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/lit/ - Literature

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16565246 No.16565246 [Reply] [Original]

What should you remember when trying to write a romance story? Any tips from the more experienced writers out there, please?

>> No.16566375

Interested bump.

>> No.16566410

I had an impulse to write romance and asked around for romance suggestions
All I got were borderline erotica thoughtless trash. Why aren't there any romance books that invoke the feelings of being in love and being loved and are instead just all instant gratification for cum brains

>> No.16566602

Pick an element you will use a motif for passion / strong desire throughout, flame and fire is very common already desu so maybe strong winds or rushing water or something like that you can use to anchor and describe the feelings more complexly and give a stronger visual

>> No.16567566

>All I got were borderline erotica thoughtless trash. Why aren't there any romance books that invoke the feelings of being in love and being loved and are instead just all instant gratification for cum brains
Well, what do you need to do for writing erotica, then?

>> No.16568380

Let me give you a great premise. Two bros and two gal pals. Both of the uglier ones want each other's hotter friend so they help each other. The two hottest ones like each other the most too. This one is free.

>> No.16568413

Use your feelings anon, that's the best romance that can be produced. :)

Also bump

>> No.16569885

>Pick an element you will use a motif for passion / strong desire throughout, flame and fire is very common already desu so maybe strong winds or rushing water or something like that you can use to anchor and describe the feelings more complexly and give a stronger visual
What works do this well?

>> No.16569979

I made the mistake of following the books category on Twitter which consists of Fantasy writers, romance writers, and books written about Prime Minister Modi. The one thing romance readers demand in every book to be considered romance is a happy ending.

>> No.16569986


>> No.16570080

In the movie Don Juan the main character who is a frequent porn user describes romance books and movies as porn for women. Granted it was while his romance movie obsessed gf was angry at him for watching porn.

>> No.16571389

>books written about Prime Minister Modi.
Why that last one?

>> No.16571445
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>> No.16571454

>The one thing romance readers demand in every book to be considered romance is a happy ending.
Wouldn't it be a tragedy if it was otherwise?

>> No.16571742

For sex scenes, leave out the sex.
Make it sort of clear people are going to go at it and put all effort into that description. Leave the actual sex scene to the reader's imagination.

>> No.16572962

That's a horrible fetish.

>> No.16573326

>For sex scenes, leave out the sex.
How much detail is best?

>> No.16574713

Seriously? Why reply, then?

>> No.16575780


>> No.16575933

No clue. Maybe I clicked on an Indian author once? All I know is I now get a ton of news about India and Penguin India book announcements in the book section of Twitter.

>> No.16575937

That is the argument the writers and readers make. Unless there is a happily ever after it isn’t a romance.

>> No.16575956

Couple is kissing. Heads to bedroom door. Door closes. End scene. Next scene couple is eating breakfast.

>> No.16576221


>> No.16576277

Based and love-pilled.
The romance genre is trash designed to stimulate single female emotion and nothing else. It's junkfood for the woman brain.
A story with a well incorporated romance subplot is better than any romance novel.

>> No.16576368
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Writing a good romance involves first writing at least two good characters. Write not only believable, but also flawed characters. The reader will not care if the romance works if half or all of the involved party is uninteresting, unlikeable, or unbelievable. But you can't stop at two well-written characters, as there should be rivals to complicate the story with an adversity they must overcome to unite--and there is the skeleton of a romance.
The story is not about the romance itself, but the actors involved. Thus the reader cares more about the characters and their interplay than the details or mechanics of the romance itself.

>> No.16577737
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What about writing romance in a fantasy setting?

>> No.16577976

Read Youth by Joseph Conrad. It's a romance story where the subject of passion isn't a woman and it really shows what the modern romance genre is missing

>> No.16579487

>Read Youth by Joseph Conrad. It's a romance story where the subject of passion isn't a woman and it really shows what the modern romance genre is missing
What is the subject of passion, then?

>> No.16580110

Read it. It's only around 30 pages

>> No.16581100

>Read it. It's only around 30 pages
Any others you would recommend, please?

>> No.16581357
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The most gratifying romances occur in stories that don't necessarily revolve around the romance.
Not quite /lit/, but pic absolutely related.

>> No.16581381

The Codex Astartes is very clear on these matters
Suffer not the xeno to live.

>> No.16581798

This. Steins;Gate still has the best romance plot I've ever seen

>> No.16582432

Remember to write about the unappealing aspects of romance.

>> No.16583733

>Remember to write about the unappealing aspects of romance.
Like what?

>> No.16584885

>This. Steins;Gate still has the best romance plot I've ever seen
Isn’t that about time travel?

>> No.16585015

Agreed. The adversity is what separates each story. Fundamentally they all follow the plot of boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy loses girl. Boy wins girl back.

I feel like the adversity can be categorized as either an individual in the vain of a love rival, society (we can’t be together because you are one group and I’m another group), or life circumstances (I can’t think of love because I have to take care of my dying father).

>> No.16585255
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>This. Steins;Gate still has the best romance plot I've ever seen


>> No.16585835

Why? What is so disgusting about it?

>> No.16585925

because it´s shit anime

>> No.16585959
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have one of them kill themselves, while the other one never realizes the protagonist existed
t. life experience

>> No.16587346

>have one of them kill themselves, while the other one never realizes the protagonist existed
No, suicide is bad.

>> No.16588181

indian twitter is large and rabid

>> No.16588378

>indian twitter is large and rabid
What's so bad about it? I'm confused.

>> No.16588499

Indian Twitter is like Trump twitter, but on steroids and a billion strong.

>> No.16589894

>Trump twitter,
Don’t get started, please.