or Spanish.

>What do you mean?
Simple, you do not hire, buy or deal with them if they are no willing to speak the common language. If a Frenchmen who only spoke french and refused to learn English wished to get hired in the same capacity as English speaking men you would turn him away.
It's only fair to do the same with this new people with this new langue.

>> No.16569928

>but a black person could get an 85 and seem 'normal'

Because they're normal for an idiot, yes.

Whenever I've met black people I would characterize as smart (such as at college), I usually have had to remind myself that they're probably not smart, they're just smart compared to the average black person. When you're used to dealing with black people who have IQs of 85, one with an IQ of 100 would seem smart by comparison.

>> No.16569947
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Geez, can you guys just let the poor girl take cock in peace already?

>> No.16569962

Damn being a black guy with an actual high IQ must be hell

>> No.16569980

>Damn being a black guy with an actual high IQ must be hell

I wonder if they actually realize how fucked their people are or whether they just rationalize it away as just the result of discrimination.

>> No.16570157

There are dialects in AAVE

>> No.16570183

Provide 5 examples of where it is taught

>> No.16570195

AAVE is correct. Why does that trigger you?

>> No.16570213

>Are you faggots actually fucking defending pidgin and AAVE as "proper English"?
Who said this?

>> No.16570217

It incorrect if they are pretending to speak English.
then it's not a dialect in of itself.

>> No.16570234

shut yo bitch ass up op else im finna clap ur momma cheeks and make u watch it

>> No.16570239

>It's just so stylistically ugly
Says (You)

>> No.16570241
File: 296 KB, 967x901, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an example of the smartest, most literary blacks in the US, btw

After she started teaching English at Carver in 2015, it wasn’t long before LaQuisha Hall decided she wanted to publish her students’ writing.

“Being a published author myself … I wanted to give my students that same opportunity, because so many of them carry powerful stories,” she told me. “In the education world, we always talk about giving students a voice. What does that actually look like?”

She had some misgivings: Could students meet her deadlines? Could they slog through the process of editing and rewriting? Could her students in special education keep pace with the general-education students? But her doubts, along with the students’ enthusiasm, fueled her desire to publish and find out. “That lit a fire under me … to know that I gave [them] an opportunity that they may not have had if they were in someone else’s class,” she said.

The first book, published in 2016, began as a writing assignment on the American Dream. After Hall’s juniors read the Zora Neale Hurston classic Their Eyes Were Watching God—and wrote about the presence, or lack thereof, of the American Dream in the novel—she invited them to write about the pursuit of prosperity and success through a modern-day lens. The result was One Nation, One Heart, winner of that year’s national Indie Author Legacy Award for Youth Authors of the Year.

Getting to that end product wasn’t always easy; self-publishing students requires a lot of trial and error, Hall said, and enormous amounts of patience. Moving from concept to writing and through many stages of revisions, she worked with the students, talking them through writer’s block, motivating them when the project felt daunting, and bringing them across the finish line.

The actual mechanics of self-publishing were easier. Hall published the book on her students’ behalf and listed it on Amazon. Students were able to purchase books at cost, resell them to family and friends, and keep the earnings from the sale of each paperback. “I wanted them to see that what you’re learning in school matters, and you can make money from that,” Hall said. “You don’t have to work at McDonald’s. You don’t have to seek out risky and harmful ways to make money. Keep writing.”


>> No.16570260
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This is the entire story btw

>> No.16570268

One memory stands out above all others. Philip (whose real name is not being used, to protect his privacy) was a football player and big man on campus. “He was one of those guys that walks down the hall and everyone high-fives him,” she recalled.

He also struggled with reading and writing. Hall worked with Philip throughout the school year, and soon, she said, he was determined to be part of the book project: “I told him, ‘You know it’s going to be a lot of writing and a lot of work. Not that you can’t do it, but you can’t get frustrated and shut down when I ask you to do it again.’ And he looked at me with such fierceness and said, ‘Yes, I’m going to do this!’”

The day of the book signing, Philip sat at the table with his co-authors. Hall still remembers his words: “I was told by my dad that I needed to make sure I played football, because I wasn’t good for anything but sports,” Philip said, with tears welling up in his eyes. “My father didn’t believe in me,” he continued, but “thanks to Mrs. Hall, I’m a published author now, and my dad can’t even say that!”

It was a goose-bumps moment that left Hall overcome with emotion. “It kind of blew my mind … this boy wrote three stories, but he’s constantly getting phone calls home about what he can’t do in education, and what support he needs.”

>> No.16570269

The text in your pictures isn't AAVE; it looks much more like Standard English (though it has orthographic mistakes like run-on sentences).

>> No.16570275

Prove it

>> No.16570279
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oh, I've got more. These are the early books when the teacher still corrected her students. By the third book, it looks like Mrs. Hall didn't give a shit about proofreading anymore. Enjoy the ride

>> No.16570308

>It incorrect if they are pretending to speak English
They're speaking a dialect of english
>then it's not a dialect in of itself
It is

>> No.16570337

>This is an example of the smartest, most literary blacks in the US, btw
According to what?
Also this is what I said:
>Provide 5 examples of where it is taught
You haven't done this. Might this be because you can't you massive faggot?

>> No.16570348
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My favorite work of AAVE

>> No.16570357

I'm sorry you feel that way, Tyrone.

>> No.16570359
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Your rebuttal isn't even addressing the argument raised by the initial quote. How can it be a mistake if it isn't judged by the same rules as "correct" English? You're so retarded, I'm not sure if this is leftest psy-ops or a good old-fashioned troll.

>> No.16570387


>> No.16570407
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Your people's literature is used for parody and laughs. It doesn't particularly concern me though

>> No.16570420

I think most people would call ebonics an ugly language, the majority of people who defend it are virtue signaling

>> No.16570424
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Thank you, Mrs. Hall, for showing the world that black people can be legitimate writers and not just reeee about slavery and whitey

Hall’s blueprint for student success was recognized across the city when she was named Baltimore City Schools Teacher of the Year in 2018. And she has emerged as a sought-after authority on youth voice in literacy, serving on CHARM’s advisory board and presenting at the annual flagship conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. She savors her memories of seeing Black youth in Baltimore pick up entrepreneurial skills by selling self-published books for a profit—and she still feels satisfied knowing she helped release their greatness into the world.

“It gave the students a fulfillment that they don’t often get in school,” Hall said. “I used to tell them, ‘You haven’t even graduated yet, but when you walk across the stage, you will walk across as a published author.’ That’s impactful for a community of kids that people tend to give up on.”

>> No.16570432

As long as the message is understandable by the subset that uses the language, it is a language. Linguistically speaking there is no difference; it is not a bastardization of "proper" English but rather a subset nomenclature.

>> No.16570443

You're a retard, english is not moving to a certain direction as a whole, american and british english are both different dialects, and they have evolved separately and will continue to do so, just as ebonics will do too.
>Ghetto talk is neither widely understood nor popular.
It is both understandable and popular, and even if it weren't it would still be "correct".
It doesn't matter if you think AAVE is an ugly dialect, as long as it's used it will not be a form of "incorrect" english

>> No.16570463
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And yet you spend time seething about it on a cambodian tap dancing forum...

>> No.16570478

>I think
You aren't worth the shit I stepped on last friday. Provide some proofs or shut the fuck up

>> No.16570482

You recognized people point and laughing at black people. Smart boy

>> No.16570500

Better than spending my time seething over things I deem inconsequential. That's simply too much of a pathetic existence.
Nice quick reply though

>> No.16570512

this just reads like English with bad grammar or by what we would consider a poor student (by white standards). I mean they're not really using black-isms.

>> No.16570581

We're not seething. We're having a good laugh. It's too bad you can't be able to join in due to being too butthurt about the color of your skin.

>> No.16570613

Janiya really mastered the use of the word "I."

>> No.16570625

>can't be able to join in due to being too butthurt about the color of your skin.

Pooskins are going to be assblasted and make excuses for their failures for the rest of time. No sense wasting time arguing with them.

>> No.16570639

That's the point idiot. This is what your English looks like when all you are taught is AAVE and when you're taught it's ok for you to speak in AAVE in a professional setting. They are speaking in broken English because all they know is AAVE. No one ever took the time to teach them standard English at school "cus dat raycis"

>> No.16570647

Calm down wigger, you might be more rational if you resisted the negrification of your mind

>> No.16570659

>We're not seething
Could've fooled me

>> No.16570665

What an irrelevant post

>> No.16570667

But it isn't AAVE. It has nothing to do with AAVE (except a little bit of the dialogue, but even serious writers commonly use dialect for dialogue). If you had told me these were written by white students who only ever learned Standard English I'd believe you.

>> No.16570679

I ain't no fucking cracka.
>you might be more rational
You project

>> No.16570693

Post hand.

>> No.16570697

I suppose when I think of "AAVE" I think of using black-isms or using verbs wrong etc. which isn't really happening much in those paragraphs, they just write like a mediocre or poor white student would, which is what you would expect since the average IQ among blacks is lower.

>> No.16570708


It isn't the grammatical conventions of AAVE that are a problem, but the thoughts being expressed. That is something they will never admit

>> No.16570712


Modern English is a stupefied form of middle english yes. We just have more vocabulary

>> No.16570717

To some people, it's not AAVE until it's 4chan-tier impressions of black people

eyyy hol up, was you sayin we not speakin good English? Ebonics is standard language and shieeeet

>> No.16570722

Every minority in my class spells like shit, pisses me off. None of them can get "their, there, they're," right.
Your children will be speaking ebonics

>> No.16570741
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What does ebonics/AAVE have to do with spelling their vs. there vs. they're?

>> No.16570742

kek, imagine being black. They live in Baltimore, the blackest city and location of arguably the most /lit/ TV show, the Wire, attend the blackest school district, surrounded by other blacks, celebrating their black culture -- and all they can write about is muh slavery by whites, oppression by whites, fuck whites. We live rent free in their heads

>> No.16570763

>Correcting a black person about their grammar
Ummmm sweetie? Don't you know that's racist?

>> No.16570771

The Wire fucking sucks, Sopranos is miles better

>> No.16570796
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>> No.16570804

>spelling is grammar

>> No.16570828

What are you even going on about? It's a language it expresses whatever thoughts necessary

>> No.16570831

it doesn't matter what you teach blacks. They'll never grasp either

>> No.16570842

Shut up you pedantic faggot
And them not knowing their, they're, there, is them not knowing grammar. They don't know how the word is supposed to work, they could probably spell it though

My point is that blacks don't know how to spell because we don't correct them because that'd be racist. So we go on letting them talk however they want, lowering the bar for the English language

>> No.16570848

This is a problem not just limted to "minorities"

>> No.16570851

Sure, it's more prevalent with them though

>> No.16570856


>> No.16570857

not to mention, when white students self-publish their works, it's often at least competently written, in standard English and everything

>> No.16570863


>> No.16570874
File: 192 KB, 770x832, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While blacks, taught, prepped, and coached by their high school teacher are capable of producing the reee whitey whine porn, white kids are doing it on their own and with better results

pic: some random white kid who self published his book

>> No.16570894

and I'll add, the subject matter is about something besides how oppressed he is

>> No.16570908

>thread about AAVE becomes a general referendum on the intelligence of racial minorities
Never change, /lit/.

>> No.16570918

The existence of ebonics?

>> No.16570935

Of your assertion

>> No.16570960

kek, a black who understand reality. How fitting

>> No.16570965


>> No.16570974

AAVE is not at all like mathmatics. Simple math like multiplication and shit never change, language always does.

>> No.16570991

I've caught you coping

>> No.16570994

>AAVE is not a correct form of English
AAVE is a correct form of AAVE.

>> No.16571004

I'm not sure what you want to achieve by (pretending to, hopefully) being retarded. In any case, it doesn't matter. Whites have thousands of years of literary canon, while blacks have ... I'm not sure what. One mad black guy on 4chan, I suppose

>> No.16571008

Now you seethe

>> No.16571043


>> No.16571050

if blacks continue to speak and write English wrong, whitey will seethe :^) I fully support AAVE for blacks

>> No.16571087

Most whites don't seethe at the fact black people speak english differently, only faggots with nothing going on their lives do this

>> No.16571102
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Imagine thinking language belongs to the autistic academics who constantly obsess over whether or not their expression is properly following the rules, rather than the people who use it to meaningfully articulate concepts in a communicative flux from which all rules are therefore derived and evolving even after being recorded and analyzed by aforementioned autists.

>> No.16571127

>speak english differently,
they are either not speaking English or speaking it wrong we have been over this.

>> No.16571140


>> No.16571150

it's a joke, no one is seething. It'll only provide more comedy, although unfortunately at the expense of blacks

>> No.16571208
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>no one is seething

>> No.16571218

Shakespeare actually made up a lot of 'ghetto talk' which people aped afterwards, which is why i think it makes a good (trick) example.
Another neat example is that OK or okay was actually new york slang for ' alright' : 'Ol Korrect'. The new york accent is as you hopefully know, much like ebonics, influenced by all kinds of foreign languages.
The broader point i and other anons are trying to make is that language evolves over time, takes up dialects, other languages, slang, etc. as it goes along.
Putting a hard divide between what is and isnt 'official' is always ad hoc. any poet or great prose writer worth their salt will ignore it.
Ofc you shouldnt give pity points to black poets just for using ebonics, but you should treat it as a genuine dialect, not just poor people speak.
And as such its able to create poetry and contribute to the language just as well as any other dialect.

>> No.16571270

Can someone tell me why white liberals think that validating AAVE and pretending that there's nothing wrong with being uneducated help the black community? how does encouraging them to not learn proper English help them improve their own lives?

>> No.16571384

awful bait
This would be 3 standard deviations below the mean for white writing. While the above examples are within 1 standard deviation of the mean for black writing.

>> No.16571405
File: 84 KB, 396x289, 1602136826490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt overeducated nerdy fags who read 500,000 pages of involuted thesaurus raping commie gobbledygook do the perfomative conditioning of pretending niggers aren't niggers
>despite knowing fully well that they know that you know that they know that you know that niggers are niggers
it would be funny if it wasn't so depressing

>> No.16571411

It creates a stronger racial divide and makes it easier for perceived racism to exist, thus causing white liberals to win in a moral sense.

>> No.16571413

Damn I forgot the last "that they know". Guess I lose and blacks aren't retarded now

>> No.16571419

Is the book any good?

>> No.16571472

White liberals are branding things like "expecting people to show up to work on time" as racist now. When you have power and define what constitutes "moral" then you always win in a moral sense.

>> No.16571485

probably not. I sometimes check out children's and young adult books, always regret it. It's really hard to find books that are good that also aren't regarded as classics

>> No.16571571

pretty sad that the greatest artistic work for blacks is that Black Panther movie

>> No.16571602

I think its probably Tupac
>dat rose done grown in these skreetz

>> No.16571772

its just another way white liberals dress up their pet negros and amuse themselves. no one really believes the chimp version of english is a legitimate language or dialect.

>> No.16571782

>pretty sad that the greatest artistic work for blacks is that Black Panther movie
Wanna know how I know you don't read?

>> No.16571794

Wanna know how everyone knows you're a dishonest fag?

>> No.16571814

>thinking black people have ever produced something better than Black Panther is dishonest

>> No.16571854

Are you illitera..wait... are you black?

>> No.16571878

>the greatest artistic work for blacks is Black Panther
>no it isn't
>you're dishonest
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16571890

>doubling down on pretending that is what that poster meant
>doubling down on pretending not to be dishonest
wew lad who do you people think you're fooling? Is it yourselves? Has it ever worked?

>> No.16572134

so what's the best piece of artistic work black people have produced

>> No.16572252

My favorite is A Dance of the Forests.

>> No.16572259

black panthers not art and was made by focus group loving white people

>> No.16572299

Chappelles show

>> No.16572301

Scots type in Scots all the time online. Are you retarded?

>> No.16573485

99.9999% of black """""intellectual""""" thought is about whites. It's comfy having mental slaves

>> No.16573552

Most "black intellectuals" are mouthpieces for white thinkers to give moral legitimacy to their position because we're all supposed to have a paternalistic Care For The Blacks. Whether it's Thomas Sowell, Adolph Reed, Cornell West etc. they all serve the same function of allowing whites to prove to other whites that they care about the Child. No black American intellectual has made any really interesting contributions.

>> No.16573569

Sowell isn't a mouthpiece, he's not like particularly important and is clearly famous partly for being black, but he understands the material he writes and it's his own opinions about stuff.

>> No.16573578

> he understands the material he writes and it's his own opinions about stuff
Faint praise indeed

>> No.16573580

Obviously he only is a public figure because he's black and the Hoover Institution types want a black figure to prove that their worldview Isn't Racist. That's not to say that Sowell doesn't write good material, it's just not anything groundbreaking, and he wouldn't be where he is if not for the need for whites to trot out blacks for moral legitimacy.

>> No.16573609

>thread is just racism after all
Whitoids are obsessed. Get bred out of existence.

>> No.16573698


>> No.16573710

>nigga you donno sheeiiit